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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Am So Sick Of Greg Gutfeld's Silence....

It makes me sick.

Search Keywords

is greg gutfeld jewish

The truth came out about my family—despite my grandparents; despite Magdalena, Harry, and Jon; despite anyone else. The truth will come out about Greg Gutfeld's family eventually—whether or not it remains an unconfirmed fact in this lifetime, and whether it remains like (on the flip side) the fact that Kirk Douglas raped Natalie Wood (I say "flip" because being Jewish is good; raping someone is bad, and that Greg Gutfeld is Jewish is an unconfirmed fact as much as is that Kirk Douglas raped Natalie Wood.).

Life isn't a cry-and-dry mold in of itself. In fact, lives often don't fit molds. There are common threads in every life, and every life is nonetheless like every DNA code: no two are exactly like, even in twins. We're all descended from Adam and Eve (regardless of Bill Nye's denial of such a fact—e.g., that even Darwinian science has found, to their chagrin, a "mitochondrial Eve". No hard-line Darwinian wants to admit that the Bible is true. After all, that would knock their racist theories about how Whites are more civilized than Non Whites out of the water.), and we're all unique. Even Eve, who was taken from Adam's rib, had two strands of mtDNA—she was Adam's female clone, and really his daughter in a sense, and she was still unique from Adam (Think about that: we all came from a man and his virgin-birth daughter. Notice what the Creation itself prefigures, by the way. Of course, Adam and his daughter had to "be fruitful and multiply". Mary and Jesus thankfully did not have to do this or do it. Also, Jesus was asexual—if He wasn't, he'd've had to have a wife and children, meaning that the Crucifixion would've been impossible. A pure "lamb" was needed for the sacrifice, and a guy who needed to be married wouldn't be a sufficient candidate. By the way, sex and sexuality isn't evil; marriage just comes from one or both parties being unable to control their lusts.

(Anyway, back to the point...)

The point is that common threads do not make an one-size-fits-all mold. As I told Harry, life doesn't always fit molds. Besides, as I said, queries about Greg Gutfeld being Jewish are honestly the most numerous that have led to this blog prior to my even answering the query.


  1. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  47m
    The worst part is that we fell for it. Instead of firmly believing that the Jews are a people despite our differences, we chickened out.
  2. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  50m
    This guy only affected Jews to be in dread and not want to say, "You know what? We're a united heterogeneous people."
  3. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  53m
    Despite Jesse I. Strauss' total lie, being Jewish is ethnic and/or religious. One does not have to exclude the other...
  4. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  54m
    Besides, honestly to God, this is the most-searched query on my blog, even prior to my post: "greg gutfeld jewish 345"
  5. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  55m
    Also, as I've said, "I'm not Jewish; I'm Catholic." is a pretty-lame excuse. It's like, "I'm not White; I'm Rastafarian."
  6. Tiny Klout Flag43N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@Nickidewbear  56m
    I'm still sitting there going, "Out with it, Gutfeld." When Jews try to put exclusivity between being Jewish and Jesus is a damned shame.

One can be both Jewish and Catholic, or Jewish and Agnostic, or Jewish and Rastifarian, or Jewish and whatever else!

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Why Being Married As A Catholic "Antoni" and "Katarzyna" Does Not Exclude Julian's Parents From Being Jews

  • For one matter, the first ban was on the 15th. The second and third banns were on the 22nd. In Jewish tradition, the bride and groom do not see each other for a week prior to marrying.
  • The second or third bann may have been a ketubah.
  • According to Webster's, banns are "public announcement[s] especially in church of a proposed marriage".
  • They may have been Anusim who reverted to Judaism or passed as Catholic to marry, since Mackowa Ruda was small enough not be noted on JewishGen or have a chief "rabbi". According to GoMapper, its population is "very small".
  • Anusim or passers would, according to Jewish Virtual Library, observe vestiges of halakhah to some extent.
  • "Antoni" and "Katarzyna" were names used within the Jewish community.
  • Even names like "Paul" (e.g., Pawel) were very common in the Jewish community. See, e.g., JewFAQ [Caution: it is an Anti-Messianic website, but good for understanding the Non- and Anti-Messianic perspectives, minhagim, and nusachim].

There are other reasons as well.
Nickidewbear originally shared this [without linked-to references]
7 minutes ago story
See more at for more.tim

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

If I Am Going To Be An Advocate For the Disabled...

