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Showing posts with label current events. Show all posts

Monday, December 25, 2017

A Warning For Authors About A New Scam, As I Submitted To the BBB

NY Literay Magazine has a new scam as follows: once you click the link in the following email, you have to pay $14.95 to enter a contest; and no entry for which you were apparently nominated shows up:

Merry Christmas and Congratulations!!!
Dear [Whomever],
You were nominated for the NY Literary Magazine "Best Story Award".
Click here to submit your entry:
Submission period ENDS on December 31st, 2017.

Merry Christmas!
Best wishes,
The NY Literary Magazine
PS: You can now add to your bio and credentials
that you are a 2017 Best Story Award Nominee.

"The prestige of such literary awards is immense for an author…awards drive up sales" - The NY Times
"Can do wonders for your writing career... one of the best ways to get your writing noticed!" - Writer's Digest
The link takes you to the following page:
The NYLM Best Story Award Contest
The NY Literary Magazine strives to honor, recognize, and bring to light the finest, original stories by outstanding writers.
We help authors distinguish their work with a seal of approval from a trusted source, and help readers discover brilliant stories.
Our prestigious Best Story Award is a limited entry contest with monthly award winners.
We only accept 200 entries per category each month.
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award - Yearly Winner Trophy
The NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Contest
"certainly gets writers noticed and can help pave the way to publication." - Julie Pickering, literary agent at Blake Friedman Agency.
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 3
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 2
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 1
What makes our contest special?
The NY Literary Magazine is a distinguished print and digital magazine.
Winning an award from our magazine gives you great credentials which will impress readers, agents, and publishers.
We have monthly winners in each category...

Sunday, December 24, 2017

What Real Journalists Do WhereIn Mental Illnesses Such As Addictions Are Concerned, And As I Made Clear To Rianne Addo Herself

Real journalists have the following duties wherein mental illnesses such as Alcoholism are concerned:

  1. To report mental illnesses for what they are—illnesses that nobody chooses, not comedic fodder.
  2. To report specific mental illnesses such as addictions for what they are—not, for example, "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]," or "fondness[es]" for agents that may even fatally affect the sufferers of the addictions in question. For those with addictions, agents such as alcohol are always fatal if the persons with the addictions to them do not choose to abstain from them.
  3. To report exactly how severe throes of mental illnesses can be. In the case of addiction of alcohol, the throes can be quite severe.
If Rianne Addo were a real journalist, she would never call mental illnesses such as Alcoholism "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]", or "fondness[es]" when no person whom had the ability to reason or control himself or herself would ever have a penchant, like, or be fond of doing the following to himself or herself—and people whom are in the throes of Alcoholism are deprived by Alcoholism of being able to reason and control themselves in regards to matters such as:

  1. An inability to function on a day-to-day, and even moment-to-moment basis, without any excessive amount of Alcohol
  2. Binge drinking that is never appropriate to call "a weekend bender" or any other kind of "bender", as such drinking can overload and overwhelm the liver
  3. Irreversible breakdowns of familial and professional relationships
  4. Joblessness, homelessness, and entrapment into financially-abusive, emotionally-abusive, and other abusive relationships a result of the irreversible breakdowns of professional and familial relationships 
  5. Illnesses in addition to Alcoholism and the exacerbation thereof, including Cirrhosis of the Liver that results from and remains comorbid with Alcoholism even if a person with Alcoholism is no longer in the throes of the Alcoholism (i.e., even if he or she has sought treatment for Alcoholism and remained sober).
As I told Rianne Addo herself, real journalists remind other people why mental illnesses such as addictions to alcohol are called "mental illnesses", not use those illnesses as comedic fodder while sufferers of mental illnesses are in the far-from-funny throes of mental illnesses that may even kill them—and as I said last night, Alcoholism may certainly kill Ricky Gervais (not to mention kill him at the same age at which it killed my aunt) if those such Rianne Addo and Ricky Gervais' apparent loved ones continue to find humor in his humorless Alcoholism.

Who's Laughing Now? Mental Illness Is Not Funny, And Ricky Gervais' Alcoholism Is Certainly Not Funny

Remember that addiction is a mental illness, and this is all too common of a sentiment among those with addictions: i.e., the sentiment "I like it too much, I'm not going to give it up" is too common. In fact, my own aunt eerily told my sister that she herself would "quit drinking when [she died]." She unfortunately died of Alcoholism in June of 2008 at the age of 56, which is Ricky Gervais' current age, and may have been 57 in November of that year had she'd been able to get treatment for Alcoholism—and who knows if Ricky Gervais won't share her fate almost a decade later ☹?

