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Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Reason That “Momma” Is a Human Mom...

In pictures:

Happy Mother’s Day to all human moms, whether they’re moms of human or fur babies— And whether they’re moms biologically, adoptively, or otherwise!

Monday, May 4, 2020

#MaltipooMonday: Camille and...

her “Mimi”. “Auntie Nicole“ could not resist capturing the moment in a photoshoot!

Sunday, May 3, 2020

#SillySunday and #SleepySunday: “I am trying to nap, and...

“It’s not easy when Auntie Michelle is listening to good music and Mom-Mom is cooking steak.”

On an incidental note, Happy Metcha Day, Reilly!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Commentary: A Call to Shalom—and Being Better Than “Best”

The future alone—and ultimately, the “I Will Be Who I Be”, the Creator of all time—will judge which was the true United States of America from 2016 to 2020 and hereafter, and who were the true Americans—those who subscribe to the more or less materialistic-mythical ethnic prejudices (not to mention other prejudices) of the day (for example, gender prejudices), or those Americans pure in heart, soul, and mind, heirs to the great Americans of the past whose tradition they revere and perpetuate.

....Actually, I just changed and added a few words. The original was the following quote from Edmund Husserl: 

“The future alone will judge which was the true Germany in 1933, and who were the true Germans—those who subscribe to the more or less materialistic-mythical racial prejudices of the day, or those Germans pure in heart and mind, heirs to the great Germans of the past whose tradition they revere and perpetuate.”

Every one of us needs to consider that this year as we vote, follow current events, and live our day-to-day lives coexistingly alongside fellow Americans and the strangers within our midst, even if we agree to disagree with them—especially if we ourselves are strangers because we are in various diasporas, and we can at least walk with others inasfar as we do agree with them.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

This Might Explain Part Of My Facebook And Other Silence Of Late

I am tired of having my Jewishness questioned (and that includes that I’m still upset over the fact that I even was once accused of questioning someone’s Jewish heritage when I defended somebody for being a ba’al teshuvah when he was being treated like a convert instead of somebody who found out about his Jewish heritage and chose to reconvert to traditional Judaism—that kind of stuff hurts, especially when you haven’t been believed about your own heritage). I didn’t even expect that I would ever find it out, and I didn’t even know about it for the first 18 years of my life. That’s not just something that you say that you are. I have also received Anti-Semitic threats, so it’s not just something that I would just say. I could easily pass like many of my ancestors did. I am an Ethnic Jew—albe mixed blooded—and a bat Anusim— that’s why I’m not as lucky as I have the direct evidence that everyone else has, although I do have circumstantial evidence that should be enough.

I could also convert to traditional Judaism just make everybody happy. I choose to be a Jewish Christian for a reason. “Were I to please everybody, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Multiple times – especially because of my Depression and other circumstances, with my Jewishness being questioned exacerbating all of it – I have thought about taking my own life just to be in Heaven and get the answers that way (I’ve also thought about coming back once I get those answers just to give them to everyone else, but who would believe me then? Besides, I wouldn’t want to come back), and there’s also that I wouldn’t have to suffer anymore. Yet, I know that Yehovah (B”H) has me here for a reason. “To live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Also, I’m too much of a coward to try taking my own life— besides, what would happen if I survive an attempt? And what would happen to Reilly if I did take my own life? I’d like to think that part of my purpose is to help others whom have had their own heritage questioned so that they don’t have to suffer what I’ve suffered, but at least the thought of what would happen if I tried to take my own life and survived possibly being worse than not trying to take my own life at all as well as trying to be a good “Momma” for Reilly keep me living.

PS In case it wasn’t obvious, many of the people who are questioning my heritage are just being bullies because of my mixed blood and because of my beliefs. I should clarify that because I was trying to be charitable, though I realize that with some of them being on my Facebook block list, perhaps I should be clear and not as charitable— though that they’re on my block list is enough,  I avoided blocking them for a long time, and I will not name them.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

On Yom HaSho’ah, We Must Remember Way More Than Six Million Jews Murdered In 12 Years

Truth be told, the Holocaust actually began in 1922 under Stalin in Soviet Russia and did not end until 1994 when the last Chief Rabbi of Aleppo, Syria left Aleppo. Too often, the Holocaust in the Soviet Union – including the “Doctor’s Plot”—is overlooked because Stalin fought as an Ally, and the Holocaust in the Middle East—including the razing of Jewish cemeteries and the Constantine Pogrom—is simply chalked up to Anti Semitism in the Arab and Arabized World. Until we recognize that the Holocaust in Europe did not end until the gulags were closed in 1960 and that the Holocaust in general did not end until October 1994, many more than half of American adults will be unaware of how many Jews really died in the Holocaust and how many Holocaust survivors there are.

Also, there were likely way more than 6,000,000 Jews—some of whom were not known and/or counted as Jews—murdered by the Nazis. Until we begin to remember the forgotten and count the uncounted and unknown Jewish victims—as well as the forgotten and uncounted gentile victims—of the Nazis, we can’t fully begin to remember Stalin’s forgotten, uncounted, and unknown Jewish victims or the Arabocentrists’ and Arabizationists’ forgotten, uncounted, and unknown victims.

If we forget to remember the way more than 6,000,000 Jewish victims as well as gentile victims of the Holocaust as well as the countless Jewish and gentile survivors whom were able to live to tell what they endured, may we be forgotten and left with nobody to tell about anything that we’ve endured—much of it quite small compared to what Holocaust victims and survivors endured (and what many survivors continue to endure—e.g., PTSD, loneliness due to having lost family members and other loved ones—including fellow survivors—over the years, poverty).