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Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Mission Statement, At Least In Short

I would rather make and have enemies for the right reasons than make and have friends for the wrong reasons; and I have people in my own family that I don't like and maybe'd even hate if doing so was Christian. So, if anyone's got an issue with me not liking them, too bad. As bad role model Eminem quoted, "You got enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." After all, while I'm not Jesus, I'm called to be like in Jesus in that (as someone once pointed out about Jesus) He didn't come here to make anyone comfortable--in fact, He came here to make the comfortable uncomfortable.

I've made all kinds of people uncomfortable--Blacks, Jews, Whites--and I'm a Jew of White descent--; heterosexuals, homosexuals; fellow Christians, Mohamedians, and on the list goes. If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd "shut up and grow up" as my cousin defines "grow[ing] up"--and what a fool! She doesn't know how corrupt the Czarneckis et. al. are, and she doesn't know who are of the righteous remnant among them. 

If I wanted to be comfortable, I'd be anything but a Christian--I'd perhaps be a Non-Evangelical Catholic or a Reform Jew. Why not? After all, both Reform Judaism and Catholicism have strains that teach that:

"Heaven is not a gated community. The righteous of any people and any faith have a place in it. Our actions, not our specific beliefs, determine our fate. No concept of Hell exists in Judaism. The closest we get is the fate of apostate (a person who renounces God, faith and morality in this world), who is said to be “cut off from his kin.”"

By the way, they're in for a literal Hell of a surprise--Heaven is a gated community and nobody gets to Heaven but through Yeshua (Jesus). I could go on, but you get to the point: as an old saying goes, "I please only one person a day. Today is not your day"--and no day is your or anyone else's day, because every day is (or should be) Yeshua's.

How Bloggers, YouTubers, Etc. Can Honestly Do Powerful Things...

For example, Brett McGurk (if the allegations are true) is in trouble and ruined his own career thanks to blogger Peter Van Buren. As for examples who I've blogged about, my unbelievably-corrupt family (among whom there is a righteous remnant who I've acknowledged), Toby and Krystal Keith, and Chapelgate Presbyterian Church. When I blog, record a YouTube video, etc.; I try to do what I can with what I have where I am--in order words, I try to do everything legally, ethically, and morally. This means that I don't hack (e.g., I see what I can on Facebook and only what I can see. I don't do password stealing or anything; and even if I knew how to hack, etc., I wouldn't do it--though it might be tempting in some cases--admittedly, I might love to hack into my dad's and grandparents' email accounts to see what they're saying and to whom they're talking about me, what I've found out, etc.).

By the way, I'm still dis- or un-recommending (however you'd like to say "not [or no longer]" recommending) any association with the people and organizations who I've dis- or un-recommended in the past--that is, unless your association can be for the good or better of them or (if nothing else) the better of everyone else. But remember, "Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”" In other words, you will be corrupted by whom you are around if you do not have strong filters. "I know and am convinced by the Lord Jesus that there is nothing unclean of itself; but to him who considers anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean".

If you can even be around certain people, organizations, etc. (much less read their books, listen to their music, watch their shows, etc.), more ko'ach to you. However, since ""“The heart is deceitful above all things, [a]nd desperately wicked" and--even if you're a believer, you may not have the filters, be careful with whom you associate or toward whom you gravitate in any way, shape, or form. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" and "[a]s in water face reflects face, [s]o a man’s heart reveals the man."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Repost: Gyorgy Kvetkovits Rusnak and The Conversion

I'll obviously be teaching Kevin more Hebrew (if he cares to learn; though as aLevi descended from a Lewshik--Levshik--on his mom's side, he should); but first, toda el (thanks to) Kevin for sending the records; and this is what I replied to him:

"It looks like Andrej Novak and Jan Molnar were witnesses--this would mean that the Rusnaks, Molnars, Novaks, et. al. stuck together when kicked out of Kosice. However, this means that only the Rusnaks and Molnars converted at the time. It may mean that the Novaks did, too, or simply that they begrudgingly went to an Anusi wedding in support of their meshumad brother--this could've gotten them into huge trouble, though. Nonetheless, even some Orthodox and Proto-Conservative, -Reform, and -Reconstructionist (since only Orthodox Judaism was the P'rushi Judaism at the time, and the Rusnaks were not Karaites; and Reform Judaism was just getting founded. Anyway, even some Orthodox and Proto-Reform P'rushim) allowed Non-Messianic Jews to attend and participate in Messianic and Anusi weddings provided that they did nothing Christian, etc. (e.g., See modern CCAR Resolution 168).

"This may also shed further light on Foczko-Hanzok Anusi practices--we already saw the sticking together and naming of the children as anything other than (with few exceptions) "Maria". Even our cousin Mariama Valkova was not given the variant "Maria", for example.

"This only serves to confirm my theory that Anusim stuck together (and we did! There's no shame in being Jewish--provided that we know Mashiach, anyway; otherwise, we do become a byword as TaNaKH says)."

By the way, Reform Judaism had its beginnings in the 1820s to 1840s in Berlin, Germany; and a huge date for the Reform Movement (however kofer Reform Judaism is) is 1847 (and we've discussed how kofer Reform Judaism is--since, for example, they do not believe even in a Mashiach to come or in the inerrancy of TaNaKH with or withoutHadashah).

