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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Card From Reilly

P.D. Una nota incidental a una cierta persona: ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí todos los días, y ellas piensen de tí todos los días...o al menos ¨Mamᨠpiense de tí todos los días; y Reily piense de tí cuando ella y ¨Mamᨠy Reily rezan por tí, y cuando ¨Mamᨠmenciona tí a ella.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

When Reilly and Camille Can Tell That Others Are Treating "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" Poorly

Without going into details, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" will say that she's seen when Reilly and Camille have sensed that others are treating her poorly. She might've mentioned before that Reilly's sensed that, though she's not sure if she's mentioned that Camille can sense that. Nonetheless, it's worth (re)mentioning about Reilly and worth mentioning about Camille because of how recently it's happened.

Even tonight, for example, Camille ran away from someone whom was not being nice to "Auntie Nicole" when the someone in question wanted to give scritches to Camille after the situation that occurred devolved. As for Reilly, she's given "Momma" kisses when she's sensed that "Momma"'s not been treated well and has even had some hopeless thinking as a result.

PS On a more-cheerful note, here are two memories for #TimeTravelTuesday and for #MemoryMonday west of the EST Time Zone:

  1. From exactly a year ago today (in Gregorian terms)
  2. From a year ago on this coming Thursday

Monday, February 12, 2018

On a Wilkes-Barre High School Debate, Fragmented Computers, and Segregation

I think that Vice President Walker knows what he's saying. Besides, the two schools have clearly worked together in the past (I did my research here.), and consolidating them would just make their working together (among other things) permanent. Also, think about Coughlin-Meyers JSHS like a computer: if you don't want a fragmented computer with too many files in the first place, you don't want what could easily be one school continuing to be two schools. In addition, Vice President Walker (quite literally) is putting the schoolboard's money where his mouth is: for the people whom actually want to have the concept of school choice, he's giving it to them.

As far as segregation, real segregation "is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age or sex"¹. By the way, I as well know what I'm saying²: any of my ancestors and their relatives who attended Coughlin³ didn't get a choice as to whether they'd be openly of their ethnic group ("race") or open about their religious choices—consolidating schools and giving school choices are as related to bigotedly segregating as defragging and cleaning up computers is: they aren't! Let me know, though, when saving taxpayer money and real-estate space, and giving school choice are related to—for example—being implicitly and explicitly hostile to Jews on ethnic and/or religious grounds, and then we'll talk! 

¹Or ability, though never mind us people with disabilities, again 🙄
²Except apparently about people with disabilities—but hey, what's new? 🙄 Ableism is ingrained into the culture and as old as the Anti Semitism that my ancestors faced—when a third of the angels fell, they were intent as bringing ableism into the to-be-created world as they were to bring Anti Semitism, perhaps especially because they foreknew that many Jews would have disabilities.
³Paradoxically enough, the one who I know attended Coughlin ended up being a busha and a boged—never mind that he was one of the ones given a Yiddish diminutive and a second-generation pogrom survivor whose first-generation-pogrom-survivor mother was closest to him and my other great-granduncle whom she gave a Yiddish diminutive. In his (and the other great-granduncle's) eyes, exploiting another one of my great-granduncles—and probably my great-great-grandma, too—was totally okay!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Belated #FunnyFriday Post: Maybe Camille Should've Been Named "Snappy"!

When Reilly was annoying Camille and not listening to "Mom-Mom", Camille took the matter into her own hands. Actually, she took the matter into her own paws. In fact, she literally took the matter into her own teeth—she growled and snapped at Reilly! She even had her "Auntie Nicole" being a bad "Momma" to Reilly and laughing about it—"Momma" definitely saw another example of Reilly's having met her match in that cousin of hers!

Of course, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" did console Reilly all while she made clear that she understood why Camille snapped and nonetheless needed to apologize to her and give her kisses. Camille did not feel like apologizing, nonetheless, and did not—as "Auntie Nicole" recalls—stay around "Auntie Nicole" and Reilly too long after that—she knew that she was in trouble!

As a result, "Auntie Nicole" quipped that Camille definitely could've been named "Snappy" after tonight when what Camille could've been named!

Friday, February 9, 2018

In Response To A Friend's Public Facebook Post, And What Became A Long Comment(!)

