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Showing posts with label domestic_violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domestic_violence. Show all posts

Friday, February 22, 2019

How To Downplay Ableism & Sexual Violence Against Especially Women With Mental Illnesses: Be Like the "Boston Globe", Among Others

With the none-too-surprising allegations against Dr. Keith Albow coming out in the news, Dr. Ablow reminds us of two facts:

1) Those with disabilities, such as mental illnesses, are more likely to be victims of sexual and non-sexual abuse than the general population is.

2) There are people whom either:

a)  go into the mental-health field and become ableists & abusers of those with mental illnesses


b) went into the mental-health field to exploit people with mental illnesses in the first place

The "Boston Globe", meanwhile, harbors that same kind of ableism against especially women with mental illnesses, as their the headline is misleading & should be something like, "‘I own you’: Prominent psychiatrist accused of raping patients and sexually exploiting other patients in other ways".

As for Andrea Celenza, she is among those whom also harbor those sentiments. Even though she clearly does not care to admit that, her statement obviously has those glaring sentiments in it:

"Andrea Celenza, a Lexington psychoanalyst who interviewed the women and reviewed their medical records as an expert witness hired by the plaintiffs, said in a letter filed with the lawsuits that Ablow’s behavior in the case of the New York woman “was sadomasochistic, anti-therapeutic, and constitutes a perverse use of his status and power.” The former patient said that, during their seven-year sexual relationship, Ablow persuaded her to get his initials tattooed on her arm."

"Celenza, in her letter to the women’s attorney, said Ablow’s alleged sexual misconduct with the Minnesota woman amounted to “the most egregious violation” of the American Psychiatric Association’s ethical code. “These behaviors are grossly unprofessional and unethical,” she said, adding that they “represent the worst and most damaging kind of abuse” in a therapeutic setting. 

If she did not actually agree with Dr. Ablow and the "Boston Globe" themselves, each of letters would contain unequivocal statements that Dr. Ablow's behavior was unethical as well as immoral, illegal, and unfaithful to the Hippocratic Oath, sadistic (not "sadomasochistic"), abusive in general (not just "anti-theraputic"), and general as well as specifically-ableist sexual abuse and non-sexual abuse (not "constitutes a perverse use of his status and power", as "constitutes a perverse use of his status and power" implies that his victim had some amount of complicity in what he did as well as that it "[only] constitutes" and isn't wholly a categorical abuse of status and power).

As for society in general, it needs to ask itself how and why it enables, outright encourages, and outright engages in—as NAMI calls ableism for what it is—ableist "discrimination, not stigma". After all, society affects and effects ableism to increasingly prevalent and severe as it, for example:

  1. Tries every damned way to get around the ADA and HIPPA
  2. Uses people with disabilities in of themselves as targets of "jokes" and other thinly-disguised abuse
  3. Making light of disabilities by coining terms such as "libtard" as well as classifying evils such as sociopathy and narcissism as mental illnesses—which, by the way, sociopaths and narcisstics love, as it enables them to abuse especially people with real mental illnesses by affecting them to not be taken seriously when they seek mental-health treatment.
  4. Ultimately affecting and effecting the creation of ableists from people such as Dr. Ablow all the way to the typical man (usually man, though sometimes woman) whom has a child with a disability and thus ableistically abandons and/or otherwise abuses his (or her) family (and yes, abandoning your family because you don't want a child with a disability is abuse).

Saturday, December 28, 2013

"First World Problems": Some Are Actually Legitimate Problems

What is behind closed doors, Domestic violence is not just a third-world problem

After a YouTube video on BuzzFeed's channel that would have been generally funny until Buzzfeed made fun of the last "first-world problem" (, a conversation started; and let me tell you, I had insight to give to that conversation—in fact, the latest episode of my being abused and misunderstood includes being told to "get over it" when I finally confronted my dad on my granddad's laudatory and otherwise-mostly-dishonest obituary (Let me tell you, being listed after my stepsisters, having two maternal relatives and a co-worker of Mom's talk about it, and having debated over who wrote the obituary hurts—especially when you figure out that no matter who wrote the obituary, your granddad let everyone know that his son's stepdaughters are more important than his own grandchildren.).

Then, while I was doing a Google search and browsing, I came across this "First World Problems" meme picture—and one that I've seen used in relation to domestic violence. Then I was reminded of the conversation on YouTube—and that's how this meme came about.
I'm amazed and stunned that DIY LOL would use a picture like this to both mock legitimate problems and satirize "first world problems" that could actually, believe me or not, be the final straws that break the camels' backs for some. Then again, maybe I couldn't raise domestic-violence (e.g., emotional-abuse) awareness if they didn't do so.