The silent majority is split between Trump and Biden 49%-49% at best—and I’m scared for the 2% of us whom are voting for neither. Now, some people might say that I’m just buying too much into the Facebook or Twitter hype. But many people act as they do online both how they act offline and how they would act offline if they get could away with doing so. I am afraid that I and many others will be targets of violence by either Trump and Trumpites or Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden and Bidenite extremists—and I myself, for example, received Anti-Semitic threats from a Trump supporter during the last election cycle and received an Anti-Semitic threat from “a physically fit German American [whom could] think of a place for [me]” when I expressed that I find that the Democratic Party has no place for me (a Jewish woman with disabilities).
Too many people want to make Trump and Biden their gods; and given personal experience, I dread for those of us whom are definitely in the minority.