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Showing posts with label persecution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label persecution. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Even If I Wrote This Before, I'll Write It Again...

  1. Whenever I hear "Pigs in a blanket; fry them like bacon!", I am reminded that we still called "pigs" and other slurs; and we face threats of Auschwitz again.
  2. When "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter" targets Jewish bastions and the bastions' vicinities—e.g., Ferguson in St. Louis' vicinity, Northwest Baltimore, where Park Heights is; Baton Rouge, and Dallas—I think of the pogroms, especially since kapo Glenn Greenwald blamed the Mossad for Ferguson (which makes Glenn Greenwald a kapo) and fellow Anti Semites of the "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter" Movement—such as the Nation Of Islam and the Black Panthers—have joined "Black Lives [Really Don't] Matter".
  3. If Black lives really mattered to them, where are they advocating for groups like the Lemba and Falasha? If they're going to parallel Israel:"Palestine" to the police:Black men, why don't go after the real trouble in Israel and its perpetuators: not the "occupation" of "Palestine" and "racist" Jews, but the chokehold of Agudat Yisra'el and Netanyahu on Israel? After all, many Lemba, Falasha who were supposed to make aliyah, and other Black Jews would like to go home; thanks—so would a lot of us Non-Black Jews!
I'd write more if I could (and trust that I wish that I could write more!). Nonetheless, I think that many will get—even if they don't like—my point.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

July 5, 1945: On This Day

  1. 71 years ago, the USSR murdered resistance fighters in Augustów. Among them were Andrulewicz cousins of mine, as well as a Margiewicz cousin. Because we were and are Anusim and bnei-Anusim, their sides were never recognized as Jews until now. Also, the Holocaust was never recognized as having been in Russia beyond 1945—until the gulags were closed in 1960, Stalin's attempt at a "Final Solution" continued. May all of the more than 6 Million Jews whom were murdered in the Holocaust be counted as Holocaust victims.
  2. Also on this day, Julia Fosko Rusnak blessedly died and did not have to see the horrid days coming. Granted that she died a horrible death, which involved surgical complications due to appendix-removal surgery. Still, she was taken from her own bed in the hospital:
"The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart, and godly men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He entereth into peace, they rest in their beds, each one that walketh in his uprightness."
By the way, I know that my family gets mad at me for having found out and acknowledged what Andrew Rusnak and Mary Rusnak Gaydos did. Nonetheless, I can and will not change the past, and I have already made clear that I will not blame the Foczkos.

Originally On LinkedIn: Why I Don't Want To Start Off With An Entry-Level Job: Hint: It's Not Because I Feel Entitled

It's because an entry-level job may be my only job if I were to take one. Having Cerebral Palsy as well as OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD, I am not viewed as an employable person whom happens to have a physical disability and mental illnesses—I am viewed as an unemployable disability and cocktail of mental illness whom is good enough only for an entry-level job if I'm good enough even for that, and never up able to move in the career ladder because I am a disability and cocktail [of] mental illnesses—I am viewed as a would-be embarrassment, liability, expense, and burden to employers.
I know how I'm viewed because I've lived it in all realms of my life—e.g., familial, romantic, academic, and obviously professional. 

That's part of why I'm working on becoming an analyst-commentator and author—I do not want to be viewed as an unemployable disability whom's good only for entry-level jobs if I'm ever be employable at all. I also do not want to be defined by my disabilities—in fact, I just yelled at my sister as I was about to type "stop telling me to be an advocate for people with disabilities":

There you ******* go.

Too many a family member, friend, and other kind of person have suggested that I be an advocate for people with disabilities—just as my sister suggested that I start an organization for people with disabilities—I compare it to when African Americans were viewed as disabilities because of their skin color and definable only by their skin color, which was viewed as a disability.

Just like Martin Luther King, Jr. and other African Americans whom did not want to be defined "by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character", I did and do not want to be viewed as and defined by my Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD—I want to be defined as an employable person and contributing member of society whom happens to have Cerebral Palsy, OCD/Anxiety, Depression, and ADD.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

אה, לא!

Ah, lo.

"“Nothing will separate us, against our will, from such men and women, whether they live in Israel or in any other country. Universities were born before the nation states; they have reasons that overcome any raison d’état.”"

The comments were good until then. Firstly, nation states were the norm back in ancient days (e.g., Yisra'el/Judaea/"Palestinia"; Roma, Hellas). Secondly, without batim-midrash and similar educational institutions, universities would've been nothing. By the way, that "Israel is part of [Italians'] identity," is drek. With the exception of the Roman, Tuscan, and other Italian remnants, Italy and Israel have nothing to do with each other but the pain that Italians caused Jews over the millennia.

