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Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Whoopi Goldberg & Joy Behar Didn't Embarrass Sarah Huckabee Sanders

For "Salon" to even have that as their headline is embarrassing, as Sarah Huckabee Sanders has embarrassed herself—or at least should be embarrassed because of her behavior, including defending Tr**p and her father. Also, Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn't "have to go out and defend those lies every day", as she willingly took the job as Tr**p's press secretary and decided that "Like father, like daughter" is okay in her case.

Both "Salon" and Joy Behar ought to be ashamed for even defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders, especially right after Joy Behar called her out for her behavior—and for Joy Behar to turn around and act like Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a victim, and "Salon"'s (not to mention others') promoting of Joy Behar's lie that Sarah Huckabee Sanders ""[has] to go out and defend those [Tr**p's and her father's pro-Tr**p] lies every day" is embarrassing—and "Salon" and Joy Behar are embarrassing themselves by defending Sarah Huckabee Sanders and, effectively, Tr**p and Mike Huckabee. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

As Submitted To "The Atlantic": My Great-Grandfather Czarnecki Was a DREAMer Of His Day

Without Donald Trump flagrantly attempting to end "DACA", many DREAMers could live lives comparable to what my great-grandfathergiven his circumstanceslived. With Donald Trump attempting to end "DACA", many DREAMers are figurativelyand in some cases, literallyfacing down barrels of guns. In my great-grandfather's case, it was literalhis parents and he became Anusim to survive the pogroms, and this effectively caused my family (including his paternal grandmother, whom returned to Judaism as soon as she could return to Judaism) to disown them.

    Great-Granddad was born a Czerniecki (Chernetski) in Tsuman, Ukraine (then Cumań, Wołyń in the Russian Pale) when his mother went to visit a cousin in Buzhanka in the Zvenyhorodka (Zvenigorodka) vicinity; and the only reason that his mother could travel back and forth between Zvenyhorodka and Lipsk nad Biebrzą (where they lived) is because Lipsk nad Biebrzą was in the Congress Poland part of Suwałki Gubernia. How his maternal grandparents left Stakliškės for Bosse, by the way, I'll never know: all I know is that a Morgovich relative of his maternal grandmother (a Margiewicz) died of tuberculosis on April 4, 1882, and they already had relatives (including ones whom were Anusim) in Suwałki Gubernia when his mother was born on June 26, 1882.

    Speaking of "June 26, 1882", that was one of the very-few pieces of information that checked out on his father's naturalization applications—and he gave quite a bit of false information on them and other records, including . Finding the record for that Morgovich cousin (Shmuil Morgovich, z"l) and other records (and by having to use methods such as to reconciling any contradictory information on the various records) was what helped me figure out what information did check out and what information didn't check out. As for the information that didn't check out, Great-Granddad would've been deported back to Lipsk with his parents because of it had it been found out to be information that didn't check out—and Great-Great-Granddad knew fully well what he was doing in the instances when he lied—and despite being a Jewish farmer-turned-Crypto-Jewish-coal miner whom didn't have much of what we'd call schooling, he was smart enough to know that lying on official records and lying to compilers of official records (e.g., enumerators of Census records) was (and is) a felony that could (and can) get even a naturalized citizen considered to be a deportable illegal immigrant (and he had already tried to enter the country as "Julian Laczinsky" whom was headed to New Jersey. He was lucky that he as "Julian Zernetzky" whom was headed to Sugar Notch was not caught as being an illegal immigrant).

    What helped save my great-grandfather (and subsequently his descendants) is that my great-grandmother was born here (technically as what one would call an "anchor baby", since her parents weren't fully honest on their records, either). Had he not married my great-grandmother, he would've been deported even if his father (whom died in 1922) was posthumously caught (and if his mother, whom wasn't always honest on her records, either, was even posthumously caught); and he married Great-Grandma Czarnecki (supposedly) on May 10, 1934 (even though the marriage license was never signed. I'm pretty sure that they probably had a secret Jewish wedding somewhere.), and this was after "United States v. Wong Kim Ark (and she was born to parents whom were Anusim and B'nei Anusim, and each of them had immigrated from Austria Hungary to New Jersey and then Ashley, Pennsylvania, where she was born).

    As a descendant of a DREAMer equivalent and as a Fourth- and Fifth-Generation Pogrom Survivor, then, I'm speaking out for the DREAMers whom face figurative death and may face literal death if Trump fully gets his way—and by the way, both Great-Granddad and Great-Grandma subsequently lost relatives in the German part of the Holocaust (1933-1945) and the Russian part of the Holocaust (1922-1960; and some of the relatives in Russia died at the Augustow Resistance on July 5, 1945 and in the gulags—also by the way, that Stalin had his own "Final Solution" plan is now known, and the gulags did not close until seven years after Stalin's death. 

