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Friday, August 24, 2012

I Have a Choice About My Jewishness, And...

I can, at my age and in my current circumstances, no longer use ignorance as an excuse. To be fair to myself and even others, I acknowledge that I was once at ages at which, and in circumstances in which, I was not even influenced--let alone provoked--to ask whether or not I'm Jewish. But now that I'm old enough and in other circumstances, I have a few choices regarding my Jewishness--none of which include ignorance or unknowing of my Jewishness, or fumigation of my DNA. Among the choices are:

  1. Denying that I'm Jewish. I can easily fall back on the cockamamie Fosko-Rusnak story that we're Czechoslovakian Byzantine Catholics, and the Czarnecki story that we're Polish-Lithuanian Roman Catholics who descended from lone immigrant Anthony Czarniecki and his great-whatever-granddad Stefan Czarniecki.
  2. Otherwise going Anusit (Crypto Jewish).
  3. Denying that Jewishness is an ethnic identity. Why not fall back on the excuse that Jewishness is a religious identity as opposed to an ethnic one?
  4. Pretending that because I believe in Jesus (Yeshua), I'm no longer an ethnic Jew--I somehow became an ethnic gentile by believing in the Jewish Messiah.
  5. Pretending that because my mom is (as far as I know) a gentile, I am not ethnically Jewish, anyway--in other words, denying that my Jewish dad had any part in my creation.
  6. Becoming a Self-Hating Jew.
  7. Actually using ignorance as an excuse (although, as I said, I really can't at my age and in my circumstances--besides, people would see right through my supposed ignorance).
  8. Not caring that I'm Jewish, anyway--using the "There is neither Jew nor gentile...", "We're all one in Christ.", "What does it matter?" interpretation of Galatians 3:28 that my mom uses.
  9. Converting ("returning" or becoming a "gerah tzedekah" in the case of converting) to Non-Messianic Judaism (depending how one would view my conversion).
  10. Proudly identifying as a Patrilineal and Messianic Jew (Jewish Christian).
I choose Choice #10: "Proudly identifying as a Patrilineal and Messianic Jew (Jewish Christian)." I'll break down why I didn't choose the other reasons later.

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