What the Italians have right, though, is this: "going against Israel means going against ourselves". The Italians know that any nation who curses Israel will be cursed in turn, and the Romans down to the modern-day Italians would've gotten nowhere without (among other Jewish groups) sabras, Romani'otim, Sephardim, Italqim (obviously, since Italqim are Italian Jews), and Ashkenazim (including, I'm pretty sure, Pope Yochanahn Sha'ul ben Malka Chanah. Don't believe me? Go search on "Emilia". Also, Kaczorowska could easily be "bat ka'tz u'rov". By the way, Pope John Paul II really helped improve Christian and Jewish, including Jewish Christian and Non-Messianic Jewish, relations.).

The Italian Anti-BDS legislation, then, may be opportunistic and not out of a genuine love for Israel. 

Monday, June 6, 2016

A Darker Side Of D-Day

D-Day came too late for many Jews and others whom were trapped in Nazi and Soviet Europe. One of them was one of the Andrulewiczes, Antoni Andrulewicz (חנניה בן יוחנן הכוהן אנדרולוביץ, ז''ל והי''ד). 

According to what cited, he was "arrested" (read "kidnapped"), "held hostage in the Suwalki prison" for almost three months (March 13-June 6, 1944), and murdered by asphyxiation with other victims of a "mass execution" (read, quite frankly, "mass lynching"), and put into a mass grave at the murder site.

Remember that not all Sho'ah victims fit the profile of the oft-described Sho'ah victim—and certainly, not all lived to be victims whom became liberated survivors. Because he was a ben Anusim, he (like other bnei Anusim in Non-Hispanic Europe) got overlooked (despite that Anusim and bnei Anusim were not only in Iberia and not only during the Spanish Inquisition). Also, an account from another Andrulewicz—Boleslaw Andrulewicz—makes quite clear that the Andrulewiczes were not counted as Poles; and there is no record of any Andrulewicz ever smuggling or helping smuggle papers or ration cards—in fact, one Andrulewicz kept under the radar of the Nazis and the Soviets by moving from parish to parish in Lithuania with constant and seemingly-chaotic movements between 1938 and 1948.

As has been said, ****** didn't care whether Jews were Rabbinical, Karaite, or Non-Rabbinical and Non-Karaite Jews; and many continue to leave millions of those whom were counted for murder out of the count of those whom are to be remembered ("[B]ut for Thy sake are we killed all the day; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter."). 

Even 72 years after D-Day, only 6-11 Million victims of the Sho'ah (not counting the gentile ones) are counted and remembered for a blessing; and Stalin, despite that he had his equivalent of a "Final Solution", is remembered as part of the Yalta Three whom led the armed forces that liberated Jews from Auschwitz and other murder ("concentration") camps (and lets be clear: the "concentration" camps were not designed to be anything but murder camps). 

Even 72 years later, then, Israel is still not even remotely close to liberated from the Nazis—how can Israel even begin to be liberated when his murdered sons and daughters are still not fully counted and what he endured in, e.g., murder camps is minimized? 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Why I Signed Up For (And I'm Not Being Paid Or Otherwise Compensated For This Blog Entry)

In short, I'm:

  1. "[D]isgustingly Jewish", as a blocked-and-reported Twitter called many of us #NeverTrump people. To Trump and Trumpite zealots, being Jewish is disgusting—and I am among the Jews whom have persecuted by Trumpite zealots. I, reporter Julia Ioffe, and others are clearly not welcome in Trump's America.
  2. A person with Cerebral Palsy and OCD/Anxiety, Depression, ADD, and IBS—and a "physically fit German American" who "can think of a place for [me]" (as a Trumpite threatened me on Twitter) and Donald Trump himself as he persecuted Serge Kovaleski made clear that Americans with disabilities will not be considered Americans in Trump's America.
  3. Likely to, as a Jewish-American with Cerebral Palsy and other conditions, be forcibly stripped of my native American citizenship—just as Jews born in Germany and the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe were stripped of their American citizenship—and put in a murder camp unless I flee the United States of Donald Trump—and if anyone has to worry about FEMA camps actually being used maliciously, one would have to worry about FEMA camps becoming camps used for malicious purposes instead of shelter from disasters if Donald Trump does become POTUS.
  4. Not looking forward to becoming an alteh moid—I even tried Plenty Of Fish at the recommendation of a friend whom found her own bashert there, and it didn't work.
  5. Not wanting to resort to being a trophy wife—I even tried getting friends to send around a dating résumé around, and most of them were reluctant and even hostile about doing it.
  6. Maybe even likely to have better romantic prospects in Canada in any case—whether works out for me or doesn't work out for me—especially if Trump becomes POTUS.
  7. Maybe even likely to have better luck making aliyah from Canada than from the United States.
Besides, I have Foczko and other kevorim mishpacha in Canada; so, I wouldn't be completely foreign to Canada.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Rejection Hurts. Even For-the-Best-Rejection Hurts.