What disturbs me is that the "Daily Mail​" seems to see nothing disturbing about anyone, let alone a prominent figure, sending the message that there is nothing wrong with refusing to attempt to get treatment for mental illnesses even when one has the resources to get such treatment. As for Ricky Gervais' loved ones, I find what they're doing perhaps even more disturbing: they seem to be quite content with not wanting to try to help him get help. In contrast to my family whom did try to help my aunt get help, they seem to encourage him to, for example (and as he related), "[wet] himself after six pints of Guinness during a weekend bender."

Regardless of whom has (a) mental illness(es) or what a given person's mental illness(es), nothing is funny or encouragable about allowing someone to be overtaken by a mental illness.

PS My great-great-grandfather Julian Czerniecki (later Julian Czarnecki), whom was born on December 24, 1875 in Polish Russia, was also besieged by Alcoholism, and I don't know when Alcoholism onset for him. What I do know is that the Anti Semitism—and other persecutions and hardships—that he faced in Polish Russia (which he left after the Belostok Pogrom) and in the United States affected an exacerbation of his Alcoholism (and if you think that having to pretend to be a Polish Catholic and settle in out-of-the-way Sugar Notch in order to survive isn't hardship, don't kid yourself¹).

I also know that Great-Great-Granddad Czarnecki was not help as exacerbated Alcoholism (not to mention other mental illnesses, including Depression) besieged him. I have seen, heard, and lived that "Hurt people hurt people" cycle partly because of that; and that is party of why I find disturbing that the "Daily Mail" and those whom apparently love Ricky Gervais want to see him beseiged by a mental illness and perhaps even dead from it.

By the way, the aunt who died from Alcoholism was a maternal aunt; so, Alcoholism is actually on both sides of my family—that of course makes even more disturbing to me what the "Daily Mail" and Ricky Gervais' loved ones are doing, as they are basically saying that they'd like that both people like Ricky Gervais and people on both sides of my family to die of mental illnesses.

I guess that I shouldn't be surprised, though, given how ableist society is and how society hates both famous and non-famous people with disabilities such as mental illnesses.

¹He also had the hardship of being born on a date when Pseudo Christians persecuted the very people of Jesus—whom many of them ironically called "Jeszua", pronounced "Yeshua", by the way—imagine having to live your life never knowing if you'll make it to your next birthday because people whom claim to be celebrating the birth of Jeszua want to commit ethnocide against the very people for whom the New Testament says that Jeszua is Messiah first.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Thank You, "Time"!

All I needed to see is the headline that the #MeToo Movement is "Time" Magazine's Person of the Year. While I remember very specifically voting for the #MeToo Movement and asking others on Twitter to do the same, I know that the #MeToo Movement would not have been "Time"'s Person of the Year had others not considered my and still many others' advice to vote for the surprisingly-at-the-time-low-voted movement. I'm only one in God knows how many—basically, a salt grain in an ocean drop—since there are many more like me—and certainly many whom've and whom'll sadly have endured worse than I ever have endured or will endure (as far as I know, anyway—so far, I've been blessed to be protected from severe sexual abuse).

The #MeToo Movement, despite that—according to Fox News and other sources—it's actually been a movement for 11 years, has done more in the past few months than many people (including other "Person of the Year" candidates) have accomplished in a year—let alone many years and let alone a lifetime. In fact, —Rose McGowan and others brought down Harvey Weinstein only two months ago—which I was surprised to see when I double checked if "past few months" is accurate! Of course, the #MeToo Movement began its watershed breakthrough when Gretchen Carlson exposed the hypocrite Roger Ailes and built up to its sixth-of-a-year critical-mass moment as more and more women—and even quite a few men—came forward about Roger Ailes and still others. Without Gretchen Carlson, then, 11 years of trying to stop a centuries-pervasive problem in American culture and in Western society overall would not have culminated in a remarkably-quick shoe drop, chip fall, domino-chain reaction, or whatever it is—and Gretchen Carlson deserves the recognition that "Time"'s acknowledgement of the #MeToo movement brings her and those whom came forward because of her.

As I said before, then, thank you, "Time"—you gave countless people whom worked to raise their own voices and help others raise their voice against the sexual abuse and other sexual harassment that they and others have endured and at least no longer have to endure without a millions-of-voices-strong voice telling them, "Me too."

