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Showing posts with label christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christianity. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Hope That My Relatives Who Hate Me, Particularly the One Who Called Me a "F---ing Psycho"....

Are reading this. Some of you I know are no better better than Dad, Pop-Pop, Grandma, Great-Grandma Gaydos, etc.; so you'll be who you'll be, and I can't change that. Some of you have been affected by Dad and the others who hate me, are just plain hateful, etc., to hate me and/or even turn on me and hate me. Some of you know that I'm not "f---ing psycho" and/or have been called "f---ing psycho"s yourselves by Dad and/or his ilk, and/or those who have been affected by his ilk.

Some of you are reading my blog and perhaps even meeting me for the first time, even if you're meeting me only online: so for you, I'm setting the record straight. I'm not "f---ing psycho"; I experienced firsthand much of the tsuris un meshugas in di mispoche, and their attitude is going to change when I'm famous or the Rapture comes: watch-- then they'll want to be associated with me.

That's the kind of people that Dad and his ilk are: they are into worldliness and image. They covered up Great-Grandma Gaydos' avodah koferah, Pop-Pop's murder of Great-Grandma Czarnecki, and a whole bunch of other things. They act like life's perfect and that we're a happy, dandy family who doesn't have the dark past that we have in many respects-- beginning from being sat shiva for (which is not something that any Jew ever wants to happen to them-- no Jew likes rejection for even pretending to believe in Jesus to save his or her life; and in our family, we were sat shiva for) during the pogroms and other times when many of us officially became Anusim (which many of them, like Dad and Pop-Pop, are to this day. Many of us-- that is, not of Dad and Pop-Pop's ilk-- are open about our Jewish heritage which I discovered in ways that shocked even me, like seeing "Danilowicz" on the death certificate of Great-Great-Granddad Julian Czarnecki ne Chernetski).

Who in this meshuga olam wants to admit that he or she is a Jew if he or she wants to save his or her own tuchus, right? And that's where much of everything else proceeds from-- that is, hiding our Jewish heritage and our being sat shiva for, for doing so. For example, by hiding our Jewish heritage, Great-Grandma had an excuse to ignore Vilmosz's et. al.s' pleas for help-- why would a gentile have to help a Jew, which is why she pretended to be a gentile here and not let even her desparately-needing-help-to-make-aliyah relatives (so to speak) blow her cover.

By hiding our Jewish heritage and being sat shiva for, the schicker Julian Chernetski and his meshugene vayb were going to figure out how to cope and live as Anusim in Sugar Notch, PA-- where some other Anusi mispoche were. That meant hiding not just the Yidishkeit, but everything-- abuse in the family, Julian's being farshikert, etc.

As I said, I hope that my relatives who hate me, particularly the one who called me a "f---ing psycho", are reading this: I want to set the record straight.

My Enemies Include Even Many In My Family And Hate Me Now

"The poor man is hated even by his own neighbor, But the rich has many friends." (Proverbs 14:20) Sad but true, as I've come to learn. If I were rich, famous, and/or not disabled, and rich in worldliness; even many in my own family would not despise me as they do. Were The Rapture to come and I'd not be left behind, those of my enemies who were left behind would have nothing to say against me. " Have mercy on me, O LORD, for I am weak; O LORD, heal me, for my bones are troubled.My soul also is greatly troubled; But You, O LORD—how long? Return, O LORD, deliver me! Oh, save me for Your mercies’ sake!" (Psalm 6:2-4)

Monday, November 7, 2011

People Think That I'm Psycho Now, But Wait Until I'm Famous Or the Rapture Comes...

Then quite a bit, but not everything, that I've said will be proven to be true-- some more true than I even thought. What I say, I can back up with evidence-- even if it's circumstanial evidence. For example, until my aunt told me what happened re Great-Grandma Czarnecki, I had no reason to believe that Pop-Pop fully intended to rid of Great-Grandma and make her death in a hospital in which she didn't want to be as painful as possible. Until I saw the records on Yad Vashem, I didn't know that relatives writing to Great-Grandma Gaydos for money meant that they were asking for help to get out of Europe and make aliyah lest they'd be murdered-- which many of them were. Until I saw that Great-Great-Granddad Czarnecki's mother was a Danilowicz, I wasn't sure that we are Jewish.

How many more examples must I give? I'm not perfect, but I try not to say baseless and harmful things-- even if those things hurt. I don't like being the relative of a maternicidal son who was ungrateful to the very mother of whom he intended to get rid. I don't like being the great-granddaughter of, essentially, an American kapo. I didn't go out seeking these things to hurt anybody-- in fact, I didn't ever expect Great-Grandma Gaydos to be a kapo, for example. I'd always heard that she was a quiet, sweet, perhaps-even-a-little-oblivious woman.

