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Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maltipoos. Show all posts

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Somewhat Offbeat: One Heartbroken & Confused "Momma" That Keeps Failing Reilly

As "Momma" has written, she doesn't know what who she thinks (or at least hopes) that Reilly's "Daddy" sometime in the future—though she doesn't know exactly when—wants. She keeps getting mixed signals—which hurt like Hell—and thus failing Reilly. Even again, Reilly is exhausted—as "Momma" is exhausted—due to—besides that "Auntie Michelle" failed to bring Reilly down on time again—being awake due to feeling heartbroken and confused, and trying to figure out what's going on as far as he's concerned.

Maybe "Momma" just ought to give up hope and wait for someone else for her and Reilly's sakes, though whether "Momma" will find a helpmate for herself and a "Daddy" for Reilly if she moves on is questionable

How Reilly Coped With "Auntie Michelle" And "Momma" Having Friends Over

She coped well, actually—and she and "Auntie Michelle" even did an impromptu photo shoot, which was all impromptu on Reilly's part:

Relaxing beforehand.

Reilly is warming up to a friend.

Reilly's looking to see what's happening.

"Auntie Michelle" goofing with her furniece, whom's giving her kisses and receiving belly rubs.

Of course, "Mom-Mom" got stockings for her grandbrats.

PS To be honest, Reilly probably coped better than "Momma" overall—e.g., there were points when "Momma" sure'd've loved help to roll over a barky Reilly and ask her, "Who rules?". Also, puppies and even friends can't fill a certain kind of void.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Momma"'s New Year's Resolutions To Reilly (God Willing)

While "Momma" grants that even Kirk Douglas doesn't have tomorrow unless God wills that he does, "Momma" makes these resolutions to Reilly—and assuming that she's even alive by January, "Momma" will try to fulfill (if Yehovah wills) the resolutions to try to:

  1. Not fail Reilly
  2. Find whoever Reilly's "Daddy" is for Reilly—whether he is who "Momma" thinks (or at least hopes that he is) or she has to settle for whom she can get
  3. Somehow get out of the U.S. or die trying if Trump gets his way
  4. Be a better "Auntie" to Camille for Reilly's and Camille's sakes

יהי רצון יהוה לעשות הרצון שלו.

PS After "Momma" got offline after checking some things (including the status of her hopefully-soon-to-be-published second book), "Momma" saw a resemblance to her—and thus to Reilly's "Pop-Pop", and thus Kirk Douglas—in Reilly—"Momma" was both amused and unamused.

As Much As Reilly Taught "Momma" Patience...

Camille taught someone else compassion—the "someone else" happens to be the same can-be-contentious person as before, and Reilly's lesson in patience helped "Momma" to ask her to be compassionate to a mutual friend whom has a lot on his or her plate.

The long story short is this: when "Auntie Nicole" asked Camille to ask the being-contentious person to show some compassion, Camille gave "Auntie Nicole" kisses on her hands (Maybe "Auntie Nicole" is a godmother—or "godmomma"—too. 😉).

Reilly also asked the needing-to-be-compassionate person to be compassionate by going over to the person and giving her kisses!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Maybe Reilly's Teaching "Momma" A Lesson About Patience—Or At Least...

Maybe God's using Reilly to teach "Momma" about patience—or resignation. For example, "Momma" didn't tell someone to stop annoying & loud whistling when she could have told her—and she said that she was "surprised that ["Momma"] didn't tell [her] to shut up"—and "Momma" herself just shut up as this person was whistling.

Meanwhile, "Momma" dealt with this contentious person earlier and saw how the contentiousness affected Reilly—poor, patient, unhappy Reilly—maybe at a subconscious level, "Momma" learned and later applied the lesson that she learned (or relearned at least) from Reilly—i.e., all that you can do in some cases is nothing but pray and otherwise shut up about it, especially if you've tried multiple times to reason with the contentious party or parties.

Reilly clearly got that this person can be contentious and wished that "Momma" wouldn't have to deal with when this person gets contentious—"Momma" could see that on Ri's face!

How Does Patient Reilly Deal With A Lonely & Afflicted—And Thus, Being A Bad—"Momma"?

Last night, Reilly waited patiently as "Momma"—whom thought that she and Reilly were going to go "night nights" earlier than they did—and "Momma" completely understood as Reilly gave her a look of skepticism when she told her that they were "going upstairs now", and it took "Momma" a while to get Reilly to come to go upstairs—and Reilly waited patiently as "Momma" read to get to sleep, too.

Understandably, Reilly was a little sleepy this morning—although she was excited to go downstairs to "go potty" and have her morning "num nums". She also had to be convinced by "Momma" to find "Froggie" in the "blankie" as well.

Incidentally, one's basic vocabulary has to frequently be utilized with her or his puppies—including adult puppies—e.g., with the more-complex "blanket" becoming "blankie" and more-complex "breakfast" becoming "morning 'num nums'", despite that some puppy owners do often use more-complex vocabulary with their puppies—e.g,, when "Grandaunt Frannie" told "Momma"'s fur cousin and Reilly's match Kelso, "Kelso, finish your food."