PS As for after the Holocaust in Europe:

  1. One of Great-Grandma's uncles, Ǎǔgǔstinǔs Samuel Mǔnka, died in 1949 as a result of the Holocaust affecting him—by the way, "Munk", "Munka", and variants thereof are exclusively Jewish in Eastern Europe.
  2. One of Great-Granddad's relatives died in 1970 as a result of his health being affected by his constantly having to flee the Nazis and the Soviets in Lithuania.
    Thus, my DREAMer and Non-DREAMer [family] (as the saying goes) saw it and [have] seen it before, and we know what "Never again" means for anybody and everybody—including DREAMers, at least quite a few of whom (I'm sure) are Sephardic Anusim and B'nei Anusim whom can trace their ancestry back to Anusim and B'nei Anusim in Colonial Spain and Colonial Portugal, and Ashkenazi Anusim and B'nei Anusim like my family whom aren't Jewish enough in the eyes of the Haredim to be allowed to make aliyah

PS Eric Trump's recent comments about his father's "depression" insult those like my great-grandfather—whom really did have Depression and committed suicide as a result of having Depression—and me, since I inherited the Depression partly from my paternal grandfather, whom was one of the ancestors whom passed it on to my father (and at least one other ancestor from whom we inherit Depression also committed suicide)

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

With All Due Respect To Rabbis Hier and Cooper...

Do they not get that, for instance:

  1. Nobody is making the comparison of Tr**p to ****** in any "casual" way?
  2. Tr**p has gone out of his way to express disdain and contempt for those for whom the Nazis also expressed disdain and contempt—among whom are Jews (including myself and Rabbis Hier and Cooper), those (including myself) whom have disabilities (including pre-exisiting conditions), and LGBTQ people (despite that, e.g., one's military service has nothing to do with whether one thinks of and/or attempts to make himself or herself to be of the opposite gender?)?
  3. Tr**p has garnered the support of those such as racist and xenophobic Joe Arpaio?
  4. Holocaust survivors—including immediate/First-Generation Holocaust survivors such as Eva Schloss—have spoken out and continue to speak out against Tr**p?
  5. Pogrom survivors—including Fourth-Generations one like myself—speak out against Tr**p? Even more so, a Second-Generation Pogrom Survivor whose been threatened by Tr**pites once tweeted the following:

In conclusion, then, Rabbis Hier and Cooper need to understand that nothing "casual" or otherwise flippant or unfair exists in comparing Tr**p to ******.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

As Others Have Pointed Out Re Tr**p and Hurricane Harvey...

The best way that Tr**p could help (or at least could've helped) Texans and other Hurricane Harvey-affected people is to stay (or at least have stayed) out of the way and let Texans and other Hurricane Harvey-affected people help each other and receive help from people whom don't want to use Hurricane Harvey as a way to get their jollies off of others. After all, neither Tr**p nor anyone else needs to add to anyone's pain—including the pain of the family of six of the eight known hurricane victims—and Tr**p has enough happening with the Russian scandal and the "Washington Post" confirming that (forgive the misogynistic language) Putin (so to speak) is Tr**p's bitch, and thus has already added more pain to Hurricane Harvey-affected areas or the rest of the United States.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Originally On LinkedIn: I Don't Understand Why Some Professing Christians Don't Understand That...

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals correctly ruled in "Kennedy v. Bremerton School District".

Firstly, now-Former Coach Joe Kennedy made his praying an issue when he allowed other students to pray with him and gave them the impression that the Bremerton School District condoned it. Secondly, Former Coach Kennedy was at a public school as opposed to a religiously-affiliated one. The First, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments don't allow the imposition or prohibition of any religion; and then-Coach Kennedy could've prayed privately with the students in his office. Thirdly, the United States is still relatively "a free country, [and] you can do whatever you want" within certain bounds.

Fourthly—and most importantly—professing Christians—nominal and actual Christians alike—should expect persecution in even apparently-free countries. If a professing Christian really does believe the New Testament—and as for me, I believe the New Testament and have to ask—didn't Jesus say, for example, "In this world, you will have many troubles; but take heart—I have overcome the world?" and "The Power that is within you is stronger than the power in this world"?

Besides—and I as a Jewish Christian have to say this—I would think that fellow Jewish Christians of mine and gentile Christians would understand that we'd definitely get kicked out of institutions such as public schools today since we got kicked out of batim knesset and the Temple back then.

In conclusion, then:

  1. Professing Christians like Former Coach Joe Kennedy need to get used to the facts that the Constitution doesn't give professing Christians to cry foul especially when professing Christians are the ones whom are violating the Constitution,
  2. The Bible says that Christians are to expect persecution, and that whining when we get kicked out of places for praying—especially when the people who run those places choose not to just say, "Don't do that again; and just pray privately next time."—does not help—in this case, Bremerton School District chose to not say, "Just pray privately next time—or at least don't give students the impression that we as a school district condone staff- and faculty-led prayer in a way that imposes religion on the students."
  3. Since the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Former Coach Kennedy's violations of the Constitution, he ought to "[r]ender what is Caesar's unto Caesar, and render what is God's unto God."
  4. In other words—and forgive my unprofessional language—buck up, grow up, put away the childishness of crying "Unfair!" when you get rightly punished, and quit being bushot l'otem mi lo Notzrim or shandas far di vas zenen nisht Kristn.