And if what I say isn't proven but not disproven, either; at least when I'm famous or the Rapture comes, then my critics and detractors-- who intend me no good-- will shut their mouths because they won't have anything to say-- or at least the hutzpah to say it. I'll have more clout than them or I'll be gone by then-- and many of them will be left behind.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I Should Look Back At My Old Posts More And...

I should see who, how, what, and where I've been; and why I've been who, how, what, and where I've been. I see that quite a few people read my older posts, and maybe I should start rereading them-- reading them again for the first time (and not like Marcus Borg suggests doing with the Bible, either. I hope that every day, Dr. Weiss and others will remember and know that I've not forgotten that drek called Reading the Bible Again For the First Time).

By the way, Dr. Weiss; when you do affront the Word of G-d, you affront the Jewish people. And you and Sister Eileen, and the others, don't scare me one bit now that I look back. The more I've grown in understanding the Word of G-d, the more I've grown in understanding my Jewish heritage, or visa versa. I don't need your or the rest of Notre Dame's Anti Semitism to affirm or deny the Bible for me: in fact, the more that you deny the Bible, the more that students and former students like me will only affirm the Bible.

PS The only "ancient peasant rebellion"-- which the Exodus was not; and the only "ancient peasant rebellion"-- going on is the one in your hearts, the same one that your lowly and fallen fathers-- Adam and the Devil-- committed when they said that G-d's word was not his word and fell from their exalted places--Adam when he partook with Eve and fell from the glory which he had in the garden, and the Devil fallen from being the archangel known as Lucifer. "Those who are first will be last, and those who are last will be first"; so your doctorates in the Vatican and other degrees help youu not. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Forget the Elitism Against Gwyneth Paltrow Martin and The Paltrow-Martin Children...

If there is ever a Jewish Elitism; the Jewish Elitism is in especially the unprovoked and opportunistic persecutions of Messianic Jews (Jewish Christians), as Nate Goldstein and Shani prove to anyone who's paying attention (perhaps including Ilana Angel):

Her kids are not not Jewish so your article is moot.

Though your article us useful to identify you as a lowly sycophant.

Comment by Dexter on 7/25/11 at 4:59 pm

Well Gwyneth Paltrow’s Jewish father probably qualifies her to be Jewish under Reform’s standards, so there’s no particular reason she can’t raise her kids in that denomination.

Comment by dee on 7/25/11 at 6:50 pm

I think it’s great that Paltrow has stated publicly that she’s raising her children in the Jewish faith. I’m not quite sure how that works, considering neither she, nor her mother, nor her husband are Jewish…but, at least she brings publicity for the countless benefits and rewards of Jewish life…I wonder why Paltrow hasn’t converted herself, considering she obviously values a Jewish upbringing above all others?

Comment by Shani on 7/25/11 at 8:24 pm

By reform standards she can raise both her kids Jewish. But I think what she is referring to is their cultural heritage and ethnicity and not their religious affinity. In any case, many people are discovering their Jewish roots and choosing to re-acquire that heritage. All the more power to them. In the long run of course, it will be up to her children and not her to ultimately decide the extent of their own Jewishness. You said, “The Jewish population is getting smaller”. Perhaps one of the main causes of this is Jews who discourage the ownership of one’s own heritage because they don’t fit their narrow elitist definition of “who’s a Jew”.

Comment by Mashiach on 7/26/11 at 7:42 am

“I’m not quite sure how that works, considering neither she, nor her mother, nor her husband are Jewish”. That’s hilarious and quite accurate. She might as well announce that she is raising her kids Eskimo. Although it would be smarter to raise them as Navajos and get them a piece of that casino income.

If you are Orthodox then being Jewish is both a religion and a nationality. If you are a Zionist it is not a religion, and if you are a Reform Jew it is not a nationality, but until now we have had no category for ‘none of the above’.

Comment by Ben Plonie on 7/26/11 at 2:42 pm

This seems kind of odd in light of her husband’s support of the Palestinians. Do a search on Chris Martin and Palestine.

Comment by Jason on 7/27/11 at 7:16 pm

I just did. Not to judge a book by its cover, but he looks like a moron. As for G.P.‘s intention; depending on your POV being Jewish has nothing to do with family, God, Israel, history, sprituality, religion, politics, self interest, self determination, ritual, practices, disciplines or a given culture. It is entirely subjective and inconsistent between individuals, and who is qualified to say which is right and what is real? This is how you get ‘rabbis’ for Palestine and all that. Today it has become a good deed for some to support Israel’s enemies and undermine Israel. These are people so removed from reality that the are not capable of considering the source of those ideas.

