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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Why I Don't Want To Start Off With An Entry-Level Job: Hint: It's Not Because I Feel Entitled

It's because an entry-level job may be my only job if I were to take one. Having Cerebral Palsy as well as OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD, I am not viewed as an employable person whom happens to have a physical disability and mental illnesses—I am viewed as an unemployable disability and cocktail of mental illness whom is good enough only for an entry-level job if I'm good enough even for that, and never up able to move in the career ladder because I am a disability and cocktail [of] mental illnesses—I am viewed as a would-be embarrassment, liability, expense, and burden to employers.
I know how I'm viewed because I've lived it in all realms of my life—e.g., familial, romantic, academic, and obviously professional. 

That's part of why I'm working on becoming an analyst-commentator and author—I do not want to be viewed as an unemployable disability whom's good only for entry-level jobs if I'm ever be employable at all. I also do not want to be defined by my disabilities—in fact, I just yelled at my sister as I was about to type "stop telling me to be an advocate for people with disabilities":

There you ******* go.

Too many a family member, friend, and other kind of person have suggested that I be an advocate for people with disabilities—just as my sister suggested that I start an organization for people with disabilities—I compare it to when African Americans were viewed as disabilities because of their skin color and definable only by their skin color, which was viewed as a disability.

Just like Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African Americans whom did not want to be defined "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character", I did and do not want to be viewed as and defined by my Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD—I want to be defined as an employable person and contributing member of society whom happens to have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

More About Deeply-Thought-Of Considerations: Why I've Become A Skeptic About Finding Someone (e.g., More Of Part Of the Ugly Part)

Since I have, e.g., Cerebral Palsy and Depression, I might be a burden and medical expense in of myself to many a guy, which is part of what I've considered: I know that many a guy would not end up staying with someone like me in the long term—besides, I need someone whom's physically and mentally stronger than me, and would be willing to be strong enough for me.

I've seriously become a skeptic about finding someone because of that—that is, because I have C.P., Depression, etc.. On one dating website, I had to block one person because of his ableism, etc.. Another, I'm pretty sure, rejected me because of my disability:

"Thank you for the kind message, but unfortunately I'm looking for a different type of girl." 

Yeah; "[d]ifferent type of girl" my tuchus—he could've just been honest instead of backhandedly polite. I also think that prospects have gone down since I posted a picture with me with my cart (What did they want me to do: lie?!). 

As I stated, I've seriously become a skeptic about finding someone because of that—not to mention the rampant ableism in our society, anyway; such as regarding the awful case of the ableist (and perhaps Anti-Semitic) TSA agent whom battered a girl named Hannah Cohen.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

If I Didn't Keep Asking People To Pray For Me (And For Others), Then...

People would have to worry. Right now, I'm only getting older every day and not strong enough for myself—I'm still, e.g., jobless, single, etc.—and I've blogged and otherwise written, as well as spoken about, my struggles with Cerebral Palsy, mental illnesses, etc..

Besides, I can ascertain that many other people with disabilities and mental illnesses can relate—and who knows whether or not they feel like they wish they had the courage to speak up like I'm speaking up; despite that I'm just talking about what I endure in part to keep myself from doing something detrimental to myself, as opposed to being courageous? After all, addictions (e.g., Alcoholism) and suicide run in my family; and bottling anything up can become dangerous to the point of fatality.

If nothing else, keeping myself alive for some reason is somehow being for others and not just myself, isn't it?

This one is a Vincent van Gogh drawing that found on Wikimedia Commons.

This one I found on Facebook as I was browsing. This speaks to a lot of what I'm enduring—the loneliness, missing a lot of people, some secrets that even I, the type that believes in as much full disclosure as possible, have; and, in my case, knowing that people like me are out there and wondering why I have to numb, mitigate, or suppress my own pain just because others are suffering. Incidentally, I think about my two ex boyfriends, each of whom I had to report to the police and should not have dated in the first place—I dated one from August 4, 2004 to about May 19, 2005; and the other one I dated for literally six days, or at least I initially remembered from about February 26, 2013 to March 2 or 3, 2013. Maybe it was 10 days, from about February 20th to March 2nd—either way, that came after almost eight years of being single again and is being followed by over three years of being single again for a second time.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: Posts About Brexit-Turning-Bregret Are More Proof That LinkedIn Is Being Misused? No.

As I replied to someone whom observed that 10,000 Brexit-turned-Bregret posts is more proof that LinkedIn is turning into another social medium as opposed to a professional one, I'll observe here: 10,000 Brexit-turned-Bregret posts is actually not a part of that proof.

