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Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2013

Tommy Christopher and His Racist, "Race" Baiting Ilk

First of all, there are no "races". We are all of the human race. Secondly, Wikipedia of all sources admits that "When Darwin referred to "civilised races" he was almost always describing European cultures, and apparently drew no clear distinction between biological races and cultural races in humans. Few made that distinction at the time, an exception being Alfred Russel Wallace." There was no distinction, as "ethnos" means "people" or "nation". Also, Wikipedia admits that Darwin stated, " At some future point, not distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla."

People like Tommy Christopher and some of the commenters on "Paging Geraldo" want to continue that Darwinian racism and "race" baiting. By the way, Wikipedia also admits that Classical (19th Century) Conservatives (modern--17th, 20th-21st Century--liberals) took cues from Darwin. "The questions of what "race" was, how many human races there were, and whether they could be "mixed", were key debates in the nascent field of anthropologyin Darwin's time. After the American Civil War (1861–1865), the questions of race and slavery were brought to the forefront in anthropology in the United States and Europe. Some scientists from the Southern U.S. published long monographs on "Why the Negro is inferior" and would soon be driven to extinction by newfound freedom, with an implication that slavery had been not only "beneficial" but "natural.""

Of course, they try to send mixed signals and act like Darwin wasn't really a racist, but know who you're following and what you're doing when you've chosen to cause ethnic division and speak lashon hara against Fox News and Republicans, and attempt to revise history.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Keep Trying, PolishForums Guys...

I ain't coming back until the racists and Anti Semites among you are banned. How dare you take away the Diasporan heritage of my people (and the Andrulewiczes, myself included, would and do now look back and realize what a mistake we made--we should've been yishuvim v'yishuvot). How dare you also slam the contribution of Blacks to Poland--and don't blame my people for hating Blacks first, since Yehovah rebuked us for that.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

So, My Blog Went Offline For A Day...

To make a long story short, a certain family member got pissed at me for confronting a certain group that blackmailed me and threatened my much for confronting racist Anti Semitism--and can you imagine if Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. hadn't stood up for Civil Rights, including against the KKK (who, by the way, is a "Christian" Identity--viz. Pseudo-Jewish, Anti-Semitic--group)? (And just because that other, Non-White Pseudo-Jewish group threatened me, I'm not allowed to talk about them--and this same family member allows that Dr. King, who plagiarized at least a paper, stood up against racism and Anti Semitism just because he had credentials and was [apparently] a trained and educated professional--what hypocrisy! I guarantee that he or she would have no problem with me confronting the KKK, even though he or she denies that--and his or her excuse is the same!).

So, I can no longer speak up against a certain kind of racist Anti Semitism (even though we have no national voice, excepting Mark Potok--although his voice is hardly there and, thus, hardly heard--on the issue) due to the fact that I'm merely a disabled college student and certainly no MLK or Jay Sekulow, or Mark Potok (who, as leftist as he is, is a politically-"incorrect" voice who speaks up against what I was--operative word, "was"--speaking up against). By the way, that--that is, speaking up against the racist Anti Semitism about which I used to speak--is part of why (G-d willing) I wish to get my Christmas gifts, get married to a rich and able guy who is able to pay for the rest of my college career (and who, if you will and for a lack of better wordage, would make a nice Christmas gift), and get out of where I am now.

Thank G-d that this family member wasn't a family member of Timothy or Jeremiah, by the way.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What Nudniks the Martin Family Are!

I read this article--how disgusting of the Martins!

Martin's mother and father watched the interview and appeared on "Fox & Friends" Thursday morning. His mother and father both said Zimmerman's apology appeared insincere and were troubled that the man accused of killing their son considered it all "God’s plan."
"I don't understand what he was thinking by saying it was God's plan that he murdered our child," Tracy Martin, the teen’s father said. "I really don’t understand what God he worships because it’s not the same God that I worship."
Sabrina Fulton, Martin’s mother, also appeared angered by the comment.
"Why would God have him kill an unarmed teenager?" she asked. "It makes no sense."

How can the Martins live with themselves--twisting what a man meant? Sabrina, you're right, by the way: you worship a way different G-d than George Zimmerman worships. Your G-d is probably who you and your race-baiting buddies call "Yashahrali" or whatever you call him. George Zimmerman's, my, and quite a few others' G-d had George Zimmerman save his own life from your pothead, nudnik son who didn't have the decency or common courtesy to identify himself to and ask for directions from George Zimmerman when he was wandering around the neighborhood during a rainstorm, and with the neighborhood being one that wasn't his normal residence--if you're lost, you ask for directions and identify yourself if need be. 