Sunday, December 3, 2017

***** Fatigue Is One Thing That Demonstrates That...

Maya Angelou was wrong. People may remember what you said, what you did, and how they felt—even if they don't remember the exacts of everything that happened and/or unless they either can't remember or have chosen to repress all of the bad memories because of how painful they were.

With the United States being fatigued by *****, Americans and others within the United States will be too tired and too overwhelmed from having to deal with the ***** Dictatorship to remember everything that *****. In fact, ***** (like other sociopaths and narcissists) is trying to tire and overwhelm America to the point at which it will forget everything that ***** said, did, and made it feel (like other sociopaths and narcissists try to do their victims). Part of *****'s trying to make America forget what he said, did, and affect it to feel is gaslighting, since gaslighting involves trying to get a victim to buy into at least one revisionist history of some kind—whether it's the individual history of the victim, the individual history of the abuser, the relational history of the victim of the abuser, or any other kind of history which somehow involves the victim and/or the abuser, and whether or not the abuser engages in trying to get a victim to buy more than one revisionist history.

With *****, a few examples that involved gaslighting included that:

  1. Even America wasn't broken, although it needed a tuneup. ***** propagated that America needed to be made "great again".
  2. ***** raped his now-long-since-ex husband and blackmailed her into changing her story twice.
  3. ***** had Julian Assange willingly hack, decontextualize messages from, and release decontextualized messages from Hillary Clinton's and others' email accounts.
  4. *****, as a RINO, supported the Hillary Clinton campaign until he could throw under the bus and try to convince others that he's a Republican.
Meanwhile, America has already forgotten the fourth example and seems to already forget that the second example fits the profile of a #MeToo movement; and it can't keep up with the number of racist (especially Anti-Semitic), sexist, xenophobic, and other bigoted attempts to apparently "make America great again" that ***** has made. It also can't keep up with who else ***** has as support—and according to the latest implications made by Pamela Anderson herself, ***** has Pamela Anderson has one of his supporters since she seems to be (even if implicitly) confirming the rumors that she is dating Julian Assange. 

As for me, that's part of why I'm tired of *****—can't the Republicans and decent Democrats in the House and Senate have ***** removed from office, and then a special prosecuter have **** prosecuted already?

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Excerpt From "More Shit And Other Stuff That I Can't Make Up": At Least Fudge Was Alive. As For Our Hamsters...

Trust me that they each were dead: 
  1. One inhaled refrigerator insulation (Dad's negligence)
  2. The second had wet tail
  3. The namesake fell into a squirrel-dug hole and fell 16 feet before meeting another six (Dad's negligence)
  4. And the fourth died naturally 

With the namesake, by the way, Dad actually named the namesake one to make us think that the name-honored one had survived. At least I give that he used minhag Ashkenazi, even though that wasn't exactly his intent.

What I don't give—or get—is his intent to deceive—which could be called both lashon hara and perhaps shem hara, maybe even chillul shem (and since we're discussing deceit here, chillul HaShem). Even worsely is that we—that is, my sister and I—found out about it only long after both the name honoree and the namesake had been deceased, and even long after the final hamster had been deceased—and we found out when we were having lunch with my father and my grandmother.

To sum this up, then:

  1. Dad allows Santa Little—whom, by the way, was named as a compromise for "Santa Claus" and "Stuart Little"—to dig a hole in the closet after escaping from his ball—and all of us agree that Dad should've gotten Santa out of the closet and back into the ball right away, as one cannot compromise wherein negligent rodenticide is involved.
  2. Dad lets the second Frisky meet a similarly-ignominious end after not even telling us that the first Frisky died of Wet Tail—let alone that he searched around for a similar-looking hamster to make us think that the first Frisky had survived—and then the second Frisky ends up meeting the kind of ending that the first overall hamster met.
  3. Dad lets Anastasia die naturally—because what better way to let a hamster die after her predecessors die is there, especially since she was named in honor of a princess whom was caught up in the middle of how her Anti-Semitic parents angered Lenin, Trotsky, and quite a few others? 
A "tail" of four hamsters that has fur-flying irony, paradoxes, and plenty of "Oy veys!" to accompany it—and with the reflection that a third-generation pogrom survivor uses minhag in a bad way while he at least has no mishaps with the namesake of a secondary victim of Anti Semitism.

