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Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Patience-Tried Reilly, How To Bribe Cam For Pictures, Etc..

Even though "Momma" is feeling somewhat better from yesterday, she has a "dogter" whom is not happy with her. In fact, said "dogter" tried to follow "Auntie Michelle" and Camille upstairs, as well as whine and whimper. Meanwhile, she waits once again for "Momma"*.

Speaking of waiting, Camille also was patient with "Auntie Nicole" yesterday: she let "Auntie Nicole" take a few pictures, especially ones for "Mimi":

To Cam: "Say 'Hi, Mimi!'"

However, Camille was not patient with "Mom-Mom" during brushing. Since (like Ralphie with his "BB-gun mania") Camille with gourmandia no "knows no loyalties" (as Ralphie would say), and "aunt-uition" kicked in for "Auntie Nicole"—in other words, "Auntie Nicole" knew that Camille still wanted to be in the kitchen as "Mimi" pulled the chicken (none of which either Reilly or Camille has had so far 🙁). Of course, "Mom-Mom" wasn't happy about "Auntie Nicole" pointing that out!

*Hablando de paciencia, una nota incidental á un persona cierto: yo todavía quiero una respuesta clara de tí. ¿Mi suposición es que pienses que a lo mejor estás eso persona cierto que Reily y yo necesitamos estar en nos vidas, pero es mi suposición correcta? Continúo esforzándome estar paciente mientras espero para tí dar una respuesta clara. Especialmenmte si Yejovah te dice me dar una respuesta clara, dame una respuesta clara: no tener una respuesta afecta una mí confundida y desconsolada por el bien de mí misma y por el bien de Reily.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Somewhat Offbeat: Another Usual Kind Of "What the ****" Day & More Pictures

Today is a little different, though, as "Momma" wasn't hunching over with nausea or trying to not throw up last time—and she also couldn't feel her stomach hurt, spasm, or do whatever it's doing as she tries to type. Perhaps exhaustion partly explains it. Meanwhile, as Reilly patiently waited for "Momma" on Monday night and snuggled by her during the day, she made clear that the exhaustion especially exacerbates her hatred of having her picture taken:

"Fine time to take a picture!"

"!אוי; לא! אני לא אוהבת את זת"

Even If Someone Else Already Stated The Obvious Re the Senate Briefing And North Korea...

I'll state the obvious: the only reason that someone would call a special briefing re the Senate and North Korea is that he or she wants to declare war on North Korea and at least appear to be legitimately doing so. When I first saw the news alert on Monday, I knew that that's what Tr**p was doing—after all, he has to look like he can get any honest vote, let alone honest votes from two thirds of the Senate. With the news of North Korea conducting drills, Russia being on the North Korean border, etc. (perhaps even including with the U.S. Navy Destroyer and an Iranian warship nearly edging each other—since North Korea and Iran are part of a political ménage-á-cinq with Russia, Venezuela, and pseudo-U.S.-ally China), now I and everyone else who's following the news has to know:

Tr**p is trying to set up a war for his own purposes, perhaps even colluding with North Korea—after all, "Birds of a feather...." 

Monday, April 24, 2017

"Professional Lap Sitters", Indeed: Reilly Claims "Momma"'s Lap; Camille Later Claims "Mom-Mom"'s Lap

  1. When "Momma" was sitting outside with Reilly and Camille, "Who wants to sit on my lap?" became answered by Reilly blocking Camille and jumping on "Momma"'s lap—and Reilly (as "Momma" recalls) jumped seamlessly (at least once she jumped to blocked Camille).
  2. When "Mom-Mom" got the electric brush for Reilly and Camille, "Who wants a treat?" became answered by Camille actually jumping onto "Mom-Mom"'s lap to be brushed and get her treat for being brushed.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Two Reilly Highlights (Ri-lights?) For the Night

  1. Reilly once again refused to "go potty" without a belly rub, and she gave "Auntie Michelle" an "eyebrows and all" look when "Auntie Michelle" suggested that she "go potty" prior to getting a belly rub next time. She also was on the hunt for a mysterious creature ("[F]reaked out, but determined.").
  2. "Momma" has realized for a while that she herself inadvertently ended up naming Reilly for other Jewish matriarchs, including Rosalia Korschová Munková—and she thought that only "Auntie Michelle" did that with Camille. Meanwhile, she's pretty sure by this point that the Rosalita "McCoy" Reilly was Sephardic through her father.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

"Will Tolerate Pictures For Scritches And Belly Rubs"

Argument Summed Up: It Isn't About Israel vs. "Palestine"...

It's about Agudat Yisra'el vs. 'Am Yisra'el. What's already clear—and what even self haters such as Gideon Levy know—is that "Palestine", including Gaza—was long under Israeli/Iudean control before the Romans entirely took over Israel/Iudea and renamed it "Palestina".

What isn't as clear is that it's the Haredim—and the "Palestinians"—vs. 'Am Yisra'el—and the supporters of the Haredim, including Netanyahu and Likud, are obscuring the issue. The worst part is that even well-intentioned and in-denial people are playing into Haredi hands—after all, few (or at least relatively few) know (and fewer even want to know, let alone even try to research or somehow else find out) how Haredim and Netanyahu:

  1. Demonize all Arabs as Anti Semites at various levels
  2. Paint Non-Haredi Jews as self haters
  3. Believe that Zionism is treif drek—basically, secular trash ("secular" in a pejorative sense)
No wonder, then, that those whom expose (far-from-)"Chabad" Lubavitch and other (far-from-"Hasidi") Haredim are demonized as self haters whom want to destroy the Jewish people and the Jewish nation state—the Haredim want to cover their own tracks as they try to lure people in supporting the idea of a Haredi state which will be governed by whomever Mashiach is or is supposed to be in the eyes of the Haredim.

Until people understand that, the Israeli-Arab conflict will never be resolved.