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Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Why I Won't Change The Name Of My Blog

  1. If I change the name of my blog, I'm engaging in an ex-post-facto action. Besides, keeping "The Nicole Factor" isn't like—for example and perhaps using an extreme example—if people were to name their children certain names nowadays or, in some cases, keep names that they had prior to certain events. Incidentally, to see that some parents did name and have named their children names such as "_____o" is incredibly disappointing; and I cringe when I see people with that name on Facebook.
  2. I thought that those allegations were hit jobs against Bill O'Reilly.
  3. I've called for the overturning of "Coker v. Georgia" (1977) and "Kennedy v. Louisiana", pointed out that "sexual assault" is really sexual battery—I've also not shied away from the sad reality that I'm somehow related to Natalie Wood's rapist and Jean Spangler's murderer, and I've talked about how rape did not escape our side of the family: in fact, I was surprised that rape seemed to escape our family and should not have been surprised when I found out that one of Great-Granddad Czarnecki's second cousins was involved in a gang rape (Somehow, the Chernetskis and Daniloviches are related in more ways than one, and both have roots that go back to Chavusy; and every single generation has had to live with whatever started with some Danilovich.).
Point being, then, I'm not going to change the name of "The Nicole Factor" just because the now-ex host of "The O'Reilly Factor" became the worst factor in his and others' lives, since I had nothing to do with what Bill O'Reilly did and I've spoken out against sexual exploitation (including that of the would've-probably-been-raped-anyway Jean Spangler) even within my own family history (and since Natalie Wood's rapist murdered Jean Spangler after she exposed their affair via a note to him, he would've raped Jean Spangler and any other women whom'd've said "No"—that's sadly a pattern among Daniloviches whom continue the family dynamics on any side, sexual and non-sexual dynamics alike.).

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

After the News About Chechen Persecution Camps & Sean Spicer's Comment Re the Holocaust And Assad...


By the way, the "conspiracy theory" that Tr**p colluded with Putin and Assad—which Sean Spicer pretty much just confirmed with his comment re ****** and the gas chambers in the murder camps—is not a leftist one—it is a non-partisan "conspiracy theory" that Sean Spicer just proved!

Also by the way, ****** unfortunately did murder mainly his own people—and we wish that he wasn't one of ours!—one affair during a trade fair in Graz, and all of us (past, present, and future) get murderously blamed for it by a self-hating descendant of the paramours whom acts like nobody else in the world ever had or will ever again have affairs. Similarly hateful, by the way, was a certain Castilian-Aragonese king—and gentiles like Sean Spicer want to emulate self-hating Jews instead of lights unto the nations ๐Ÿ™.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

I, Too, Suspected That Tr**p Knew...

Remember that I said that Putin was either saving face, facing his Ribbentrop-Molotov moment, or helping Trump divert?

Putin and Assad may indeed have collaborated with Tr**p (which I wondered about, although I knew some would think that I was no better than the 9/11 "truthers"). After all, Tr**p draws parallels to, besides ******, FDR as Putin does to Stalin and Assad to, perhaps, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the time of the Holocaust in Germany:

  1. Neither FDR nor Stalin cared about the Jews.
  2. Stalin had his own "Final Solution", just like Haman had his gallows and Pharaoh had his plans to enslave us and commit ethnocide via Anti-Semitic androcide and Egyptocentric patrilinealist natalism. 
  3. Assad is clearly an Alawite Islamist who works with Sunni Islamists, and the Grand Mufti was a Sunni Islamist.
  4. The "S.S. St. Louis" incident happened under FDR, as happened the turning away of a rabbinic delegation in October 1943.
  5. FDR's VP-turned-POTUS, Harry "'I am Cyrus'" Truman, hired "former" Nazis to work against the Soviets (PS WADR, no, Mr. Truman; you were not Cyrus—and you were neither any type of Nebuchadnezzar nor Artaxerxes—neither Cyrus nor Artaxerxes hired Nazi equivalents whom wanted to go after us and do what they considered to be, as the slur and threat goes nowadays, "finish[ing] the job"—slurs and threats of which I have received equivalents. You were perhaps some Pseudo-Cyrus Pharaoh whose evil got used for good—you got many of us to be able to make aliyah to a refounded Israel, and your plan to hire Nazis and not really participate in the capture of justice-evading Nazis in speedy Nuremburg trials is seen only as another thwarted-by-God plan to get us all into one place and then murder us—nice, or perhaps not-so-nice, try, though.)

