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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Camille Being A Literal B****, Reilly Putting "Momma" & Herself In Danger, Updates, And Still Waiting On Reilly's "Daddy"

  1. Just now, Reilly sat on "Mom-Mom"'s lap—and only to literally get b**** at by Camille—Camille decided to aggressively growl and even (according to Camille's "Mimi") bite Reilly. Of course, "Mom-Mom" and "Mimi" soundly reprimanded Camille.
  2. Reilly's pink extendable leash is still in the backyard with "Momma"'s cart in which it is stuck—and Reilly is very lucky that neither she nor "Momma" were hurt when the cart fell and when one of the solar lamps' lids fell onto the ground. To make a long story short, Reilly decided that not finding her "potty spot", coming when she was called, listening when she was told "No pull", or avoiding "nasties" was okay—and the only way that "Momma" got Reilly back up on the porch is by pulling on the rope of the extendable pink leash—and Reilly is also lucky that she has a harness and not a collar to which to attach her leash.
  3. The paperback edition of Reilly's book is finally on Amazon!
  4. In the midst of all this, meanwhile..."Momma" still has a broken-as-Hell heart. As much as Reilly is her "Momma"'s filial "Valentine", she can't be "Momma"'s overall "Valentine"—besides, as today's incident demonstrates, Reilly needs a "Daddy" whom can be a "Valentine" for "Momma" and help "Momma" reign her in a little bit—and "Momma" hasn't given up on whom she thinks might be Reilly's "Daddy" down the road if God wills.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A Literal Bone To Pick With Reilly, An Update On Reilly's Book, And Still Waiting On Reilly's "Daddy"

To make a long story short—and per the video—Reilly decided that a bone of a vulture-eaten squirrel that fatally encountered a car two days ago (per "Mom-Mom") was both delicious and enough to keep in her mouth with a fight, complete with growling and biting—needlessly to say, Reilly lost the fight to keep the bone:

(By the way, as "Momma"'s been typing, "Auntie Michelle"'s been scolding Reilly for eating "partially-produced 'bunny beans'" with "the culprit in the yard" while being outside to "go potty".).

Meanwhile, Reilly's book has sold nine copies, and plenty more free ones have been given away and claimed (Yep! "Momma"'s trying to promote it as best as she can). Part of why "Momma" wrote the book as well is because she wants to make enough to (and she hasn't yet made anything off the current book; so she can't) provide for Reilly as much as she—as a "Momma" with disabilities—can.

While "Momma"'s been promoting the book, meanwhile, she's also been failing Reilly again—as a heartbroken "Momma" stares at her heartbroken and waiting-patiently-for-"Momma"-to-wrap-up "dogter", she thinks about why she's been up—partly given that Valentine's Day coming up, she guesses, she's been thinking about a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly (and especially who she thinks that he might be).

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Was Reilly Right The First Time, Or Is Superbowl 51 Football's 1919 World Series?

Until "Momma" mentioned Tom Brady, Reilly wanted and predicted that the Patriots would win the Superbowl. While the Patriots did win and Reilly may have been right the first time (since "Momma" believes that animals can be prophets on certain matters, from small to grand matters, if God wills), something of the 1919 World Series smacks in Superbowl 2017. e.g.:

  1. Tom Brady and Bill Belichick (who the Ravens let go in 1999, by the way) had Donald Trump, just as the White Sox had Arnold Rothstein. The difference? The White Sox never had an equivalent of a Deflategate or a corrupt businessman-turned-Putin-abetting POTUS, and the Cincinatti Reds ended up winning, anyway.
  2. Donald Trump predicted (or "predicted"?) that the Patriots would win by eight points.
  3. The Patriots, like the White Sox, were "coming back after a rough season" (or something like that, as an NFL analyst put it about the Patriots).
By the way, Camille indicated to her "Mimi" that she also wanted the Atlanta Falcons to win. Reilly's "Momma", meanwhile, will keep everyone posted on what Reilly thinks about Superbowl 2017 (As "Momma" forestated, puppies can really sense even specific happenings.). 

"The Shelby Bowl"! Maybe Not The Puppy Bowl, But Hey...

On Superbowl LI Eve, when everyone's out in the neighborhood (or rather, "Momma" is visiting Shelby & Reilly is walking with Camille, "Mom-Mom", and "Auntie Michelle")...

All of the canines and humans at the "Shelby Bowl" had an entertaining time, and the score was a three-way tie with no overtime!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: "And Then One Fine Morning..." Either Way, "Momma" Is Torn

"Momma" is still crying and has cried regarding Reilly many a time. Even in those moments when, for example, "Momma" wonders about a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly, she knows that time passes more quickly every day (even when it doesn't seem like it passes) and that every day, even closer to the day if and when "Momma" does find a helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy"*, is a day closer to "Momma"'s and/or "Reilly"'s death unless God wills that they'd be raptured (and thankfully, animals do have souls).

What do other pet owners do, meanwhile, as they reconcile, deal with, or do whatever it is as they're torn or trying to balance their respective worldviews (faiths/religions/philosophies) and the hopes that their worldviews give them (e.g., Normative Judaism and Christianity; the World to Come, and the Resurrection of the Dead and Messianic redemption at hand) with the reality that the even the best-cared-for and longest-living pets may or will die someday and/or even outlive their owners before they would or will die?

That's something that's honestly kept "Momma" alive for Reilly's and her own sakes, meanwhile—what would happen to Reilly if "Momma" died and left her behind?

* "Momma" still hasn't given up on the one person whom is Reilly's possible "Daddy"—maybe the hopeless romantic in her and the upcoming Valentine's Day explain a part of it.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Reilly's Super-d'oh! Prediction

Reilly licked and nosed "Momma"'s hand more times for the Patriots for whom she wants to win the Superbowl and for whom she thinks will win the Superbowl. At one point each, she licked "Momma"'s hand for "just don't care", "just like what's on ["Momma"'s] hand" (maybe a pizza smell?), and (at least once) for the Falcons for whom she wants to win the Superbowl. 💔

Luckily, neither the Ravens, the Steelers, nor the Eagles are playing the Patriots; and the neither the Ravens nor the Eagles are playing the Steelers—Reilly would give "Momma" a double 💔 if the Ravens or Eagles were playing the Patriots or the Steelers, and she predicted that the Patriots or the Steelers (unless the Steelers were playing the Patriots) would win the Superbowl! Camille already gave "Auntie Nicole" a heartbreak when she voted for the Broncos last year!

Besides, "Momma" has enough heartbreak upon heartbreak in her life.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jump, Slide, BOOM—Right Into A Chair Leg!

Maybe that was payback for Camille being mean to Reilly when Reilly came near her and the wishbone toy today? 😉 As "Mimi" described what happened when "Auntie Nicole" asked what happened, "Camille jumped off the couch, slid on the blanket, and hit one of the chairlegs very hard. But she was not hurt. It sounded like a shoe hit the couch."

Maybe Camille's just a klutz!