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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Tossing & Turning, And a Playful Reilly

As "Momma" couldn't get back to sleep because she had a certain subject and other subjects on her mind, she woke up earlier than she could have woken up. Slightly before that, a playful Reilly came upstairs to get a post-walk nap and nonetheless had quite a bit of energy. So, Reilly got into one of her playful spurts and affected "Momma" to conclude that going down downstairs and beginning her day was best. 

Friday, August 25, 2017

A Few Highlights Of Reilly's And "Momma"'s Day, And A Quick Note

  1. Reilly turned 35/12 Gregorian years today. She may have marked that month birthday by getting into the bathroom trash again, and she certainly got into the bathroom trash—at least she kept most of the trash inside of the bathroom, and "Auntie Michelle" was probably whom left the bathroom door open.
  2. "Momma" finally got to get on a walk by herself on a weekday for once—of course, that's because "Auntie Michelle" was able to come home early 馃檮.
  3. Speaking of "Momma" and "Auntie Michelle", "Auntie Michelle" wasn't exactly commendatory of "Momma" when "Momma" had to try to get Reilly away from a plate that "Auntie Michelle" broke—surprisingly, "Mom-Mom" supported "Momma" on that one, and of course "Momma"'s going to worry when Reilly tries to get near ceramic pieces to eat them!
As for the quick note:

  1. "Momma" and Reilly are praying for everyone whom will be affected by Hurricane Harvey. They also ask that those who stayed in the hurricane-affected areas look out for their loved ones and neighbors whom couldn't leave, get themselves, their loved ones and neighbors whom they can get to safety, and their pets to safety; and do whatever else they need to do be as little affected by Hurricane Harvey as possible.
  2. "Momma" should add that there are circumstances which explain what she wrote recently, although she won't get into details about those circumstances¹.

¹ Incidentallywithout going into details"Momma" will say that, oh boy, did she get a verbally-violent reaction to what she wrote. She understands the sentiments behind the reaction. Sill...

Originally On LinkedIn: I Don't Understand Why Some Professing Christians Don't Understand That...

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals correctly ruled in "Kennedy v. Bremerton School District".

Firstly, now-Former Coach Joe Kennedy made his praying an issue when he allowed other students to pray with him and gave them the impression that the Bremerton School District condoned it. Secondly, Former Coach Kennedy was at a public school as opposed to a religiously-affiliated one. The First, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments don't allow the imposition or prohibition of any religion; and then-Coach Kennedy could've prayed privately with the students in his office. Thirdly, the United States is still relatively "a free country, [and] you can do whatever you want" within certain bounds.

Fourthly—and most importantly—professing Christians—nominal and actual Christians alike—should expect persecution in even apparently-free countries. If a professing Christian really does believe the New Testament—and as for me, I believe the New Testament and have to ask—didn't Jesus say, for example, "In this world, you will have many troubles; but take heart—I have overcome the world?" and "The Power that is within you is stronger than the power in this world"?

Besides—and I as a Jewish Christian have to say this—I would think that fellow Jewish Christians of mine and gentile Christians would understand that we'd definitely get kicked out of institutions such as public schools today since we got kicked out of batim knesset and the Temple back then.

In conclusion, then:

  1. Professing Christians like Former Coach Joe Kennedy need to get used to the facts that the Constitution doesn't give professing Christians to cry foul especially when professing Christians are the ones whom are violating the Constitution,
  2. The Bible says that Christians are to expect persecution, and that whining when we get kicked out of places for praying—especially when the people who run those places choose not to just say, "Don't do that again; and just pray privately next time."—does not help—in this case, Bremerton School District chose to not say, "Just pray privately next time—or at least don't give students the impression that we as a school district condone staff- and faculty-led prayer in a way that imposes religion on the students."
  3. Since the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Former Coach Kennedy's violations of the Constitution, he ought to "[r]ender what is Caesar's unto Caesar, and render what is God's unto God."
  4. In other words—and forgive my unprofessional language—buck up, grow up, put away the childishness of crying "Unfair!" when you get rightly punished, and quit being bushot l'otem mi lo Notzrim or shandas far di vas zenen nisht Kristn.

I made this using public-domain pictures and Powerpoint. My point: keep the imposition of religion out of public workplaces, especially if you're Christian and well know that you could get persecuted even for being Christian. 

Tr**p, Netanyahu, Modi, and Others...And Let's Just Focus On Tr**p & Netanyahu For Right Now

As for the case regarding Modi re Tr**p and Netanyahu, that'll come up another time—I haven't forgotten that Modi's a Hindi supremacist and Hindu extremist or that that's why Tr**p and Netanyahu. As for right now, I'm focusing on why the aspiring Neo ****** and Stalin that Tr**p is allies himself with Netanyahu.