By the way, I will find out Kevin's Hebrew name, but it includes HaLevi

The records, meanwhile:

By the way, laughter did happen when I confirmed that "Kvet-Kovits" is Jewish; and tears almost swelled up along with pride for Yisra'elHa'Eretz l'Am-Avoti (Israel, the land of my dad's people). 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gyorgy Kvetkovits Rusnak and The Conversion

I'll obviously be teaching Kevin more Hebrew (if he cares to learn; though as a Levi descended from a Lewshik--Levshik--on his mom's side, he should); but first, toda el (thanks to) Kevin for sending the records; and this is what I replied to him:

"It looks like Andrej Novak and Jan Molnar were witnesses--this would mean that the Rusnaks, Molnars, Novaks, et. al. stuck together when kicked out of Kosice. However, this means that only the Rusnaks and Molnars converted at the time. It may mean that the Novaks did, too, or simply that they begrudgingly went to an Anusi wedding in support of their meshumad brother--this could've gotten them into huge trouble, though. Nonetheless, even some Orthodox and Proto-Conservative, -Reform, and -Reconstructionist (since only Orthodox Judaism was the P'rushi Judaism at the time, and the Rusnaks were not Karaites; and Reform Judaism was just getting founded. Anyway, even some Orthodox and Proto-Reform P'rushim) allowed Non-Messianic Jews to attend and participate in Messianic and Anusi weddings provided that they did nothing Christian, etc. (e.g., See modern CCAR Resolution 168).

"This may also shed further light on Foczko-Hanzok Anusi practices--we already saw the sticking together and naming of the children as anything other than (with few exceptions) "Maria". Even our cousin Mariama Valkova was not given the variant "Maria", for example.

"This only serves to confirm my theory that Anusim stuck together (and we did! There's no shame in being Jewish--provided that we know Mashiach, anyway; otherwise, we do become a byword as TaNaKH says)."

By the way, Reform Judaism had its beginnings in the 1820s to 1840s in Berlin, Germany; and a huge date for the Reform Movement (however kofer Reform Judaism is) is 1847 (and we've discussed how kofer Reform Judaism is--since, for example, they do not believe even in a Mashiach to come or in the inerrancy of TaNaKH with or without Hadashah).

By the way, I will find out Kevin's Hebrew name, but it includes HaLevi

The records, meanwhile:

By the way, laughter did happen when I confirmed that "Kvet-Kovits" is Jewish; and tears almost swelled up along with pride for Yisra'el, Ha'Eretz l'Am-Avoti (Israel, the land of my dad's people). 

Monday, June 4, 2012

See If You Can Tell Anything Different About Me

Comment and do whatever.

I've Stated Before That I'm Not Covering For Great-Grandma Gaydos...

Now with Dr. MaryAnn Gaydos giving Jack Czarnecki control of the Fosko-Rusnak Family Reunion, all credibility that they possibly could've had is gone, shot, down the drain. First, Jack Czarnecki was not born a Fosko Rusnak. Secondly, he has no right to ban anyone who was born a Fosko, a Rusnak, or a Fosko Rusnak to ban anyone from the Fosko-Rusnak Family Reunion. Thirdly, Grandaunt MaryAnn and Pop-Pop (and Grandma and others) are playing games--this is all part of who will help them cover up (among other things) our Jewish heritage and what happened to Vilmosz Rusznak's side of the family; and cover for (among other people) Great-Grandma Gaydos.

By the way (and this isn't just to Kevin, but to anyone else who'd like to give me and others a hard time), you know why "a quick first look at the microfilm from the 1820's and 1830's didn't show Gyorgy [Rusznak]'s baptism record"? It didn't show it because it wasn't there. With all due respect (and my apologizes to you, Zlatica and Mark at, the Rusnaks on the Gyorgy Rusnak side did not convert until 1820 or later--to be fair and honest to you both (Zlatica and Mark, and to anyone else as well), the generation of Jakub (Great-Great-Granddad Andrew Rusnak's dad) was probably the first one to convert or be baptized (and not all adult Anusim--e.g., Gyorgy--went through baptism if they converted--it was enough to be Anusi; to be meshumad would've made it worse for them). 

I'm not playing this coverup game for my great-grandmother Mary Rusnak Gaydos, who tried to cover up our Jewish heritage and (in part of the coverup) betrayed the Vilmosz Rusnak side of the family during the Holocaust--not writing to your relatives when they are asking you for life-saving help, even if they sat shiva for your side of the family before, is sick.

By the way, Non-Evangelical (Non-Christian) Catholicism is a bunch of kofer, meshumad crap ("kofer" translating to "apostate" or "apostate's", and "meshumad" translating to the same in this case; and I'm using both as adjectives). The Vatican--the Roman (and frankly, its Eastern equivalent, the Byzantine) Catholic "Church"--has caused (among other things) the pogroms, the Crusades, and the Inquisition--all Anti-Semitic, Pseudo-Christian (and Anti-Christian) events. So, with all due respect to my Anusi, Non-Evangelical Catholic family and so to speak, get your head out of the sand and come to know the Messiah Yeshua. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

One More Last Word On Toby Keith...

And my first meme! See the whole picture (pun intended) on LoveIt