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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

If You're In 90% Of the Populus (Hardly To Not At All Affected By a Disability)

As far as I know and with all due respect, you don't get it--and never did and never will. You don't get what, e.g., having been better off dead at birth would be like--you think about what others'd've think without thinking about how you wouldn't care, since you'd be dead. You don't get, as one article put it, being among the 20% whom society has put on the "discard pile"--and maybe even being lucky to be even on that! You don't get ableism and intra-ableism, or at least haven't had to think about it as much. You don't get when stories of hope, etc. can be--and even are--slaps in the face to you and mockeries of your pain, even if those aren't what they were meant to be. You don't get being used as a mean to an ableist end, whether or not the ableism is intentional. You don't get wanting to die and not trying anything mainly--or even only--because of the possibility of a botched
attempt (like my aunt actually had) and/or because you care about your pet, whom wouldn't understand, too much. (BTW, "Monroe Township", I saw that you visited my blog--now you know, if you didn't know before--and think of me as crazy, a liar, or whatever else you want--so be if you think the same or worsely of me now.).

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