I made this using public-domain pictures and Powerpoint. My point: keep the imposition of religion out of public workplaces, especially if you're Christian and well know that you could get persecuted even for being Christian. 

Tr**p, Netanyahu, Modi, and Others...And Let's Just Focus On Tr**p & Netanyahu For Right Now

As for the case regarding Modi re Tr**p and Netanyahu, that'll come up another time—I haven't forgotten that Modi's a Hindi supremacist and Hindu extremist or that that's why Tr**p and Netanyahu. As for right now, I'm focusing on why the aspiring Neo ****** and Stalin that Tr**p is allies himself with Netanyahu.

As for Tr**p and Netanyahu:

  1. Both have a clear and vested interest in destroying Israel—that is, both the Jewish people and the Jewish state—the United States' strongest ally. In hardly-disguised-as-chiloni Netanyahu, RINO and CINO Tr**p has found a kapo—and the for-all-intents-and-purposes strip search at the Kotel all the more proved that. After all, what's a better way to try to turn even some Zionists against the (nominally-)Zionist State than by sexually molesting women simply for being women, let alone praying at the Kotel?
  2. Each wants to empower his respective group by demonizing whom he considers the undesirables, whom he would consider as the desirables were they not opposed to what he's doing, and what is known as diversity. 
  3. Each, respectively, wants to derepublicanize and dedemocraticize his state (Remember that the U.S. is a federal republic in contrast to parliamentary-supposedly-democratic Israel.).
  4. Both are racist, sexist, ableist, and Anti Semitic (with Netanyahu being a real self hater), and otherwise bigoted. By the way, a former rosh yeshiva has cited what Netanyahu is allowing Haredi men to do to deaf widows as one example of what's happening in Israel.
  5. Both had supremacist fathers: Tr**p had Fred Tr**p, and Netanyahu had Ben-Zion Netanyahu.
I could list more commonalities between Tr**p and Netanyahu, though you get the point—although there is actually one more commonality that I want to list: that both are democrats in the purest sense of the word. For instance:

  • Democracy was founded in Ancient Greece as a political system for free-born Athenian men. 
  • In the same way that the Athenians counted only free-born Athenian men—and especially the rich ones, prominent ones, and sycophantic ones—as citizens, Tr**p and Netanyahu count only their respective groups as citizens.
  • Women, slaves and former slaves, and slaves' and former slaves' descendants; and Non-Athenian men (free-born—including Spartan—men and their descendants, and slaves, former slaves, and slaves' and former slaves' descendants) did not count as citizens. In the same way, Tr**p counts only those whom fit his version of the Nazi ideals as citizens; and Netanyahu counts only those whom fit his and Agudat Yisra'el's ideals as citizens. 
  1. For Tr**p, only "Aryan" men and boys whom are Tr**pites are citizens, and Non "Aryans" whom are willing to support Tr**pism are counted as barely-second-class citizens if even citizens of any kind. 
  2. As for Netanyahu, only Haredi men and boys count as citizens, and Orthodox men and boys whom support the Netanyahu-Agudat Yisra'el chokehold on Israel may count as citizens or count at least as second-class citizens.
  • Tr**p is a Far-Left Democrat in actuality, and he even supported Hillary Clinton for decades. Netanyahu is the Haredi theocratic equivalent of that.
In conclusion, then:
  1.  Tr**p with his Neo ****** and Neo Stalin aspirations is a Netanyahu-supporting Tr**pite democrat, and 
  2. Netanyahu as a hardly-disguised Harednik and Anti-Zionist democrat supports Tr**p.
Both had supremacist fathers: Tr**p had Fred Tr**p, and Netanyahu had Ben-Zion Netanyahu.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Again, Charlie Hebdo?

At a point, the higher good of making sure that nobody else becomes a victim like especially Georges Wolinski did outweighs the freedom of speech. Did Georges Wolinski really survive the German part of Holocaust only to become a Holocaust victim 70 years later and get his grave spit on by "Charlie Hebdo"? Did Georges Wolinski become a martyr only for evildoers whom will use any excuse to use "Charlie Hebdo" as an excuse once again?

"The words of a wise man's mouth are gracious; but the lips of a fool will swallow up himself. The beginning of the words of his mouth is foolishness; and the end of his talk is grievous madness. A fool also multiplieth words; yet man knoweth not what shall be; and that which shall be after him, who can tell him?"
Even wise words can become foolish in the mouths of fools:

"A fool hath no delight in understanding, but only that his heart may lay itself bare.....[and a] fool's lips enter into contention, and his his ruin, and his lips are the snare of his soul.
Arguing with fools is foolish. Those who emulate Mohammed and follow Early Islam look for anything to do evil like Mohammed did:

"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him."Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes."  