By the way, where was Trump offering aid to El-Sisi after the Palm Sunday bombings committed by Da'esh instead of just having "confidence that [El-Sisi] will handle [the] situation properly"?

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Since Da'esh Murdered 49 Egyptians & Wounded Others Today, What About Assad?

In other words, was Assad involved? Even though he's an Alawite, he colludes with Sunni groups such as Da'esh to commit murder. Besides, look at how close enough Syria is to Egypt if Assad wanted to get weapons there within a day:

Meanwhile, the remnant of Egypt (and Egyptian Jews) certainly did not need this during the seasons Passover and Easter, especially after the very-real pain that Egyptians were responsible for the enslavement of Jews—including ancestors of Jesus* and the ancestors of Jews (including Jewish Christians) in Egypt— in Egypt resurfaces at especially this time of year—after all, how would you like to remember that your people (and, if you're a Jew in Egypt, you are among the descendants of those) whom engaged in acts of the kind Anti Semitism that are similar to the kind of acts Da'esh and Assad today?

*Notwithstanding whatever you make of him re whether he was Mashiach.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

There's Really No Kind Of Brain Tumor—Or, As My Family Should Know, Any Other Brain Or Cranium Damage—That Is Benign

Ask "Eli", for example:

"The father said he son has undergone three surgeries to remove tumors after being exposed to harmful chemicals at his job, and that his son also has a benign tumor in his head. At a court hearing last week, the teen’s attorney presented photographs and medical imaging of a non-malignant brain tumor that the defense says affects his behavior."
Besides, any kind of brain and cranial damage can mess one up. As I've said, I thought that the autism excuse was a poor one until I remembered my great-granduncle Bernie. Remember that Great-Granduncle Bernie had a botched surgery to remove shrapnel from his head and also had the Schizophrenia that would eventually kill him during a Schizophrenia flareup that effected a coronary occlusion. Being childlike and very gullible due to the brain damage that he sustained, he was additionally vulnerable and, thus, exploited by Great-Granduncle John ("Jankie"") and especially Great-Granduncle Joe ("Susi") to sign off his Social Security benefits, which were supposed to go to the sister whom set up the Social Security account, to them.

There are evil people whom will use the vulnerable for their own ends, and only God knows who's ablelistically and Anti Semitically exploiting "Eli" as much as those two kapos exploited Great-Granduncle Bernie—and exploiting a fellow Jewish World War Two veteran and a younger sibling took a special kind of chutzpah that Great-Granduncle Susi (and I'd call him an SOB as Granduncle Tony understandably did, though—since I know that Great-Great-Grandma had Schizophrenia—that would not be fair to Great-Great-Grandma—and to be fair, Granduncle Tony did not know that she had Schizophrenia; and I didn't know until I saw Great-Granduncle Bernie's death certificate and recalled the accounts regarding her.).

Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Accident[al]" "Kill" Lists, Etc.: The Trumpian Paradigm

Threatening to leave NATO, murder journalists and silence other journalists whom cover Russiagate, and otherwise destroy republicanism in the U.S.—as well as republicanism and democracy elsewhere—means one thing: the Trump Dictatorship has escalated its Bowling Green Massacre, as if bowling over our stomachs and making us biliously green by attempting to massacre freedom and liberty everywhere wasn't enough.

Also increasing, of course, is attempted and actual mental, emotional, and other non-physical murderousness of the cyberbullying and offline-bullying Trumpites continue to target professionals and even laypeople like me (though I'm an aspiring professional, might I add, and they're seeking to destroy me and others whom are aspiring professionals—especially if we're Jews). That murderous cyberbullying and offline bullying includes ramped-up racism, xenophobia, ableism, sexism, and Anti Semitism (a special kind of racism) and Muslimophobia (and as I've said before, notice that I didn't say "Islamophobia"—contrary to what Trumpites, including narcissistic Trump, and others say, most Muslims (at least in the Western and Westernized world) do not follow the Islam of Mohammed, an Arabian equivalent to White supremacist Trump—after all, Mohammed proselytized to especially Jews and Christians (including Jewish Christians) by sharing his faith unsolicitedly and even after other people asked him to stop sharing it with them, taxing them, or murdering them—and think about whom Trump targets and uses frequently.

The Trumpian Paradigm, then, is this (or at least this): a syncretic paradigm that borrows from the paradigms of Nazism, Sovietism, and Medinan-Meccan Islam—by the way, Mohammed had no patience with or tolerance those with whom he considered heretics and apostates, since freedom of conscience and religion were anathema to Mohammed. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Like Trump & NATO, Brexit & The EU—Which Will Cost the UK More Than It Already Has, Including Scotland

The EU shouldn't really miss the UK if the UK goes through with the (as Fox News dubbed Brexit) "divorce"—after all, the UK is playing games and has already reenergized the Scottish independence movement (and Scotland wanted to remain a member of the EU, thus voting "Remain" on the Brexit referendum). With Scotland reconsidering the independence that it hasn't had in almost 310 years and wanting the rejoin the EU, May and others should consider Scotland alone as a factor to call off its divorce from the EU.

Besides, the UK is doing the EU as Trump wants to do to NATO: divorce it and leave it vulnerable, and leave itself vulnerable in the end. NATO and the EU weren't founded after the Holocaust in Germany for no reason (Keep in mind that the Holocaust was still going on in Russia, especially since Stalin had implemented his "Final Solution" plan—and ended up learning how "Final Solution" plans work out in the end five years later, as if he shouldn't have learned that when the Holocaust ended in Germany—and Godless and Anti-Semitic Stalin's gulags did not close until 1960, and the Holocaust therefore lasted a total of an all-the-more-startling 38 years.).

As for the EU? It might teach the UK a hard lesson and not take it back—after all, why should the EU take back a UK that thinks that it can stand without its for-now fellow EU members? After all, it took France and other modern-day EU (and modern-day NATO) members to end the Holocaust in Germany, didn't it? Then again, the motive for the UK leaving the EU (and Trump wanting to leave NATO) does have to do with Anti Semitism (and other racism and xenophobia). By the way, the UK also has a legacy of treating Holocaust survivors and others whom made aliyah, and sabras miserably after the Holocaust—thus being no better than the Germany and the not-really-an-ally USSR that it fought.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Re "Christian" As An Adjective

I just have a few thoughts. For example:
  1. Being a non-proselytizing Jewish Christian, I myself agree with many that many so-called "Christians" (including the notorious so-called and David Brickner-run "Jews For Jesus", whom far from actually follow the New Testament) are Christians in name only (Moshe Rosen would be ashamed. Read Stuart Dauermann's open letter to David Brickner re the Anti-Semitic "That Jew Died For You" stunt).
  2. Sadly, Webster wrote the definition for "Christian" back in the days when it was indeed assumed that only Christians can do good, notwithstanding that Tanakh says that nobody is righteous.
  3. "Christian" is used usually only in regard to self-professing Christians such as not-at-all-a-Christian D****d Tr**p.
  4. During "Roe v. Wade", Catholics and Protestants did indeed identify as Catholic Christians because of the anti-abortion tenet within Christianity.
  5. One's politics reflects one's worldview, as can be seen in the "Roe v. Wade" example alone. By the way, real (or at least strong) Christians would be both against abortion and for reforming the adoption system.
  6. Real (or at least strong) Christians condemn racism (especially Anti Semitism), sexism, xenophobia, ableism, and other bigotry, such as Muslimophobia (Islamophobia is another discussion, as Mohammed hated both Jewish Christians—and other Jews—and gentile Christians. One can hate certain ideologies, including religions, without hating their followers. By the way, most Muslims in at least the Western World are moderate, or secular).
  7. "Turning the other cheek" was actually a Samuel Jackson type of defiance. "Say 'what' again..." became "hit me again...", and "turn the other cheek" has been misinterpreted for years.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Re Paid Access To Read "The Nicole Factor" Or Any Other Blogger Blog