I'm the Martin Luther King, Jr. of people with disabilities, or at least I'd better be. Dr. Rev. King had a dream:

And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:
                Free at last! Free at last!
                Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!3

That dream, however, has clearly not come true for the disabled. We are, for a lack of a better term, today's "Negros" (Remember how Senator Harry Reid even defined then-Senator Obama as a "light-skinned African American with no Negro dialect"?). Just like African Americans were solely defined by their skin color and ethnicity, those of us who have disabilities are defined by our disabilities—and whether we're Jews or gentiles, Blacks or Non Blacks (heck, even Black Jews), or anything else does not matter.

We're the "cripples". The "retards". The "gimps". It's even embedded in our political language. Ask Scumbag Steve or the Far Right who hates "libtards". Ask the despicable tweeter who told me to "Pls stfu" when I confronted her on calling Democrats "handicapped Democraps". Ask Wendy Russell Davis and her supporters who made fun of Attorney General Greg Abbott. Ask the rapper who said that John McCain doesn't belong in a chair "unless he's paralyzed". Ask the "Crips", who would like to cripple people and are obviously making fun of people whose bodies are already crippled.

Ask even Geraldo Rivera, who (as I understand) called Greg Abbott "handicappable". Ask even the late Senator Ted Kennedy, who passed the Americans With Disabilities Act to score votes from the disabled community—which is pretty obvious, given that he never brought his sister Rose home from the institution in which she was squared away; and she died being institutionalized instead of being on one of the Kennedy compounds and surrounded by family and friends (and Rose's being in a hospital in the state in which she was institutionalized and surrounded by only four family members, when she could have been at home and cared for by people who knew and loved her, does not count. Senator Kennedy was rich and resourced enough to bring her home where she knew and loved people, and could be familiar with her surroundings—and he knew it as well as I know it).

I could give more examples—for instance, how when people hobble, limp around, or fall is apparently funny (since, after all, that kind of situation is often used as "slapstick comedy" or "situational humor"). You get the point by now, though.

Since some clearly want to define me by my disability, you may get what you wanted—and whatever happens is on your hands as well as mine.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Alright; Alright; The Proverbial Cat Is Out Of The Bag

I thought that I hid this from Twitter, Facebook, and Yahoo!, since I didn't want to get into trouble with or being disfavored by Geraldo Rivera or other people. Nonetheless, I did ask, "Do you think that Geraldo Rivera will retire this year?" Even last night, Johnny Dollar tweeted me:

  1. Tiny Klout Flag63johnny dollar ‏@johnnydollar01Feb 1
    Remember Geraldo said big news about his tv show coming ‘by week’s end’? That was 2 wks ago! Have you heard anything? I havent
  2. Tiny Klout Flag42N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@NickidewbearFeb 1
    Me neither. I wonder what's going on.
  3. Tiny Klout Flag63johnny dollar ‏@johnnydollar01Feb 1
    I don’t think his Saturday show has been on at all this year. Instead Red Eye and tonite a Hannity repeat. Odd.

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  4. Tiny Klout Flag42N.V. Mara Czarnecki ‏@NickidewbearFeb 1
    I agree.

Please note that I made unequivocally and absolutely clear, "I'm a fan of Geraldo. I'm just seeing that Geraldo's glory days could possibly be coming to a sad end. He will be 71 on July 4th, though; and his dad did sadly die at the age of 72 on Thanksgiving Day of 1987. So, Geraldo could be slowing down professionally in (God forbid) his final years. Also, he did eerily say that he has four more years left in him professionally speaking a while back."

Please especially take careful notes of the phrase "I'm a fan", "sad end", "sadly", "God forbid", and "eerily". I also did not vote on the poll myself. I hope that Geraldo lives to be 120 years old and has 50 more professional years, and even makes a comeback that I would envy—e.g., 504 "likes" on a picture during the Superbowl is good enough; and imagine how many likes he'd get if he made a full comeback!

One voter (not to mention that my sister has) even asked (as my sister has several times), "Who gives a crap?" (As my sister has asked it, "Who cares?") My response is, "I cares." or "I care. Aren't I somebody?" or "I care. Am I a nobody?" Besides, as one person stated on Geraldo's photo, "Geraldo, you deserve major cheers for the reporting you did on Willowbrook and the mistreatment of the mentally challenged. That's what I always will remember you for."

As I've said myself (even though Mom and Michelle try to convince me of otherwise), Geraldo kept me out of Willowbrook—I would've been in there for having Cerebral Palsy alone. The OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD would've just been the proverbial icing on the proverbial cake of excuses for someone who would've wanted to put me in Willowbrook (e.g., Dad or Pop-Pop, and they would have made sure that the divorce-case judge ordered Mom to do that or give custody to Dad so that he could do that).

So, at risk of getting into trouble and incurring disfavor, I ask whether you think that Geraldo Rivera will (in my opinion, sadly) retire this year.