How else can I say that sometimes holding your tongue is better but that holding your tongue is sometimes appropriately answering a fool according to his folly?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

If The Rumors Re Tr**p's Upcoming Resignation Are True...

The sooner that Tr**p resigns—provided that Tr**p's cronies resign, too—the better off that America will be. For example:

  1. People with disabilities will have an easier time in an ableist-enough-as-is society to which we didn't need Tr**p adding ableism. As for me, my own mental illnesses have flared up because of Tr**pism and its effects—for instance, my OCD/Anxiety flared up after the terrorist attack in Charlottesville and the attacks in Barcelona that were inspired by the terrorist in Charlottesville.
  2. Jews like me, African Americans, and other Non Whites will have to deal with less bigotry—especially if Tr**pites are politically emasculated. Without Anti-Semitic and otherwise-racist Tr**p in the White House, groups such the Neo Nazis and the KKK will be de-emboldened and deflated.
  3. Putin's puppetmaster and a aspiring Neo ****** will no longer be able to have a Molotov to try to throw under the bus if push would come to shove in his mind. Besides, Tr**p as an aspiring Neo ****** and a von Ribbentrop used Putin to get him into the White House.
  4. The U.S. will end up having a legitimate POTUS if the U.S. doesn't go from bad with Tr**p to worse with someone else.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Ivana Trump is Patrilineally Jewish, Per Her Exclusively-Ashkenazi Jewish Surname, Per

I wondered about this when I saw that she looks very much like at least one of my paternal relatives whom's fully Askenazi. When I checked what "Zelnick" means, meanwhile (since I wondered about this, too), I went, "I was right [about Ivana Trump]!" Per Ancestry, "Zelníčk" is Ashkenazi Jewish (Some say that her father's variant was "Zelníček", meanwhile.):

"Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic): occupational name from Yiddish tselnik ‘haberdashery’ or from Polish celnik ‘tax collector’. Americanized spelling of Slovenian Zelnik, a nickname or topographic name from zelje ‘cabbage’."

By the way, other European-language surnames that belong exclusively or almost exclusively to Jews. Such names are Munka (as in my own family, as it is exclusively Jewish in Eastern Europe) and Chesnick (a Croatian-English rendering of"Česnik" (e.g., Sister Cathy's father was a Slovenian-American Jew with Ashkenazi Jewish ties, as Southeastern European Jews are usually Sephardic.).

In Ivana Trump's case, then, she has the right to be considered a Patrilineal Czech Jew. In addition, this helps to shed light on Anti-Semitic Tr**p's brutal treatment against her—now wonder that Ivana disclosed that her husband is a Neo ******, since she as a Jew (if she ever suspected or knew that she is Jewish) to partly explain why she was afraid of her Neo-Nazi ex husband). This also helps explain that D****d Tr**p's children by Ivana Trump ought to be more ashamed of their Anti Semitism, as should be Jared Kushner.

As for Franc, incidentally (since her mother's maiden name was "Francová") :

"French: from a Germanic personal name derived from the ethnic name for a Frank. French: nickname or status name from franc ‘free’ (usually denoting a freed slave). Slovenian and Croatian (northwestern Croatia): from the personal name Franc, Slavic form of German Franz, all from Latin Franciscus (see Francis). Polish, Czech, and Slovak: from the German personal name Franz."

Monday, August 14, 2017

I Do Not Want To Read Or Hear "What The White Supremacists At Charlottesville Are Saying

To me, for news sources such as AOL News to publish articles such as "White supremacist seen in viral photo" is despicable. For people to also be circulating the photo is despicable—despite what he says, he wants to be seen and get publicity for being a racist.

Besides, as I've said, I hear enough White-Supremacist rhetoric from even some of my family members—and we're Anusim and B'nei Anusim! By the way, the cousin who I mentioned before once stated that she "figured that we had Jew blood" or something like that—and she definitely used the "Jew blood" phrasing, which is Anti-Semitic phrasing.

As for another family member, for instance, she blamed part of what happened at the rally for the counterprotestors going down there instead of just ignoring it—in contrast to, for example, her late grandfather (a proud Siedenburg-Mueller, whose ancestors were Lutheran Anusim, and a proud Lehr) whom chased her future mother with a belt when she joked to her brother, "You're just like ******"  (Incidentally, her mother may also have been Jewish, as—for instance—her paternal grandmother was a Peltz for no baptism record has ever been found for her, in contrast to the DeBoys for whom baptism records have been found.).

