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Friday, October 27, 2017

The Air Force, A Loving Reilly, And Veteran's Day (Plus An Upcoming Belated National Pumpkin Day Card)

"Momma" is proud that:
  1. The head of the Air Force Academy, Lt. Gen. Jay Silveria, condemns bigotry
  2. Reilly refused to nosebutt her when she, in light of Lt. Gen. Silveria's admonition to the Air Force, asked her whether she hated anybody just because of what they look like, their beliefs, etc.. At one point, though, Reilly nosebutted "Momma" because she assumed that "Momma" wanted her to nosebutt when she mistook a refusal to nosebutt as an affirmative answer and asked the question again ("Momma" culpa!)

Apparently, though, Reilly loves "Momma" (She gave "Momma" kisses.) and hates everybody else (including "Momma—or at least she was tired of "Momma" bothering her with questions!).

As Veteran's Day approaches, meanwhile, "Momma" and Reilly thank the Air Force and other veterans (including active-duty ones. Once a person in the United States Armed Forces, always a veteran—except for the ones like treasonous Bowe Bergdahl and very-much-self-exaggerating John Garofalo.)

(By the way, Reilly—while she may love everybody—doesn't like everybody, and she would certainly dislike those like Bowe Bergdahl on a daily basis as much as she dislikes "Momma" on some days!)

PS Reilly did get her earned pumpkin for both being patient with "Momma" over the past few weeks and National Pumpkin Day,  and she will (God willing) be in a belated National Pumpkin Day card. 

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A Sample Of Livestreams Of Reilly (The Star) and "Momma" (Only Because Reilly Needs Somebody's Lap On Which To Sit)

Reilly does not like to look at the camera even to say "Hi" to friends:

Incidentally, "Momma" did allude to part of why Reilly didn't want to look at the camera, which is that Reilly was sleepy partly due to "Momma".

Mostly Offbeat: The Sooner That "Momma" Finds Out What A Certain Person Wants, The Better For Herself And Reilly

Not knowing has kept "Momma"—and as a result, Reillyway past midnight of late, even causing "Momma" to have OCD/Anxiety flareups while sewing Reilly's toy "Hippo". Even an answer such as "Your guess as to who your future helpmate and Reilly's future 'Daddy' is, is plainly incorrect" would immensely help "Momma" and Reilly.

By the way, this picture was taken at 2:07 AM on July 15th. The other one was actually taken on July 12, 2017 at 11:41 PM. Still, it goes to show that this is a frequent occurrence (Here, Reilly is snuggling with a toy wishbone.)

Two Gregorian Month Anniversaries For Reilly This Week

Reilly came home three years and five months ago, when she just a day shy of two months old (though she was eight weeks and four days old, meaning than old enough to come home):

Happy Month Homecoming Anniversary, and Happy Month Birthday, Reilly!

PS The picture above was taken at 3:40 AM on July 13, 2017—which goes to show one how patiently Reilly waits when "Momma"'s mental-illness flareups and other matters cause her to stay up late into even a Wednesday-into-Thursday-night!

("Momma" wanted to find a newer picture of Reilly snuggling her toy "Hippo", though, since she couldn't find one last night. By the way, Reilly actually came to her home away from home—"Momma" and Reilly are still hoping to make aliyah.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: When Sewing Up A Toy Made "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" Tire Out Her Legs, Still Waiting For a Certain Someone, &c..

"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" was not going to let Reilly and Camille get the sock inside almost-chewed-through-to-an-easily-accessible-sock "Hippo" (whom Reilly received as an anxiety abater). So, she sewed up "Hippo" in his velcro area (By the way, yes, Reilly and Camille have toys that are named and gendered.).

As she was sewing up "Hippo", her OCD/Anxiety flared up as she dreaded dropping the needle, not sewing and tying up the thread well enough, etc. (At least she figured out how to double thread, though that caused anxiety since that wasn't originally planned and the thread getting tangled up scared her. After all, e.g., not having enough thread and worrying about Reilly and Camille getting thread or the needle scared her.).