A fellow tweeter alerted me to that, and that should not be happening. I don't know whether Blogger was hacked recently, at least two suspicious visits from Russia that registered on Feedjit and not Clustrmaps or Revolver, or anything else had to do with it. Nonetheless, Blogger never makes anyone pay for access to any blog whatsoever.

Meanwhile, I would not be surprised if the suspicious Russian visits had anything to do with it—I have been one of the more vocal laywomen against Trump (not to mention a more-exhausted one for various reasons, including the effects of cyberbullying by Trumpites).  BTW, keep an eye out if you suspect suspicious Russian or any other visits on your blog—given that, for example, I lost a cousin in the Sho'ah around this time 43 years ago (since he was kidnapped on March 31, 1944; in Suwaล‚ki as a hostage, and murdered by hanging in June 1944), I myself would be remiss to not speak up, especially since the Russians treated other cousins on that side no better afterwards (and even in being Anusim and b'nei-Anusim, my family did not escape the effects of either the Holocaust in Germany or the Holocaust in Russia—since the Holocaust actually began in Anti-Semitic Stalin in 1922 and did not end until the gulags closed in 1960, 12 years after Stalin implemented a "Final Solution" plan). 

Monday, February 20, 2017

A Massacre In Sweden Really Did Occur, As It Happened In Bowling Green. Guess Who Really Caused It?

  1. Tr*** himself—bowling over massacring any liberty and freedom is dangerously making people ๐Ÿคข.
  2. Tr***'s offical and unofficial cabinet, including his family.
  3. Tr***ites from Milo to Newt Gingrich.
There are others whom caused Tr***'s Bowling Green Massacre, including pro-Trump and Anti-Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu—Agudat Yisrael's "natural partner". Meanwhile, not just the U.S., Sweden, and Israel are suffering—so are, e.g., Poland, the Ukraine and Crimea, and Slovakia, all of where substantial kehillot still exist. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

A Jewish "Zhang" In China With MRKH? If So, Another Factor In the "Be Fruitful" Mitzvah To Examine Comes To Light

A 23-year-old woman named "Zhang", possibly "Joshua", had a corrective surgery to improve her marital and fertility prospects:

"As time went by, Zhang's parents became more and more worried that their daughter would not be able to date, marry and have children due to her condition. So the family contacted the No.1 Affiliated Hospital of the Medical School of Xi'an Jiatong University for help.
"Zhang was diagnosed with Mayer-Rokitansky-Kรผster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH), a congenital abnormality characterised by women who have no vagina, womb and cervix...
"A B-scan ultra-sonography revealed that Zhang has no vagina or uterus, but she has functioning ovaries.
"She told the doctors that she had not been able to date any men because of her condition. She also had to turn down many admirers who had asked her out."

As an bat-Anusim, I would not be surprised if she is a Kaifenger Anusit and/or bat-Anusim*. After all, the reproductive aspect of "be fruitful and multiply" is heavily emphasized in traditional Judaism (not withstanding that some did and do focus on the non-reproductive aspects)—and in her case, it may have brought up another issue in Rabbinic halacha: "May one have any corrective or curative surgery that involves grafting a non-reproductive part onto a reproductive part, or would having such be a chillul ื™ื”ื•ื” in that it would involve l'sachek ื™ื”ื•ื”?"