In conclusion, then, I don't want to give the White Supremacists a platform that many of my own family already seem to (in their cases, self hatingly) take—as I said, I hear enough White-Supremacist rhetoric from even some of my family members (By the way, most White-Supremacist rhetoric at least nowadays is more Anti Semitic—and more Anti-Semitism driven in the first place—than it is Afrophobic, Hispanophobic, Arabophobic, or otherwisely bigoted toward gentiles.).

Friday, August 11, 2017

Let Japan and South Korea Fight Back Against North Korea, Because...

  1. Japan and South Korea are the main countries in harm's way because of North Korea and China. Besides, the U.S. Armed Forces are overstretched as is.
  2. Aspiring dictator Tr**p is allied with China and has praised Kim Jong-Un, and Tr**p is also allied with Russia. Besides, as I've said before, Tr**p plays nobody's puppet. Thus, Tr**p is trying to cover his own trail with his bluster and put the United States along with Japan and South Korea in harm's way. 
  3. Tr**p is, at the least, no different than Kim Jong-Un, anyway; and, at the most, worse than Kim-Jong Un—do I or others need to rehash that Tr**p, e.g., keeps a copy of ******'s speeches by his bedside?
  4. Given Tr**p's White Supremacist attitude and Guam's Non-White majority (and don't think that Tr**p doesn't know about that), Tr**p's at the very least not going to care if the mostly-Chamorro Guamanian population gets hit by North Korea. Also, Guam is a United States territory as opposed to a United States state. 
There are other reasons as well. Nonetheless, the four aforementioned reasons are sufficient-enough-to-mention reasons. By the way and as I have to reiterate, don't think that Tr**p doesn't know about Guam's demographics—anyone can look up Guam's demographic information in the "CIA World Factbook", and a racist and so-called "POTUS" like Tr**p would know about that as "POTUS". In other words, don't be fooled by someone as bigoted, narcissistic, and sociopathic (e.g., maliciously-shrewd and -calculative) as Tr**p wherein Guam is concerned or in any other case.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

With All Due Respect To Sean Hannity...

And then later...

Sure, no politicking...give me a break. Also, Trump praised Kim Jong-Un as well as his collaborators such as Putin. Nonetheless, you just can't stop, can you?

Sean, you're only doing the RINOs as well as the Anti-American wings of the Democratic and other parties a favor—and by Trump, as they say, you've been had! Besides, as I and others have asked, what would the Sean Hannity of back then say to the Sean Hannity of now? Change isn't always for the better, after all, and I suspect that the Sean Hannity of back then would not like the Sean Hannity of now—and he'd say that you need a "An American Carol" experience in real life!  

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Trust That Yehovah Will Rebuke Tr**p And Others In Time Because...

If for nothing else and as one can bet, plenty of people have committed suicide and otherwise died as a result of Tr**p's oppression—and such others include refugees and victims of Tr**pite-committed hate crimes. As He says in Tanakh through the Nevi'im, for example:

"For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue muttereth wickedness. 4 None sueth in righteousness, and none pleadeth in truth; they trust in vanity, and speak lies, they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. 5 They hatch basilisks' eggs, and weave the spider's web; he that eateth of their eggs dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper. 6 Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall men cover themselves with their works; their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence is in their hands. 7 Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their paths. 8 The way of peace they know not, and there is no right in their goings; they have made them crooked paths, whosoever goeth therein doth not know peace."
"1 Moreover the word of Yehovah came unto me, saying: 2 'Now, thou, son of man, wilt thou judge, wilt thou judge the bloody city? then cause her to know all her abominations. 3 And thou shalt say: Thus saith Yehovah Elohim: O city that sheddest blood in the midst of thee, that thy time may come, and that makest idols unto thyself to defile thee; 4 thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed, and art defiled in thine idols which thou hast made; and thou hast caused thy days to draw near, and art come even unto thy years; therefore have I made thee a reproach unto the nations, and a mocking to all the countries! 5 Those that are near, and those that are far from thee, shall mock thee, thou defiled of name and full of tumult. 
"Nay, but if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings; if ye thoroughly execute justice between a man and his neighbour; 6 if ye oppress not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt; 7 then will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers, for ever and ever. 8 Behold, ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit. 9 Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and offer unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye have not known, 10 and come and stand before Me in this house, whereupon My name is called, and say: 'We are delivered', that ye may do all these abominations?"
 Is the supposedly-Judeo-Christian United States compared to Israel and distinguished as Israel's strongest ally for nothing? To be fair, though, that's a scary thought given how the United States has not—for example—rebuked Netanyahu, Agudat Yisra'el, and the Netanyahu-Agudat Yisra'el coalition (e.g., Shas, UTJ, Yisra'el Beiteinu, Likud outside of Netanyahu) for human-rights violations against Non-Haredi Jews or against Arabs whom are not terrorists—and imagine, then, what supposedly-less-strong-than-the-United-States friends of Israel are like!

(The "Palestinian" terrorists are another discussion and, on the other hand, being deliberately dealt with by the Anti-Zionist Netanyahu-Agudat Yisra'el coalition as they are in order to confuse, divide, and cause Pro-"Palestinian" types and Arabophobic types to attack Israel from all sides).

