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Saturday, May 24, 2014


You read about pregnant women being sentenced to death for their faiths, when you see that people have typed heinous words about a man who had a relapse when he was trying his best to recover from an addiction, when you know that you'll be called a "politically-correct [whatever it is]" for defending a man's apology for his insensitive comments about Black children who wear sweatshirts with hoods (and when you, he, and others darned well know that Trayvon Martin—who had pot in his system, etc.—would've done what he did with or without wearing a hoodie, since Trayvon's actions and intents therebehind were what got him into trouble), and when you defend someone and he or she thinks that you're attacking him or her (especially when he or she could read the whole context and should've taken the time to do so—and don't think that I don't notice those things; especially when:

  1.  you befriend, like, or follow me 
  2. you won't even take the time to see that I was defending you when someone else was attacking you
  3. you unfriend, dislike, or unfollow me because you think that I was attacking you)
By the way, I won't name the person, though you'll figure out who he or she if you take the time to read carefully what he or she should've read carefully. I didn't even solicit this person's follow, by the way: I just stated that I agreed with him or her on something, and that's when he or she followed me. When another person attacked him or her as a person who was spreading rumors, I asked that person point blankly if he or she thought that the person in question is a liar. So much for defending that person! Unless I have any reason to ever defend that person again, I won't; especially since he or she thinks that my defense of him or her is an agreement with his or her attacker.

Also, let me say that this a pattern in my life:

  1. I get attacked for defending people, and sometimes am accused of attacking them when I'm defending them.
  2. I get blamed for something that was done to me (e.g., I got blamed for almost getting hit when I was the one being harassed in the first place.).
  3. I get my words twisted constantly (besides that I have my defenses turned into attacks, I mean. I even had, e.g., someone recently say that I was blaming him or her for a situation in his or her life when all that I said was that I was dealing with depression that resulted from how I was affected by the situation in question.).
  4. I get lies brought up against me when I don't buy a story hook, line, and sinker. e.g., Bringing up that old Stefan Czarniecki canard will never make me again fall for that "Foczko"/"Focko" is a Slavic name and that we were Slavs! And that's something that I will bring up with names. I'm sorrowed that some hate that "Foc[z]ko" [from "foka"] is a pun and variant of "Siegel" [which has been translated to "Seal"] and that they have to act like Jack Czarnecki in the process—and it's not just Kevin, I assure you. I get the sense that others in the family want to think that I'm a meshugah klipeh.
There are other parts of the pattern, too....and they all culminate into that this is part of my only reason for living nowadays...

And sadly, I'm raising her in a messed-up-enough world; and here's hoping that I myself don't add to the world and its problems.

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