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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Notice To the Anti Messianics: Your "Rabbi" Will Be Contacted If He Or She Needs To Be

 If I ever catch any Anti Messianic infiltrating a Messianic website with which I am somehow involved, I may contact his or her "rabbi". Any Anti Messianic who’s stalking Messianics violates his or her interpretations of Deuteronomy 13, 18:10-12; and Numbers 19:11-21. His or her “rabbi” thus has the right to know if one of whom he or she has charge is out of line with his or her synagogue’s dictates.

After all, Anti Messianics should think that they’re in violation of Deuteronomy 13. Since they think that we’re really idolaters, they’re not supposed to hang around us. They’re supposed to stone us. Also, they're supposed to think that they’re in violation of Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and Numbers 19:11-21. They’re making contact with whom they think are the dead. Thus, any “rabbi” who has charge of them needs to know that they are committing what he or she would perceive as avodah zarah, and thus needs to sit shiva for them and/or put them through excommunication proceedings.

AddendumTo hound Messianics is fair to neither the Anti Messianic, nor the Messianics, nor the Anti Messianics' "rabbis". If you're Anti Messianic, know this: I’m not threatening you. I’m simply letting your “rabbi” know that you’re in violation of your synagogue’s dictates. You’re the one making contact with those whom you consider to be idolaters and the dead; and your “rabbi”, who has charge over you as your G-d-appointed shepherd, has the right to know what you’re doing.

Again, I’m not threatening you. I really did search one Anti Messianic's name, and will search your name if I need to let your "rabbi" know what you're doing. Your “rabbi” has the right to know that you are making contact with whom you and he or she consider to be idolaters and the dead. You are doing a disservice to yourself and your “rabbi” by making contact with whom you consider to be idolatrous and dead. Your “rabbi” needs to know if membership dues that are being paid by you could be considered defiled, since they come from one who has chosen to supposedly violate at least three of the 613 mitzvot.

Put in another way, if you’re violating your synagogue’s dictates by harassing us who are Messianic and thus making contact with whom you consider to be idolatrous and dead, then your “rabbi” is absolutely my business. Your “rabbi” has charge over you, and he or she needs to know that you have allegedly made contact with dead idolizers and given your synagogue defiled donations.

Addendum Two: If you start engaging in lashon hara by calling me an Anti Semite, stalker, etc.; I will definitely  be in contact with your "rabbi". I already told one Anti Messianic (and let her name be on record), You have allegedly broken four mitzvot, and actually broke one of the four–by your (not my) logic, you broke the other three mitzvot. You talk about having a matter both ways; look at you. I also made clear that I do not force (and have not forced) anyone to convert. You, on the other hand, are frequenting Messianic websites and harassing who you consider to be dead and idolatrous. As I said, my contacting of your “rabbi” is not an idle threat.

By the way, to whomever Leah (leah8)'s "rabbi" is, you need to know that your congregant is in violation of your synagogue's dictates and has given what you may consider defiled money to you.

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