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Saturday, April 8, 2017

Preview Of the Next Post: Electric-Brush Hell, More Jealously, And Other Notes

  1. Grooming irked off Camille enough—taking the groomer's suggestion to gently use an electric toothbrush to get her used to brushing at the next grooming appointment irked her off even more, and "Mimi" once again got to see what "Auntie Nicole" had to endure after trying to get Camille's leash and harness on after the torando warning for a week or so.
  2. Once again, Reilly has continued to monopolize every bit of attention that she can get.
  3. "Momma"'s been worn out and tired once again—and Reilly, who, for example, could sense "Momma"'s anxiousness over trying to clean the coffee machine for "Mom-Mom" and "Auntie Michelle" today, also at least sometimes tends to affect anxiety (or even OCD/Anxiety flareups). Reilly has even helped contribute some gray hair (yes; gray hair!) to 27-year-old-and-only-getting-older "Momma" (and thanks to "Auntie Michelle" for pointing out to "Momma" that she has gray hair—as if she needed that pointed out to her with all the other stuff that she endures!).

Thursday, April 6, 2017

In Any Case, Camille's Hebrew Name Is Easier Than Reilly's; And...

"Camille Dominique"—per "Mimi", "perfect chosen one of God"—is...

  1. מושלמת ("Mushlemet")
  2. נבחרה-לאל ("Nikvarah-L'El") 
  3.  מושלמת נבחרה-לאל ("Mushlemet Nikvarah-L'El")
  4. Literally, "Perfect, she was chosen for God"
Google Translate, Milon, etc. helped "Auntie Nicole" greatly—nonetheless, coming up with Camille's Hebrew name was hard—and "Mushlemet" or "Nikvarah-L'El" might have sufficed, and "Mushlemet'el" may be controversial. As for Reilly's name...for starters, had "Momma" known that "Rose" is Vered...

Updated: Maybe it should be (שליחיה(ו—"Shliachyah(u)"—or (נביאהיה(ו—"Nevi'ahyah(u); or  "נבחרה מושלמת"—"perfectly chosen". Then again, Reilly has a middle name; though "Auntie Nicole" ("Momma" to Reilly) does not want to imply that Camille (or Reilly) is perfect, since only God is perfect.

(PS Speaking of names, "Momma" still won't reveal the name of whom she thinks her helpmate and Reilly's "Daddy" is. He'll have to confirm or deny "Momma"'s suspicions before she reveals it.)

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

There's Really No Kind Of Brain Tumor—Or, As My Family Should Know, Any Other Brain Or Cranium Damage—That Is Benign

Ask "Eli", for example:

"The father said he son has undergone three surgeries to remove tumors after being exposed to harmful chemicals at his job, and that his son also has a benign tumor in his head. At a court hearing last week, the teen’s attorney presented photographs and medical imaging of a non-malignant brain tumor that the defense says affects his behavior."
Besides, any kind of brain and cranial damage can mess one up. As I've said, I thought that the autism excuse was a poor one until I remembered my great-granduncle Bernie. Remember that Great-Granduncle Bernie had a botched surgery to remove shrapnel from his head and also had the Schizophrenia that would eventually kill him during a Schizophrenia flareup that effected a coronary occlusion. Being childlike and very gullible due to the brain damage that he sustained, he was additionally vulnerable and, thus, exploited by Great-Granduncle John ("Jankie"") and especially Great-Granduncle Joe ("Susi") to sign off his Social Security benefits, which were supposed to go to the sister whom set up the Social Security account, to them.

There are evil people whom will use the vulnerable for their own ends, and only God knows who's ablelistically and Anti Semitically exploiting "Eli" as much as those two kapos exploited Great-Granduncle Bernie—and exploiting a fellow Jewish World War Two veteran and a younger sibling took a special kind of chutzpah that Great-Granduncle Susi (and I'd call him an SOB as Granduncle Tony understandably did, though—since I know that Great-Great-Grandma had Schizophrenia—that would not be fair to Great-Great-Grandma—and to be fair, Granduncle Tony did not know that she had Schizophrenia; and I didn't know until I saw Great-Granduncle Bernie's death certificate and recalled the accounts regarding her.).