As I said, more shit and other stuff that I can't make up!
Meanwhile, at least Fudge (whose story I just read on the news and thus inspired me to recall the story of my own hamsters) is apparently living a sweet and warm life in contrast to the cold and bitter endings that my own hamsters met—though at least they all had decent levayot in my grandma's backyard! 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

A Letter That I Wrote In Reply To "as a former kickboxer", And I Encourage Everyone To Modify For Themselves And Send To Roy Moore

PS This is "Re: as a former kickboxer", and the original email came from "Judge" Roy Moore at his campaign website (He is that pretentious: he doesn't even use "Former Judge".).

With all due respect, don't assume that I support a RINO and so-called "Christian" like you just because I'm a Republican. By the way, you broke at least these commandments when you assaulted and battered your victims, and are breaking at least these commandments now:

  1. "You shall have no other gods". You're making yourself your own god.
  2. "You shall not make images to which you bow down and which you worship." You are deliberately trying to project a false image of yourself.
  3. "You shall not take the Name of Yehovah your God in vain." As to how you're breaking this command doesn't even need to be explained to you, as you are using the Name of Yehovah to do evil to others.
  4. "You shall not murder." Rape is a form of murder, and you committed murder against every single girl whom you raped.
  5. "You shall not commit adultery." Rape is certainly a form of adultery on the part of the rapist. 
  6. "You shall not steal." Rape is a form of theft.
  7. "You shall not bear false witness." Slandering and libelling your victims alone is bearing false witness.
  8. "You shall not covet." As to how you're breaking this command doesn't even need to be explained to you, as you know why pursuing any woman to try to rape is covetous.
   By the way, please don't be using my God's Name to be doing evil, and don't be using my Messiah's name to harm my people. On that note, you and your friend "Bernie Bernstein" owe not only your victims an apology; you also owe the Jewish community an apology.


A Jew whom dislikes you and your Anti-Semitic friend

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Does Erick Erickson Have Something To Hide? Where Are Jews Besides Myself Calling Out Haredim, Meanwhile?

A certain Erick Erickson is defending "The Pence Rule", and people are understandably mad:

Of course, people who victim blame like that usually have something to hide, which I made very clear:

Meanwhile, many others were more generous and the point that Cheri Jacobus made:

Despite this, as far as I know, I was the only one whom brought up the Haredim:

To see no other Jew bring up the Haredim is disturbing, especially since sexual abuse is replete and prevalent within the Haredi community. As, for example, the 2⅓-year anniversary of the death of Faigy Mayer is coming up, have we learned nothing? After all, at least some Haredim could even be charged with second- or third-degree murder for Faigy Mayer's suicide, not to mention her sister Sara's subsequent one which will have occurred two years ago on this coming November 22nd (and I have said that any sexual abuser that affects any of his or her victims to commit suicide ought to be charged with first-degree murder).

Had the Haredim not abused Faigy and Sara, let alone other women, for decades, both women might still be alive. In fact, Faigy Mayer wrote the following in what could retrospectively be considered her suicide note (and given multiple accounts of what Haredi children have endured over the years, you can imagine what Faigy and Sarah endured given that Faigy wrote this about what grown women have endured):

"The austere lifestyle my people face of arranged marriages, strict segregation of the genders, the wife shaving her head, the couple having sex with the wife wearing a bra in the complete dark (hole in the sheet, anyone?) but still producing 13 children generally throughout her lifetime..."

By the way, don't be fooled about the head shaving: contrary to the bubbe meise that women would shave their heads a day before their respective weddings to avoid rape by soldiers in the European armies, the head shaving was a mechanism that the Haredi men instituted to control and humiliate women, and put them at the mercy of their husbands whom could dehumanizingly treat them if they wished to do so.

"'[Her suicide] was a family mental-health and abuse issue on top of being forced into marriage with her first cousin,' the source said, recalling how the union was annulled just months later.

"'Ever since [her marriage], she has been in and out of mental hospitals,' the source explained. 'She had been coerced by her mother’s side of the family’’ to marry her cousin. 'She married the son of the mother’s sister.'

"Growing up, some relatives 'kept calling her retarded, ugly, etc. We didn’t know this until later,' the source said."

Notice, too, that her father did absolutely nothing to stop it—and keep in mind that Haredi women are at the mercies of their fathers until they go into their husband's household—and to make this all the worse, the anniversaries of the deaths of Faigy and Sara come on the heels of the so-called "Coalition of Jewish Values" being founded by Haredi supporters of ****** *****.

