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Thursday, December 28, 2017

#ThrowbackThursday: A Few Pictures Of Christmas 2017 So Far (With Nine More Days, Though Every Day Is Like Christmas To Ri and Cam)

Sniffing the gifts

"We're mostly interested in the gifts and num-nums, you know."

All that Christmasing can make a puppy of any age sleepy!

"I am tolerating this only so that you throw the toy already."

Camille blocked a shot of the birds!

Monday, December 25, 2017

"Ah-ow-woo!" Or "Ow-wow-woo!" (Or Something Like That). Either Way: Say What, Reilly?!

When "Mom-Mom" was just getting ready to take Reilly and Camille on their afternoon walk with "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi", "Momma"/"Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" thought that "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" had hurt herself.

Then she heard from "Mom-Mom", "Reilly, was that you?!"

Reilly was definitely excited for walk, so maybe she was imitating when someone gets excited about something and interjects an "Ow-woo!" She may have also been imitating when "Auntie Michelle" does say "Ow-woo!" when she hurts herself, and "Auntie Michelle" did say that she said "Ow!" softly just moments before Reilly said "Ah-ow-woo!" or whatever she said or yawned in excitement or if, as "Momma" thought, she may've had to really "poody" and wanted to get walking so that her bowels wouldn't hurt! 

Somewhat Offbeat: How "Momma" Can Relate To Reilly's Anxiety About When Someone Has Something In the Oven, Though In A Different Way

Reilly is of course scared of the oven, and she is scared even though "Mom-Mom" just turned off the oven off ("She hid under the chair again." 🙁) Meanwhile and although "Momma" has a different matter (as well as other matters) on her mind, "Momma" can relate to, for example:

  1. Waiting for what she wants in anxiety, frustration, etc.. In Reilly's case, of course, it's for the oven to be turned off.
  2. Not knowing if she'll ever get what she wants and relief one or another way. For Reilly, she doesn't know when that oven will be turned off. It's also being afraid that, that oven will somehow hurt her—e.g., catch on fire like the time that "Momma" caught her hair and left cheek on fire when she was trying to light a candle (The candle was sitting on the ceramic stovetop, and that "Momma" didn't drop the match quickly enough as the flame was moving up the match is what caught her hair and left cheek on fire. Reilly has nonetheless since associated that incident with ovens because of the candle being on the stovetop. "Mom-Mom" thinks that Reilly might have cowered in dread to a guardian angel that she saw helping "Momma", meanwhile and by the way—that "Momma" doubts that Reilly would've dreaded an angel, since a malakh Yehovah would've affected her to have a sense of shalom. Besides, Ba'alam's donkey obeyed HaMalakh Yehovah and didn't seem to be scared of him—or "Him", as "Momma" and Reilly believe.
  3. Hoping to get and being disappointed to get what she wants especially when she thinks that she might get it. For Reilly, it's hoping for the oven to be turned off ASAP and being more anxious, frustrated, etc.. in waiting for that oven to be turned off.
In the meantime, a dread-and-stress-exhausted Reilly is napping in her crate as "Momma" finishes typing; and "Momma" can only hope and pray about what's making her anxious (and exacerbating her OCD/Anxiety for that matter!).

Anecdote One: "Cam Always Look Guilty" According To Mom-Mom, Although...

She and Reilly were definitely "plotting" something on Wednesday night:

"Mom-Mom" saw Camille in the family room and observed, "Camille, you're looking might guilty."

Then "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" noted that Reilly and Camille were together. According to her, they were either cleaning each other or conspiring to get into puppy mischief. They could've also beem playing, though, she thought. Nonetheless, she had to ask them, "What are you plotting?"

Only Camille and Reilly to this day know what they were plotting, and only they will know if they can even remember—today is Monday, after all (not to mention Reilly's 3¾-year birthday in terms of Gregorian years! Happy month birthday for December and Merry Christmas, Reilly! Merry Christmas to you, too, Cam!)!

A Warning For Authors About A New Scam, As I Submitted To the BBB

NY Literay Magazine has a new scam as follows: once you click the link in the following email, you have to pay $14.95 to enter a contest; and no entry for which you were apparently nominated shows up:

Merry Christmas and Congratulations!!!
Dear [Whomever],
You were nominated for the NY Literary Magazine "Best Story Award".
Click here to submit your entry:
Submission period ENDS on December 31st, 2017.