Another Case For Aliyah--A Self-Hating Cousin Who Supports the KKK

This will go to show how much my family who stayed, survived the Shoah, yet didn't make aliyah after all the tsores that we've been put through as a family and as part of Israel are--at worst--dangerously self hating. This is why, even though Poland and even other countries figure into our history, we (and any other Jewish person) must make aliyah lest we blackslide (cf. Jeremiah 8:1-6). By the way, I will be nice and censor my cousin's name for his sake. But I see that (unless it's the same picture that I can see today or he hid the picture), the coward did take the KKK picture off of his profile (So, I know that he knows better but won't face that we're Jewish.):

April 9, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki [I recently unofficially changed my middle name to "Maratovah".]
Antisemitism? [That was one of his listed views at the time.] We're Jews!
How dare you, especially given that the Margiewiczes are Jewish!

There were no Jews in my family since many generations. I hope that there were any Jews. I'm sorry you're Jew, it's not my fault.. I don't like Jews and it's not you business. Just like you don't like rats and it's not my business.

April 9, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki
Sorry man, my great-granddad's grandma Katarzyna Margiewicza Andrulewicza was a Jew. So, we're Jewish. Get used to it.

And she's dead. I will not talk about that with you. I don't like jews and thats all.

April 10, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki
You hate yourself, you know. I'm just saying.

April 11, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki
And you'll really have to come to terms with this. From

Run on Sunday 10 April 2011 at 22:20:56

(coords) District Name / Company
(registered) Street Occupation Notes 
Horodziej Nieswiez MORGIEWICZ, J 
joiner/carpenter Ostrowski 
5347 2451 Lida MORGIEWICZ, Konst. 
landowner Lebiodka 75 
5356 2451 Lida MORGIEWICZ, Stan. 
landowner Lebiodka 480 

Did being Jewish suck in some ways? Yes. But should we let the envy and hatred of the gentiles get to us? No.

it's Morgiewicz, my surname is Margiewicz.. and my family is not from Poland, all polish generations are normal, not Jewish..

April 11, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki
"Morgiewicz" is a variant of "Margiewicz". Also, Lithuania, Ukraine, or Belarus? Doesn't matter- Margiewiczes and Andrulewiczes, as well Margiewicz Andrulewiczes all either may have had or did have a presence there.

If you are Jewish and it's your problem. I am not and don't like Jews. Maby there were a few people with Margiewicz surname, but it doesn't matter the all Ma/orgiewiczes are or were Jews.

April 11, 2011Nicole Maratovah Czarnecki
I'm saying us in particular, though "Morgiewicz" and "Margiewicz" mean "marginal [or marginalized] son [or descendant thereof]." I'm not saying that you have to return to Judaism- besides, G-d brought us out of Judaism ages ago. But we're still ethnic Jews. Don't let the pogroms, Holocaust, etc. make you become the very people who hate you: you only end up hurting yourself if you become your enemy.

He still has this picture, though (I saw a different one than this unless I had also seen it before or it's the same one that I saw, but I remember that I saw a white-hooded-clad man in his picture before):
Not the picture that  I remember seeing

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Take On the George Zimmerman Case...

So we know and/or can infer from the "Hannity" interview (and other reports) that, among a plethora of other things:

  1. Trayvon Martin was indeed on top of and beating up George Zimmerman.
  2. George Zimmerman's lie detector and other tests indicated "No Deception Indicated".
  3. Witness #9 claimed both racism and molestation.
  4. Trayvon Martin, again being on top of George Zimmerman, was reaching for his belt. So, he was either going to beat George with his own belt or even rape him (and criminals, perhaps especially if and when they're drugged--e.g., on pot--will do things like that. Remember the pothead who stripped himself and ate the homeless man's face off?).
  5. Trayvon, at 17, was out shopping alone in the first place (and didn't ask his dad or his dad's girlfriend, or someone else with a car to take him); would not even ask George Zimmerman for directions or even take his hood off for a minute to identify himself, and tried to pick a fight with George Zimmerman.
  6. George Zimmerman was going to Target when he noticed Trayvon.
  7. Trayvon was reasonably profiled among other Black men, and among White and Hispanic men--many of whom had been involved in (as I believe that George Zimmerman himself stated) "a string of burglaries".
  8. George Zimmerman once helped, among the kids whom he tutored, a homeless Non-White man.
  9. Trayvon Martin was suspended from school and (as I implicity brought up before) a pothead.
  10. George Zimmerman didn't mean to follow Trayvon Martin--he was going in the same direction to get to his own house or the neighborhood club to meet the police.
In conclusion, the racist Martin Family and Benjamin Crump, "Reverend" Al Sharpton, the NAACP, and others have a hard, long look to take at the troublemaking 17-year-old that their beloved Trayvon Martin was. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Does This Have To Do With SB 1070, By The Way?