In conclusion, then, Yehovah will not leave Tr**p and others whom are oppressive and in-name-only Philosemitic be unrebuked for long.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

No Wonder Nixon Admired Tr**p

With Tr**p basically being Nixon's—among others'—prodigy, Tr**p has more than acted like Nixon himself at the very least—and ****** and Stalin at most (In fact, Tr**p would probably be a reincarnation of ****** were reincarnation real—keep in mind that Tr**p was born in 1946 and Stalin died in 1953.).

Generously comparing Tr**p to Nixon, I can point out—or, since the media and others have pointed it out, I don't even need to point out—that, for example:

  1. Tr**p has tried to circumvent the law and lie about it—"There was no collusion with Russia," similarly to "I am not a crook."
  2. Tr**p has attempted to make everyone whom calls him out his enemy—by the way, Robbie Wilson (@RobbieWilson45 on Twitter) recently confirmed that I and other Never Trumpers are on a hit list—and Nixon had his own hit list, whom those such as Brit "Eggnog" Hume had a place. (See the tweet below. I blocked Robbie Wilson on Twitter, by the way.)
  3. Tr**p has tried to keep tapes secret, just as Nixon did.
  4. Tr**p is Anti Semitic, just as Nixon was—and no wonder my grandfather hated him!—and both Tr**p and Nixon tried to get away with tax fraud—as my grandfather and two other IRS Agents could've told you (Pop-Pop died 40 years later, by the way.).
  5. Tr**p favors China for his purposes, as Nixon favored China for his own purposes.
  6. Tr**p wants to destroy the U.S. economy, as did Nixon—whom took the U.S. off of the Gold Standard.
  7. Tr**p has refused to resign, just as Nixon tried to hold out and not resign until the end. At least Nixon resigned, though.
 In conclusion, then, I am very generously comparing Tr**p to one of his mentors and inspirations, Richard Nixon, instead of his inspirations ****** and Stalin.    

Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Good, The Bad, And The Kevin Myerses And Reverend Kellys

Eerily enough, we were just talking about my dad's childhood Irish-American priest and his Anti Semitism. Sadly, there is a lot of Anti Semitism within quite a few pockets of some Irish Catholic circles....and you know what? Maybe that's another part of why his father's parents did not want his uncle marrying an Irish-American woman. 

(By the way, I've done a lot of family and other research as well as lived quite a life for being 27 years old: I can thus deduct, read between the lines, and otherwise have ways to figure out what I'm not exactly or at all being told.)

Long story short, Dad's from a family of Anusim Ashkenazim and B'nei Anusim Ashkenazim, and Pop-Pop's parents themselves were sort of intermarried: Great-Grandma believed in Jesus (and Great-Great-Grandma was not thrilled about this, as I deducted); and Great-Granddad did not (To him, shidduch shmidduch in any case, though: he wasn't in the Old Country, anyway.). Both of them, however, were not happy when Granduncle Tony wanted to marry a daughter of one of the Sugar Notch Lenahans (Her mother was the Lenahan.): "She's Irish!"

Pop-Pop himself married a daughter of a Rusnak whose father was somehow a relative of Yehoshua Rusnak (though I'm not sure that Grandma knew this at the time). Not that the family prominences figured into the marriage decisions, anyway; and even if they had, Great-Granddad had prominent-enough family himself, anyway, thanks (His cousin Katherine, e.g., married a Chokola; and long story short, the Chokolas are somehow Jewish). The point was that a Jew was a Jew, irrespective of belief; an Irisher was a Irisher, and you could bet that he or she grew up Catholic.

As if my great-grandparents were prescient about things that would turn out in the most-ironic way possible, it actually ended up going well for Granduncle Tony and (sadly) his widow (He died just after her 70th birthday and after they'd been married for 46 years.), and Pop-Pop got stuck with a certain Reverend Kelly as his family's pastor when he moved his family down to Glen Burnie and attended The Good Shepherd: he himself would fall asleep in the back of the church while everyone else attended services.

Only later, meanwhile, did I figure out that Reverend Kelly had a clear Anti-Semitic bias against us: according to my mother, whom is herself mostly from Irish-Catholic stock, my sister and I actually held out our hands correctly for Catholics—and not Episcopalian wise—after all when we attended a Christmas service at the Good Shepherd, including with begrudging Dad (and that Dad had to deal with Father Kelly helps one to understand why he turned out how he turned out—you deal with people in authority whom want to think that they know better than even God Himself, you might also turn out how Dad turned out. By the way, some are skeptical that Reverend Kelly was solely at fault—one good thing about attending what's now NDMU is that I know how many Roman Catholic teachers, laymen and clergy alike, think that they know better than God and try to teach their students to be robots instead of students).
Had I known that we're Jewish back then and that we did hold out our hands correctly after all, I would have realized that the same pastor whom hated my dad as his student back then picked on his now-grown former student's Jewish-looking children—as I've found out, we couldn't pass back then or now even if nobody would say anything—and years later, I am not surprised.

