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Friday, March 8, 2013

Blocked By Krystal Keith: aka, I'm Very Honored That...

Hypocrities like her hate me. By the way,

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And my FeedJit stats for the day
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So, she's the only one who's proving that she's riding on her dad's coattails and is doing everything to glorify herself above G-d by using her dad's coattails. By the way, this is directly from her Facebook page:

And how many followers does she have? On Facebook:

Krystal Keith
3,887 likes · 641 talking about this

On Twitter, 3,710 . And she hypocritically retweeted Proverbs 31:10, originally a woman who has a Twitter avatar that is very unbefitting of a Proverbs 31 woman. So, what does that say about Krystal Keith?

  1. She's doing exactly what I warned--becoming her daddy's daughter who's clinging on to her daddy's coattails instead of making a name for herself.
  2. She's proving that she's everything that I've picked up about her--a person who cares only about herself and uses G-d's name in vain--that is, proclaims G-d to make herself look good, and says in her heart, "I shall have peace, even though I follow the dictates of my heart".
  3. With only 7,597 followers total (not accounting for duplicates--i.e., ones who follow her on both Twitter and Facebook), Krystal Keith is--as I've said--going nowhere in her career. G-d does not bless those who don't bless him, especially the ones who use His Name in vain.
Krystal might very well be angry at me and even did snidely call me a Dixie Chicks fan (since that's the only insult that she and Denise Denis could come up with--and I'm not even a Dixie Chicks fan), but she's the one who's proving herself to be exactly who and what I've said that she is--a coattail clinger who respects only herself and is going nowhere.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

More Proof That We're Jewish

I've posted Granduncle Tony's whole e-mail before. But I've (I think) hardly dissected and analyzed the letter as fully as possible. So, here's more analysis, as I gave to a friend per the seeming contradiction between an infrequent letter and a no-contact relationship:

Granduncle Tony did say, "Periodically a church pastor would run a heritage trip back to Poland for a group. Very few of those who immigrated would return. Occasionally someone "in the family" in America would join a relative for the return trip, Usually meeting the Polish or Slovak relatives for the first time and occasionally maintaining a letter writing relationship afterwards. This DID NOT happen in our family.

"There was not very much correspondence with the Polish family. Only an infrequent letter. There were no exchanges other than through the Polish Church which would have clothing drives and send clothes to Poland in general, but not to specific family members. Bertha's photos which came after the trips were the only contact until they asked for the deed to be changed in the mid 1960's."

I suppose that any letters either were letters from us that they refused to answer or letters from them that came through Bertha Wawrzyn.

As Granduncle Tony describes, "I never seen nor did anyone mention anything special brought from Poland. A friend from Sugar Notch, Mrs. Bertha Wawrzyn, visited Poland every few years to see her family and would visit the family while there. All she ever brought back were photos that she took of the Polish Czarnecki's (see earlier comments)."

Some Jews and gentiles did have the attitude of, "You can befriend them; but don't marry them, and don't believe what they believe." As far as I know, Bertha was a Catholic gentile, and we were obviously Crypto Jews--most of the family back home was openly Jewish and Non-Messianic Jewish.

Does Messianic Judaism Forbid The Celebrations Of Christmas and Easter?

Nope. See Romans 14 and Colossians 2:13-17, among other verses. Also, I'm going to (G-d willing) expound more on this in light of Exodus 23-34--that is, the "tenor" of the Old Covenant, and thus the New Covenant--later.

15:08:23 -- 1 hour 10 mins ago

We Now Know the Coward Behind JeworNotJew.Com...

She had the nerve to leave this comment on my page (Bad enough), then delete the comment (as I could not see it on my page when I followed the e-mail link) and block me (as I got the broken-or-removed-link page when I clicked her name):

Miriam Leah Kaufman commented on Nicole Czarnecki, aka "Nickidewbear"'slink.
Miriam wrote: "Actually, Nicole, the people who look like idiots in this world are those who call someone else an idiot for their personal religious beliefs. We may not be fans of Jews for Jesus and find it contradictory in many ways, and as authors do take some liberties when it comes to things like commentary and satireRead your Blog. Keep it up. You believe what you wish, and we will as well."
Reply to this email to comment on this link.

10:09:18 -- 1 hour 29 mins ago
09:43:18 -- 1 hour 55 mins ago
09:34:58 -- 2 hours 4 mins ago
Richboro, Pennsylvania arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: To JewOrNotJew.Com".

Ladies and gentleman, you now know who the coward behind is.