Examples of hurtful, good and bad, rejections:

  1. Societal rejection, which effects mass-scale evils such as the Holocaust and the continuing rise of Donald Trump. For Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and other peoples; women, people with disabilities, and immigrants to be told, "You don't count;" "you're not a part of America", etc. hurts—didn't Jews already suffer rejection during the Holocaust, including in the U.S. (when, e.g., Bernard Baruch was blamed for the "Jew Deal" and the "S.S. St. Louis" was turned away)? Didn't Blacks already suffer with Jim Crow and the Nadir? Didn't Hispanics already suffer with being stereotyped during "Operation Wetback"? Never mind that women suffered until even decades after Susan B. Anthony came along, and never mind that people with disabilities are still mistreated (by those such as Dana Stubblefield and TMZ, whom went after the rape victim and her "bizarre profile"—shame on TMZ for going after a person with intellectual disabilities, let alone a person with intellectual disabilities whom was trying to find a job and got raped at work!). 
  2. Familial rejection—all one, e.g., has to do is read the headlines about how a mother murdered her four-year-old child whom had Cystic Fibrosis and how female middle- and high-school students throw away their newly-born children as if the children are disposable tampons or medical waste such as pushed-out kidney stones.
  3. Romantic rejection—especially for people whom've been abused and/or whom are disabled, both having to reject romantic prospects and being rejected as a romantic prospect hurts. I've been on both sides of the rejector-rejectee coin—I had to call the police on each ex after I broke up with him, and I'm a stigma in myself because of my disabilities and having been abused (verbally, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically) in the past. Also refer to the point about societal rejection—I'm not the only person with disabilities (including mental illnesses) who's been seen as a romantic liability and/or undesirable.
  4. Professional rejection—e.g., getting a book manuscript rejected (which just happened to me, and I'm trying to find out how I can improve and resubmit the manuscript), résumé rejections, and rejections that stem from societal rejections (e.g., Refer to the point about Dana Stubblefield's victim, whom was raped on the job that she finally found; and read some of Jeff Woodward's writings and writings that Jeff Woodward has shared—which prove my point that ableism is rampant in the workplace because it is rampant in society, despite that my family refuses to believe me).
  5. Rejection by friends—or at least whom you thought were friends—and mentors—or at least whom you thought were mentors. Rejection, of course, includes betrayal—and one example of betrayal is Dr. Ben Carson's betrayal of African Americans by his endorsement of Donald Trump and slamming of Harriet Tubman's being placed on the $20 bill.
Most of the rejection types and examples thereof are bad rejections, although even the bad rejections—as hurtful as they are—have at least some good in them. e.g.:

  1. Non Trumpites have found out just really how America's colors run or don't run—even if there's a silent majority whom won't speak against Donald Trump (and Donald Trump's friend Hillary Clinton).
  2. People whose families rejected them sometimes don't even have to live in an increasingly-cruel and -miserable world, let alone among cruel and miserable families.
  3. One finds out and/or is reminded of what true love is and what true love isn't.
  4. One is forced to either carry on and/or even improve if doing so is possible.
  5. If someone seems too good to be truly good, they may just be—e.g., Dr. Ben Carson has shown how much intelligence does not equal wisdom, and how the supposedly-outsider conservative and retired neurosurgeon-turned-aspiring-POTUS is really a Dixiecrat to the core—one can't be a true Republican and good role model for African-American young men and women if he supports Tammany-Hall Trump and Andrew Jackson over Harriet Tubman.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Open Letter To Dr. Ben Carson

I suppose that the cost of human lives during the Jackson Presidency means nothing to you. In 1832, Andrew Jackson sent Native Americans on the "Trail of Tears". 100 years later, an inspiree of Andrew Jackson was elected in Germany and implemented the so-called "Final Solution" 110 years after the Trail of Tears.

Then again, you blamed Jews for being unarmed during the Holocaust. You also stated that the Germans weren't armed, when only Jews were not allowed to be armed. The Germans and others (with few exceptions, among them German Dietrich Bonehoeffer and Dutchwoman Corrie ten Boom) willingly collaborated with the National Socialist party whom Germany elected and Europe overall. 

Yet, here you are supporting a nationalistic socialist. Then again, your support of Donald Trump makes total sense for you, given that you support a racist and an Anti Semite whose inspirations include a Pharaoh of his day (and Andrew Jackson virulently hated Jews, which is why the Anti Semites love and laud him) instead of Harriet Tubman, the African-American female Moses of her day.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

On the 71st Anniversary Of the Liberation Of Jews From Auschwitz And Other Murder Camps, I Remember The Life Of...

My distant cousin Antoni Andrulewicz (אנתוני בן יוחנן הכוהן אנדרולוביץ, ז''ל והי''ד).

When I was doing more family research, I found out about him (and found this picture) and read about the horrid circumstances of his death.

According to what cited, he was "arrested" (read "kidnapped"), "held hostage in the Suwalki prison" for almost three months, and murdered by asphyxiation with other victims of a "mass execution" (read, quite frankly, "mass lynching"), and put into a mass grave at the murder site.

