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Sunday, October 21, 2012

Someone At Notre Dame Misses Me...

If it's a faculty or staff member and they're willing to help me get a scholarship or grant, I might come back--after all the Hell that UNDMD put me through (while it was CONDOM--"College of Notre Dame of Maryland", as someone really did point out to me while I was there) and if they want free publicity, they may as well invite their favorite (then their not-so-favorite--in fact, least-favorite) Jewish Protestant and bat Anusi back. 

Maybe they saw how, for example, I promoted UMBC with Dubru:

How I love karma and poetic justice! 

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Thursday, October 18, 2012

"So what percentage of Jews actually reject the Talmud?"

That's a good question. An exact percentage can't be taken down or ascertained. This is because of three things:
  • Even some Karaites and quite a few Messianic Jews will take parts of the Talmud that are not in contradistinction from Scripture and follow them or implement them--e.g., Hanukkah; the names of the months. By the way, the Pharisee name "Nisan" and Hanukkah both appear in Scripture.
  • There are Humanistic and other Jews (e.g., Yaron Yadan) who reject Tanakh altogether because they intertwine it with the Talmud. Yaron Yadan tellingly states, for example, "The prophet Ezekiel contradicts the words of the Torah...Know that this contradiction is found even within the Torah itself, for in Deuteronomy (24:16) it is written, "Parents shall not be put to death for children, nor children be put to death for parents: a person shall be put to death only for his own crime." The Gemara in Sanhedrin 27b reconciles the contradiction: "'visit[s] the guilt of the parents upon the children'! On those who continue their fathers' deeds." That is, the children are punished (for their parents' guilt?) when they continue to sin. See Ibn Ezra on Exodus 20:4, who went on at length about the reconciliation of contradictions." Yaron Yadan himself has the trouble of both separating the Torah from the Talmud, and separating--for instance--individual punishments and curses on the family line as a punishment to the family's partriarch or matriarch--viz. direct and indirect consequences.
  • The percentage of Karaite, Messianic, and other--both Patrilineal, Matrilineal, and both-parent--Jews who reject the Talmud entirely can't be ascertained. Om an incidental-but-perhaps-related note, we can't even account for how many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust--usually only Matrilineal Jews who are more than a 1/16th or so Jewish are counted (though Scripture--e.g., Galatians 4:22-24 and 1 Chronicles 7:14--accounts that Isaac was the first Jew, and that Manasseh children were 1/16th Jewish and still Jewish).

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Resume (E-mail Me For More)

Miss Nicole V. Czarnecki
103 A_W, Erickson Hall, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle u Baltimore, Maryland, 21250-0001 u (443) 538-6482u

Objective _____________________________________________________________________
To receive an internship during the 2012-2013 collegiate year, or to receive at least an entry-level job upon or shortly after receipt of B.A. in Political Science degree (with the receipt of said degree expected to occur in May 2013).
Profile ________________________________________________________________________
Born prematurely on January 23, 1990 in the Jewish Diaspora—in her case, Baltimore, Maryland—, Miss Nicole V. Czarnecki has overcome many challenges in her life. Among her challenges have been and are the challenges that she had and has had to face as a prematurely-born infant who was diagnosed with Diplegic Spastia Cerebral Palsy. Also among her challenges have been those that she had and has faced due to being a product of an interethnic (Ashkenazic Jewish and Iberian-Western European), an interfaith (Crypto-Jewish Christian and Western European Christian), and a broken-family (divorced-parent, single-mom, remarried-dad) home.
Perhaps because of her challenge-filled background, Miss Czarnecki went from wanting to be a country-music singer to focusing on being a significant figure and key player in the journalistic, political, legal, and/or cultural worlds. She determined in high school to major in Political Science when she went to college, and to become either a lawyer, a journalist (and, as she likes to say, “to be Geraldo Rivera without being Geraldo Rivera”), an analyst or a commentator, or perhaps even a public official—such as a United States Congresswoman or Senator, or (God willing) a Messianic Jewish/Jewish Christian Member of the Israeli Knesset.
In other words, she—as a Messianic Jew who has overcome many challenges and been made better for her challenge-filled background—is determined to make a political and cultural impact in the Jewish Diaspora (specifically her Diasporan birthplace, the United States of America), Israel, and—if possible—even the rest of the world. Holding a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (as of May 2013), she hopes to use her degree to make her aspired-to political and cultural affect.
Skills Summary _________________________________________________________________
u        Social networking, including blogging
u        Can read, write, and speak English (Native Language)
u        Can speak, read, and write some Spanish (Ancestral Language—great-three-times-granddad on maternal side from Spain; took Spanish in senior year of high school and three semesters at Howard Community College)
u        Can speak some Hebrew and Yiddish, and understand some transliterated Hebrew and Yiddish (Ancestral language—relatives on paternal side were and are Crypto Jews; mainly—if not entirely—self taught/no formal or other classes taken)
u        Critical thinking
u        Ability to form own opinions and have understanding of why she believes what she believes
u        Research and investigative skills (e.g., Amateur genealogical and historical research skills)
u        Amateur photography skills
u        Other skills (Please inquire in interview or by e-mail correspondence.)
Professional Experience __________________________________________________________
None—Disabled (With Diplegic Spastia Cerebral Palsy, from Birth on January 23, 1990)
Employment History ____________________________________________________________
None—Disabled (With Diplegic Spastia Cerebral Palsy, from Birth on January 23, 1990)
Education _____________________________________________________________________
university of maryland, baltimore county – Catonsville, Greater Baltimore, Maryland
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Degree, Expected to receive in May 2013    GPA: 2.75/4.0 (As of October 15, 2012)
(Expected to complete 120-121 credits by May 2013.)