Comment by Ben Plonie on 7/28/11 at 7:51 pm

The Jewish people are an ethnic group first, and being Jewish comes from either one or both of the sides—ignore Kiddushin 68b, and focus on D’varim 7:1-5 for itself. In light of D’varim 7:1-5 (among other parshot), I find Gwyneth Paltrow to be a Self-Hating Jew who does no good for ‘ameinu by supporting Pleshet over Yisra’el—what is a Jewish woman doing supporting the remnant of Goliat’s people over the fellow descendants of Ya’akov?

Comment by Nicole Czarnecki on 7/31/11 at 2:43 pm

This whole thing is Bulls—t!!!! If you had a Jewish and a non-Jewish parent usually you grew up favoring one or the other!!!

Whether your mother or father was Jewish is besides the point!!! If you believe you are Jewish and claim to be then you are!!! Bill Maher’s mother was Jewish…he was raised Catholic…he never claimed to be Jewish…he is NOT Jewish!!! Paul Newman’s mother was not Jewish he chose to be Jewish…therefore he was Jewish!!!

Michael Douglas was raised ???...his mother was not Jewish…He always felt Jewish via his dad…He Is Jewish!!!

Comment by Nate Goldstein on 8/10/11 at 9:38 am

I remember when Michael Douglas MC’d an Israeli Special Anniversary on TV and said he was proud to be a Jew…later in the newspapers some crazy orthodox rabbi’s claimed he was not Jewish because of his mother…Michael was incensed claiming who were those nuts to tell him what he was or wasn’t??? Sarah Michelle Gellar & Julia Louis Dreyfus both deny being Jewish…srew ‘em…so be it!!! Michael Richards, neither parent Jewish, believes he is Jewish…says he always felt Jewish…What do we do with him???

Comment by Marty Stone on 8/10/11 at 9:50 am

To be a Jew is to be a citizen of the Israelite nation. We have a federal nation and the tribes are our states.

1) A child of two Jewish parents is a citizen of Israel and with inheritance rights in its father’s state.

2) A child of a Jewish father only is not a citizen of Israel.

3) A child of a Jewish mother only is a citizen of Israel but a citizen of no state, with no land rights.

4) A naturalized citizen (convert) is comparable to one with no Jewish father.

The law is the law and it doesn’t matter how we feel about it. The law is never going away.

Comment by Ben Plonie on 8/10/11 at 9:30 pm

Today the Indians have casinos and each Indian receives a share of the casino income. Anyone who is not a lawful Jew but insists he or she is one can try to claim to be a Cherokee and demand some of the casino income.

Comment by Ben Plonie on 8/10/11 at 9:31 pm

...More BS…More BS…if you left it up to the hypocritical orthodox Jews there would be NO Israel!!! How dare they refuse to accept someone as a Jew if they want to be one merely because their mother is a non Jew!!! We can’t afford to throw away our “Lantzmann” like that and survive. My family is secular, yet we follow all the holidays, our kids married Jews and we have been told that we are the most “Culturally Jewish” people any of our friends know!!! Let your local Chabbad fight us over whether we are Jews just because we don’t go to Temple.

Comment by Nate Goldstein on 8/10/11 at 11:20 pm

Meanwhile, a now-former friend of mine who’s a kohein (as my sister told me) thinks that Judaism is meshuga, although he loves being Jewish and supports Israel—and he’s very Far Left! As Nate Goldstein noted, “Let your local Chabbad fight us over whether we are Jews just because we don’t go to Temple.” In fact, isn’t that why many of us don’t even go to Temple or any shul of any sort? Granted that I’m a Messianic Jew, but that’s actually another thing as well—why can’t Jews believe in Jesus (Yeshua) if we can believe in Bar Kochva, Menachem Schneerson, or whoever else one could name?

Comment by Nicole Czarnecki on 8/10/11 at 11:31 pm

Hey Nicole…you lost me with…“I’m a Messianic Jew”!!! We can’t believe in jesus because he turned left while the rest of us were going right!!!

Jews for Jesus are christians…very simple!!!

Jesus was a Jew who was searching…his followers decided he was the deity!!!

In their misguided faith in their new religion the christ followers decided to “murder off” the competition…I give you the inquisition, the pogroms, the holocaust, etc.all!!!

Because of that history…switching sides, as you did, and trying to take others of us with you becomes the ultimate blasphemy and indignity towards those LOST millions of our bretheren!!!

Comment by Nate Goldstein on 8/11/11 at 10:17 am

Nate, I wasn’t here to proselytize but to give an example re your point. You sadly made your own point: “...More BS…More BS…if you left it up to the hypocritical orthodox Jews there would be NO Israel!!!” and “Let your local Chabbad fight us over whether we are Jews just because we don’t go to Temple.” You are more fit to join a haredi (“Chabad”) movement than you would like to claim.