(By the way, he—along with basically everyone else who's ever read what I've written, heard me speak, etc.—knows that I have Depression, OCD/Anxiety, and ADD. He also knows how I've seen my family destroyed by when they've not admitted that they have conditions such as Depression, not to mention comorbid conditions such as Alcoholism—which, for example, destroyed my great-great-granddad Julian Czerniecki as he coped with Depression that was exacerbated by having to live as a Crypto Jew in order to survive the pogroms and then Anti Semitism in the United States.)

At some point, it's wrong of him or her to not admit it if he or she is able to admit it. Jesus, as they say, didn't call us to act like we're perfect and (forgive the language) we have our shit together. Besides, as Jesus Himself said, He called the sick and not the well. How many people without mental illnesses and/or other disabilities and/or circumstances in which all seems well turn to Jesus? Very few if any at all. Why? Again as Jesus said (and He said this through his apostles), He doesn't call many according to the flesh. 

One example of this is when a guy sitting next to Max Lucado (as Max Lucado recounts in 3:16) told him straight to his face that because he has a good life, "I don't need God." People who don't (or apparently don't) have thorns in the flesh and/or bad circumstances don't want to think that they need God. After all, why (they think) should they need God if they don't need a Great Physician, an Advocate, and a Wonderful Counselor, let alone One Whom can guide them to good doctors (including psychiatrists), advocates, and counselors whom are physically present and directly treat them on Earth? 

Of course, very few people would ever say that they don't need God because they have a good life! As I've seen, most people who say that they don't need God say that they don't need God because they think that they can be good enough without Him or think that they already have Him in their hearts.

As I Submitted To the Patients For Affordable Drugs Website: Why I'm For Lower Drug Prices

I am one of the ones whom is both unlucky and lucky. I have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and IBS; and I have to be on three medicines for my mental illnesses. I also have to use a Baclofen Pump for my CP, and at least the medications that I take for my mental illnesses help somewhat with the IBS. I additionally have to be on Medicaid and receive SSI benefits as well as be on my mom's insurance for the time being.

Without being on Medicaid and my mom's insurance (since she's a single mom whom works for the federal government, and I still have to live at home at 28 because of my conditions) at present, I don't know what I do. For example, my psychiatrist doesn't accept insurance; so I have to pay the full $125 every time that I have a psychiatry appointment. I can only imagine, then, how much I'd have to pay without being on Medicaid and my mom's insurance, and receiving SSI benefits in my current situation.

Of course, I'd like to get married and not have to be on Medicaid or SSI benefits, and I'd surely like to not have to be on my mom's insurance. Part of what scares me nonetheless is the idea of never getting married and having to depend on my mom for the rest of her life, and being on SSI benefits and Medicaid for the rest of my life. Another part of what scares me is if I get cheated on and get divorced if I do get married because I'm ableistically seen as worth cheating on, and being cheated on will hurt enough without me having to fall back on SSI benefits and Medicaid to afford the Baclofen Pump appointment followups, medications for my mental illnesses, etc.

I can only imagine, then, the circumstances of those whom are in worse situations than I am. That's why I'm for lower drug prices and reasonable drug prices, and especially for the rich and otherwise better off to philanthropically help the poor and otherwise less fortunate afford the drugs that we need.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How Did Reilly And Camille Celebrate The Eagles' Win? And An Incidental Note

In an answer to a family friend's question: No, Reilly and Camille did not celebrate "by dancing on their hind legs". Reilly had been watching the game, though, although (as far as "Momma" knows) she didn't know what was happening.

Incidentally, both Reilly and Camille know "How long can you stand?", and Camille does have an easier time standing than Reilly. Neither have gotten "Turn around," however; so, neither can dance. Nonetheless and as one may recall with or without the picture, Camille was dressed up like a dancing circus poodle on Halloween:

As for Reilly, she doesn't like dancing—at least with "Momma", anyway! (But she does let "Momma" hold one of her paws and sing the chorus of "Cinderella"¹ when "Momma" wants to dance with her—and ends up getting verklempt like she is now.).

¹Of course, the lyrics don't include, "Oh please; Momma, please?" If only Reilly did have someone besides a "Momma" with whom to dance.