At least I (can be at least fairly certain that I) know that Reverend Kelly will have to (if he hasn't already had to) face a Jewish Jesus someday, and hearing "I never knew you!" will be (or was) painful: after all, as Corrie ten Boom stated, "You can't love God without loving the Jewish people," and she was paraphrasing the Paul of Tarsus whom reminded the gentiles at Rome that gentiles are grafted-in branches of the Tree of Life and Jews are the regrafted-in branches.

Update: After doing some quick Googling:

  1. Reverend Kelly is out of The Good Shepherd. God hath given each according to his or her works, I see. Nonetheless, he his sycophants
  2. I see nothing to indicate that he's died. Since he's still alive, then, he has had some time to reflect on what he's done throughout his life.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

If Tr**p Is Putin's Puppet Or (Forgive My Language), B****....

Why is Tr**p signing a bill to impose sanctions on Russia, in addition to imposing sanctions on Iran and North Korea? By the way, keep in mind that Tr**p praised Kim Jong-Un as well as Putin.

In other words, people who are puppets or (forgive my language) b*****es of other people don't sign bills to sanction them. Also, remember what Tr**p keeps by his bedside and of whom he aspires to be the equivalent in this day and age. Remember that Molotov didn't try to call any shots when it came to Ribbentrop. In addition, Tr**p attempted to make an example of Reince Priebus in order to demonstrate his motto: "You scratch my back, and I won't stab you in yours."

I don't know what gun or whatever else Tr**p has to Reince's head or back, though whatever gun or whatever is similar or equal to whatever made Ivana Trump change her given-under-affidavit claim that she was raped twice—in Ivana's case, she was physically raped at least once as a spouse and non-physically raped twice via blackmail by her rapist—with Reince, only God knows what Tr**p and Scaramucci are doing to keep him from saying, "Yeah, Tr**p's an SOB."

Given Ivana and Reince—among others—then, one has to know that Putin is another puppet of Tr**p and another Molotov to another Ribbentrop. I assume that Tillerson or Scaramucci is the more-literal equivalent of Ribbentrop, by the way, though Tr** is nonetheless as a Ribbentrop to Putin as a Molotov in 2017.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Anti Semitism Came From Outside Of A Hartford Cemetery....And Then There's The Anti Semitism In Luzerne County's Cemeteries

I have living and late relatives who were and are (including ones who currently await the Resurrection Of The Dead) in Madison and Norwalk, and all of us are B'nei Anusim. Besides, for example, I don't know where some relatives who weren't Anusim ended up; and either way, Anti Semites, whether or not they leave written graffiti (as if knocking over matzevot isn't a hateful form of graffiti just because it's unwritten) don't care whether we're Rabbinim, Kara'im, or something else (e.g., Notzrim); or openly Jewish or Anusim, whether or not we're B'nei Anusim.

As is said, it can happen here and it can happen anywhere else.

PS The (perhaps) conspiracy theorist in me says that some of the tombstones in the photos that Dad sent me were knocked over simply because they are or suspected to be matzevot; and the same (perhaps) conspiracy theorist in me suspects that that's why others have been left unmaintained. For example:
Displaying 1026161414.jpg
I'm not sure whose grave this is. However, the grave in two puctures prior, shown here below, is one of Great-Great-Granddad's cousins (the one whom proved that the sin against Natalie Wood didn't escape being perpetrated by our side of his maternal family, might I add.).

Displaying 1026161415.jpg
Another one, this after the knocked-over one. Although it hasn't been maintained, it's clearly standing upright and without any deliberate- and/or other clean-looking breaks.
By the way, all but two of the Hartford matzevot that were knocked over were knocked over to this kind of condition (The other two faced the kind of horrid fate that a matzevah in Europe may've faced.)
Meanwhile, two tombstones of people who were born within 20 years of Great-Great-Granddad (December 24, 1875; despite his tombstone giving 1877) are well maintained. One was born in 1869, and another was born in 1885. This tombstone seems to not be a matzevah (or at least a matzevah Yehudit, if you want to get technical and apply "matzevah" to any tombstone) or at least a suspected matzevah, in contrast to the two shown above that may be.

I left this in its original size on purpose. Assuming that the cemetery in the next picture is Holy Family/St. Charles Cemetery, one can see very clearly the stark contrast. Not that Great-Great-Granddad was a hero, by the way—and from what I understand, he wasn't—nonetheless, something's fishy when a tombstone in Holy Family/St. Charles looks like this in contrast to the other tombstones, especially since Great-Great-Granddad donated to its "Free Poland" fund. Also by the way, Great-Grandma (z"l) died only 10 Gregorian years ago and was laid to rest in St. Mary's as a Holy Family parishioner—it isn't like Holy Family doesn't keep track members of parishioning families whom are still in the area—in addition, given that this is why I mention Great-Grandma, she received a prayer shawl (which was not specifically a tallit) that my aunt Mary made for her and was quite thrilled to receive it (I know why, and Great-Grandma apparently did, too 🙂—had I known before she died and at least before the last time that I saw her 🙁! —in other words, only looking back on the times that I saw her and looking back with what I found out in mind did I understand that she was an alter-bubeh.)