Comment by Nicole Czarnecki on 8/11/11 at 11:08 pm


nah…you’re wrong…we are basicly agnostic/secularists. HOWEVER…we are very strongly Jewish culturists!!!....we won’t go to temple…but we’ve been to Israel 3 times…and support them AS MUCH AS Possible!!!...also we just about “Kvell” when we pass by the ultra orthodox with the remnents of their Russian black garb walking with their familys on Pico/Fairfax area….because they are fighting their uphill battle to preserve their faith.

BUT NOW…it’s just because of that Jewish DNA that I possess that I go crazy when I come across messianics and jews for jesus.

Comment by Nate Goldstein on 8/12/11 at 12:56 pm

“Jews” for Jesus is the title of a Christian religious organization. It’s not that we “can’t” believe in Jesus (whatever that means),it’s that there is no “Jesus” in Jewish culture, tradition, scripture,or religious practices. When you’re Jewish, temple or not, there is no worldview that encompasses any type of “salvation” because a human allowed himself to be sacrificed as some sort of political statement.

Comment by Shani on 8/12/11 at 4:35 pm

Nate and Shani, you two are proving that many Jews are way too elitist against fellow Jews. Also, I already clarified that I’m not here to proselytize. So, knock off your Anti Missionarism.

Comment by Nicole Czarnecki on 8/12/11 at 4:43 pm

Why would I “knock off” being against missionizing? In any case, you can missionize to your heart’s content,but if you think such an action is culturally,socially,politically,religiously, or traditionally Jewish, you are wrong. Missionizing or suggesting we’re “incomplete”, (as many missionaries claim), is elitist.As a Christian, you have to live with the consequences of the choice you made. You cannot expect observant Jews to understand those of you who believe in a life philosophy that encompasses the antithesis of being Jewish.

Comment by Shani on 8/14/11 at 8:59 pm

If you want to be a messianic…go be it!!!...but keep it to yourself!!!

As soon as you try to drag your fellow Jews along you’re nothing better than a turncoat/traitor who’s pissing on the graves of the multi-millions who died rather than give up their spiritual beliefs.

Comment by Nate Goldstein on 8/24/11 at 3:40 pm

Shani, I already stated that I already clarified that I’m not here to proselytize. I simply mentioned that I’m a Messianic Jew to be in full disclosure. As I said, “In fact, isn’t that why many of us don’t even go to Temple or any shul of any sort? Granted that I’m a Messianic Jew, but that’s actually another thing as well—why can’t Jews believe in Jesus (Yeshua) if we can believe in Bar Kochva, Menachem Schneerson, or whoever else one could name?”

What’s elitist is suggesting that I may not believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is the Messiah if another Jew can believe that Bar Kosiva or Menachem Schneerson is Mashiach.

Comment by Nicole Czarnecki on 8/24/11 at 3:41 pm

Nate and Shani, I wasn’t trying to drag anyone along; and I find your attitude unacceptably and intolerably elitist, as I was merely disclosing my Messianic Jewish beliefs in order to explain why I understand why many Jews do not go to shul—because of both intolerance of haredim and frankly because of intolerance such as yours.

Comment by Nickidewbear on 8/24/11 at 4:01 pm

Jews don’t “believe in” Jesus. Period. Christians, and only Christians do. There is a major difference between being fooled/hoping someone is Messiah and believing that a man who died thousands of years ago is G_d. One action is naive, the other goes against the soul.

Comment by Shani on 8/24/11 at 5:14 pm

Perhaps Ilana Angel ought to have chazak v'ematz and write "Are Jews Too Elitist To Accept Jewish Christians [or Messianic Jews, or Jews for Jesus, or followers of Jesus of Nazareth]"?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Kevin Still Hates That We're Jewish-- He Thinks That I'm Advocating Apostasy; But I'm Actually, Among Other Things, Holding Great-Granduncle Carl Up As a Hero

First, the part where I supplemented my original reply:

Even more pro-FDR sources are conceding (even if between the lines) that FDR was a notorious, pro-Grand Mufti, pro-Hitler Anti Semite.

In a message... [I wrote]:

So why did Great-Grandma let the Anti Semites and Anti Missionaries scare her into enabling the murder of Vilmosz, David, Pepi, and their side of the family? Great-Granduncle Carl didn't.

In a message, [Kevin, who is being cocky and actually being rude as well as assuming in his position that the letters couldn't have been translated or that I could read at least the dates in Slovakian and/or maybe even Yidish] writes:
No mistake was uncovered. You wouldn't be able to read the letters anyway because they are written in Slovak. I don't appreciate your rudeness after the help I gave you in your genealogical quest...

My original reply:

I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm being blunt. Besides, as I said, " if the letters weren't so bad, why did Grandaunt Mary Ann not give the dates or specific contents of the letters?" Both of us have seen that this is a clear pattern in certainly the Fosko Family (I never heard that your great-granddad was sent away, let alone that you existed, for example!).