Remember that not all Sho'ah victims fit the profile of the oft-described Sho'ah victim—and certainly, not all lived to be victims whom became liberated survivors. Because he was a ben Anusim, he (like other bnei Anusim in Non-Hispanic Europe) got overlooked (despite that Anusim and bnei Anusim were not only in Iberia and not only during the Spanish Inquisition).

As has been said, ****** didn't care whether Jews were Rabbinical, Karaite, or Non-Rabbinical and Non-Karaite Jews; and many continue to leave millions of those whom were counted for murder out of the count of those whom are to be remembered ("[B]ut for Thy sake are we killed all the day; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.").

Even 71 years later, only 6-11 Million victims of the Sho'ah (not counting the gentile ones) are counted and remembered for a blessing; and Stalin, despite that he had his equivalent of a "Final Solution", is remembered as part of the Yalta Three whom led the armed forces that liberated Jews from Auschwitz and other murder ("concentration") camps (and lets be clear: the "concentration" camps were not designed to be anything but murder camps).

Even 71 years later, then, Israel is still not fully liberated from the Nazis—how can Israel be fully liberated when his murdered sons and daughters are still not fully counted and what he endured in, e.g., murder camps is minimized?

לעולם לא שיכחו; לעולם לא שוב!

 "Andrulewicz" and variants thereof originated with "Andrulevičius" (especially "Andrulevičus") in Stakliškės (as I was told on Polish Forums). However, we also have Sephardi or Mizrachi roots, as two of our cousins were named "Kasis" (not "Kasis" as in "spit" or "Kazys" as in "Kazimierz", since that was a later renaming). As far as I can tell and other sites, then, "Kasis" probably comes from "Casis", which comes with "Qisis" or "Qasis". 

As far, BTW, as why the various branches were all over the place in terms of not speaking to each other, etc., I do not know. I do know, though, that, e.g., the Andrelewitz branch in Vilna probably was done with most of us long before my branch became Anusim (Rochla bas Gitla was among the Vilna branch). 

As far as the Vil'gel'm Andrulevich branch, we last had contact with them roughly about when Great-Granddad was born in Cuman (now Tsuman), since Vil'gel'm lived in Buzhanka near Zvenigorodka (now Zvenyhorodka). Whether it was before Great-Granddad was born or after he was, I don't know. 

I've had to figure out quite a bit of this through inference, etc.. Ultimately, nonetheless, it won't change that I'm a bat-Anusim whom has a duty to make sure that even distant relatives who were Sho'ah victims aren't forgotten.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

When (I Feel Like) I've No Reason To Go To Bed At Night (And I'm Sure That Others Can Relate)

I think that these few verses really sum up for me why (I often feel like) I've no reason to go to bed at night—not to mention that I am Jewish, and I'm experiencing part of Moshe's prophecies through no fault of my own (I was not yet born, though I was in the desert those millennia ago.):

"65 And among these nations shalt thou have no repose, and there shall be no rest for the sole of thy foot; but the LORD shall give thee there a trembling heart, and failing of eyes, and languishing of soul. 66 And thy life shall hang in doubt before thee; and thou shalt fear night and day, and shalt have no assurance of thy life.67 In the morning thou shalt say: 'Would it were even!' and at even thou shalt say: 'Would it were morning!' for the fear of thy heart which thou shalt fear, and for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see."
Jews do indeed have higher rates of Depression and other mental illnesses. All the harder is when I am alone in general, anyway—

"9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. 10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falleth, and hath not another to lift him up. 11 Again, if two lie together, then they have warmth; but how can one be warm alone? 12And if a man prevail against him that is alone, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." 
Consider, too, that I have a physical disability as well (not to mention that I have OCD/Anxiety, ADD, and IBS):

"The poor is hated even of his own neighbour; but the rich hath many friends."
"Wealth addeth many friends; but as for the poor, his friend separateth himself from him."5 A false witness shall not be unpunished; and he that breatheth forth lies shall not escape."6 Many will entreat the favour of the liberal man; and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts.
"7 All the brethren of the poor do hate him; how much more do his friends go far from him! He that pursueth words, they turn against him."

How many other people with disabilities—physical, mental (including mental illnesses), and other disabilities alike—can relate, I'm sure!

"And when ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it no evil! And when ye offer the lame and sick, is it no evil! Present it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee? or will he accept thy person? saith the LORD of hosts."

How people with disabilities and illnesses are used (including mocked), especially in the name of God! Then people wonder why I and others say "Were it morning!" in the evening and "Were it evening!" in the morning.

I'm sure, too, that, that was the experience of Great-Granddad Czarnecki 51 years ago today, after he'd had a rough life (regardless of that he caused much of it in his adult years) and lost his leg in a lawn-mowing accident on top of all that he endured—and he had Depression! (Great-Granduncle Bernie, BTW, had Schizophrenia; and Great-Great-Grandma likely had Schizoaffective Disorder).
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Friday, September 11, 2015

Remember That Israel Was Also Attacked On 9/11 By Anti-Semitic Anti Americans

1) At least one of the 9/11 victims was Israeli, and others (e.g., the Falkenbergs and Alan David Cohen) were Diasporan Jewish.

