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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Close To Death...And Would Blue Cross/Blue Shield Let Sophia Die?!

Would Blue Cross/Blue Shield have denied me because of my Cerebral Palsy (e.g., my ITB Pump) and other conditions? Why, then, would they deny Sophia? "Sophia was born 3 months early and spent 71 days in the NICU."

I was in Sophia's position. Diagnosed at 1.5 years old with Mild Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy, I had a Category-Three brainbleed that caused my CP on January 24, 1990 (and this was after I was born on January 23, 1990). I spent 75 days in the NICU because of it. I had come home on April 7, 1990; apparently unable to walk, talk, write, etc..

I beat the odds. Sophia did, too. Why doesn't Blue Cross/Blue Shield get that? Do they want her to die? They didn't want me to die (though, scarily, they might have were I born nowadays).

Monday, July 7, 2014

Update On Reilly

All groomed
- Nicole Czarnecki

Friday, July 4, 2014

Why One Petition To Facebook Matters On July 4th

We still need 96% more of 1,000 people against racism, sexism, and other abusiveness on Facebook. 4% just doesn't fully cut it, especially on July 4th and when Facebook is an American company.

I would venture to say that Facebook would be embarrassed to realize that they're allowing themselves to eschew their own TOS, which partly read:

"Facebook does not permit hate speech, but distinguishes between serious and humorous speech. While we encourage you to challenge ideas, institutions, events, and practices, we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition."

However, Facebook may be perfectly okay with eschewing this part of their TOS—and, thus, the American spirit (which is embodied in, e.g., "all men are created equal" [the "Declaration of Independence"] and "establish[ing] Justice, insur[ing] domestic Tranquility, provid[ing]  for the common defence, promot[ing]  the general Welfare, and secur[ing]  the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." [Preamble of the U.S. Constitution]).

Nonetheless, we who are fellow Americans and/or users of the American social medium known as Facebook are not okay with Facebook eschewing their own TOS in any way, let alone in violating the American spirit in doing so.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A Recent Point At Which I Had To Say "Never Again" Once Again

The Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s work on these issues is supported by a generous contribution from the Open Society Institute.

Once I read that, I knew that I had made a mistake and that Masada2000 wasn't too harsh on or chauvinist against Anat Hoffman after all. While I'll continue to support Women of the Wall, I will never again support Anat Hoffman or any branch of the Religious Action Center. While I do not know Ms. Hoffman's motives—whether or not they are malicious—I do know George Soros' motives, and he has made them clear to anyone who cares to research and read, listen to, and otherwise know about and know what he has said. I also know that while he had "fun" as a kapo, he put the blood of Levais, Nagys, and other relatives on his hands.

Meanwhile, I thought that I was just helping stop the further Haredization of Ha'Eretz v'Medinat Yisra'el. George Soros tricked me (and while I certainly don't agree with the URJ or RAC on everything, I thought that I could walk with them where I agreed with them); George Soros may be tricking Anat Hoffman (and "may be" is the key phrase—I certainly hope that Anat Hoffman is not malicious), and I hope that George Soros will not trick anyone else—at least ever again! If he does, though, he may want to keep fellow Jew George Wilson's words in mind:

God knows what you've been doing, everything you've been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!

By the way, Anti-Semitism alert: Baz Luhrmann put words into F. Scott Fitzgerald's pen and, thus, Tom Buchanan's mouth—Tom Buchanan never called Meyer Wolfsheim what Mrs. McKee called George Wilson. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Follow Up To (With Clarifications Re) Dennis Prager Exposé

As I stated, "Unlike Dennis Prager, by the way, the apparently-irresponsible writer was honest as to what most Anti-Messianic (maybe even most Non-Messianic) Jews think about Christian Zionists—and, of course, Jewish Christian Zionists!" This was in reference to "'a writer on [Christian Zionists, and one who had written about Jews for Jesus in relation to the apparently-separate Christian Zionists] in the liberal Jewish newspaper The Forward.'"