These cover ups (so many of them) have divided our family on our common and all sides right here in America; and some of us aren't even talking to each other because of the "Who's not telling what?" and "Who's hiding what?" games? Besides, how can we forgive and bring redemption into and out of family situations which we don't even know-- or talk-- about?

Whenever I heard Andrew and Julia Fosko Rusnak spoken of-- they were immigrants from Slovakia or Czechoslovakia who married in 1905, had kids, etc.. Never did I know that our family (even if I disagreed with some of the intent of their decisions)-- for example-- came over here to escape persecution after we couldn't assimilate in Slovakia; and many of us weren't just Crypto Jews (although some were, which is where I disagree with the intent: regardless of the meshuga AntiSemitism in the Church, we should've given Jesus a chance in our lives; and if and when our relatives thought that we were joining the traitors, so what?! And many of us were Jews who believed in Jesus; we were just too damned afraid and too damned quiet to emphasize that part) .

Truth is a lot better (even if stranger and more disquieting) than fiction. By the way, I look at Great-Granduncles Andy, Carl, and Joe all the more as heroes for their going over there (Well, Great-Granduncles Carl and Joe were able to; but on the homefront, there was still Anti Semitism and also that "You can't be a Jew for Jesus!" attitude that Great-Granduncle Andy had to deal with every day!).

And for example, with Great-Granduncle Carl; how would you have liked to ever have the possibility that you may have to step into especially Czechoslovakia and Hungary if the war took you there, particularly when the Germans were looking for Jewish (even Messianic (Christian) Jewish) military personnel and civilians to kidnap and ship off to murder and POW-murder camps? And given that the Rusnaks were a prominent family in Kosice, (Czecho)Slovakia (Kassa, Hungary); the Germans and other Anti Semites would be on the lookout for Rusnaks trying to come in and help Vilmosz et. al.-- and other Jewish people trying to help others.

(By the way, I'm not saying that, that excuses Great-Grandma's stopping to write either: letters seemed bad enough to smuggle; but Great-Granduncle Carl put himself there for his country and fellow Jews in and who were certainly at risk because the Holocaust-- even if you were in a Jew in the Allied Countries, you were at risk; and actually, that's part of why Great-Grandma should've helped instead of hurt Vilmosz et. al. all the more: so to speak and pardon my language, screw FDR and his isolationist, pro-UN and pro-Grand Mufti, Anti-Jewish and Anti-Israel policies!

(FDR was a known Anti Semite who wanted to not just stay out of ending the Holocaust and out of World War, but also to hurt the Jews and-- for a lack of a better term and if you will, since this how Anti Semites like FDR would've thought-- "let Europe take care of the Jews". FDR actually even wrote a letter saying that he did not support the founding of a Jewish state in the Middle East, and he appointed Bernard Baruch as his scapegoat to take blame for what was often called "The Jew Deal".)

Given, then, the example of the recollection of FDRs and other Anti-Semitic WASPs-- and Anti-Semitic Europe-- on one hand, and the Antimissionary (Anti-Messianic-Jewish) crowd on the other; Great-Granduncles Carl, Joseph, and Andy, and others who have a place of honor within the family history and within history; shouldn't we at least tell what really happened to honor those who did the right thing and brought redemption into and out of our family, instead of covering even the good up with the bad?

As I said, for instance, Great-Granduncle Carl did put himself over there knowing that the European Theater could take him in the footsteps of his parents and right into the hands of Germans who were looking for more Jewish Rusnaks and other Jews to kidnap and imprison in murder camps-- and what Mary Rusnak Gaydos did makes her brother Carl all the braver and more righteous: Sgt. Carl Rusnak basically stood up and said by standing up, "I'm going to go over there and help our family, help our fellow Jews, and help my native country-- even if many of them don't like Jews! I'm not going to let the Anti Semites and Antimissionaries scare me out of doing the right thing."


Saturday, July 16, 2011

Part of This E-Mail Had To Do With Certain Relatives, But There Was A Bigger Picture

Besides Chron's and OCD, there's much worse plaguing the Fosko-Rusnak Family: it's a spiritual sickness-- and one that might justly cost us any chance to make aliyah.

By the way, this e-mail correspondence is chronicled in recency order; because I frankly didn't feel like copying and pasting, and putting things in standard chronological order-- and besides; family history is often discovered via recency (instead of standard) chronology, and keeping the e-mail correspondence in backward order may provide comic relief for the fact that you have to read it in a down-to-up-- not up-to-down- order (Then again, the suggestion of any comic relief probably is a little sick.).

Neither did the prosecution in Casey Anthony's case, right? Unlike you and the rest of the family (or at least certain people in the family), I know that common sense allows for circumstantial evidence. By the way, if the letters weren't so bad, why did Grandaunt Mary Ann not give the dates or specific contents of the letters?