2) One of Israel's allies was attacked, and for that very reason—the "9/11 Commission Report" states that OBL ordered Mullah Omar and KSM, whom wanted "to attack Jews, not necessarily the United States", to attack both "Jews and Crusaders".

3) Saudi Arabia, which may have been complicit in 9/11, borders Israel.

4) Mossad and other Jews have been Anti-Semitically blamed for 9/11.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why I've Been Low Profile Of Late, Despite That Confronting Certain Evils Is Not Just About Me

To work up the courage to do what is right when your own loved ones arepersecuting you is tough, especially when they claim to want what is right whilethey actually would rather have safety—at least partly—in the status quo andnormalcy. Going out on a limb and literally risking your own limbs for the sakeof others becomes even tougher when your loved ones can force you to stop takingthat risk, despite that taking that risk is righteous and worth more than evenlife. Having nobody in lieu of your loved ones to support you—or to confrontyour loved ones—is all the more tough—and so is having your potential in-lieusupport system support your loved ones (even if they mean well in doing so).

That is why I have been low profile of late—and with nowhere to go if I takethe risk and am caught. I can only imagine, by the way, if the attitudes ofloved ones and positions in the cases of those such as MLK, Mark Potok, Jay Sekulow, and even Miep Gies had been like those in my case.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Hypocrisy Which I Don't Understand

How can certain loved ones of mine be against the decision of "Charlie Hebdo" to cease their portrayals of Muhammad, and how can they state that "Charlie Hebdo" is "caving in" to the Islamists? After all, they are attempting to ensure that I will not speak out against certain
other Anti Semites and racists.

My problem, then, is not with my loved ones' disagreement with the magazine: my problem is that they are doing to me exactly what they oppose that "Charlie Hebdo"'s editors are doing to themselves. How can they complain about, for example, the following re the Islamists when they complain about me fighting against particular groups whom support groups like "Charlie"'s enemies?

“We have drawn Muhammad to defend the principle that one can draw whatever they want. It is a bit strange though: we are expected to exercise a freedom of expression that no one dares to.”
I'm at a loss for words when they support "Je suis Charlie" at the same time that they tell me "Don't provoke crazies" and "Don't stir up the hornets' nest." While I'm not "Charlie", I'm certainly:

  1. Nicole
  2. Juive (i.e., Je suis Juive; or "אני יהודית.")
  3. Intent on not caving in to the Anti Semites
Meanwhile, God willing, I'll (so to speak) come back up from the underground eventually.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

I Knew That The World Views Christianity, Especially Jewish Christianity, As Criminal

With all due respect to Gretchen Carlson​, I had to cringe at the headline when I saw it (Skimming the article made me cringe more.). If she didn't know that the world considers Christianity to be criminal, I don't know what Bible she's reading. The Bible that I've read unequivocally states that the world will hate Christians, especially Jewish Christians. e.g.:

"9 “Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. 10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. 11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. 12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."

"16 “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. 17 But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. 18 You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. 19 But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you."

(From Matthew 24 and 10, New King James Version​, respectively)

Now, are there exceptions among those of the world? Yes:

" I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people. 10 Yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. 11 But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner—not even to eat with such a person."

(From 1 Corinthians 5)

Gamali'el was an exception; and despite that a myth that he became a Jewish Christian persists, he was tolerant of Jewish Christians (Sadly, the myth comes from a misinterpretation of his tolerance.):

"33 When they heard this, they were furious and plotted to kill them. 34 Then one in the council stood up, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law held in respect by all the people, and commanded them to put the apostles outside for a little while. 35 And he said to them: “Men of Israel, take heed to yourselves what you intend to do regarding these men. 36 For some time ago Theudas rose up, claiming to be somebody. A number of men, about four hundred, joined him. He was slain, and all who obeyed him were scattered and came to nothing. 37 After this man, Judas of Galilee rose up in the days of the census, and drew away many people after him. He also perished, and all who obeyed him were dispersed. 38 And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; 39 but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”"

(From Acts 5)

By the way, one of the blessings of finding about my Jewish heritage is that I've had my eyes open to just how much the world really does hate Christianity, and that hate stems back to when Pilate maliciously blamed the murder of Jesus on Jews—read the Jewish Virtual Library​ article on Pontius Pilate to see what Pontius Pilate's talk about Jesus being innocent really meant, and you will find that Pilate was sarcastic and Anti Semitic. What should have been obvious to me and others a long time ago, by the way, is that Pilate would not have crucified a man whom he really believed to be innocent. Besides, his reaction after "Ein lanu melekh aval Qeisar [We have no king but Caesar]" was a way of saying, "Oh, ****. I can't get them riled up enough. Besides, they're reminding me that Caesar is my boss. ****; I wanted to cause a riot and make those Jews look bad, though (****) they outsmarted me."^

Remember, too, that we did not know. We thought that Jesus fit Deuteronomy 13, and Paul told Timothy as much for his part in his first letter to him:

"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, 13 although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus."

