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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If Jews Don't Believe In Jesus; Does Jesus Not Believe In Himself? And Is Christianity Not At Least a Sect of Judaism?

As I've noted several times, the hackneyed "Jews don't believe in Jesus" line is getting older than it already is. It's as hackneyed or even more hackneyed than "Republicans are White, senior-citizen, Protestant Supremacists and chauvinists", and "Blacks and Hispanics are Democrats, and want nothing to do with 'Whitey' or 'el gringo'."

By the way, I'm surprised that the "gringo" line didn't get more flap on The O'Reilly Factor. I myself am happy that Jared Loughner was White (only because State Senator Russel Pearce and Governor Jan Brewer (R-AZ) both have egg on their WASP-Supremacist faces); but I am of course not happy that Rep. Giffords was shot (though if I were her, I'd take being persecuted by Jared Loughner as an honor), and I'm not happy that Daisy Hernandez referred to Whites as gringos.

Newsflash for Señorita Hernandez, by the way: los hispanos originales- the Spaniards and Portuguese- were considered "blanco". Latina America became latina only because of los iberianos. So, blanketing every White as a "gringo" is beschmirching muchas hispanas, none of whom (as far as we know) are at fault for what an Irish- or German-American Supremacist did (I am not sure of the origins of "Loughner" at this time, but I can tell you that you won't blanket in this española y judia in with that Anti-Hispanic, Anti-Semitic Loughner.).

Anyway, the hackneyed "Jews don't believe in Jesus" line is getting older than it already is. Even Jewish Globe recognizes that:

When the phrases Jewish Christians, Hebrew Christians and Christian Jews are used in a modern sense, they refer to people who have a Jewish heritage, culture or ancestry. However, such people follow Christian tenets and philosophy, rather than Judaism. The terms Jewish Christians and Christian Jews are also applied to those who have formally converted to the Christian faith, and to those who do not practice the Hebrew faith, due to the circumstances of their upbringing, for example. The appellation Christian Jews can be used for those who are Jewish, but have been absorbed into the Christian majority. Although Christian Jews and Messianic Jews both represent a blend of Judaism and Christianity, Christian Jews are quite different from Messianic Jews, who are definitely Jewish, and only differ from other Jews in that they believe that Jesus was the true Messiah.
Although Jewish Globe may not get that "Jewish Christian" and "Messianic Jewish" are synonmous, "Christian Jew" is not the best term to use (long story short, "Christian Jew" is to a Jewish Christian like "Catholic Pole" to a Polish Catholic), and Messianic Jews do not have to denominationally Messianic (and I myself am a Patrilineal Jew who is a PCA Presbyterian and was baptized Roman Catholic and raised Episcopalian); Jewish Globe at least recognizes the crux of the matter:

At least some Jews believe in Jesus; Jesus Believed In Himself, and Christianity is at least a sect of Judaism (if not considered as Fulfilled, Complete, or True Judaism).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dormant Blog

I leave this blog dormant and usually refer people to my AOL Red blog unless I have something important to post on both blogs.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Nicole Factor At Red Blogs

I post more on my AOL Red blog, because it's the main site for The Nicole Factor. At AOL Red, even though I've been my own return visitor twice (due to technical problems or just not being signed in), I've attracted 297 return visitors (295, without me); and I've attracted many unique visitors. Therefore, for the whole of The Nicole Factor, go to my AOL Red blog, which is linked to by this entry's title.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What on Earth?

Whoever assumed that I was lazy? School chum, I assume that you make other not-so-good assumptions.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Exploring Messianic Judaism and Judaism

I've been doing some exploring, etc., of Judaism, Messianic Judaism, the Bible (Old and New Testaments), the Tanakh (OT) verses the Talmud, and everything else in light of that. See it on my AOL blog.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Re: Smith

To Alex Smith:

I don't know whether you were spamming or what; but if you were, your comment was really inappropriate concerning the content of the entry.

To everyone else: The comment can be seen if you click the title.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

9-11: A Wake-Up Call To Me

I've put this new entry on my AOL Blog. Scroll over the title to get the link.