I am ashamed that some in the family are so corrupt as to hide what is a forgivable mistake that-- as forgivable as it is-- still needs to be dealt with. I am further ashamed that said forgivable mistake is being made to be unforgivable by being hidden and then, once uncovered, excused and/or justified.

I understand that US foreign policy at the time was isolationist, times were bad especially for Crypto and Messianic Jews in America (where being Jewish and a Christian was apparently supposed to be okay; but the "G-d forbid if you even act like a Jew for Jesus, let alone are a Jew for Jesus" and "the Jews are Christ killers" attitudes still applied), etc.

Nonetheless, Great-Grandma was reached out to by relatives who had that very "G-d forbid if you even act like a Jew for Jesus" attitude, because they trusted that even who they considered a meshumadah and koferah would do the Christian thing that she claimed to live by and follow the higher good. And Great-Grandma (so to speak) dropped the ball and cost lives by her actions.

By the way, there are those who would get word of what Great-Grandma did and snicker, "Oh; not only are Jews the Christ killers, now they even betray their own-- as if they didn't betray one of their own before!" Are you honestly okay with that, and all because we justify a significant reason why many of our relatives continue to hate the very name of Jesus (or at least our use of it), and why many gentiles continually blaspheme G-d and attack the Jewish people?

PS If you ever try to make aliyah, I won't blame the Israeli government if they won't welcome you-- they would have every reason to use that you justified a traitor to relatives who were trying to make aliyah!

In a message dated 7/16/2011 5:56:29 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [Kev] writes:


There is no evidence of any kind of coverup or wrong-doing. The letters I am aware of were written in the late 1940's, after WWII ended and after Julia had died. Mary Ann's mother reached out in a good-will effort to see how people were back home, and probably to also let them know Julia had died. Mary had five children to feed and times were tough here after the War too. How could she be expected to send money overseas?

Andrew Rusnak's parents were married in the same Greek Byzantine Catholic church on Nov 5, 1876 that Andrew and Julia were baptized at. Andrew's naturalization papers state he was born in Aryanidka.

Enough is enough, Nikki, your anger and rhetoric is missplaced. You have a right to your opinion, but you have no facts to back up your accusations.


[Misplaced.... We'll see what happens when we can't make aliyah because of him; then he can talk about "misplaced". Besides, as I mentioned in the video to which this blog entry is a description, the anger is certainly not misplaced.]


From: [Me. By the way, I don't see why they want to think that G-d is kidding about sin visiting the third and fourth generations-- and giving Non-Messianic Jews, or at least those who aren't Crypto and Non-Messianic Jews, and gentiles to blaspheme Yeshua.]

Subject: Re: By the Way....


What I disparage more than anything is the image that we have created of Great-Grandma as such: admirable. I also disparage the same with our family: how can we be admirable in covering up and/or justifying such actions as Great-Grandma did, and ones that were done to and within our own family? With a family-- especially where the Gospel is concerned-- a family must be looked at in how they preached and lived the Gospel within and outside of the family-- and that means admitting, repenting for, and looking for redemption in instead of covering up and justifying inexcusable mistakes.

What admiration is there in stopping correspondence with Vilmosz Rusnak and his brother-in-law (the husband of Pepi Rusnakova Grinfeldova) Zoltan Grinfeld (both of whom had children-- Fredi, hardly a year old; Sandor and Miklos, one of whom was 10 and the other 12) when they trusted even the oldest daughter of who they consider a kofer, a meshud; and she betrayed them and, to make it worse, hid what she did that caused them to both:

1) die in the Holocaust (all of the Rusnaks for whom help was asked died at Auschwitz and other murder camps; except for Tibor Rusnak, who understandably went to Ohio after surviving the Holocaust and did not talk to our side of the family in Pennsylvania)


2) Think all the less of Jesus because of our actions. Their (that is, Vilmosz's) dad Yehoshua Samuel considered Jakub and Maria Novakova Rusnak, the parents of Great-Great-Granddad Rusnak, as good as met (dead) and to sit shiva for over their supposed (Crypto) conversion to Slovakian Byzantine Catholicism. When Great-Grandma did what she did, she left the perception for Vilmosz et. al. that Jesus really did hate Jews and would even have his Jewish followers deliver Jews into the hands of the Pogroms, Crusaders, and now the Nazis.

I don't disparage mistakes as much as I do the unrepentant attitude toward them and the justification toward them. And how are we as Jews, as Rusnaks, as Christians going to be believed that one can be as Jewish as the Kosice and Zlata Idka Rusnaks were and believe in Jesus? That's a question that we as Jews and as a family have to look at-- we can't be preaching the Gospel while being remiss about a most UnJewish and UnChristian thing that was done within and to our family.

Besides, we don't know if Great-Grandma's uncle Stephen really was still alive in 1947 as Great-Great-Granddad's obit claims. He may have died in the Holocaust, too; and then how can we blame when fellow Jews scoff and won't believe the Gospel because of Jews like Great-Grandma, who betrayed her own to the Nazis' will?