(From 1 Timothy 1)

My point being, Christianity has been criminal since the time that Pilate scapegoated Jews—and really, ever since Anti Semitism has existed.

^Incidentally, "murder" is a mistranslation in Acts 5:30 in the New King James Version

Thursday, June 18, 2015

An Ethnocidal-Religiocidal 21-Year-Old & Nine Innocents: Why?

I am trying to understand how a man who's my age could be so hard-hearted and evil. What was his motive? Infamy? "Revenge" for the racism in this country of late--how does racist violence against innocents rectify any wrongs? Evil for evil?--maybe he had a grudge and racistly scapegoated? Trying to be cool and impress his fellow ex cons? Racism and crime are never cool. Suicide by cop and murder? Why didn't he take just himself in any case? Either way, he needs the death penalty--preferably by firing squad.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

An Open Letter To Everyone Whom Has And/Or Could Harass And Bully Me For My Beliefs, Etc.

The non-underlined text is in regards to what prompted me to write this letter to a specific person. The underlined text is specific and general, as I have had others similarly harass and bully me in the past:

My belief in Yeshua is not relevant to the subject of homosexual acts as to how that the treated in the Torah, which is a common ground for both Messianic and Non-Messianic Jews. I even told a fellow Messianic that proselytizing is unacceptable and intolerable. Your attempt to embarrass me for my beliefs is a violation of the Facebook TOS as well as Torah.

Per the Facebook TOS alone:

1) "We respect other people's rights, and expect you to do the same.
You will not post content or take any action on Facebook that infringes or violates someone else's rights or otherwise violates the law. 

"We can remove any content or information you post on Facebook if we believe that it violates this Statement or our policies."

2) "Posting things that don't follow the Facebook Community Standards (ex: threats, hate speech, graphic violence).

Using Facebook to bully, impersonate or harass anyone.

Abusing Facebook features (ex: sending friend requests to a lot of people you don't know). Overusing features could make other people feel uncomfortable or unsafe. As a result, we have limits in place to restrict the rate at which you can use features. Learn more about these limits." 

3) "We don’t tolerate bullying or harassment. We allow you to speak freely on matters and people of public interest, but remove content that appears to purposefully target private individuals with the intention of degrading or shaming them. This content includes, but is not limited to: "

4) "Content that attacks people based on their actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or disease is not allowed. We do, however, allow clear attempts at humor or satire that might otherwise be considered a possible threat or attack. This includes content that many people may find to be in bad taste (ex: jokes, stand-up comedy, popular song lyrics, etc.)." (What Facebook considers hate speech)

If you attempt to embarrass or shame me again, I will look into having charges for cyberbullying, hate crimes, and civil-rights violations pressed against you.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

How Popular Is One's...

1) Identifying as a Messianic Jew on his or her Facebook profile—not to mention constantly making known his or her Messianic faith on Twitter, Blogger, etc.—especially when his or her ancestors were Anusim?

2) Staying a Christian after he or she has found out that he or she is Jewish, and even because he or she is Jewish—not to mention that saying that b'nei-Anusim who convert to Non-Messianic Judaism have fallen away—and not to mention refusing to make aliyah as a "Non Jew of Jewish descent" and wanting to even make aliyah "illegally" if he or she can?

3) Noting that Psalm 18 (מזמור חי\יח) prophesies Yeshua?

4) Calling out Michael Freund, Benjamin Netanyahu, Agudat Yisra'el and many other Haredim, etc?

5) Wearing tzitiyot techelet that haven't been dyed with chilazon?

6) Citing Da'at Emet and others who know what the Talmud really is?

7) Saying, e.g., "Yeshua, Hu gam l't'chiyah"?

8) Pointing out that HaNeged Mashiach (the One Against the Messiah) will be a Karaite, not a Muslim?

I could go on, but the point is that it's not popular. When my sister even wondered if I would convert to Non-Messianic Judaism ("I never know what's next with you.") just because I thought about going to a mikvah "just because" (since it is a part of my heritage), I asked her "How popular..."?

So, how popular is one's, e.g., identifying as a Messianic Jew publicly, especially when his or her ancestors were Anusim?...

Didn't think so! So, don't ever let anyone tell me that I might convert to Non-Messianic Judaism!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Thanking All Who Liked My Page Recently and Like My Page, And...

  1. לפסח ושבת שלום ומבורך לכולם. (For a peaceful and blessed Passover and Sabbath to all.)
  2. For Messianic Jews/Jewish Christians, remember why we (and gentile Christians) celebrate פסח: 
  • "שמרו זאת בזיכרון של לי."
  • "בכל שעה שאתם אוכלים מצה הזאת ושותים הכוס הזה, אתם מכריזים המות שלי עד אני באה."
(If you don't read even some Hebrew, use Google Translate to translate it. Incidentally, I used, Milon, and other sources [including what I remembered from studying Hebrew in college] to translate it into Hebrew].)