In conclusion, then, one has to wonder what Erick Erickson is hiding in light of the kind of victim blaming that he did and that is no different from what either Haredim or Islamists do, and therefore not only the following example of comparisons of Erick Erickson's victim blaming to Islamist victim blaming applies—and as I said, many people brought up this point without bringing up the Haredim:

PS If one really thinks about sexual abuse as a crime, they also have to think of it as a gender-based hate crime when it occurs against women—after all, sexual abuse against women and girls is usually committed by men (e.g., Roy Moore) and boys (e.g., the Higdon in "Higdon v. State") whom think that they can objectify women and girls. 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Keurig, Sean Hannity, Roy Moore, And A Disturbing New (Still-Not-Normal) "Normal"?

While abuse continues to remain not normal, no question that we're in the End Times exists—at least for the Jewish Christians like me or the gentile Christians:

"Alas! For that day is great, So that none is like it; And it is the time of Jacob’s trouble, But he shall be saved out of it."

"And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold."

"For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened."

"'These things says the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God: I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth."[']"
[This is the reference that I tweeted re Kurt Eichenwald's tweet, by the way. Emphasis mine; and plenty of Roy Moore supporters will be vomited right out.]

With, for example, people violently breaking their Keurig machines, calling for Keurig boycotts, etc., when Sean Hannity himself gave Roy Moore the benefit of the doubt in his own interview with him is disturbing, as is Roy Moore's Powellesque and Whitesque language in "Higdon v. State":

"Because there was no evidence in this case of an implied threat of serious physical injury under this definition, or of an implied threat of death, Higdon cannot be convicted of sodomy in the first degree “by forcible compulsion.” This Court has previously taken the position that an implied threat under § 13A–6–60(8) may be inferred in cases “concerning the sexual assault of children by adults with whom the children are in a relationship of trust.” See Powe v. State, 597 So.2d 721, 728 (Ala.1991)(emphasis added)"

By the way, plenty Roy Moore supporters—as far as I can tell—will also be finding millstones around their necks and themselves catapulted right into the Lake of Fire by Jesus Himself. After all, even Ms. Corfman has racked up misdemeanor charges because of Roy Moore and other abusers, including pastors:

"“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!
"“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

(PS When I read this and think about the Roy Moore supporters facing Jesus, I can imagine them facing one angry God!) 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Closing Thought For The Night Of Cheshvan 17, 5777 (November 6-7, 2017)

Once again, part of why I'm a Republican: real Republicans, unlike RINO *****, don't set up people with mental illnesses to be demonized. ***** set up people with mental illnesses to be demonized by using this man whom may have even used his mental illnesses as an excuse, or at least has people whom are using them as an excuse for him (since he doesn't even seem to acknowledge that he had them, let alone needed medication for them).

Congratulations, Democrats (including RINOs) and Clinton Dreaders: you've either been had by RINO ***** or are known as being complicit with him.

Mind you that this isn't to all Democrats and Clinton Dreaders: this is to just the ones whom've either been had by RINO ***** or are known as being complicit with him. There are many reasonable Democrats and Clinton Dreaders whom can wake up and either start or restart fearing God over dreading Clinton.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake Said It, Too: Abuse Is Never Normal

Abuse is never normal or normalizable in even this age of *****, and Senators Bob Corker and Jeff Flake have finally stood up and called out *****:

One could even call what Senators Corker and Flake are doing their political "Me too" moments, and—by the way—don't think that there isn't sexual abuse going on at the hands of ***** and *****ites in Washington. I would not even be surprised if, for example, those like Senators Corker and Flake have faced hearing lewd comments about their marital and familial lives—after all, unfortunately, I have had lewd comments directed at me by some people whom have disagreed with me on certain issues; and I know that ***** (whom has had no compunction about targeting his own female family members) and *****ites are the kind of people whom would go as far as targeting others' female family members (e.g., wives and daughters) as a way to try to harass the others—both men and women—in question.

Everybody else, meanwhile, should also state "Me too" and stand up to ***** and other abusive people.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Abuse Is Never "Normal Stuff", Even In the ***** Era

"I'm beginning to think you...crucified your father for normal stuff!"

Without going into details about what affected that statement for whatever reason, I will say that I was appalled when someone said that to me—abuse is never "normal stuff", and all kinds of abuse are out of the norm—at least in a reasonable and decent society, abuse is (relatively, anyway) out of the norm.

