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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sweet Reilly Strikes (Or Rather, Paws) Again

Just like last time, Reilly reached out to "Momma" with her paw. This time, put however, Reilly put her paw on "Momma"'s hand and put it back on her hand after "Momma" had to pull it away for some reason and then tell her, "Okay; you can put your paw back on my hand now." or ask her to put it back on her hand—since she appreciated her "dogter"'s sweet gesture.

Then Reilly put her paw on "Momma"'s arm before "Momma" decided to move over all of the way and rest her head on her arm, since she decided that both of them needed to get some sleep.

Reilly truly is an empath and her "Momma"'s girl.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Hawai'i Dropped A Huge Ball Re Their "Mistake", Since...

They could've easily their "mistake" an inadvertent ballistic-missile drill. After all;

  1. Hostile governments—including the Iranian, Russian, and North Korean governments—have made quite clear their intents to try to engage the United States, Israel, and others in nuclear wars.
  2. Especially with Russia, history is repeating itself—don't, for example, the Baby Boomers and even some Gen Xers in the Hawai'ian government remember the under-the-desk drills?
  3. All one needs to do is look at a few Google maps to see why Hawai'i's "mistake" of a ballistic-missile warning could've been an opportunity for a ballistic-missile drill.
In conclusion, then, the Hawai'ian government is either oblivious or complicit regarding the danger that Anti-American governments pose to Hawai'i and the rest of the United States—and not to mention that on the flip side, an island government that is still allied with Russia once tried to go after the United States (Don't the Baby Boomers and still-living members of previous generations remember the Cuban Missile Crisis?).

Camille Seems To Have Developed Two New Habits

  1. Rolling around on chairs, beds, and anything else on which she wants to roll around for some reason. "Mimi" thinks that, and "Auntie Nicole" suspected that, it might be for Cam to mark the chairs, etc.. 
  2. Preferring her toy squirrel over regular squirrels. "Auntie Nicole" thinks that she got a little spoiled by having that toy squirrel (which needs to sewn up again, by the way!) and thus not as keen on barking at real squirrels as much!  

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Two Stunts That Reilly Pulled Today

  1. She licked "Momma"'s wrist in a dominance show when she was licking Camille in a dominance show! 
  2. The butter incident: when "Momma" dropped the butter dish and the butter cube on the floor, Reilly tried to lick whatever butter she could. Reilly even licked butter right out of the dish ("Reilly, that's disgusting!" Mom-Mom understandably told her)! Of course, "Momma" had to rinse off the butter because it got on the floor, and she had to rinse out the butter dish after putting dish detergent in it because (of the obvious reason that) her human family loves her enough to not want puppy germs on the butter! After all, what if puppy germs that got on the butter made Reilly's human family sick enough to leave Reilly a human-orphaned and human-familyless puppy, especially since Reilly has only a "Momma" at present and (as far as "Momma" knows) no human family whom'd take her in if "Momma" died?

Re "Depression and a Love of Food"

My father did the same thing regarding his "Vitamin B12" bottles, except that he was malicious about it. Long story short, there are a lot of family secrets in my dad's family (some of which I've blown off the lid, about which my father and others are not happy), and the Depression was one of them. Only later did I find out about how the paternal grandfather from whom he partly inherited his Depression really died, and I didn't find out until long after I had been in a Baltimore-area mental hospital for threatening suicide due to (among other factors) Depression and the abuse that exacerbated it.

He also inherited Depression from his mother's side. My guess is that she is a carrier for it unless she has Depression about which I don't know, because two of her maternal granduncles and her great-grandfather who was their father committed suicide. Also five of her maternal aunts and uncles had Alzheimer's and/or Dementia, which are linked to Depression.

I will say, then, that Julie Charnet's experience with her mother certainly contrasts my experience with my father.

PS Incidental note: I wonder if Julie Charnet's father was originally a Charnetski and related to my family:
  1. That's a variant that we used for Chernetzky/Czerniecki (See note below.)
  2. Without trying to be crude or funny, I have to say that it wouldn't surprise me given the divorce and miserable-marriage rate in our Chernetzky/Czerniecki/Czarniecki (and we must've thought partly that we were trying to be funny by passing¹)/Zernetzky....what else have we used....Czarnecki family.
¹Passing for certain szlachta didn't work—nice try; and we could've at least tried to pass for less Anti-Semitic ones if we were going to pass at all!

#WeirdWednesday and #WoofWednesday: Foot Locker Has Canine Competition

"Auntie Nicole" might've already mention that Camille is a foot licker. Nonetheless, Camille's foot-licking habits are worth mentioning again, as Camille the Foot Licker does and recently demonstrated that she does the following wherein foot-licking habits are concerned:

  1. Not care who you are and where you are. Whether you're "Auntie Nicole" laying on the floor or "Mimi" at the dinner table, for example, Camille is licking your feet. Since puppies lick feet partly to clean them and partly to show submission, maybe Camille was emulating someone (or as "Auntie Nicole" believes, Someone)?
  2. Lick feet regardless of their condition. To be fair, though, for example, Camille seems to at least have avoided "Auntie Nicole"'s ingrown toenail (which she tried to soak in a partly-baking-soda solution until she as "Auntie Nicole" and "Momma" freaked out after Camille and Reilly came home from their walk and could've gotten near the solution!).
  3. Notice what others don't. For instance, "Auntie Nicole" noticed cuts in between her toes and then figured out that that's why Camille would frequently licks in between her toes.
  4. Persist. She even leaned on the couch to get herself up enough to lick "Mimi"'s feet, and she constantly follows "Auntie Nicole" around to lick her feet regardless of whether she's trying to nap (since she can easily tire out), get up from the floor and put her shoes back on her feet, get out of bed and put her shoes on her feet (although Camille has not come upstairs to say "Good morning" to "Auntie Nicole" lately because of a certain jealous cousin of hers!), or do anything else.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Something Weird That Camille Did When Someone Came Over Yesterday

When someone came over yesterday and went to use the restroom, Camille decided to sit where the person in question had been sitting. Then taking more advantage of the time to take someone else's seat, she did the strangest thing: she decided to start rolling around in the chair and get her hair all staticky.

She's done that kind of rolling around before after waking up from a nap and when she has a lot of energy otherwise, has just come out of the rain and inside the house from a walk, and at other times. This time, though, was strange. Of course, she was being a playful character as usual. Nonetheless, what she was doing was something to watch—and something that "Auntie Nicole" maybe should've recorded, though nobody can or has to record everything!