Also, G-d willing, I'll try to record videos on, among other subjects:

  1. Bladder cancer, since I do volunteer for the Bladder Cancer Advocacy NetworkAs I explained to the recruiter (Natalie Bennett), I have a history of other cancers (e.g., Colon Cancer) in my family (e.g., Pop-Pop had it. BTW, he also died of Myelodysplasia that turned into Leukemia), and I can imagine that Bladder Cancer is exacerbated by conditions such as IBS (which I have) and, of course, Colon Cancer.  By the way, when I talked to Natalie, I learned that Bladder Cancer is the most-diagnosed cancer in the United States, despite that it hardly gets awareness raised for it (compared to, e.g., Breast Cancer. Great-Granddad's cousin Katarzyna Czerniecka Czokola, as I found out, did die of Breast Cancer, by the way.).
  2. Why Russia and the Middle East are, quite frankly, their own continents, despite their current classification. Technically, Central America could be its own continent, too.
  3. What "few in number" for Israel might actually mean (i.e., depending on who is considered Jewish ethnically and/or spiritually Biblically and amongst Jews. Either way, we're "few in number" from at least an ethnic standpoint.)
Meanwhile, ללילה ושבת ופסח טוב ושלום ומבורך לכל ישראל וצדוקים מגויים.

PS Part of the reason that I promoted my Facebook page is to (hopefully) get noted for my commentary and (G-d willing) get a job as a commentator and an analyst. Being, e.g., on SSI benefits sucks (and I opposed being on them at first, feeling that doing so was a form of socialism and being a burden on the tax payers. Besides, I have been persecuted for being on them [See below for a horrid example.]. But what can I do when, e.g., I have C.P., no paying job, etc.?)

JohnLeePedimore has replied to your comment on Shocking Video: Should "Adult Baby" Collect Social Security Benefits?:

Let me guess,your family actually works for a living and turned their back on you because you are a lazy pig.
You can reply back by visiting the comments page.
By the way, did you know you can rent movies from YouTube? Check it out now:
© 2011 YouTube, LLC
Also PS: I save most of my emails. BTW, I just noticed this now-just-reported comment, too:
It's bad enough that you people leech off the American taxpayer like parasites,but what really pisses me off is the utter contempt you have for the hard working people who foot the bill for your lazy ass.You don't appreciate anything you have because you didn't have to work for it. You are a thief.
Then people swear that attitudes toward people with disabilities has changed...actually, it has gotten worse. Then they want me to represent people with disabilities when they act like I, a person who lives with a disability, don't know what I'm talking kidding, as one Haggadah reads (with my emphasis and bracketed additions), that :
Access to affordable housing, quality health care, nutritious food and quality education is far from equal. The disparity between the privileged and the poor is growing, with opportunities for upward mobility still gravely limited. Maimonides taught, “Everyone in the house of Israel is obligated to study Torah, regardless of whether one is rich or poor, physically able or with a physical disability.” Unequal access to basic human needs [e.g., being treated as a human being who was created in the image of G-d], based on one’s real or perceived identity, like race, gender or disability, is a plague, antithetical to the inclusive spirit of the Jewish tradition.
We do not adequately address violence in our society, including rape, sex trafficking, child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse [including verbal, mental/psychological, religious/spiritual, and other intangible/non-physical abuse; and neglect], even though it happens every day within our own communities.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Stubborn Yemenim, And An Even-Worse Israeli Government

According to Ynetnews:

The Jews living in Yemen - most of whom had the opportunity to leave for Israel or another country, but refused – face an approaching danger from the advancing rebel forces, who have repeatedly made statements against Israel.
"We don't want to leave. If we wanted to, we would have done so a long time ago," Sanaa's chief rabbi Yahya Youssef said in February.

So, many of them are doing what G-d warned against through Yirmiyahu (cf. Yirmiyahu 8:1-7). By the way, for The Jewish Agency for Israel and the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs to focus on those of us who Agudat Yisrael doesn't consider Jewish enough and would still like to go home to Israel would be nice, especially since (as YNet reports), "The Foreign Ministry and the Jewish Agency have been in an ongoing state of frustration over the refusal of Yemen's Jews to leave".

If they can and won't leave Yemen, perhaps they'd like to give the aspiring olim among them and us "not-Jewish[-enough]" Jews their opportunities, since they won't take them. Then again, Netanyahu and his government may not allow that to happen, since that might actually bring in Yehudim and others whom would vote Likud, Agudat Yisra'el, etc.. out of office.