*By the way, you will never catching me using "Anus" or "Anusah". If you can't figure out why, you may have never faced the kind of Anti Semitism that I have.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Trump: Bad On Morality And Bad On Morale

As more of the Trump saga unfolds—and only God knows why He wrote it the way that he did—morality and morale are showing to be on the decline in the United States, and some absolutely- and truly-ugly colors and sides of people are either coming out or beginning to be formed. For example, and as if this hasn't been written about before:

  1. Anti Semitism, including Self-Hating Jewishness, is coming out in the open & on the rise. At least Jews like Dennis Prager, for instance, are revealing their far-from-dati colors—and there is nothing dati or b'ahavah about supporting a man whom keeps "My New Order" by his bedside, "[doesn't] want [Jewish] money", as if we're the canardic "short little guys that wear yarmulkes every day", and is friends with Anti-Zionist Netanyahu & Agudat Yisra'el. By the way, the only reason that there are even friends of Trumps like the Netanyahus and their mutual friends known as the Adelsons—whom really spurned the hand of Whom blessed them—is: 1) the one Whom blessed the families like the often-enviously-disparaged Rothschilds and the self-hating Adelsons remade us the head and not the tail; and 2) the Anti Semites that forced many of us into banking as the only available occupation had the evil that they did to us for good; and these Anti Semites now don't like when the tables turned on us and even their families are blessed by B'nei Yisra'el.
  2. Ableism is definitely on the rise. As Serge Kovaleski got mocked, Marlee Matlin got cursed as "retarded"—which, by the way, Donald Trump violated the mitzvah of not to curse the deaf in so doing—and people like me have been threatened by "physically fit German American[s]," many can see why Betty DeVos wants to repeal the ADA and make the lives of PWDs (people with disabilities) than it is, for instance.
  3. Misogyny is on the rise. Ask, e.g., the Chuck Nellis whom attacked me for being a "girl" when he lost the argument regarding how dangerous Trump is; and ask the GOP Senate whom cowed to Trump by silencing Elizabeth Warren.
  4. Racism and xenophobia are on the rise. By the way, thank God that Coretta Scott King died when she did—she did not have to live to see this (cf. Isaiah 57:1-2), and she's a gentile whom went to the mountaintop where her late husband and others are (cf. Micah 4:2).
  5. U.S. military morale is on the decline. Ask, e.g., the family of CSWO William "Ryan" Owens, USN, KIA. Also ask the troops that dread that they will be sent to war against Mexico and actually with, instead of against, Trump's and Putin's mutual friend Rouhani—a known Anti Semite.
In conclusion, envious Anti Semites and Self-Hating Jews, dehumanizing ableists, patronizing misogynists, and nativist racists and xenophobes are helping Donald Trump put the United States of America and the U.S. Armed Forces on a slope of moral and morale decline,  

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Condemnation Of An 8-Year-Old Nora Whom Did Not Choose Her Family Or Her Family's Crimes

The amount of cruelty that is in the comments section of my share of the "Hindustan Times" article re Nora (whose last name I will not use due to its despicable connotations) is unbelievable. Why should an eight-year-old child be condemned for what her father did? Also, as I said, perhaps refugees that were informants could've prevented deaths like this. How many more innocent children will have to die, especially if no refugee who has any relevant information can come forward?

For example, another eight-year-old girl may have her life in the balance but for a refugee whom could speak up for her, such as a young Yazidi girl—whom would be currently stereotyped as a Muslim and an equivalent of "Jihadi Jane"—or a Chaldean Christian man—who might be libeled as a "Palestinian" Muslim who's doing taqiyya (the Mohammedan/"Muslim" form of deception practiced by Orthodox Mohammedans/"radical Muslims", "Islamic extremists", etc.).