As for Tr**p and Netanyahu:

  1. Both have a clear and vested interest in destroying Israel—that is, both the Jewish people and the Jewish state—the United States' strongest ally. In hardly-disguised-as-chiloni Netanyahu, RINO and CINO Tr**p has found a kapo—and the for-all-intents-and-purposes strip search at the Kotel all the more proved that. After all, what's a better way to try to turn even some Zionists against the (nominally-)Zionist State than by sexually molesting women simply for being women, let alone praying at the Kotel?
  2. Each wants to empower his respective group by demonizing whom he considers the undesirables, whom he would consider as the desirables were they not opposed to what he's doing, and what is known as diversity. 
  3. Each, respectively, wants to derepublicanize and dedemocraticize his state (Remember that the U.S. is a federal republic in contrast to parliamentary-supposedly-democratic Israel.).
  4. Both are racist, sexist, ableist, and Anti Semitic (with Netanyahu being a real self hater), and otherwise bigoted. By the way, a former rosh yeshiva has cited what Netanyahu is allowing Haredi men to do to deaf widows as one example of what's happening in Israel.
  5. Both had supremacist fathers: Tr**p had Fred Tr**p, and Netanyahu had Ben-Zion Netanyahu.
I could list more commonalities between Tr**p and Netanyahu, though you get the point—although there is actually one more commonality that I want to list: that both are democrats in the purest sense of the word. For instance:

  • Democracy was founded in Ancient Greece as a political system for free-born Athenian men. 
  • In the same way that the Athenians counted only free-born Athenian men—and especially the rich ones, prominent ones, and sycophantic ones—as citizens, Tr**p and Netanyahu count only their respective groups as citizens.
  • Women, slaves and former slaves, and slaves' and former slaves' descendants; and Non-Athenian men (free-born—including Spartan—men and their descendants, and slaves, former slaves, and slaves' and former slaves' descendants) did not count as citizens. In the same way, Tr**p counts only those whom fit his version of the Nazi ideals as citizens; and Netanyahu counts only those whom fit his and Agudat Yisra'el's ideals as citizens. 
  1. For Tr**p, only "Aryan" men and boys whom are Tr**pites are citizens, and Non "Aryans" whom are willing to support Tr**pism are counted as barely-second-class citizens if even citizens of any kind. 
  2. As for Netanyahu, only Haredi men and boys count as citizens, and Orthodox men and boys whom support the Netanyahu-Agudat Yisra'el chokehold on Israel may count as citizens or count at least as second-class citizens.
  • Tr**p is a Far-Left Democrat in actuality, and he even supported Hillary Clinton for decades. Netanyahu is the Haredi theocratic equivalent of that.
In conclusion, then:
  1.  Tr**p with his Neo ****** and Neo Stalin aspirations is a Netanyahu-supporting Tr**pite democrat, and 
  2. Netanyahu as a hardly-disguised Harednik and Anti-Zionist democrat supports Tr**p.
Both had supremacist fathers: Tr**p had Fred Tr**p, and Netanyahu had Ben-Zion Netanyahu.

Somewhat Offbeat: Notice That "Momma" Said "God Willing", And...

"Momma" could be wrong. Nonetheless, as she stated, what she revealed her potential helpmate and Reilly's potential "Daddy" was going to need to come out. It was also going come out at some point.

Besides, she's maintained that she wants the best for herself partly so that she can be a good "Momma" to Reilly, and that she wants the best for Reilly.

As she's said and in any case, yehi ratzon Yehovah la'asot ratzono

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: God Willing....

"Momma" may reveal who she thinks may eventually be her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" soon. She's given hints in the past¹ and already told Reilly multiple times. Besides—for example—after having to once again get Reilly's harness and leash on her to eventually get her muzzle on her, "Momma" knows that she needs to deal openly with the subject of many of her blog entries for over a year for her, Reilly's, and others'—including and especially "Momma"'s possible helpmate's and Reilly's possible "Daddy"'s—sakes.


  1. Reilly's going to have her 3.5-Gregorian-year birthday in a month and a day from now. As for her Hebrew half-year birthday, that's coming up on September 14th at sundown (Elul 23. She was born on 2 Adar 23 or 24, 5774).
  2. "Momma" turned 27.5 Gregorian years old yesterday (August 23rd at sundown) and will be 27.5 Hebrew years old on September 16th at sundown (Elul 25th.  the Rabbinic Calendar gave her the best estimate for when Rosh HaShanah 5750 occurred, by the way).
  3. In other words, time passes with both Reilly and "Momma" getting only older.
¹Another hint, by the way:  
讘注讬专 讘讗讝讜专 讘注讬专 讛讗讛讘转 讗讞讬诐,  诇讗 讘注诪拽 讜专讚 讘讗专抓 砖诇 诪专讬诐

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Again, Charlie Hebdo?

At a point, the higher good of making sure that nobody else becomes a victim like especially Georges Wolinski did outweighs the freedom of speech. Did Georges Wolinski really survive the German part of Holocaust only to become a Holocaust victim 70 years later and get his grave spit on by "Charlie Hebdo"? Did Georges Wolinski become a martyr only for evildoers whom will use any excuse to use "Charlie Hebdo" as an excuse once again?

"The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is grievous madness. A fool also multiplieth words; yet man knoweth not what shall be; and that which shall be after him, who can tell him?"
Even wise words can become foolish in the mouths of fools:

"A fool hath no delight in understanding, but only that his heart may lay itself bare.....[and a] fool's lips enter into contention, and his his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his soul.
Arguing with fools is foolish. Those who emulate Mohammed and follow Early Islam look for anything to do evil like Mohammed did:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes."  

How else can I say that sometimes holding your tongue is better but that holding your tongue is sometimes appropriately answering a fool according to his folly?