Merry Christmas!
Best wishes,
The NY Literary Magazine
PS: You can now add to your bio and credentials
that you are a 2017 Best Story Award Nominee.

"The prestige of such literary awards is immense for an author…awards drive up sales" - The NY Times
"Can do wonders for your writing career... one of the best ways to get your writing noticed!" - Writer's Digest
The link takes you to the following page:
The NYLM Best Story Award Contest
The NY Literary Magazine strives to honor, recognize, and bring to light the finest, original stories by outstanding writers.
We help authors distinguish their work with a seal of approval from a trusted source, and help readers discover brilliant stories.
Our prestigious Best Story Award is a limited entry contest with monthly award winners.
We only accept 200 entries per category each month.
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award - Yearly Winner Trophy
The NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Contest
"certainly gets writers noticed and can help pave the way to publication." - Julie Pickering, literary agent at Blake Friedman Agency.
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 3
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 2
NY Literary Magazine Best Story Award Winner - Seal on book example 1
What makes our contest special?
The NY Literary Magazine is a distinguished print and digital magazine.
Winning an award from our magazine gives you great credentials which will impress readers, agents, and publishers.
We have monthly winners in each category...

Sunday, December 24, 2017

What Real Journalists Do WhereIn Mental Illnesses Such As Addictions Are Concerned, And As I Made Clear To Rianne Addo Herself

Real journalists have the following duties wherein mental illnesses such as Alcoholism are concerned:

  1. To report mental illnesses for what they are—illnesses that nobody chooses, not comedic fodder.
  2. To report specific mental illnesses such as addictions for what they are—not, for example, "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]," or "fondness[es]" for agents that may even fatally affect the sufferers of the addictions in question. For those with addictions, agents such as alcohol are always fatal if the persons with the addictions to them do not choose to abstain from them.
  3. To report exactly how severe throes of mental illnesses can be. In the case of addiction of alcohol, the throes can be quite severe.
If Rianne Addo were a real journalist, she would never call mental illnesses such as Alcoholism "penchant[s]", "extreme liking[s]", or "fondness[es]" when no person whom had the ability to reason or control himself or herself would ever have a penchant, like, or be fond of doing the following to himself or herself—and people whom are in the throes of Alcoholism are deprived by Alcoholism of being able to reason and control themselves in regards to matters such as:

  1. An inability to function on a day-to-day, and even moment-to-moment basis, without any excessive amount of Alcohol
  2. Binge drinking that is never appropriate to call "a weekend bender" or any other kind of "bender", as such drinking can overload and overwhelm the liver
  3. Irreversible breakdowns of familial and professional relationships
  4. Joblessness, homelessness, and entrapment into financially-abusive, emotionally-abusive, and other abusive relationships a result of the irreversible breakdowns of professional and familial relationships 
  5. Illnesses in addition to Alcoholism and the exacerbation thereof, including Cirrhosis of the Liver that results from and remains comorbid with Alcoholism even if a person with Alcoholism is no longer in the throes of the Alcoholism (i.e., even if he or she has sought treatment for Alcoholism and remained sober).
As I told Rianne Addo herself, real journalists remind other people why mental illnesses such as addictions to alcohol are called "mental illnesses", not use those illnesses as comedic fodder while sufferers of mental illnesses are in the far-from-funny throes of mental illnesses that may even kill them—and as I said last night, Alcoholism may certainly kill Ricky Gervais (not to mention kill him at the same age at which it killed my aunt) if those such Rianne Addo and Ricky Gervais' apparent loved ones continue to find humor in his humorless Alcoholism.

Preview Of the Next Post: A Few Anecdotes About Reilly and Camille

Two of the anecdotes can be summed up as follows:
  1. On Wednesday, "Auntie Michelle"/"Mimi" noted that Reilly and Camille were together and apparently plotting something ("What are you plotting?") after "Mom-Mom" saw Camille in the family room and observed, "Camille, you're looking might guilty."
  2. Reilly actually cooperated with getting her ear medicine during the most-recent time for her to get the ear medicine.
PS In case anyone missed these earlier: