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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Who Advised Andrea Bocelli To Take Donald Trump's Offer In the First Place?

Were I one of Andrea Bocelli's managers or PR agents, I've written a memo of dissuasion such as:

"Absolutely not. You're Italian, Roman Catholic, and blind. Do you really think that Donald Trump—a known admirer of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, and their contemporary counterparts such as Saddam Hussein and Putin—would be good to you? He doesn't like any Olive—let alone Latin—people, Christians—let alone KKK-despised Catholics, or people with disabilities.

"You do realize, by the way, that Italians and Hispanics are not the only Olive people whom he hates, right? If you didn't, know that he also hates—for example—Jews, such as Jesus—for starters, ask Julia Ioffe and other Diasporan Jews, and certainly ask Jews under Ultra-Orthodox oppression—then you'll understand why he supports the Netanyahu and the Ultra Orthodox.

"As for Christians, he can't love Christians (let alone be a Christian) since he hates Jews—and I can't help you if you need that one explained to you—and since he helped his KKK-affiliated father discriminate against Blacks, he couldn't love Christians or be a Christian even if he didn't hate Jews.

"As for people with disabilities, ask Sergei Kovaleski and Marlee Matlin—the latter of whom is also Jewish, which is another obvious reason that Trump targeted her.  As for Sergei Kovaleski, by the way, Slavophobic Trump would doubly despise him regardless of whether he's Jewish with a Slavophonic surname or ethnically Slavic—ask his ex-wife Ivana and the Polish workers that he exploited.

"In conclusion, then, I hope that you understand why you should not take the offer of a known White Supremacist and ableist—let alone one that is a KKK aider and abetter—after all, being a blind Latino whom claims a Jew as your Savior inherently put you among the kind of the people that Donald Trump hates."

In Contrast To How "Momma" Is In One Of Reilly's Typical Days...

Reilly is one of the few bright spots in any of "Momma"'s days of late. Even yesterday, for example, "Mom-Mom" took Reilly along with her when she went to pick up "Momma" from counseling (yes, counseling 😳; partly because "Momma"'s trying to be a better "Momma" to Reilly). At one point, Reilly even let one of the staff at the counseling firm pet her, growled either playfully or jealously, and then went back to allowing scritches and giving kisses.

That's also literally one of the few clearly-enough-rememberable moments from yesterday in which Reilly was involved—some other events that involve Reilly, and some other events within the day, are either not as rememberable (with "Momma"'s ADD, etc. fogging up those events) or not specifically involving Reilly.

As for Reilly, she—"Momma" can assure you—would be embarrassed to have "Momma" as her human mother if she had—or at least could communicate—any canine equivalent of human understanding in regards to "Momma" being an almost-27-year-old female human whom has disabilities (Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses) and, as a result, is still living with her own human mother and without Reilly's "Daddy" in her life for the time being (if there even is a "Daddy" for Reilly at this point—or at least if Reilly's future "Daddy" is whom "Momma" thinks, or at least hopes, that he is).

("Momma" gets jaded and very cynical very quickly, and Reilly would probably be embarrassed by that.)

For whatever reason, though, "Momma" is (or is she) a bright spot in Reilly's day(?).

 ⃰ PS: If it isn't too much to ask of Reilly's possible future "Daddy", couldn't he at least let "Momma" know what he's thinking on his end for her and Reilly's sakes? The ballso to speakis in his court and a ball that not even Reilly or Camille could get and/or bring to "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" without him throwing for them first and/or telling them to come get it.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Troublemaker Gets "Momma" Into Trouble Again

To be fair, "Auntie Michelle" also got "Momma" into trouble—she didn't close the bathroom door! Assuming that both Reilly and Camille were on the sofa behind her, "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" got the brunt of "Mom-Mom"'s anger concerning what "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" and Reilly did—and "Auntie Nicole" is pretty sure that Camille was an accomplice or accessory this time!

Puppies—including adult puppies—can know enough to, e.g., not "peedy in the house" or play with the bathroom trash—let alone try to eat the toilet paper that she scattered within the bathroom, hallway, and kitchen! Of course, "Momma" and "Mom-Mom" did not let Reilly get away with playing with the bathroom trash, trying to eat the toilet paper, or trying to be cute to get away with it.

At least Reilly's baby-puppy-like behavior is keeping her young at heart and in mind, and may keep her sharp minded and baby-puppy-like when (God willing) she's a senior puppy.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

A Distinct Sniff, Sneeze, Bark, Or Other Noise In The Kitchen Lets "Auntie Nicole" Know That...

A certain fur niece of hers is coming down to "go potty" for the night. Meanwhile, she just turned around, saw Camille come into the family room, gave her a scritch as she came over to her, and turned around to see that she had gone away from her and up onto the couch.

Camille and Reilly surely provide levity, comfort, consistency, or whatever it is that they provide in these dark, uncertain, and troubling times—and "Momma" is giving Reilly scritches with her left hand as she types with her right pointer finger.

"hay hogan what about martin omaly's taxes on us in his last 8 years what did u do forget."

With all due respect:

You have no clue if you think that Governor Hogan can just automatically undo eight years of the Maryland voters' damage—since we as voters (even those of us whom voted for Ehrlich) need to take responsibility for the eight years prior to 2015. Besides, having a General Assembly whom generally pits itself against any Republican administration won't help get the O'Malley Administration tax initiatives repealed.

In Howard County (where, by the way, he had to quickly appoint a new sheriff after the Fitzgerald scandal), a microcosm of that can be seen: automatically undoing the Ulman Administration's and the County Council's Ulman Administration damaging initiatives won't happen overnight, especially since the County Council has four Democrats and one lone Republican—and by the way, in a county in which Jewish voters are expected to be Democrats (this, for example, despite that Ulman ran with one of the initiators of the abysmal Annapolis Conference, that Councilman Fox got elected at all is amazing—and of course, 80% of the County Council is generally pitted against a Republican Administration.

Also, Governor Hogan fought Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma—get a clue if you think that he had time and/or energy to even begin to try to repeal the O'Malley Administration tax initiatives (and Governor Hogan is not an authoritarian whom'd just override the assembly—if you want an authoritarian whom'd override a legislative body of any kind, look to the Donald Trump for whom Governor Hogan refused to vote). Besides, not even a full two years since Governor Hogan's case of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma went into remission have passed.

In conclusion, the only way that you'll reverse eight years of damage by a Maryland-elected O'Malley Administration is to do what Governor Hogan is doing:

  • Respect the will of Maryland's voting population—whose demographics he also needs to consider
  • Call for the General Assembly to participate in bipartisan and interbranch cooperation
  • Realize that the Hogan Adminstration battle is parallel to the much-smaller-scale Kittleman Administration battle—in which the Hogan Administration sometimes has to involve itself
  • Consider that nobody can just bounce back from even in-remission cancer, let alone Stage-Three Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma—especially when the General Assembly seems to want to deliberately drain any Republican governor of any energy and resources, let alone relatively-recently-in-remission Governor Hogan of day-to-day energy and other resources that he needs to have to affect any reversal of the damage that the O'Malley Administration caused.

⃰ O'Malley and Brown could've easily said, "Not in this city" and "Take it to another city"—by allowing an Annapolis Conference in which the Anti-Semitic "Palestinian" Authority participated, O'Malley and Brown were just as responsible for the Annapolis Conference as anyone else whom was involved with it.

"Golden Showers" & More Of Another Case Of Why Not All That Glitters Is Gold

  1. I don't ever again want to hear anybody lambasting Bill Clinton—whom, along with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump supported for years—if he or she will defend Donald Trump. Besides, bad enough is that Donald Trump has a jet worth $100 Million that actually has a sink that someone plated with 24k gold—so, conceivably, he could've had golden(-plated) showers—as the case turns out, and as I found out with Urban Dictionary, Donald Trump's "golden showers" aren't showering apparatuses that are made of gold. Again, Bill Clinton's a rich pervert and Donald Trump's not?
  2. Donald Trump is continuing to try to ban press members whom disagree with him.
  3. More and more evidence is coming out that Russia colluded with Trump (not the other way around, if you notice—unless the "golden showers" scandal does Donald Trump in, Ribbentrop is continuing to play Molotov).

Jealous Reilly Can Hold A Grudge, As Evidenced Today

Just a few minutes ago:

When the person whom helps "Momma" to get out and walk every day came over today (per "Mom-Mom"'s insistence, though having an aide in general is embarrassing for 26-going-on-27 "Momma") and gave Reilly scritches, Reilly liked the scritches—and then came the aide's wanting to give Camille scritches. Reilly held a grudge of jealousy against her up until just now, and she even licked Camille's teeth in a show of dominance after she walked away from barking jealously at her. Currently, she is enjoying a belly rub while Camille looks on and doesn't even try to get scritches or belly rubs—Camille will not try to mess with Reilly, and she's looking at the aide to let her know that—per the expression on her face, "I'm not messing with Reilly."

To be fair, she's also sleepy—and so is Reilly, who's being lulled off to a nap with belly rubs. Meanwhile, Reilly probably needs the nap, anyway. Incidentally, "Momma" needs to get to writing that book on Reilly!