Let me reiterate: "Unlike Dennis Prager, by the way, the apparently-irresponsible writer was honest as to what most Anti-Messianic (maybe even most Non-Messianic) Jews think about Christian Zionists—and, of course, Jewish Christian Zionists!"

I respect those like Akiva David Miller (an openly-Anti-Messianic Haredi man) over those like Dennis Prager. After all, Akiva makes no bones about what he feels toward Messianic Jews and gentile Christians—sheer hatred and animosity. In fact, he is a friend of Messianic Jews and gentiles when he is compared to Dennis Prager:

Open rebuke is betterThan love carefully concealed. Faithful are the wounds of a friend,But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.

Akiva at least is willing to openly rebuke and wound us (although, as Messianics believe, misguidedly. Even if he never comes to believe in Yeshua [Jesus] as the Messiah, he would be less misguided than he is now if he came to realize what 34% of American Jews who are counted as Jews have come to realize: one can believe in Yeshua and still be Jewish, even though other Jews disagree with him or her on whether there is a literal Messiah—let alone about who Mashiach is! After all, believing in a Jewish man as the Jewish Messiah does not turn one into a gentile. Also, nobody can change his or her DNA.)

Dennis Prager, on the other hand, is exactly what I stated that he is: an enemy who is posing as a friend to Christian Zionists and promoters of Judeo-Christian values. Also as I stated, I respect those like Akiva over those like Dennis Prager, even though I don't like either one of them (despite that I have to love both of them as my neighbors and as fellow b'nei Yisra'elobviously to their chagrin, and they're welcome to let me know how and when believing in a Jewish man as the Jewish Messiah can change my DNA).

Dennis Prager Exposed With The Self-Incriminating Words of One of the Most Insidious Anti Messianics of All Time

Akiva David Miller (who, by the way, has never even been to Israel, as his public Facebook profile indicates) had the hutzpah to call his friend Dennis Prager his enemy:

Dennis Prager is a self-loathing Jew who neither speaks for other Jews nor knows what he's talking about when he talks about American Jewry. Prager is far more Christian than Jew and demonstrates that clearly with this ludicrous article. I am an Orthodox (Chassidish) American Jew who not only served our nation in the military but is intelligent enough to take seriously my pledge to defend the U.S. Constitution, along with its Establishment Clause. Prager is just one more history revisionist who wishes there were no such thing as a separation between Church and State; unfortunately for him both Jefferson and Madison knew better and wrote about that, leaving a clear historical record. Further, my activism on behalf of the 1st Amendment and the Separation of Church and State has nothing to do with secularism - I am a G-d fearing Orthodox Jew. Further, Prager is way off base when he insists that American Christians have noting in common with European Christians and their history of Anti-Semitism; the truth is that Anti-Semitism is alive and well among American Christians who routinely seek to inflict their cult of bigotry and hate on everyone else. Predatory proselytizing by American Christians is a cancer within our society and Fundamentalist Christianity is both a scourge within our society and a cult of hate. Unfortunately Prager is essentially a deluded member of that cult.
I frankly told Akiva what he needed (and probably wants) to read: Dennis Prager is actually his friend and an enemy to "that cult", especially the Jewish Christians among us. Dennis Prager's own words testify to that, by the way; and I made no bones about letting Akiva know that:

Akiva, chill out. First of all (and rather hypocritically), Dennis Prager has no kavod for Messianic Jews (Jewish Christians). In fact, he has gone out of his way to write about us, "I do not include among non-Jewish Jews those people who are born Jewish and convert to another religion, such as Christianity. These are Christians who happen to be born Jews, not non-Jewish Jews." (2006) 

Furthermore, he goes out of his way to blast George W. Bush for even speaking to Messianic Jews. "What Jews cannot respect is when Jewish converts to Christianity deny they are Christians, call themselves Jews, and devote their lives to converting other Jews." (2013) 

Secondly, he is pandering to gentile Christians so as to get support for his own agenda, which includes completely ostracizing and isolating Messianic Jews from the Jewish community. He even panders to the likes of "Jews need to be perfected [as if gentiles don't]" Ann Coulter. "Why is it laudable for a liberal to hope that conservatives convert to liberalism, but dangerous and hate-filled when a Christian hopes that Jews or anyone else will go to heaven (that is, after all, Ann Coulter's and most other Christians' primary concern) by believing in Jesus?" (2007) He even states, "As a practicing Jew, I do not agree with Ann Coulter's theology any more than those attacking her do. But I am neither offended by her nor frightened by her or her beliefs. She believes that Christianity is better than Judaism. So what?"