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

No...You Think, Alec Baldwin?

Blaming other people for your verbal and other abuse only damages your daughter more, by the way:

"'It’s thrown in your face every day. There are people who admonish me, or attack me, and use that as a constant spearhead to do that. It’s a scab that never heals cause it’s being picked at all the time by other people. My daughter, that’s hurt her in a permanent way.'”

Of course verbal-abuse and other-abuse survivors (and others whom were affected, such as primary and secondary witnesses) never forget—we may forgive, though it may take a long time and we may relapse into unforgiveness; and we may not hold grudges (which is what "forgive and forget" really means*, although part of relapsing into unforgiveness includes relapsing into holding grudges); but what we won't forget, even when specific instances are far enough in the back of our minds, in our subconsciouses, or repressed altogether and in the inaccessible parts of our memories.

*It's as when God says that He'll "remember [our] sins no more" and that love "keeps no record of wrongs"—in other words, He won't hold what we did against us; but He doesn't forget what we did.

Happy Hebrew Birthday, Camille!

Now Camille is officially two years old! Today is Nisan 6, 5777 (April 3-4, 2017), and the inadvertently-named-for-a-matriarch-of-"Mimi" Camille is two years old on both the Gregorian (secondary) and Hebrew (primary) calendars. She seemed to like when "Auntie Nicole" explained this to her (since she was listening and understanding as a puppy can understand) and was licking "Auntie Nicole"'s hand (She was either indicating her approval of her explanation, tasting whatever was on her hand, or doing both.).

Today, Camille has become a second-year "bark mitzvah" (in human terms, two years old; in canine terms, 24 years old, assuming that one would hold Cam's "bark mitzvah" when she was 12 canine years old; and "Auntie Nicole" just now felt a little verklempt about Camille getting older)!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

"Accident[al]" "Kill" Lists, Etc.: The Trumpian Paradigm

Threatening to leave NATO, murder journalists and silence other journalists whom cover Russiagate, and otherwise destroy republicanism in the U.S.—as well as republicanism and democracy elsewhere—means one thing: the Trump Dictatorship has escalated its Bowling Green Massacre, as if bowling over our stomachs and making us biliously green by attempting to massacre freedom and liberty everywhere wasn't enough.

Also increasing, of course, is attempted and actual mental, emotional, and other non-physical murderousness of the cyberbullying and offline-bullying Trumpites continue to target professionals and even laypeople like me (though I'm an aspiring professional, might I add, and they're seeking to destroy me and others whom are aspiring professionals—especially if we're Jews). That murderous cyberbullying and offline bullying includes ramped-up racism, xenophobia, ableism, sexism, and Anti Semitism (a special kind of racism) and Muslimophobia (and as I've said before, notice that I didn't say "Islamophobia"—contrary to what Trumpites, including narcissistic Trump, and others say, most Muslims (at least in the Western and Westernized world) do not follow the Islam of Mohammed, an Arabian equivalent to White supremacist Trump—after all, Mohammed proselytized to especially Jews and Christians (including Jewish Christians) by sharing his faith unsolicitedly and even after other people asked him to stop sharing it with them, taxing them, or murdering them—and think about whom Trump targets and uses frequently.

The Trumpian Paradigm, then, is this (or at least this): a syncretic paradigm that borrows from the paradigms of Nazism, Sovietism, and Medinan-Meccan Islam—by the way, Mohammed had no patience with or tolerance those with whom he considered heretics and apostates, since freedom of conscience and religion were anathema to Mohammed. 

A Few (Or Many!) Post-Grooming Photos Of Begrudgingly-Somewhat-Cooperative Camille & Stubborn Reilly

Reilly and Camille came home with new looks and fared well despite that one of them has a UTI.

Reilly avoids the camera as she gets scritches.

The Most-Interesting Cam In the World

"Fake gasping is a 'no-no'."

"I am once again avoiding the camera."