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Wednesday, May 9, 2018

#WoofWednesday: The Torture; The Torture....Known As A Camera!

Reilly and Camille can be real cameraphobes for some reason!

A (Not-So-)Funny Thing Happened On the Way To This Point In American History, And It Doesn't Make One "Derang[ed]" When Distrust Is Earned

Three North Korea-kidnapped Americans were released and returning to the United States today, and to distrust a certain illegally-elected "POTUS" whom's currently under investigation by a special counselor does not make one "derang[ed]." After all, the last time that an American came back to the United States, the American in question died—and he had held out until he could die surrounded by loved ones, all of whom had been and still are targets of the illegally-elected "POTUS", D****d *****. So I'm certainly not withholding earned credit when I criticize *****, either. Besides, ***** praised Kim Jong-Un long after Otto Warmbier died; and the Warmbier Family were thus targeted again as recently as just over three weeks ago. They were also targeted when ***** maliciously withdrew the U.S. from the Iran Deal, as every single Jewish family was.

When an impurely-motivated person has repeatedly shown his or her Anti-Semitic and/or other bigoted true colors, I'm not going to give him or her "credit for anything good that he [or she] does". I'm also not going to say that two wrongs make a right, and the bad-enough Iran Deal certainly did not need to be withdrawn by somebody whom harbors just as much hatred for Jews as does the Iranian Government. In fact, I would be foolish to call "good" that Iran is now emboldened enough to "increase spending" on nuclear weapons and continue its Anti-Semitic attacks on Israel.

Call me and others "derang[ed]", then, though you're certainly not going to make *****'s wrong right or your slander against me and others true when ***** has continued to prove that the Warmbier Family, Americans as a whole, and Jews as a whole are only pawns to him at best and just continuous punching bags at the best of the worst—and Special Counselor Mueller luckily does have ***** under investigation, or only God indeed does know what (I kid you not) Mr. "proud to have that German blood" would do. By the way, ***** being proud to have German heritage would not be a big deal if he wasn't proud of it for malicious reasons—so I'm not asking anybody to go to the Germanophobic extreme that occurred during World War Two, and there were many righteous Germans¹ and are righteous Germans.

¹ Truth be told, though, I'm pretty sure that many "Righteous Among the Nations" were Jewish themselves and not counted as such either because of Rabbinic halachah and/or other identification by others as "gentile". One example is probably Hebert Coehn. "Coehn" or "Cöhn" can be German, but it is often Jewish. Also, Raoul Wallenberg and Eduardo Propper de Callejón were both Jews and never got recognized as Jews. We who are Jewish do ourselves a real disservice when we don't acknowledge Jews whom risked their lives to save other Jews as Jews.

To All Current And Former Teachers, From A "Poo(dle)-pil"

Saturday, May 5, 2018

#SurpriseSaturday: "Smile!"

Reilly has surprised "Momma" before, and she again surprised "Momma" when she begrudgingly let her take these pictures as the phone was in front of her.

The pictures have been Blogger enlarged here, by the way.

P.S.: Si Yejova quiere, ¨Mamá¨/¨Tita Nicolasa¨ hará una tarjeta tardía para Cinco de Mayo mañana—y ya ella tomó las fotos para la tarjeta (Su Depresión y otras condiciones medicales no siempre permitirle el lujo o la energía hacer tarjetas con Reily y Camila—o hasta escribir de Reily y Camila, estando una ¨Mamᨠpara Reily, etc..).

#WhenIWas15 (And That Was A Long Time Ago!)...

I wanted to be a lawyer and/or commentator-analyst on Fox News. Only the "lawyer" and "Fox News" parts have changed. I still want to be a commentator-analyst, though I'd be a commentator-analyst at anywhere where somebody would see if I'm a voice worth hearing, and I'm also working on becoming an author.

Granted that "anywhere" obviously does not mean anywhere where bigotries and other unjustifiable hatreds prevail. Among the bigotries and other hatreds that would get me to turn down a job offer from any place:

