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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Planned Book On Camille, When "Mimi" Doesn't Spend Enough Time With Camille, Etc..

With the second edition of Reilly's book out, "Momma" gave away another copy (and as she's said, she really is working on trying to become an author)—and she polled to see if people would read a book on Camille (and "Auntie Nicole" made the giveaway a "no vote, no entry" one).The results are as follows:

If Nicole Czarnecki were to write a book on Camille, would you buy or try to win it?

More likely than not16%
More unlikely than likely5%

Incidentally, "Auntie Nicole" fails to understand why anyone who wouldn't read the book on Camille would enter the giveaway but for a few reasons such as:

  1. He or she likes trying to get free books, maybe even—in this case—to resell it offline if it's a paperback book, e.g.—and yes, there really are people whom hate "Auntie Nicole" that much (notwithstanding that, e.g., Reilly is currently napping by her "Momma"—at least some sentient creature loves "Momma" on a consistent basis, compared to even many fellow human sentient creatures in her life). If he or she also tried to get the book to resell it, or—on the other hand—get it just to make fun of it and/or have his friends make fun of it, that would not surprise Reilly's "Momma"—even "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" made fun of it at first. 
  2. He or she is a big fan of Reilly and not Camille—poor Camille. ๐Ÿ™
  3. He or she wants to get a free book for a friend.
Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" can relate in filial and non-filial ways to Camille's filial pain—even "Mimi" doesn't spend enough time with Camille (Who shouldn't own a puppy, by the way "Mom-Mom"? Even "Mom-Mom" has acknowledged that "Mimi" doesn't prioritize Camille as much as she should, and how hurtful "Mom-Mom" can be only adds to when "Momma"'s Jirish temper can be affected.). As a result of "Mimi" not prioritizing Camille as much as she should, Camille can get sleepy and feel depressed—and as recently as Sunday, this happened—and Cam wakes, perks, and lights up when "Mimi" comes into the room to actually spend time with her and, e.g., puts that darn Kindle or laptop down for once—even under guilt of being teased that, e.g., "Auntie Nicole" will become Cam's "Momma" if "Mimi" doesn't come downstairs from a long-enough nap to spend time with Cam.

In a similar way, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma"'s loneliness and confusion re what exactly Camille's possible "uncle" and Reilly's possible "Daddy" wants continues to affect una noche oscura del alma en parte de su vida—a dark night of the soul in part of her life—as she is trying to be patient and wait on God to have Reilly's possible "Daddy" reach out to her—and patience in general is all the harder for a person with OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD to learn.

How fitting, by the way, that a converso coined that term!

Monday, February 20, 2017

When Reilly Brings Out An Ugly Side—e.g., The Jirish Temper—Of "Momma"

Give how Reilly caused a panic attack yesterday; take that she got into the bathroom trash again today and got "Momma" into trouble for it—this notwithstanding that "Auntie Michelle" left the bathroom door open again and that Reilly knows better; and add your understanding of the panic attack and trouble because of "Auntie Michelle" and "Reilly" to, e.g., the comments that maybe "Momma" shouldn't have a puppy because of C.P., etc—not to mention that she "shouldn't have kids" because Reilly can bring out, e.g., an irritably and a Jirishtemper to simmer, well, and/or flare up in her—and you will understand why "Momma" is less strong for Reilly than she can and needs to be. You will also understand why that Jirish temper quite a bit more often simmers, wells, and/or flares up in her.

By the way and just to clarify, "Momma" has never hit or otherwise abused Reilly.

*✡️ and ☘️

A Massacre In Sweden Really Did Occur, As It Happened In Bowling Green. Guess Who Really Caused It?

  1. Tr*** himself—bowling over massacring any liberty and freedom is dangerously making people ๐Ÿคข.
  2. Tr***'s offical and unofficial cabinet, including his family.
  3. Tr***ites from Milo to Newt Gingrich.
There are others whom caused Tr***'s Bowling Green Massacre, including pro-Trump and Anti-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu—Agudat Yisrael's "natural partner". Meanwhile, not just the U.S., Sweden, and Israel are suffering—so are, e.g., Poland, the Ukraine and Crimea, and Slovakia, all of where substantial kehillot still exist. 

Somewhat Offbeat: When "Momma" Is Thinking About Asking Reilly How To Get Reilly's Possible Daddy To Reach Out To Her...

That is bad, especially considering that the same puppy on whom "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle could have caused her to die yesterday. Still, there is an impasse, and he's gotta budge—or at least give some clarification one or another way—and as "Momma" has written:

"She's also been thinking about Reilly's possible "Daddy" and what he wants—and she's told Reilly that and kept asking her if she thinks that the person in question will be her "Daddy". Reilly seems to have answered in the affirmative every time, as—as "Momma" has explained—a prophetess giving a prophecy or an oracle¹²!

"As she's written before, too:

 "'For all that "Momma" knows, though, maybe loneliness will count as enough of a fast for God to send her a helpmate for her and a "Daddy" to Reilly, whether soon or down the road—and whoever the 'Daddy' for Reilly might be could be anyone from a total stranger to even one of the guys among guys and gals whom inspired 'Momma' to write about Reilly, no matter what "Momma" thinks of the chances that any given guy would or will ever be Reilly's "Daddy".'"

By the way, "Momma" just had to use the spray bottle again—if only someone could and would help "Momma" roll Reilly over!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

"Momma"'s Near Panic Attack (Still Occurring As Of 1:58 PM EST), Trying To Take A Quiz, Etc..