Perhaps even a man among the Jadid al-Islam (Mohammedan Anusim) who could be a refugee may be an informant regarding the insidiousness of Iran, and may prevent something that Iran could be planning—for example, what if the Iranians who attacked the Saudi ship may have eight-year-old girls whom they will attempt to barter as sex slaves in order for other terrorists to keep quiet? You never know what sociopathic and narcissistic terrorists plan or could plan; and we may never know if something would (God forbid) happen unless we have refugees whom are informants, will we?

The xenophobes, Muslimophobes (notice that I didn't say "Islamophobes"), and simplistic dread mongers can keep their divisive hate and intellectual dishonesty to themselves—either that, or (while they're spreading their bigotry) they can advocate kicking out people like Mosab Yousef (the "son of Hamas") and eight-year-old girls whom have been rescued from Orthodox Mohammedan traffickers, and they can also advocate doing the un-Christian and un-American thing of punishing children for the sins of their fathers.

As for me, I won't punish the eight-year-old girls whom were born of terrorists, captured by human traffickers, and otherwise forced to live hard lives because of what their fathers did—and I'll hope that more innocent refugees (like Yazidi girls whom testify before Congress) and repentant refugees (like Mosab Yousef) come forward.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

I Remember Where I Was When...

I heard the full "I Have a Dream" speech, at least really for the first time and at least the part that's usually heard. It was in my dad's former church, Epiphany Episcopal in Odenton (Remember that Dad's an Anusi—still unhappy that I found out that we're Jews—and I had to spend every other weekend at with my dad until November 2006—that weekend was worth it.).

As I recall, it was on the left side of the front of the sanctuary, and there was certainly a speaker (or projector or other kind of media-playback device) on that side—and because it was within the time of MLK Day or one of the anniversaries of the "I Have a Dream Speech", the pastor had it played in the sanctuary after the service and encouraged people to listen to it.

While I can't exactly remember the details, I remember the impression that it left—and now I'm wondering how after that long ago (when a Jewish boy had just turned three years old five days before) anyone could've voted for Donald Trump (and gave to that now-almost-57-year-old Jewish man more reason to have an excuse to deny being a Jew) and how anyone could've voted for Donald Trump in the Name of Jesus (a Jew whom created women like Epiphany's priest and one of Epiphany's African-American congregants whom I shall never forget—and I'd mention her by name if I wasn't in dread that someone would use my mention of her by name to hurt her).

For Donald Trump voters whom were alive at the time of the March on Washington, old enough to remember, and/or even in Washington, by the way, did you forget where you were when you voted for Donald Trump; or was the March on Washington a joke to you; or do you have another reason as to why you voted for an embodiment of the nightmares of Dr. King (not to mention the embodiment of the nightmares of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and others whom marched with Dr. King)? 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Why I As a Conservative Stand With Avaaz & Other Leftist Or Left-Leaning Organizations In Certain Cases Against RINO Trump

Donald "Insurance For Everybody" Trump is proving to be just as bad as Barack "You can keep your doctor if you like him" Obama to any reasonable mind—yeah; who's really going to repeal Obamacare now? Who's also going to help the least among us—Dr. "Get people off of it" Ben Carson? Not everyone has the (apparently-)good (mis)fortune of not suffering disabilities (such as in the case of those like Dr. Carson, whom might actually need to suffer disabilities for at least a while to see what it's like).

On the other hand, if Donald Trump and Dr. "[I]f the people had not been disarmed" Carson get their way, I (and others) could always die in another T4—and, in their minds, why not, since we'd be decreasing the load on their entitlement system? Besides, especially to Dr. "[I]f the people had not been disarmed" Carson, I as a Jew am expendable—since, after all, Jews were apparently responsible for the Holocaust because we weren't legally allowed to defend ourselves—I suppose, too, that there's "legitimate" Anti Semitism just as there's "legitimate rape", since "you can't rape your spouse", correct? Not that I could defend myself, anyway—and I'd be an easy target for rapists and rape enablers such as Michael Cohen and Dr. Carson—and get real if you don't think that people like me would not be blamed if Donald Trump et. al. get their way.

