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Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pictures. Show all posts

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter 2017 Card From Reilly

PS Reilly would not put that paw down for anything—when she wants her belly rubs, she stretches her legs out and keeps that one up in particular.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Why Reilly Actually Ran Away From The Harness & Leash Last Night

While part of the running away from the harness and leash last night was an expression of impatience, another part of it was that Reilly—as "Momma" (as she recalls) suspected could actually be the case, or at least part of the case, last night—honestly freaked out and thought that "Momma" was going to go take her to "go potty" where "Mr. Bumblebee" and his friends (the carpenter bees in the backyard)—as "Momma" figured out when she had to trick Reilly to get the harness and leash on her for her to "go potty", and the only way for "Momma" to get Reilly to get on her harness and leash was to get her to go into her crate, close the crate door, and reopen the crate door and make sure that she didn't burst out and run away.

She begrudgingly got on her harness and leash, although she would not find a "potty spot" or even really try to find one for anything—carpenter bees scare her enough to either make her run back to the door of the house or make her run into the backyard without "Momma" and find her "potty spot" far away from the porch, and usually near or within the more-immediate vicinity of the squirrel-monopolized and whence-"nasties"-prosefuly-drop bird feeder. As is one of her customs during this carpenter bee season, she chose to run back onto the porch as soon as she could whenever she could and finally affected "Momma" to just take her inside and try to take her "potty" again later.

By the way, here's Reilly just over an hour ago waiting for "Momma" to wrap up for the night—and maybe waiting for someone else, too. Also, Happy First Day of Pesach and Blessed Maundy Thursday*, including to a certain someone for whom Reilly might be waiting, from "Momma" and Reilly.

*Especially to others whom believe that Maundy Thursday and Good Friday had a profound significance. Incidentally, "Momma" thinks that Reilly would be a lot nicer to Pilate than she ever would were she back in those days—let's just say that "Momma" would describe Pilate at the very least as "actually a very-mean man" to Reilly, and she talks to Reilly about matters of religion and faith in a way that a puppy can understand quite often.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Few (Or Many!) Post-Grooming Photos Of Begrudgingly-Somewhat-Cooperative Camille & Stubborn Reilly

Reilly and Camille came home with new looks and fared well despite that one of them has a UTI.

Reilly avoids the camera as she gets scritches.

The Most-Interesting Cam In the World

"Fake gasping is a 'no-no'."

"I am once again avoiding the camera."

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Reilly Has ANOTHER UTI 🙁....

April Fool's! It's actually Camille whom does 🙁. Given that she whimpered in her crate and even panted exactly how the YouTube star Amber panted during naptime, she really did need to "peedie" and wasn't just playing. She also, as "Mom-Mom" found out, had blood in her urine. Needlessly to say, this is why Camille is at a professional groomer's home office instead of getting groomed at home—i.e., long story short, "Mom-Mom" and "Mimi" endured Hell when they tried to trim Camille's hair before "Mom-Mom" took her to the vet—pictures are coming, by the way 🙂. 

Reilly's Photoshoot For Rosh HaShanah, Accompanied By the Promise Of A Treat

In sum:
  1. Reilly didn't like it, though she was a begrudgingly-good good sport for a treat.
  2. When Reilly ran despite that "Momma" actually wanted her to come in order for her to get her tallit and kippah off, Camille started playing with the tallit and panicked "Auntie Nicole".
  3. Reilly got her promised treat once she came (and had to be bribed with a treat to come) and got the tallit and kippah off.
  4. With the photo that was used in the card, "Momma" had a total of five photos that she took.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

לשנה תשע״ז טובה מ"אמא" וראיללי!

By the way, "Mimi" ecstatically kvelled when Camille demonstrated that she learned "Lie down!" last night. Also, may 5777 be the year in which a certain person finally enters (or, especially if he is who "Momma" thinks that he is*, reenters) "Momma"'s life and enters Reilly's life!

*He could be any of a few given people, though "Momma" thinks that he knows that she's referring to him. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Pictures For National Puppy Day...And Two Puppies In A Very-Loosely-Tied Bowtie

During National Puppy Day:

The brats finally got their hamantaschen (Don't tell "Mom-Mom": "Momma" tried a few 😉).


Cam's bowtie was very-loosely tied and wrapped around the knot without tying it (In other words, the bow was tucked back).

The bow was loose enough for Reilly, too. By the way, both Reilly and Camille received some peanut butter as a treat.

Of course, one thing was missing for National Puppy Day: Reilly's having a person whom she'd love very much in her life (and whom "Momma" wishes would confirm or refute her thinking re him—as that still keeps her up at night).