No society in this world is going to be entirely reasonable and decent. After all, as Thomas Hobbes observed, life is short, nasty, and brutish; and "kings and persons of sovereign authority, because of their independency, are in continual jealousies and in the state and posture of gladiators, having their weapons pointing, and their eyes fixed on one another, that is, their forts, garrisons, and guns, upon the frontiers of their kingdoms, and continual spies upon their neighbours: which is a posture of war. "

That nonetheless does not cause any kind of abuse to be "normal stuff", regardless of whether it's the kind of abuse that I endured from my father (which at least, thank God, was never sexual abuse) or the following examples of abuses that others have endured:

  1. The "casting couch"—Harvey Weinstein's and others' victims did not want (let alone ask) to be sexually harassed and abused; and they shouldn't have to choose between careers and being abused, between silence to avoid further abuse and between speaking out and enduring further abuse, or between anything else and abuse. Having to choose between anything and abuse, by the way, is being put in an abusive position.
  2. The "condolence" call that Myeisha Johnson received. What ***** stated was basically, "Your husband knew why he signed up, and we can never repay him or any other American military member whom sacrifices his or her life for the United States; so I'm not even going to try to repay what I can."
  3. The follow up to the "condolence" call. Especially Myeisha Johnson did not need libel and slander against her; and Representative Frederica Wilson did not need the libel and slander, either.
  4. The threats of racist and sexist violence against Congresswoman Wilson—as I said, abuse is neither normal nor in the norm in a reasonable and decent society, which is not the kind of society which Congresswoman Wilson's abuser would like to bring back.
In conclusion, then, only abusive societies have ever treated, ever treat, and will ever treat abuse as normal and normalizable. 

Why The Eagles May Be The New Football Team For Whom I Root

  1. Embarrassing the U.S. internationally (i.e., in the United Kingdom) was wrong (and that goes for the Jaguars, too). 
  2. I have paternal roots in Pennsylvania (and regardless of whom likes it or hates it, Jewish roots where my ancestors felt safer as Anusim in the U.S. than as Anusim or open Jews in Europe. As a Jew, then, I have to ask fellow Jews and others to remember that we'd all have to kneel if every persecuted group had to kneel—even WASPs aren't exactly as White as they'd like to think. Besides, one of the great Phillies players was Jewish—his father and one of my great-great-grandmothers were maternal siblings through Anna Haszlinsky Uszinskyova nee Jasova.). 
  3. On the note in Point Two: if any group should be kneeling, Jews should be. However, regardless of our various beliefs—as a Jew is a Jew regardless of whether he or she is religiously traditionally Jewish, Buddhist, or something else—many (if not most) of us have been able to recognize that the "Judeo-Christian" country that the U.S. is often actually not has been—at least up to this point—one of the Diaspora safehavens for Jews and allies of Jews compared to multiple countries throughout history.
  4. This is (as I recall) another loss in a row for the Ravens since the Ravens-Jaguars game (Divine Justice against the Ravens for being ingrates?).
  5. I might root again for the Ravens when I see the Ravens players kneeling for the Baltimore Police and not Freddie Gray or other criminals, such as the toadie of a certain late priest—since they're kneeling for one criminal, they're kneeling for other criminals.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Quick Polls Re Fame & Notability, and...Well, Is There An Appropriate "Gate" Name For The Hollywood Sexual-Harrassment Scandal?

"Other" can be an answer like "Something like 'Miramax' is appropriate enough [or "explains it all", etc.]", as you might elaborate in a follow-up tweet. 

Monday, October 16, 2017

Two Things That Everybody Needs To Stop Doing

  1. Calling Da'esh "ISIS" or "ISIL". They hate "Da'esh" (or, as Arabic-speaking countries like Egypt call them, "Da'ish") & would love being called a state. 
  2. Calling ***** "POTUS". Legitimate POTUSes are elected and don't use dictators, fellow aspiring dictators of theirs, and others to hack voting machines, intimidate and harass voters, or do what else ***** has been doing. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Originally on LinkedIn: Re Joe "JoJo" Dixon: Plenty Of People Weren't Doing Their Jobs, And JoJo Is Likely Deceased As a Result