If anything, you're biting the hand of one of your Anti-Messianic ("Anti-Missionary") cohorts and friends. If I were you, I'd cheer Dennis Prager. He is doing exactly what you would like: pandering to gentile Christians to garner support for Israel and Orthodox and Haredi Judaism in the process, all while wanting to cut off and even obliterate Messianic Jews from among Israel. "The only positive Jewish response to Jews for Jesus is to figure out how to keep Jews Jewish so that they will not leave us for other secular or religious faiths. And the way to achieve that is to instill in young Jews faith in the Jewish trinity: God, Torah and Israel. Then they won’t seek any other trinity." (2013)

He wants exactly what you, Yad L'Achim, and your other cohorts want: to wholly strip us of our Jewish identities all because we believe in a Jewish man who he does not believe is the Messiah.

Don't believe it for yourself? Then do the Google searches on, e.g., "Dennis Prager [and] Messianic Jews" and "Dennis Prager [and] Ann Coulter". Also read his words about Messianic Jews and "Christian Zionists" (He, of course, is not talking about Jewish Christian Zionists.):

Jews should not allow their opposition to Jews for Jesus to bleed over to opposition to Christian Zionists, as a writer on this subject recently irresponsibly did in the liberal Jewish newspaper The Forward. Christian Zionists have been the best friends Jews have had for most of the last two centuries.
Dennis Prager—make no mistake—is dangerous and evil. Unlike Dennis Prager, by the way, the apparently-irresponsible writer was honest as to what most Anti-Messianic (maybe even most Non-Messianic) Jews think about Christian Zionists—and, of course, Jewish Christian Zionists!

So, as I told Akiva, I will tell every other Anti Messianic who wants hate on Dennis Prager—"If anything, you're biting the hand of one of your Anti-Messianic ("Anti-Missionary") cohorts and friends. If I were you, I'd cheer Dennis Prager.

As for what I'd tell Messianic Jews like myself and gentile Christian Zionists, avoid Dennis Prager as you would avoid those about whom Paul of Tarsus exhorted us millennia ago:

Yet I certainlydid not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person.
In this case, Dennis Prager claims to be a brother in the Zionist cause and in promoting Judeo-Christian values. Of course, Dennis Prager is really as such in terms of Zionism and Judeo-Christian values:

Andthis occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage), to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour, that the truth of the gospel might continue with you.

Plainly and in other words, Dennis Prager is a false brother in the very causes in which he claims to be a brother of Christians, Zionists, and Christian Zionists.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Jewish "Race" or Ethnos: Are We White or Olive?

While the debate continues, let's be very clear about whether Jews are White

The current U.S. Census definition includes white "people having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. So even if your skin got olive color you're still "white".

Actually, we're Olive. There are six "races"/macro-ethnic groups: the White (European), Black (African), Yellow (Asian/"Oriental"), Brown (e.g., Mexica, Taino), Red (as in Native North American; not the general "אדום", which אום was ), and Olive (e.g., Israelite/Jewish, Ishmaelite-Edomite/Arab, Iberian) "races". Many of us are products of inter-"racial"/interethnic unions, and we're nonetheless Olive-even if, e.g., we look White because of some Slav who converted to Judaism or because our gene pool microevolved to make us look White.

Here's what an יהודי קדמון looked like, by the way:

And let's be very clear: the man looks like Wolf Blitzer sans glasses or Billy Joel.