In fact, since Brexit-turned-Bregret-hopefully-turned-Bredemption affects the UK's and other countries' workforces, 10,000 posts about what could eventually be Britain's Kol Nidre moment demonstrate that LinkedIn is a professional forum wherein Britain's possibly-eventual Kol Nidre moment is concerned. After all, LinkedIn users seem to have concern about, for example, Jewish, Polish, and other workers whom could be forced to leave the United Kingdom's and other workforces if Brexit ends up not turning into Bredemption.

These LinkedIn users understand that these discriminated-against citizens and legal non-citizen workers could be forced to leave the workforces, leave empty professional niches behind them, and leave already-vulnerable economies more vulnerable along with the global economy which each country's economy affects in some way—and the BNP/"Britain First" crowd will have Britain be the first to professionally and economically crash if they have their way.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn, With Some Additions And Revisions Here: Can "Bregret" Turn Into "Bredemption"/"Breversal"/The UK's "Kol Nidrei" Moment? | Nicole V. Czarnecki | Pulse | LinkedIn

When I wrote about "Bregret", I did not write about it for no reason. As Labour Party MP David Lammy and other UK citizens are begging, "Let us not destroy our economy on the basis of lies and hubris...".

Destroying an economy includes throwing people out of workforces, for example; and unless Britain can turn "Bregret" into "Bredemption"/"Breversal", the UK is in trouble.

May there be a "Bredmption"/"Breversal" that we can truly call the UK's "Kol Nidre" moment—since Yom Kippur 5776 is coming up in October, anyway, and the UK may have time to reverse their "Leave" votes and keep PM Cameron from stepping down in October. After all, this seems to be the tone of many of the 52% of UK voters whom prohibited the UK from vowing itself to the EU any longer:

"Prohibitions, oaths, consecrations, vows that we may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves..."regarding them all, we regret them henceforth."
By the way, PM Cameron is a descendant of Eliyahu HaLevi Levita, and that makes the Yom Kippur connection all the more fitting.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Originally On LinkedIn: The Brexit (Soon To Be Bregret) And The Workforce

  1. Are you a Jew, Pole, Syrian or Iraqi (perhaps even a Syrian or an Iraqi Jew) or other person whom's part of a Non-United Kingdom ethnic group? If so, get ready to be stereotyped—as if you haven't already been—whether or not you're legally in the United Kingdom. You'll be treated as a foreigner whom's encroaching on the United Kingdom's job market, whether or not you already have a job and are a person with a good work ethic. By the way, read some of the posts on Polish Forums if you don't believe me in regards to the United Kingdom's Polonophobia—I have read about how Ethnic Poles and other Poland-connected people are treated.
  2. Did you already read about how the NYSE and French, German, AsiaPacific (e.g., the Japanese Nikkei), and even the UK stock markets were hit? If you pay attention to history, you know that the Brexit-affected hits could lead to another Depression—and of course, more Anti Semitism (which may include another Holocaust), Polonophobia, and other xenophobia. Remember that Anti Semitism (and other xenophobia) and the 1929 NYSE Crash exacerbated each other—and a "Deutschland first" eerily echoes into almost 87 years later with "America first" (the slogan of a certain businessman whom hates Jews and exploited Polish workers in the United States) and "Britain first" (the slogan of the British National Party). Also remember how, e.g., a certain Otto Frank lost his job at his company and had to hide in an Annex at his former company's building.
  3. Do you follow how the number of joblessness claims in the United States constantly rises and falls, and often comes in lower per the estimated amount of rising and higher per the estimated amount of falling? If you are in the United States, do not think that you are immune to being among the jobless someday—after all, many people during the Great Depression thought that they would be immune until, for example, the bank runs started happening in even the small towns.
Do not think that, for instance, giving the wolves Cameron and Merkel—two of the greatest allies of Israel, the people from whom many great professionals came—will not affect you, especially since not every Jew was able to bless the world like Drs. Einstein and Salk were. Also, many startups and other businesses that are in or linked to Israel will be hit—as if, for instance, Sodastream being hit and many gentile workers losing jobs wasn't enough. By the way, I can reasonably guess that at least one former Sodastream employee may be among the refugees, many of whom are escaping Daesh (now called the "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria".

Incidentally, why we call Daesh a state is beyond me—since Daesh is not a legitimate state. By the way, "ISIS" does not like the name Daesh, which is exactly why I call them that—I refuse to recognize an aspiring state whom plans to be a terrorist state, and whom is already taking livelihoods and lives away from many people. Besides, all one needs to do is look at terrorist states like North Korea, where the economy is abysmal and echoes of the Holocaust—including the German and Russian parts (with the gulags being a part of the Russian part)—permeate the lives of the North Korean people.