Because of Reilly's barking and wanting scritches while "Momma" was taking scritches during a quiz for an online class which is taking, "Momma"—not withstanding that she did give Reilly scritches and persisted when Reilly wanted more scritches and had to wait to get more scritches after the quiz—got especially frustrated when Reilly barked and had no help from "Mom-Mom" despite that the quiz was timed for 60 minutes and "Momma" couldn't just get up to get the spray bottle—with"Mom-Mom" in fact categorically refusing to help "Momma" when "Momma" asked for help (something like, "I'm not doing that"—i.e., using the spray bottle or rolling Reilly over. "Mom-Mom" was also causing distracting noise by vacuuming after cleaning out the pellet stove—so, that really didn't help!)

...2:07 going into 2:08 PM, by the way, still has "Momma" having an audible heart rate, needing to really inhale for breath, etc. (2:09 PM, and Reilly is barking loudly again, and Cam is, too—still no rolling over or spray bottle, and let's see if "Mom-Mom" actually carries out her ultimatum to use the muzzle! 2:11, and like "Mom-Mom"'s simply telling Reilly, "Quiet", etc. is helping as Reilly continues to bark, stopping and starting—and 2:12 PM, and Reilly starts barking again as Camille barks! "Mom-Mom"'s closing the window is not helping, by the way!...

Does "Momma" really need to really emphasize, by the way, why she needs a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly, by the way? Is asking Reilly's possible "Daddy" to reach out to "Momma" too much—especially as her heart rate remains high (and reminiscent of when she had to go to the ER because "Auntie Michelle" scared her and effected her heart rate to go up to 133 beats per minute in later 2013, bruxism flared up, etc.?

By the way (at 2:17 PM), "Mom-Mom" finally got the spray bottle for "Momma" in case Reilly barks again—and "Momma" almost had to use it at 2:18 PM! Also, the spray bottle continues to be on standby for use as of 2:21 PM, and "Momma"'s ITB Pump hurt for a while at 2:21 PM due to an IBS flareup, the near panic attack, and stress now!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Jewish "Zhang" In China With MRKH? If So, Another Factor In the "Be Fruitful" Mitzvah To Examine Comes To Light

A 23-year-old woman named "Zhang", possibly "Joshua", had a corrective surgery to improve her marital and fertility prospects:

"As time went by, Zhang's parents became more and more worried that their daughter would not be able to date, marry and have children due to her condition. So the family contacted the No.1 Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School of Xi'an Jiatong University for help.
"Zhang was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kรผster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH), a congenital abnormality characterised by women who have no vagina, womb and cervix...
"A B-scan ultra-sonography revealed that Zhang has no vagina or uterus, but she has functioning ovaries.
"She told the doctors that she had not been able to date any men because of her condition. She also had to turn down many admirers who had asked her out."

As an bat-Anusim, I would not be surprised if she is a Kaifenger Anusit and/or bat-Anusim*. After all, the reproductive aspect of "be fruitful and multiply" is heavily emphasized in traditional Judaism (not withstanding that some did and do focus on the non-reproductive aspects)—and in her case, it may have brought up another issue in Rabbinic halacha: "May one have any corrective or curative surgery that involves grafting a non-reproductive part onto a reproductive part, or would having such be a chillul ื™ื”ื•ื” in that it would involve l'sachek ื™ื”ื•ื”?"

*By the way, you will never catching me using "Anus" or "Anusah". If you can't figure out why, you may have never faced the kind of Anti Semitism that I have.

Friday, February 17, 2017

The Vo-Cam-u-la-Ri: aka, The Reilly and Camille Lexicon—Well, At Least Part Of It

As "Momma" promised:

  1. "Night nights": bedtime or evening nap
  2. "Potty", "potty outside", "outside", etc.: self explanatory (๐Ÿ“–), including the bathroom for the humans
  3. "Peedy" and "poody": ๐Ÿ“–.
  4. "Nasties": including the two aforementioned items, hair, dust
  5. "Num nums": food for them
  6. "Speedy" (a name for a tire-shaped toy that has yellow bones), "Froggie" (the desqueakered frog toy), "Mr. Monkey" (the monkey toy that each got for Christmas), and "Buddy" (a puppy-shaped bottle-holder toy).
  7. "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole": ๐Ÿ“–
  8. "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle": ๐Ÿ“–
  9. "Mom-Mom": ๐Ÿ“–
  10. "Ms. [Whomever]", "Mr. [Whomever]", etc.: ๐Ÿ“–
  11. "No-no", "no-nos", etc.: ๐Ÿ“–, including "nasties"
  12. "Blankie": ๐Ÿ“–
  13. "Harness": ๐Ÿ“–, including seatbelts for the humans "on a ride" (๐Ÿ“–)
  14. "My bladder and colon [or colon and bladder] are acting funny": "IBS flareup" (๐Ÿ“–)
  15. "Dentastick": used generically for a dental chew
  16. "Riley treat [or "Reisy treat"]": ๐Ÿ“–
  17. "Birdie": ๐Ÿ“–
  18. "Scritch": ๐Ÿ“–
  19. "Belly rub": ๐Ÿ“–
  20. "The blessing": The Birkat HaKohanim (with "Yevarekhakh" and "v'yishmerekakh"—which "Momma" needs to correct to "yismerakh")  that "Momma" does for Reilly every night (or almost every night) before "going night nights" (and Reilly's been prone to lick the oil that she's been able to reach, which is a "No-No").
  21. The word for which the possible definition will have to be self supplied.