Long story short (as far as "Momma" recalls, anyway, since a couple of days have passed since the incident): never cross Reilly in terms of beef-liver-jerky treats unless you want to risk being bitten, targeted for growling, etc.. Trying to steal Camille's chance at getting groomed with the electric toothbrush, Reilly jumped back up on "Mom-Mom"'s lap and would not take "No" for an answer. Finally, "Auntie Michelle" had to roll over Reilly, since even moving her away from Camille and "Mom-Mom" did not work.
"Where's the beef?" At that point, it was where Reilly couldn't get it—and her attempts at stealing Camille's treat ended up like Walter Mondale's campaign, which was a losing attempt, although Reilly certainly had no support of any human female equivalents. In that case, there would've been a special place in Hell for "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole", "Mom-Mom", and "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" had they not helped Camille (Granted that Madeline Albright wasn't speaking of canines like Reilly and Camille, though.).