  1. Real Sexism—e.g., While being against abortion is not sexist, blaming a woman for becoming pregnant due to being raped and/or being raped in the first place is sexist.
  2. Racism and ethnocentrism, especially Anti Semitism—I am Jewish and a fourth- and fifth-generation pogrom survivor; and many of my ancestors and other relatives became Anusim to survive both pogroms and other Anti Semitism.
  3. Xenophobia—I don't need, e.g., to hear any assumptions that refugees are simply here to commit crimes or that DACA kids can get to the back of the line just like their parents. After all, my father's paternal grandfather was an equivalent of a DACA kid, and 11 days from now will be the centennial anniversary of when he came here. He didn't even remember anyone whom he saw in family pictures that a family friend would bring back, and he had been deceased for some time when our side of the family handed the deed to the family farm back to a side in then-Soviet Poland. We didn't need anyone's Anti Semitism or xenophobia then, and immigrants of today and their descendants don't need xenophobia now.
  4. Ageism—I don't need, e.g., any canards about Millennials. 
  5. Heterophobia—I don't need any canards about especially religious heterosexuals like myself. For example, to assume that all religious heterosexuals think that LGBTQ people are just a bunch headed-to-eternal-doom debauchees is heterophobic. So's assuming that all religious heterosexuals think that LGBTQ people choose to be LGBTQ.
  6. Real Anti-LGBTQ discrimination—e.g., While being against same-sex marriage is not bigoted, assuming that every LGTBQ person would want to be in any given same-sex relationship is. 
  7. Ableism—this one doesn't need any explanation
By the way, I didn't know that I am Jewish when I was 15; and I certainly didn't know that I'm a descendant of illegal immigrants, including the 1908 equivalent of a DACA kid. Now that I know that I'm a Jew and a descendant of a DACA-kid equivalent, I really want to be a commentator-analyst and an author to speak up for B'nei Anusim and others like me, DACA kids, and others. Also by the way, my DACA-kid equivalent great-grandfather turned 15 a century ago next October. and he had no choice as to what he wanted to be—he was only allowed to go as far as eighth grade before he ended up working the coal mines in the only country that he'd ever really known, and still a country that had Anti-Semitic and other bigotries.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Somewhat Offbeat: Something That "Momma" and Reilly Still Do Every Day

They persist in praying for whomever "Momma"'s helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" is, and praying for an answer from a certain someone. Reilly has been quite patient about that, might "Momma" add, despite that she still makes when her patience is stretched to the limit from time to time. Truth be told, Reilly's running downstairs one night probably had to do with impatience in part (notwithstanding that night-owl "Momma" went to bed quite early that night) and even her knowledge that "['Momma'] isn't as strong or as fast as Mom-Mom and Auntie Michelle" (which she has explained to Reilly multiple times, and of which Reilly gladly takes advantage—albe in a toddler-like way as opposed to a malicious way).

This isn't to mention that Reilly's been patient with "Momma" and praying with her about it for about two years now.

Commentary: The PETA That Nobody Heard Condemn the YouTube Shooter And Mohair

After I received an email from PETA (because I had signed one of their petitions once, despite that I honestly wish that PETA wouldn't require me to receive their emails), I was reminded that I didn't hear them condemn the YouTube shooter. PETA could've condemned the actions of the vegan extremist, and they didn't condemn them. So, are they okay with the fact that a vegan extremist murdered four people at YouTube's headquarters? They might be. After all, they themselves go to extremes.

For example, they are asking Forever 21 to stop selling mohair just because of a few of their mohair suppliers whom have mistreated animals. They're also asking everyone else to stop selling and buying mohair products just because of Forever 21's cruel and inhumane suppliers. They, so to speak, are throwing out the baby with the bathwater, though that's as normal and acceptable to them as are (for instance) abortions in which babies are literally thrown out as waste. "Save the baby animals," though not the baby humans in spite of their belief that humans evolved from animals, right? 🙄

As for me, I modified the petition letter when I went to sign hypocritical PETA's petition to Forever 21. I kept the first paragraph, deleted the rest of the paragraphs, and added a paragraph. This is how my letter to Forever 21 reads:

"PETA's exposé of the mohair industry found that workers in South Africa, the world's top mohair producer, roughly handled goats, threw them around, and even cut their throats while they were fully conscious. Goat kids, who were being shorn for the first time, cried out in fear. Many goats were subjected to mutilation of their ears, with pliers that punched sharp needles through them, causing them intense pain and, as one farmer described it, to "scream terribly."

"There are humane ways to shear goats and harvest mohair. Please have your producers handle mohair-producing and other goats as well as other animals appropriately. There is no need to go to the extremes to which PETA goes to treat animals properly."

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for PETA to both issue a better-late-than-never condemnation of the YouTube shooter's vegan extremism and call for humane harvesting and supplying of mohair and other animal-produced materials. I'm also waiting for PETA to give a darn about the baby humans for once, since babies who are aborted are ripped away from their mothers when they are taken from the mothers' wombs via procedures such as D&C procedures and uses of morning-after pills. This isn't to mention the babies and other children whom are ripped away from their mothers when they're kidnapped or otherwise illegally taken by abusive relatives and others whom shouldn't be near children in the first place, by the way.