Jeremiah 23:24

New King James Version (NKJV)
24 Can anyone hide himself in secret places,
So I shall not see him?” says the Lord;
“Do I not fill heaven and earth?” says the Lord.

This has to do with that ex-Senator Russell Pearce's and Governor Jan Brewer's racist motives were found out. By the way, they're going to have to drop that reasonable-suspicion provision soon--you can't tell whether someone is illegal just by looking at them, what language they speak, etc. Let's drop the whole law, put "McCain-Kennedy" into effect, and not punish the children for their sins:

Ezekiel 18:1-4

New King James Version (NKJV)

A False Proverb Refuted

18 The word of the Lord came to me again, saying, “What do you mean when you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying:
‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes,
And the children’s teeth are set on edge’?
As I live,” says the Lord God, “you shall no longer use this proverb in Israel.
“Behold, all souls are Mine;
The soul of the father
As well as the soul of the son is Mine;
The soul who sins shall die.

Meanwhile, we should also take away any children who are trafficked across the border and put them up for adoption--no more DREAMers, no more trafficking children, no more excuses. The exception would be if the parent or guardian had an emergency and a good reason for bringing his or her child or trustee across the border with him or her. To drag children across the border and use them as pawns is never okay. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Talk About "Mak[ing]...Jews Pee In Their Pants!"

Anti-Semitic Malik Zulu Shabbaz and Khalid Mohammad, first of all, don't scare this Jew enough to make her pee herself--they're just kvetching Kushim who are part of the Kushim noted in Ezekiel 38 (In other words, they're not of the remnant of Kushim.). Besides, we Yehudim--at least sometimes--do enough to make ourselves and each other "pee...[our] pants". For example, take "Rabbi" Jason Rosenberg: Jason Rosenberg, as a Jew, wants to lose First Amendment freedoms? He wants the Amendment construed to make obedience to Tanakh a crime?! "We will, in short, look back at Amendment 1 and its ilk in precisely the same way that we now look back at Jim Crow." Scary thinking! And that's not the only scary part--though it may be one of the scariest parts, or the scariest part.

"To be a Jew is remember how terrible it feels to be weak and oppressed, and therefore to act..." He of course forgot to add to obey Tanakh. Of course, his view is to disregard and disobey Tanakh:

If you’re part of a religious tradition that believes your revelation came directly, and perfectly, from God, then you probably won’t see the world the same way I do. But, as part of religious movement that embraces the fact that our texts, practices and traditions all have human origins, I have no choice but to also admit that those human origins have influenced those texts, practices and traditions. In other words, they don’t only reflect God’s will, but human biases and prejudices as well. They reflect the society from which they came.

This "rabbi" is pretty revisionist as well--besides in stating that "the fact that our texts, practices and traditions all have human origins". For example, Galileo was trying to interpret the Bible correctly to the chagrin of the Roman Catholic Church. Another example: "Religious leaders who refused to see the world changing were the ones who tried to justify slavery...and so on." Unbelievable lies.

Many religious leaders, in fact, pushed for freedom & womens' rights precisely because of religion--mainly true Christianity & true Judaism (especially Messianic--Complete--Judaism). By the way,"Rabbi" Jason Rosenberg reflects much of what is wrong with URJ Judaism, including that it is revisionist! Also, I've blogged enough about URJ (Reform) Judaism in the past, so just read my blog entries about it--I don't need to link you to everything.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Responsa Regarding Verses Such As Amos 9:7

  • Bless you sister.No disrespect but can you explain these verses,Daniel 7:9,Rev.1:14-15, and then Amos 9:7 says they are as the Ethiopians unto him.Ethiopians also have hair like wool and feet like burned brass.I am just wanting your point of view on this in a peaceful respectful manner my beautiful sister.Bless you.

  • Absolutely. Let's begin with Amos 9:7. This is to be read in context with Jeremiah 13:23, Song 1:5-6, Job 30:30, and Acts 13:1. Israel had a problematic relationship with Kushites (Africans) based on skin color. As for "brass", "Chalkolibanon" is "from a compound of (5475) and (3030) (in the implied mean of whiteness or brilliancy)". Also, Daniel 7:9 can easily be explained: Jews and other Middle Easterners (including those in the Diasporas) can and often do have wooly hair (e.g., JewFros).