In a message dated 7/15/2011 9:58:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [a cousin] writes:

Hi Nicole,

I do admire your desire to research the family history. That is terrific. And I believe that each person deserves his or her own opinion.

That being said, I have 2 thoughts to share with you:

1. We did not live in such times and I feel strongly that if you have not walked a mile in someone's shoes, then you should not judge that person. Actually, that is my golden role; I am not perfect so I do not feel I have the right to judge anyone. Please give this careful thought.

2. I adore Grandma, her legacy and the family - and I politely request that you do not send me any further correspondence that speaks disparagingly of them.

Thank you,

[A cousin to whom I had to explain that I owe no apology to Great Grandma for standing up for at least the memories of Vilmosz, Dudus, Pepi, et. al.]

On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM, [I]wrote:

Remember that it was the Foskos and Hanzoks who go back to Diosgyor? Also, parish records do follow; and especially in those times for such a significant move, they or copies of them would have. Remember as I said, the parish records would've proved that we weren't Jews if they went with us from Diosgyor. There were no records until 1776, in more-Philosemitic Zlata Idka.

PS Andrew Rusnak claimed that he was born in Zlata. You found the connection to Kosice with Jakub and Maria (around or after the Yad Vashem records for Vilmosz et. al. were discovered by me. I still say that Great-Grandma Gaydos acted traitorous. Given that they viewed her and her dad and siblings as meshudim and sat shiva for him and his parents, no way did they have to ask her for help-- and she only served to turn them further away from considering Jesus as Messiah.

(Meanwhile, "money" en meir tuchus- I wish that Grandaunt Mary Ann, Grandma, et. al. would admit what Great-Grandma really stopped writing for. She and Grandma were 12 and 7 at the time-- about May 17, 1944 when the Rusnaks and Szymon Nowak (Shimon Novak) were murdered; and 10 and 5 or 6 when Iwan Rusnak was murdered. As for the others, we were much younger or not even born yet-- we couldn't have done bupkis. Yet to excuse Great-Grandma's behavior-- or at least hide it-- is entirely wrong, especially when other Jews have married into the family-- the Feldmans and Lavins, for example (and "Lavin" is a form of "Levy" or "Levi"-- "Levite")).

[PS Ally Shumack seems to hate that fact. But I don't mind that Fred McMahon's wife is a Levite. In fact, I kind of envy that-- as far as I know-- I'm a plain old Yehudi'ah-- not a Levi'ah or a koheinah.]

In a message... [Kevin] writes

Parish records don't follow one from place to place. Parish records eventually become genealogical dead-ends because these records don't list the town and place of worship for a child's parents. My baptismal record does not show where my mom and dad were born. But my birth certificate does.

Was Andrew Rusnak born in Zlata or in Diosgyor?

I'm on vacation now but will be happy to look more into this when I get home. Can you send me a copy of Andrew's nat papers and death cert? I don't have them.

Kevin ...
[Weirdly enough, Kevin gave me copies of quite a few of the documents that he was able to get copies of himself. And he brought up the 1776 date. Besides, a Hebrew woman with children-- who did ask Julia Fosko to pair up with her as a traveling partner on the Fredrich der Grosse(?)-- would not have asked Julia to do that were she a gentile girl. Jews and gentiles, especially Jewish women with children and single gentiles who were indeed at risk for being victims of unscrupulous men, did not trust each other back then. No sane Hebrew would've trusted that any unscrupulous man would not use any gentile to get to her and her children.]


From: [Me. By the way, I told that I'm not a complete dummy. I've done my research.]

Subject: Re: By the Way....

As far back as 1776, around the 1787 Hungarian deadline for Jews to take surnames. Also, read again-- "if we were Catholic in Diosgyor, that would've followed us to Zlata Idka. It didn't. You even said that no parish records exist until Zlata Idka, and parish records surely would've followed us because- were we gentile- surely we and/or Diosgyor would've wanted the parish records to follow us to distinguish us from Jews."

We are Jews; those Rusnaks were relatives; and we don't need to convert back to Non-Messianic Judaism-- I by no means indicate falling away or reversion, lest we do exactly what Hebrews 6:4-6 warns against.

[I told you that I don't advocate apostasy. Besides, as someone on the Jews for Jesus forums noted, Talmud Bavli is a "wicked book".]

In a message..[Kevin] writes:

The Zlata Idka parish records show Catholic Rusnaks, Foskos and Hanzoks as far back as 1776. The Rusnaks who died in the Holocaust could have been relatives, but we don't know. Your mom has a Shaw in her line, but separated by probably 10 generations from Jen.

