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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Something To Make Your Own and Share

I saw this on a Facebook friend's status, and I decided to personalize it. This isn't stuff that I haven't talked about in some capacity before, by the way. Incidentally, Great-Granddad Czarnecki could have (if God willed) lived to be 111 this month (October 24th) had he not committed suicide (Trust me; he has a certain cousin whom is 98 and will, if God wills, be 99 this year. He could easily have had that longevity gene, and only God knows if he did.).

Do me a favor, then, and make the following your own in a Facebook status, note, or something:

Depression is real and relentless. I and others have been on that edge, and I myself ended up in Sheppard Pratt over it in April of 2006 (To hide that is useless, especially when why the Depression was exacerbated affected me to threaten myself.). I'm therefore asking everyone to stop hiding their own Depression or whatever mental illness(es) you have (I also have, e.g., OCD, by the way.).

On the other hand, you can continue to hide it as many in my family have hidden it and did hide it—and let's see how well that works for you. Let me give you a hint: it doesn't work—if, for example, my father's paternal grandfather (Anthony Czarnecki, RIP) and maternal great-granduncles Alexander and Frank Fosko (z"l) could come back, they'd tell you.

So would their father, Istvan Foczko (z"l)—he was in his 50s when he died, had six sons and one daughter, and has never had his cause of death mentioned. Statistically, there is no other possibility that he died in any other way than by suicide—whether 29% of a chance (since two of his seven children committed suicide, and if you round the percentage up) or 66% (since two of his six sons committed suicide) the chance is well above 10%, and even 25%. The average of 29 and 66 is 47.5—so, think about that: almost 50% of a chance that he committed suicide, and the other 50-53% (that he didn't commit suicide, and that he even would have lived past his 50s) may well have happened if he had talked about what he endured. 

Meanwhile, I'm asking everyone to copy and paste this status—and personalize it. If only I was sharing a personal struggle with mental illness, it'd be a damned shame. Besides, you don't know whom you might help if you (in the words of my father's paternal grandmother, z"l) "talk about it" (When she broke down and told my aunt about many things before she died, those were her exact words after 90-plus years of life—"No; no, it's okay: I want to talk about it."). ♥

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

HaChodesh b'Sukkot

HaChodesh b'Sukkot

Monday, September 28, 2015

Camille post spay. Thank you for the continuing prayers.

Camille post spay. Thank you for the continuing prayers.

Prayer Request Re Michelle's Puppy Getting Spayed

Pray for Camille. She is getting spayed at 8:00. She is now almost 9 pounds and over a foot long. She is still small, though, despite that she is half of a year old.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why I Do What I Do As A (Hopefully-To-Be-More-Than-Aspiring) Commentator, Etc.

I saw that (who I think is) a relative liked one of my posts on my public Facebook page. See; that's part of why I do what I do, too—to bring my families and families like mine back into the fold of Israel​. Mind you, I am not asking anyone to convert back to Rabbinical Judaism—whether you're Messianic or not is your schtick.

Frankly (and I've said this before), I wouldn't care about my Jewish heritage if Jesus (Yeshua) weren't in my life—or, on the other hand, I'd, with all due respect, end up Reform Jewish—and I myself cannot abide by a doctrine that states:

"[T]he texts are certainly divinely inspired and reflect our ancestors' best understanding of God and their covenant with God, as well as their view of God's will, but that is not the same as being divinely-authored."
I've even said that my own father would be Reform were he honest with himself (and he would; trust me), and other relatives (e.g., certain Daniloviches) have gone this way (and they weren't even among the kevorim whom were Anusim).

(By the way, I can assure that the URJ's position does not reflect the position of all Jews in the city in which I was raised; and I apologize for Rabbi Scheinerman on behalf of Columbia-born and -raised. Whatever any of us think of the Talmud, quite a few of us believe in the Torah m'Sinai.)

I don't want especially anyone in hamishpachot b'mispachah Yisra'el sheli to think that:

  1. We ought to disown Yeshua just because we're Jewish and b'nei-Anusim.
  2. We ought to disregard our Jewish heritage because of Yeshua.
  3. We have no obligation to the rest of Beit Ya'akov
  4. We have to assimilate.
  5. We have any obligation to keep Torah, since it was fulfilled. 
There do not need to be any false mutual exclusions, let alone false dichotomies. As I said, then, part of why I do what I do, too is to bring my families and families like mine back into the fold of Israel​ without forcing them to give up or to accept Yeshua.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

For An Easy Fast On Yom Kippur

Thinking About Especially Martyred Jews And My Family Tonight: May Yehovah aveng

Thinking About Especially Martyred Jews And My Family Tonight: May Yehovah avenge the blood of all martyred Jews (incl. Anusim & b'nei Anusim; kedoshim & chalalei alike; e.g., Great-Granduncle Bernie, Joseph A. Andrulewicz, Bronislawa "Bernice" z Andrulewiczów Pozniakowa, Antoni Andrulewicz, Franciszek and Witold Andrulewicz with Janina Andrulewiczówna) & Philosemites swiftly & soonly. BTW, the chalalei and kedoshim that were named: DOW 1963, KIA 1944, murdered at Orlinek in 1944, kidnapped in his town of residence by the Nazis, held hostage in a Suwalki prison, and then murdered by execution in Suwalki in 1944; and murdered by the Soviets at the Augustów Massacre--all of branches of the Litvish-Poylishe mishpacha of Kohanim known as the Andrulevic(i)uses. Incidentally, I have no clue why we made up or took that name at Stakliskes--or Vilna or wherever--and I wouldn't lie to, e.g., Jose Gutstein, either--he'll, God willing, find and add those records to his collection, and owe me an apology--I, God willing, guarantee it and will, God willing, see those records myself. I know that the Czarnetzkas from Radzilow were Jewish and mishpacha, too--I am not as dumb as I look, and to group me in with those whom haven't been blessed with as much mental capacity as I have is actually an insult to them--they can't help where they are in life. I am also not a fool, although I am not wise--and the dumb are not necessarily fools, and vice versa.