Incidentally, St. Mary's does not allow stones on top of any tombstones ("No crushed decorative stones, pebbles, shells or similar materials shall be placed on or around monuments or markers.")....never mind that Jesus was Jewish (and is Jewish if you believe that he's Mashiach like I do); but, okay, then. 🙄 Also never mind that the stones left on matzevot are never "decorative" (While I was looking for the source where I read that no stones are allowed on top of any tombstone, I didn't remember St. Mary's Cemetery having this much of a contempt for Jews. If only we could get Great-Grandma and other proud stholts Yidn out of there, and get each of them among lantzmen and lantzfroyen whom believe as he or she believes, since it happens from within and not only from without—unless you want to count as part of the "without" group the Anti Semites whom affected them to become Anusim, "hidden Jews", regardless of their beliefs.)
This isn't to mention that since I clearly didn't pass—unbeknownst to me until a friend told me, "I figured that you're Jewish. You look Jewish."—at least quite a few ancestors who did know that they're Jewish from the beginnings of their lives didn't pass, no matter how much they tried and/or no matter how much anybody who at least suspected that they're Jewish didn't say.

By the way, Holy Family/St. Charles Cemetery in Sugar Notch is a small one (so are cemetery such as Holy Cross Polish National Cemetery, where Great-Great-Granddad's brother Felix is buried). There is, thus, little to no chance that even some stranger would've just passed over a lonely grave of an apparently-Polish or -otherwise-gentile parishioner in tight-knit, everybody-apparently-knows-somebody-or-of-somebody-somehow Sugar Notch.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When I First Got the Fox News Alert Re the Email Chain....

I did not feel like reading about it, since I thought that Donald Trump, Jr. would release a Wikileaks-style (i.e., decontextualized) email chain. Then I saw the "New York Times" article as I was browsing. I read the Fox News article afterwards, and I realize that even newly-hired Tr**pite Cody Derespina can't spin this one. (By the way, I've noticed that the Tr**pite reporters like Cody Derespina put their names on their "hard news" articles, in contrast the objective Fox News reporters whom often—if not usually—just put "Fox News".)

Methinks that Donald Trump, Jr. passed up his opportunity to plea the Fifth on this one. He might as well testify against his father during both the Senate hearings and "United States v. Donald J. Trump"—and he'll have to take a plea deal in "United States v. Donald J. Trump, Jr." if he wants even partial prosecutorial immunity.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Netanyahu Wasn't "Bowing To" Agudat Yisra'el

He willingly kiboshed the agreement regarding the Kotel in violation of the Declaration of Establishment, and he has made clearly known where his loyalties lie. For the "Times Of Israel" and others to state that he caved to the Haredim is wrong and not holding Netanyahu accountable for turning Ben Gurion's mistake into Netanyahu's malice.

Netanyahu continues to show that he sides with Agudat Yisra'el—and their allies such as Shas and United Torah Judaism—and needs to be held accountable for deliberately trying to destroy the Zionist State in favor of a Haredi one. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Re People With Mental Illnesses Having Guns: Should We Be Sitting Ducks For Ableists?

Some people with mental illnesses actually do need guns. For example, vulnerable people who may well be targeted due to have mental illnesses need guns to defend themselves. As for Tr**p, he actually hates people with disabilities, including those whom have mental illnesses.

Thus, this ableist ploy by Tr**p to demonize people with mental illnesses may well backfire on him when his Tr**pites whom are committing hate crimes may realize that people with mental illnesses will not allowed themselves to have people step on them.

As for me, I wish that I had and could use a gun to defend myself against anyone whom would target me due to my Depression, OCD/Anxiety, and/or ADD alone (and wasn't getting a threat from a "physically fit German American" due to being a Jew with disabilities enough?).

Besides, look at how the Nazis were partly able to implement T4: they made it illegal for Jews in Europe to be armed, and (as I found out via JewishGen) I lost a cousin whom was murdered because she had Schizophrenia:

Lodz Ghetto Hospital Death Records

Searching for Surname (phonetically like) : RUSZNAK
1 matching record found.
Run on Sun, 18 Jun 2017 22:55:09 -0600

List Date
RUSZNAK, MagdalenaV. Str. 10 
 Hospital Records


Lumping in all people with mental illnesses with those such as Adam Lanza, whom refused to get help and whom committed a mass murder-suicide shooting, is wrong and playing right into Tr**p's hands.