Reilly's Gregorian month birthday (October 25th) falls:
- Five days after Shelby's Gregorian yearly birthday (Happy Birthday again, Shelby!)
- Two days after "Momma"'s Gregorian month birthday (October 23rd—just, by the way, in time for "Momma" to ache and feel tired due to exhaustion and/or a cold and/or the flu that's about to come.)
- In between her "Great-Great-Granddad" Czarnecki's Gregorian yearly birthday (and she turned seven months old on what would've been his 110th yearly birthday) and her "four-times-removed cousin" Katherine's Gregorian yearly birthday (and Katherine could've lived to 120 this year had Breast Cancer not cruelly taken her when she was about four months short of 52).
- Two days before Camille's Gregorian month birthday.
PS: Reminder: if you are not breeding your female puppy, please have her spayed unless you want to risk that she would get canine mammary cancers!