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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Now Reilly Had Her Turn At Being A Pawpupshka, And a Surprise

Reilly cooperated for a "dentastick" (what "Momma" generically calls Reilly's dental-stick treats).

And the little surprise....

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Camille In Reilly's Bandanna, Including In Superhero-Cape and Pawpooshka Style

Or (as "Mimi" says) Puppooshka, or Pawpupshka.

Camille iz a Yidishe pawpupskhe.

Not that Camille was happy about all of this, and "Mimi" wasn't exactly happy, either—in fact, "Mimi" accused "Auntie Nicole" of "violating [Camille]'s boundaries" by trying to keep the bandanna on her and continue the pawpupshke part of the photoshoot! Nonetheless, "Mimi" did help for some of the photoshoot.

On an incidental note, here's something that "Auntie Nicole" found before the photoshoot:

That right there is a gray hair that "Auntie Nicole" found and pulled out so that she could take pictures—with and without "Flash" turned on, on her camera—to prove that she found a gray hair, and she can tell you that things like being accused of "violating [Cam's] boundaries" just because "she doesn't like [wearing the bandanna]" affects her to get gray hairs!

Then again, that one is probably just because she's getting old—and worried as a "Momma" for her sake and for Reilly's sake.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Somewhat to Mostly Offbeat: What Do Reilly and "Momma" Have To Do With MLK Day? You May Be Surprised.

Reilly wouldn't even be with "Momma" if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others had not fought for the civil rights of all. This is because "Momma" would've been isolated from society in general at best and maybe even very hurt at worst since she is a Jew whom has disabilities. After all, Jews and people with disabilities were certainly treated poorly before those like Dr. King and Dr. King's compatriots Dr. Abraham Joshua Heschel and Eunice Kennedy Shriver fought for the rights of all Americans to be treated as people.

Even more startlingly (as "Momma" learned today, though she shouldn't have been surprised to learn it), the Congresspersons who authored the Civil Rights Act deliberately excluded people with disabilities. Of course, there weren't even federal education laws that unequivocally prohibited discrimination until "Brown v. Board"—not to mention that there were once quotas for Jews at Harvard, and Willowbrook "State School" (or more like Willowbrook Institution of Unspeakable Ableism) did not even begin to be investigated until almost a decade after the Civil Rights Act passed.

Thus, Reilly obviously wouldn't have a "Momma" with any disability, let alone a "Momma" with Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—and on a related note, imagine all of Reilly's canine compatriots whom wouldn't be there to help people whom needed service puppies¹!

¹ Even service dogs, despite their training, remain just as puppylike as, if one will, their civilian or laypuppy counterparts. Service puppies, including emotional-support and therapy ones, could be considered at least sort of like canine civil servants or public-service puppies, since they help Americans with disabilities such as U.S. Armed Forces veterans and others with PTSD to be able to live among the general population within an unfortunately-still-generally-ableist society.

MLK Day Card From Reilly And Camille

PS "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" came up with this as she was setting up preparations to make the card. She saw Reilly resting and Camille sleeping, and there was her idea.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Poll: Where Would You Rather Live?

In response to Peter Sweden's leading-question poll, I created the following poll:

Sweet Reilly Strikes (Or Rather, Paws) Again

Just like last time, Reilly reached out to "Momma" with her paw. This time, put however, Reilly put her paw on "Momma"'s hand and put it back on her hand after "Momma" had to pull it away for some reason and then tell her, "Okay; you can put your paw back on my hand now." or ask her to put it back on her hand—since she appreciated her "dogter"'s sweet gesture.

Then Reilly put her paw on "Momma"'s arm before "Momma" decided to move over all of the way and rest her head on her arm, since she decided that both of them needed to get some sleep.

Reilly truly is an empath and her "Momma"'s girl.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hawai'i Dropped A Huge Ball Re Their "Mistake", Since...

They could've easily their "mistake" an inadvertent ballistic-missile drill. After all;

  1. Hostile governments—including the Iranian, Russian, and North Korean governments—have made quite clear their intents to try to engage the United States, Israel, and others in nuclear wars.
  2. Especially with Russia, history is repeating itself—don't, for example, the Baby Boomers and even some Gen Xers in the Hawai'ian government remember the under-the-desk drills?
  3. All one needs to do is look at a few Google maps to see why Hawai'i's "mistake" of a ballistic-missile warning could've been an opportunity for a ballistic-missile drill.
In conclusion, then, the Hawai'ian government is either oblivious or complicit regarding the danger that Anti-American governments pose to Hawai'i and the rest of the United States—and not to mention that on the flip side, an island government that is still allied with Russia once tried to go after the United States (Don't the Baby Boomers and still-living members of previous generations remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?).