Monday, March 2, 2015

"Stand With Israel, Not Netanyahu"

Even I, a staunch Zionist who was already mad enough at Netanyahu and his Haredi Judaism which he attempts to disguise as Yahadut Chilonit, took a few steps back and thought:

If Netanyahu was largely passive while Arab citizens were being assaulted, he led the demonization campaign against the 47,000 African refugees and asylum seekers who entered Israel without permits. Despite reducing the number of refugees entering Israel to practically zero, thanks to the Sinai fence, he continues to lock up thousands of these desperate people – who, like our own Jewish ancestors, sought to escape persecution and poverty. Netanyahu’s policies flout Jewish values, and have been overturned multiple times by the High Court as immoral and unjustified. But they play well to his xenophobic base. 

Good points and reminders. In fact, I wager that some of the Sudanese and other refugees may even be Falasha and Lemba Jews who are making aliyah in what many would call an illegal way—and if any "illegal" olim are among the Sudanese refugees, the Government of Israel has no right to deny those olim ("eleh Kushim!") their taglit. Also, think about this: what if some illegal immigrants from Mexico, Guatemala, etc. are Anusim who'd make aliyah if Netanyahu and his yadidim let them? After all, they're not considered Yehudim al pi HaHoq Shivut. They otherwise have to be under the auspices of nasty people such as Dr. Michael Freund. (Just like Netanyahu, Dr. Freund can fool people. That's even part of why I save most of my e-mails in my backup folders—that is, so I do not ever lose the proof of when I run into mitchazim like Dr. Freund. That's why I still have the link to the 2012 conversation.).

 Likud-led fear and hatemongering hardly stops with our non-Jewish minorities. Progressives, civil rights activists, leftists, the judiciary and anyone who criticizes the occupation have all been accused of being enemies of the state. So much for Jewish solidarity or democratic discourse. 
Indeed. I've experienced this myself. I even have a Facebook friend who called Senator Diane Feinstein (with whom I myelf hardly ever agree) a "witch" for standing against Netanyahu, and I've seen others harp on the fact that Senator Feinstein comes from a Jewish Catholic family (which I did not know until they harped on her for it. As I learned, the Feinsteins and the Rosenburgs were and are Russian Byzantine Catholics.).

From a family of Roman Catholic Anusim and b'nei Anusim, I know that feeling ("You're not Jewish!"; "Your family betrayed their people!"; "They're meshumadim!"; "They're bogadim!"; "Oh; no wonder your Hebrew's not good: your family didn't tell you that they're Jewish!")

Perhaps, by the way, maybe the Anusi and "meshumad" minds are among the ones which are quickest to pick up on trouble. Our ancestors knew when trouble was coming and/or already came, and at least two of us (Senator Feinstein and me, though I suspect that there are more who) knew that Netanyahu and the Haredim were trouble (By the way, I'll have some kavod for Taylor Swift if she goes to Israel and dedicates her famous song to Netanyahu.).


This week’s Netanyahu drumbeat claims that the Iranian threat trumps all traditional diplomatic considerations. But those who, like me, believe that Iran is an existential threat to Israel, and fear that the agreement currently being negotiated will be too forgiving and trusting of Iran need to acknowledge that Netanyahu has blown it. 
His anti-Obama tirades, his support for West Bank settlements over all other considerations, his efforts to undermine the Palestinian Authority, his expropriation of 988 acres of Palestinian land at the end of the Gaza War not only wasted the new diplomatic opportunities he promised toward the war’s end, but alienated and antagonized the very European leaders who, along with U.S. President Barack Obama, are the partners necessary to stop Iran’s nuclear program. 

Excellent reminder and point as well. For being such a Zionist, Netanyahu isn't taking the higher road. He also is not trusting יהוה. For example, bulldozing the houses of innocent Bedouins does not help—and deliberately failing to distinguish between the innocent and the guilty is a chillul יהוה.

Bulldozing the houses of terrorists and their accomplices is fine. Destroying terrorists and their accomplices is fine. Stereotyping all Arabs as terrorists and bulldozing their houses is not fine.

As for (and back to the point about) taking the higher road, to stoop down to the level of an enemy or even lower is a chillul יהוה (cf. Tehillim 25:21-22 and Mishlei 26:4). The applicable mitzvot, after all, say to love your neighbor as yourself (not be like him or her in doing evil), treat the stranger well (not do as he or she has done to you), and let יהוה avenge you. Netanyahu is doing the exact opposite when he has the IDF go beyond proactive counterproliferation, preemption, and deterrence.

By the way, counterproliferation, preemption, and deterrence are obviously mitzvot and acts of kiddush יהוה.

Netanyahu plays the statesman abroad, but back home he is known for his paranoia, his self-aggrandizement, and his lashing out against the courts, the universities and the media. Netanyahu aspires to be Israel’s Churchill, but in nurturing a nation divided against itself he has become our Nixon. 
I and others who follow news from and about 'Eretz Yisra'el keep trying to say that, though nobody believes us. Hopefully, Director Futterman (despite that he's looking at the situation from a leftist perspective) can affect you to get that through your head.