  1. Darren Dixon as a father didn't do his job. If he had married JoJo's mother, JoJo might still be alive and might be in an in-tact home instead of the vulnerable home in which he lived. After all, homes without good fathers are vulnerable homes.
  2. JoJo's grandparents didn't do their job. JoJo's grandmother even knew that "was concerned his mother was planning to take him out of the country'", and she did nothing about it. Why didn't she call the UK's department of child protective services?
  3. The UK and the US governments didn't do their jobs to at least give JoJo's mother a chance to turn in herself to British authorities. If for no other reason than to let her turn in herself and bring home JoJo, take a plea deal and have prosecutorial immunity, and help the UK and the US fight against Daesh, the UK and the US should've let her surrender to the UK and US governments at the either the British and American embassies in Iraq or the the British and American consulates there. "CIA officials told their UK counterparts that a US Air Force Predator killed 50-year-old Jones in June as she tried to flee the group's stronghold in Raqqa," and "[i]n July a friend described Jones as being desperate to return to the UK, but she was apparently being forced to stay by her husband's comrades."
  4. Whoever continues to call Daesh "ISIS" or "ISIL" is not doing his or her job to not recognize a terror group as a state. When countries like Egypt are calling Daesh "Da'ish" (the Arabic equivalent of the name that Daesh absolutely hates) while the UK and the US somehow think that they're being as politically correct as one can be, I have to wonder where British and American exceptionalism went, by the way.
There are also others whom didn't and don't do their jobs. For example, where was L'Oreal in noticing when their employee was acting unusually, and where are individuals and other communities making sure that other single-parent homes and fatherless children aren't as vulnerable as JoJo's home and JoJo were?

Saturday, October 7, 2017

One My Age, At Least One Slightly Older, At Least One Slightly Younger, And One A Decade Younger Than My Mother: aka, the Mary Kay LeTourneaus Of Today

As someone once asked, "What is wrong with them?" Just on the Fox News website today, one can read about (among others) a 27-year-old ex teacher (whom's my age), two 29-year-old ex teachers (whom are the age which I'm going to be in two Januarys from now), a 25-year-old ex teacher (whom's as old as at least one of my cousins), and a 51-year-old ex teacher (whom's only a decade younger than my mother)!

If for no other reason, not misrepresenting my generation and the Late Baby Boomers is enough of a reason for these four women (among others) not to be raping students (all of whom should be charged with first-degree rape, since one can guarantee that authority figures like them would not have taken "No" for answers—especially given that compatriots of theirs have not taken "No" for answers, with those compatriots threatening their victims academically and in other ways).

By the way, one of the ex teachers claimed that she's in a sexless marriage in order to justify raping one of her students—and imagine how her husband feels either way, and especially if he is not withholding any marital rights for her or unable to fulfill certain marital duties due to a disability and/or another medical condition. As for her student, he could affect the prosecutor to bring first-degree attempted murder charges against her, since her rape of him effected him "to attempt suicide":

"The student allegedly told his mother and a nurse at the hospital that he loved his teacher and took the mixture of medicines to attempt suicide, Seacoast reported. 
"Lamontagne told the student she hadn’t had a sexual relationship with anyone for two years. Court records reportedly indicate she is married and has children."

As for two of the other ex teachers, the 25-year-old raped two of her four victims in one given "visit" at her residence and the 51-year-old has grandchildren—for whom she clearly set a bad example!

Meanwhile, didn't these ex teachers learn lessons from the Mary Kay LeTourneau case—which ultimately ended up not going well for the soon-to-be-divorced-twice and soon-to-be-divorced-from-her-victim ex teacher? The Millennial ex teachers should've certainly learned, as they are peers of Vili Fualaau and were growing up during the time that he was being raped; and the Late Baby Boomer ex teacher should've learned how life works out for rapist teachers from her rapist peer and compatriot. To these ex teachers, though, never mind even that Millennials and Baby Boomers—let alone teachers whom are Millennials and Late Baby Boomers—generally followed the news about the Fualaau-LeTourneau case and learned from it.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Tr**p Trying To Cover His Own Trail...I Mean, Trace And Recover Ivanka's And Jared Emails

Once again, another "Can Congress remove Tr**p from office already?!" happening has occurred:

"The White House is investigating officials’ use of private email accounts to conduct government business, it has been reported.Of particular interest is a private email domain potentially used by Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, it is said....

"The White House probe could take several weeks or even months to complete as officials are searching for all emails sent or received about government business, Politico reported. "

With all due respect to Congress, how is removing Tr**p from office and having him prosecuted so hard?

Monday, October 2, 2017

A Historical Comparison By A Bat Anusim, And "Can Congress Actually Impeach A 'President'?"