[Appealing to Mom's and Jen's possible connection doesn't help any. Besides, Dad and Vilmosz, and my cousin Greg and Vilmosz's brother David "Dudus" clearly look like cousins.]


From: "Nicole C." [And if you keep reading, you'll see that I know and have learned history quite well, even if I'm not the brightest bulb in the bunch-- and I have to find some Yidish or Hebrew expression to use in place of the "brightest bulb" one. By the way, "Yidish" is an acceptable variation of "Yiddish".]

Subject: Re: By the Way....

As I said, look up Yad Vashem. I can give you various names (and you've seen them for the Rusnaks!). Besides, if we were Catholic in Diosgyor, that would've followed us to Zlata Idka. It didn't. You even said that no parish records exist until Zlata Idka, and parish records surely would've followed us because- were we gentile- surely we and/or Diosgyor would've wanted the parish records to follow us to distinguish us from Jews.

Besides, Foskos and Hanzoks- and Hanzoks and Foskos- have married each other for generations! Have you seen Numbers 36? Besides, no gentile Fosko would've married a Jewish Rusnak!

-----Original Message-----

From: [Kevin, that cousin about whom I was talking]

Subject: Re: By the Way....

So where are your sources and evidence? Your great-grandma kept correspondence with them until after WWII. Since I don't have, and haven't found any evidence to support your Jewish theory, leave me out of this.


[I honestly do think that Kevin is afraid of being a Jew, and thinks that-- no matter how often I've explained that I'm not advocating apostasy (a return to Non-Messianic Judaism)-- I'm advocating apostasy.]

From: "Nicole C."

Also, not that you might care (I'm not being offensive; just blunt); but we need to get rid of the non-kosher stuff, since (by eating non-kosher, or treif, stuff), we (even inadvertently) dishonor the memory of our relatives lost in the Holocaust (Ask Grandaunt Mary Ann and Kevin Fosko. If you still don't believe me, look up "Rusnak" and "Rusznak" in Kosice and Aranyidka (Zlata Idka) on Yad Vashem's website. This will also explain the business about the relatives writing to Mary Gaydos Rusnak for money- not so much money as help to make aliyah so as to not perish! How Great-Grandma wronged them!).
[I'm actually adding and censoring things in a down-and-up order myself. And besides Great-Granduncle Andy's and Great-Grandaunt Aggie (zichronah l'brakha)'s Alzheimers-- among other health problems that eating treif has caused and/or aggravated in the Rusnak Family--, bringing dishonor upon the memory of Vilmosz Rusnak and his side of the family-- upon bringing further dishonor upon ourselves-- has been an effect of our eating treif.]

-----Original Message-----

From: Nicole C. [Censored. If you think that I've been a total jerk; the fact that I'm censoring plenty of stuff that I might otherwise not should prove that I have some moral, legal, and other conscience.].

Subject: Re: Rusnak Family Medical History


If this helps any, OCD/Anxiety comes from the Foskos (I found this out upon my own diagnosis and finding out that a certain Fosko has Anxiety at least.). Also, my dad and granddad have Chron's; we all know that my granddad had Colon Cancer as well, and I have IBS.

Nicole Czarnecki

-----Original Message-----


Subject: Rusnak Family Medical History [Which Includes the Fosko-Rusnak OCD. Keep Reading]

Hello Rusnak Family,

I know there has been interest in the past few years to gather some family info on health history and have it available for everyone. Being blessed with so many medical professionals in the family, we are armed the right folks to lead us in this task. for thought for next year (we'll want to talk about how we can best go about it this year)...I can create a tab and sheet in the directory for family medical history, so no one has the daunting task of researching family history while overwhelmed with a medical issue. I would love ideas and feedback on how we can best approach this objective.

In the meantime, please see [Censored]'s note below....thank you!


[Censored. PS At least for me, I call bull---- on the hugs, as I think that the certain relative whose name I censored would like to kill me.]

[Censored for privacy reasons. I'd also prefer to keep out of legal trouble.]

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Kvetching About the Casey Anthony Verdict and Other Subjects

  1. Look at unemployment numbers and other things. When the jury decided to go after the majority in and of the world to do evil (cf. Ex 23:2) and disregard tzedek (cf. Micah 6:8), the United States felt the crunch.
  2. Bernie Goldberg pointed out that Geraldo Rivera would feel differently if a border agent murdered a Mexican immigrant. In a reverse and real-life case, a Mexican immigrant murdered a 15-year-old girl as opposed to a border agent, but I wonder how Geraldo feels about that as well (and I hope that this explains the parallel which I was trying to draw).
  3.  Southern Sudan and the Supreme Court pointlessly stood up to a part of the inevitable one-world government (cf. Daniel 7:23-28), but at least the Supreme Court stood up to an organization which the US could disband if Dani'el's prophecy weren't going to be fulfilled anyway (As for Sudan, that's another discussion.).