Speaking of complex vocabulary and matches—and with " Momma" going back to the original point, Reilly fully understood when "Momma" encouraged her in standing up to her match Camille—"Good girl—good standing up to Cam!"—when Reilly growled at Camille for not letting her try to find "Froggie", too. "Momma", of course, had to originally coax Reilly by saying, "You're okay. You don't have to be afraid of Cam."

If only "Momma" had someone like that in her corner—especially as, e.g., the OCD/Anxiety and the Depression take a toll on her and drain her to the point where she can't muster the energy and make the time to frequently brush Reilly's "teethers"—although to be fair, Reilly did (and God must have moved Reilly to) give "Momma" fully-understanding-that-"Momma"-is-going-through-a-hard-time kisses while "Momma" prayed over her for God to protect her "teethers" and prayed with her otherwise.

Nonetheless, not having a helpmate to "Momma" and "Daddy" to Reilly is hard on "Momma"—and if Reilly's eventual "Daddy" is who "Momma" thinks that he is and who might even hope that he is someday (although "Momma" doesn't quite know what he wants and where he is in life), "Momma" wants to know for both her sake and Reilly's sake—especially as, e.g, being lonely during the holidays (even with Reilly around—since there are voids that puppies can't fill) will only drain "Momma" more and compound "Momma"'s Cerebral Palsy that makes chasing Reilly to get recycled oatmeal packets that she somehow got out of her mouth (and luckily, it was an entirely- or almost-entirely-empty packet of just organic Oats and Flax Oatmeal with a little bit of organic sugar—and Reilly had her leash on when "Momma" went to retrieve the packet from her mouth—and Reilly did drop it the first time for a treat).

Added at 2:04 PM EST: Reilly let "Momma" take a picture in order to get a belly rub (12:57 PM EST)

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Offbeat: Exhaustation Finally Caught Up With "Momma" & Reilly...

Not to mention that loneliness caught up with "Momma", too; and it caused her the onset of a cold—including muscle aches—as well as other issues—including waves of nausea—over the past two days.

How does Reilly bear with "Momma"—whom Reilly could tell wasn't feeling as well as what feeling normal is for her?

"Momma" had to hold up a ball to get Reilly to look at the camera.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

"Mimi" Sings "White Christmas" To Camille

That is all.

Caption This, And...

The following captions will not work:

  1. "We're the 'Poos Sisters', and we're on a mission from God." 
  2. "We're the 'Poos Sisters', and we're on a mission from Dog." 
The main reasons:

  1. They are not sisters. Because they are biologically once-removed cousins and they are owned by sisters, to call them "sisters" would be inaccurate and sick.
  2. "Poos" or "Pooz" is generally one of Reilly's nicknames.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Reilly Let "Momma" Takes Some Pictures For Once In A While

To be fair, "Mom-Mom" was playfully staring down Reilly from a distance—and Reilly must've gotten either afraid or bored, and thus turned to "Momma" for help or becoming unbored:

"Momma" grants that these photos are flip phone-taken pictures, and that she was trying to catch Reilly staring at "Mom-Mom" before she turned around. Nonetheless, Reilly actually let "Momma" get some pictures of her. Meanwhile, "Auntie Nicole" must've taken these pictures of Camille shortly before she tried to teach Camille to "lie down" yesterday—by the way, Camille knows "Catch" as well!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Reworking On Teaching Camille To "Lie Down"

Understandably, meanwhile, Reilly wanted treats while Camille was getting treats as she was learning to lie down—and Reilly had to do a few tricks, including "Lie down." As for Camille, Camille was getting "lie down" without watching Reilly—all that "Auntie Nicole" had to do was a push-on-the-shoulders trick that two friends taught her.

Then "Mom-Mom" came and ruined all of that—since it was time for the girls' evening naps (and, thus, for the girls to go up with "Mom-Mom" until "night-nights" time), "Mom-Mom"decided that:

  1. "Auntie Nicole" had taught Camille enough and had given her enough treats for the time being.
  2. Camille could lie down just by hearing "Lie down" and watching Reilly lie down.
  3. Despite that her method didn't work, "Auntie Nicole"'s method still didn't work.
"Mimi" also was not exactly helpful when "Auntie Nicole" wanted to show that Camille is learning how to "lie down"—and Reilly stole some of Camille's treats that were meant to get Camille to get onto the couch to sit and have her shoulders pushed for her to "lie down"! 😬😖

("Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" gets little to no support! Even God seems to be, for whatever reasons, leave "Momma" hanging and providing few to no miracles!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Reilly Makes An Effort To Find At Least Leftover Treats This Time

Reilly again shied away from Camille, though she at least tried to find the treats that Camille may have left. She may have even gotten one, although "Momma" is not sure if she did—she was licking her lips at one point, though..

Incidentally, at least Camille and Reilly neither have weird toys nor could even probably navigate the box in the one toy—Camille would just chew it, or at least try to chew it—and it's quite a big box for a small puppy to carry, anyway.