As for me, I stand with organizations like Avaaz and even Ultraviolet when I need to stand with them—after all:

If Trump gets his way, he's coming for the Jews—
And if I don't speak up for myself, who will speak up for me?
Then he'll come for people with disabilities—
And if I speak up for only myself, who will speak up for others?
Then he'll come for even quite a few women whom support him—
And if women like me who don't support him don't speak up now, when will we be able to speak up?
After all, this isn't just about if he'd come for me and I'd have nobody left to speak up for me.

Ben Carson's Attitude Is A Symptom and Reflection Of Society's Ableism

If only the case were as simplistic as Ben Carson likes to make it seem. Too many self-proclaimed conservatives don't help their communities, and then they complain about those of us "that make excuses"—as one person named "Gillespie" accused people like me of being.

Speaking of Gillespies, I had neighbors whom are Gillespies and have at least two friends whom are Gillespies; and the Gillespie in question is a shame to my neighbors' and friends' family name. I say this, by the way, with shandas to my own family namesIrish ones, including Reilly, being among them and Jewish ones, including Czarnecki, being among them. 

The Czarneckis whom were—and some of whom still are—shandas to the shem hamispacha either lied or did not say the truth about how my cousin Jamie came to have a low IQ—only later did I find out that he was not born that way. As for my mom's family, her grandmother Alice Reilly Allen may well have lied about her aunt Kas' disability—incidentally, one of my Gillespie friends brought this to light when he told me that she had Cerebral Palsy like I do, not Polio—and my maternal grandmother confirmed that Nana Allen may well have lied.. 

The point, then, is that Ben Carson's attitude is one more case in point that ableism continues to be rampantevenand perhaps especiallyin families whom have members whom have disabilitiesincluding even themselves: case in point, my dad never admitted to having OCD/Anxiety or Depression (and I found out only after I was diagnosed with OCD/Anxiety and Depression, and looked back on why all those pill bottles were in his apartment—and they weren't B12 ones, as I should've known), and he still justifies lying about his paternal grandfather's suicide (about which I should've known before I ended up in Sheppard Pratt after I threatened to take Great-Granddad's path).

PS I went to college and graduated with a B.A. in Political Science. I am registered with an employment agency. I am on LinkedIn, etc.—as I said, if only the case were as simplistic as Ben Carson and others like to make it seem. 
Meanwhile how (un)fortunate that he doesn't suffer a disabilityand maybe if he did suffer one, he'd at least know something about being the least among humankind and compassion. That's one of the few reasons that I'm glad that I have Cerebral Palsy and mental illnesses—that is, being of the least among humankind, "those that make excuses", etc., I know what compassion is and what it isn't.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Who Advised Andrea Bocelli To Take Donald Trump's Offer In the First Place?

Were I one of Andrea Bocelli's managers or PR agents, I've written a memo of dissuasion such as:

"Absolutely not. You're Italian, Roman Catholic, and blind. Do you really think that Donald Trump—a known admirer of Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin, and their contemporary counterparts such as Saddam Hussein and Putin—would be good to you? He doesn't like any Olive—let alone Latin—people, Christians—let alone KKK-despised Catholics, or people with disabilities.

"You do realize, by the way, that Italians and Hispanics are not the only Olive people whom he hates, right? If you didn't, know that he also hates—for example—Jews, such as Jesus—for starters, ask Julia Ioffe and other Diasporan Jews, and certainly ask Jews under Ultra-Orthodox oppression—then you'll understand why he supports the Netanyahu and the Ultra Orthodox.

"As for Christians, he can't love Christians (let alone be a Christian) since he hates Jews—and I can't help you if you need that one explained to you—and since he helped his KKK-affiliated father discriminate against Blacks, he couldn't love Christians or be a Christian even if he didn't hate Jews.