No, and the continuing problem is that people are calling D*****d Tr**p "President". As a fourth-generation pogrom survivor, I can tell you that talk—e.g., about Congress removing Tr**p from officewithout action is—as the saying goes—empty words, or even words that are full of either irony, paradoxy, smooth-tongued malice, survivalism, or mystery and/or secrecy. My paternal family's words in regard to our heritage, for example, were and are full of mostly survivalism and secrecy, due to the ironic and maliciously-smooth words of the self-proclaimed Judeo-Christian United States. 

They were full of survivalism and secrecy when my paternal grandfather's paternal family became Anusim and fled Lipsk for a United States that at best ended up doing relatively bupkis for especially other Jews in Russia (both in the Imperial Era and the Soviet Era, the former of which Great-Granddad Czarnecki and his parents fled). Along with Great-Granddad Czarnecki's family were other families (including other sides of my father's families), both of Anusim and of Non Anusim, whom fled Russia—not to mention Jewish families (including other families of my father) Austria Hungary and Imperial Germany, and not to mention Jewish families (including family members of my father) whom fled Post-Austrohungarian and Post-Kaiserreich states and localities—and for these Jews, the United States also did bupkis.

Where, for instance, was the United States during the pogroms and the Holocaust but for getting involved in wars and other matters only when they affected the United States directly? In one case—and probably one of the most infamous (if not the most infamous of the most infamous) ones—a president allowed Nazis into the United States, got involved in War World Two only Pearl Harbor was hit, and spurned a delegation of rabbis, even at the cost of Jewish-American civilians whom were somehow in Europe during the Holocaust in Germany. As for the Holocaust in Russia, especially after the Holodomor and Stalin's intent to implement his"Final Solution" plan, the United States also deliberately failed to get involved in that! (By the way, don't be fooled: Stalin darned well knew that Ukraine had long had a significant Jewish population, and the Russian Army surely wasn't quick to stop the Babi Yar Massacre!)

This time, especially those of us whom are descendants and/or otherwise relatives of direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are as affected by an aspiring Neo ****** and Neo Stalin as our ancestors and/or relatives were affected in Imperial, Nazi, and Communist (including Soviet) Europe—direct pogrom and Holocaust survivors are being affected all over again. The most-significant factor in all of this is that anyone is calling D****d Tr**p the "President of the United States", and an illegitimately-elected "President" is not a "President". Meanwhile, are especially direct and indirect pogrom and Holocaust survivors not to be at least a little scared of a man whom, for example:

  1. Targeted especially Jews from the beginning? After all and for starters, according to him, "the only kind of people [whom he wanted] counting [his] money are little, short guys that wear yarmulkes every day," yet "[we weren't] going to support [him] because [he didn't] want [our] money".
  2. Has used Anti-Semitic and otherwise-bigoted revisionists like Julian Assange (a known bigot) and Vladimir Putin (a goes-without-saying bigot) to get him illegitimately elected and continue to be in the White House? Julian Assange even went as far as to deliberately decontextualize emails about pool parties and other subjects to make the bad-enough-as-is Hillary Clinton look worse than she is—and to decontextualize emails like that might be hilariously pathetic if it didn't affect a base whom was looking for an "anyone but Hillary" excuse. Putin, meanwhile, helped Tr**p with the hacking of voting machines and continues to help him try to obstruct the Russiagate investigation?
  3. Also targeted other groups from the beginning, and used proxies besides Assange and Putin—even ones whom volunteered to be proxies after the fact? Ask, for instance, a certain proxy from ReddIt
  4. Either does nothing when a person receives threat from Tr**pites (and I've received at least three) or even blames the victim of death threats (whether he directly makes those threats or blames someone whom received a threat from at least one Tr**pite? By the way, I'm—so to speak—small potatoes, at least for the most part. Reporters for media such as Politico, "GQ", and "The Atlantic" are not. Incidentally, regardless of whether someone's Jewish or gentile, that's akin to when the Nazis and Soviets were targeting those whom they assumed to be Jewish, isn't it?)?
Then the least that others (including and especially Jews who call D****d Tr**p "President") can do is stop calling D****d Tr**p "President", and Congress will finally remove an illegitimately-elected "President" from an office that he isn't supposed to have.

PS I stated "Communist (including Soviet) Europe" because I had forgotten that Yugoslavia under Iosip Tito was independent of Soviet Russia. Post-Austrohungarian states such as Czechoslovakia (1968-1991) and Hungary (1956-1991, after the failed resistance against the Soviets), and localities in Poland (July 5, 1945-December 25, 1991—at Augustów—or thereabouts—if July 5, 1945 did not seal Poland's fate) were not.