Add "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole"'s Cerebral Palsy to the mix and understand why her OCD/Anxiety flareup caused her legs to tire out, especially since the Cerebral Palsy and OCD/Anxiety flareup added to what she's endured lately. Also add Reilly's daily inappropriate barking, which caused myoclonus flareups (and by the way, the demonstration for "Auntie Michelle" regarding rolling over Reilly was an anomaly—"Momma" was surprised that even "Can I roll you over for a belly rub?" eventually elicited Reilly's cooperation.).

Of course, this all reminded "Momma" about part of why her OCD/Anxiety is flaring up—not to mention that it partly affected her to horrendously bite her lip last night and leave what she dreads may be a disfiguring scar (as if the idea of the negative of DBS that involves having some hair shaved off isn't enough of a consideration in terms of what might stigmatize "Momma". Not that she's had that the DBS Surgery, at least yet, by the way; she's just saying.). Meanwhile, "Momma" ("Auntie Nicole" to Camille) had to make sure that Reilly (and Camille) didn't get the honey and the olive oil that she applied to her lips.

So has been a part of life for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" of late, which hasn't exactly affected her to be a better "Momma" to Reilly or a better "aunt" to Camille.

Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake Said It, Too: Abuse Is Never Normal

Abuse is never normal or normalizable in even this age of *****, and Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have finally stood up and called out *****:

One could even call what Senators Corker and Flake are doing their political "Me too" moments, and—by the way—don't think that there isn't sexual abuse going on at the hands of ***** and *****ites in Washington. I would not even be surprised if, for example, those like Senators Corker and Flake have faced hearing lewd comments about their marital and familial lives—after all, unfortunately, I have had lewd comments directed at me by some people whom have disagreed with me on certain issues; and I know that ***** (whom has had no compunction about targeting his own female family members) and *****ites are the kind of people whom would go as far as targeting others' female family members (e.g., wives and daughters) as a way to try to harass the others—both men and women—in question.

Everybody else, meanwhile, should also state "Me too" and stand up to ***** and other abusive people.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Abuse Is Never "Normal Stuff", Even In the ***** Era

"I'm beginning to think you...crucified your father for normal stuff!"

Without going into details about what affected that statement for whatever reason, I will say that I was appalled when someone said that to me—abuse is never "normal stuff", and all kinds of abuse are out of the norm—at least in a reasonable and decent society, abuse is (relatively, anyway) out of the norm.

No society in this world is going to be entirely reasonable and decent. After all, as Thomas Hobbes observed, life is short, nasty, and brutish; and "kings and persons of sovereign authority, because of their independency, are in continual jealousies and in the state and posture of gladiators, having their weapons pointing, and their eyes fixed on one another, that is, their forts, garrisons, and guns, upon the frontiers of their kingdoms, and continual spies upon their neighbours: which is a posture of war. "

That nonetheless does not cause any kind of abuse to be "normal stuff", regardless of whether it's the kind of abuse that I endured from my father (which at least, thank God, was never sexual abuse) or the following examples of abuses that others have endured:

  1. The "casting couch"—Harvey Weinstein's and others' victims did not want (let alone ask) to be sexually harassed and abused; and they shouldn't have to choose between careers and being abused, between silence to avoid further abuse and between speaking out and enduring further abuse, or between anything else and abuse. Having to choose between anything and abuse, by the way, is being put in an abusive position.
  2. The "condolence" call that Myeisha Johnson received. What ***** stated was basically, "Your husband knew why he signed up, and we can never repay him or any other American military member whom sacrifices his or her life for the United States; so I'm not even going to try to repay what I can."
  3. The follow up to the "condolence" call. Especially Myeisha Johnson did not need libel and slander against her; and Representative Frederica Wilson did not need the libel and slander, either.
  4. The threats of racist and sexist violence against Congresswoman Wilson—as I said, abuse is neither normal nor in the norm in a reasonable and decent society, which is not the kind of society which Congresswoman Wilson's abuser would like to bring back.
In conclusion, then, only abusive societies have ever treated, ever treat, and will ever treat abuse as normal and normalizable.