"As for people with disabilities, ask Sergei Kovaleski and Marlee Matlin—the latter of whom is also Jewish, which is another obvious reason that Trump targeted her.  As for Sergei Kovaleski, by the way, Slavophobic Trump would doubly despise him regardless of whether he's Jewish with a Slavophonic surname or ethnically Slavic—ask his ex-wife Ivana and the Polish workers that he exploited.

"In conclusion, then, I hope that you understand why you should not take the offer of a known White Supremacist and ableist—let alone one that is a KKK aider and abetter—after all, being a blind Latino whom claims a Jew as your Savior inherently put you among the kind of the people that Donald Trump hates."

Thursday, January 12, 2017

"hay hogan what about martin omaly's taxes on us in his last 8 years what did u do forget."

With all due respect:

You have no clue if you think that Governor Hogan can just automatically undo eight years of the Maryland voters' damage—since we as voters (even those of us whom voted for Ehrlich) need to take responsibility for the eight years prior to 2015. Besides, having a General Assembly whom generally pits itself against any Republican administration won't help get the O'Malley Administration tax initiatives repealed.

In Howard County (where, by the way, he had to quickly appoint a new sheriff after the Fitzgerald scandal), a microcosm of that can be seen: automatically undoing the Ulman Administration's and the County Council's Ulman Administration damaging initiatives won't happen overnight, especially since the County Council has four Democrats and one lone Republican—and by the way, in a county in which Jewish voters are expected to be Democrats (this, for example, despite that Ulman ran with one of the initiators of the abysmal Annapolis Conference, that Councilman Fox got elected at all is amazing—and of course, 80% of the County Council is generally pitted against a Republican Administration.

Also, Governor Hogan fought Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma—get a clue if you think that he had time and/or energy to even begin to try to repeal the O'Malley Administration tax initiatives (and Governor Hogan is not an authoritarian whom'd just override the assembly—if you want an authoritarian whom'd override a legislative body of any kind, look to the Donald Trump for whom Governor Hogan refused to vote). Besides, not even a full two years since Governor Hogan's case of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma went into remission have passed.

In conclusion, the only way that you'll reverse eight years of damage by a Maryland-elected O'Malley Administration is to do what Governor Hogan is doing:

  • Respect the will of Maryland's voting population—whose demographics he also needs to consider
  • Call for the General Assembly to participate in bipartisan and interbranch cooperation
  • Realize that the Hogan Adminstration battle is parallel to the much-smaller-scale Kittleman Administration battle—in which the Hogan Administration sometimes has to involve itself
  • Consider that nobody can just bounce back from even in-remission cancer, let alone Stage-Three Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma—especially when the General Assembly seems to want to deliberately drain any Republican governor of any energy and resources, let alone relatively-recently-in-remission Governor Hogan of day-to-day energy and other resources that he needs to have to affect any reversal of the damage that the O'Malley Administration caused.

⃰ O'Malley and Brown could've easily said, "Not in this city" and "Take it to another city"—by allowing an Annapolis Conference in which the Anti-Semitic "Palestinian" Authority participated, O'Malley and Brown were just as responsible for the Annapolis Conference as anyone else whom was involved with it.

"Golden Showers" & More Of Another Case Of Why Not All That Glitters Is Gold

  1. I don't ever again want to hear anybody lambasting Bill Clinton—whom, along with Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump supported for years—if he or she will defend Donald Trump. Besides, bad enough is that Donald Trump has a jet worth $100 Million that actually has a sink that someone plated with 24k gold—so, conceivably, he could've had golden(-plated) showers—as the case turns out, and as I found out with Urban Dictionary, Donald Trump's "golden showers" aren't showering apparatuses that are made of gold. Again, Bill Clinton's a rich pervert and Donald Trump's not?
  2. Donald Trump is continuing to try to ban press members whom disagree with him.
  3. More and more evidence is coming out that Russia colluded with Trump (not the other way around, if you notice—unless the "golden showers" scandal does Donald Trump in, Ribbentrop is continuing to play Molotov).

Monday, January 9, 2017