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Showing posts with label pet parents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet parents. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2019

#WoofWednesday: More Of Reilly's Antics, Including Barking Inappropriately!

Incidentally, Reilly may have just barked in her sleep during her evening nap, unless "Momma" was hearing things. Anyway:

  1. Speaking of barking, though, both Reilly and Camille really (so to speak) took up quite a bit of thinking room with their loud barks, and Reilly especially barked up a lot of thinking room!
  2. As if barking inappropriately throughout the day wasn't and wouldn't be enough, running outside as "Mom-Mom" was coming back from having taken Camille to "go potty" apparently made a fine addition to the list of Reilly's Woof Wednesday antics! To be fair, though, Reilly did at least come back inside for a treat.
  3. Reilly found another treat when "Mom-Mom" went back outside to garden, meanwhile, and this treat happened to be a treat which was actually a "nasty" which "Momma" had to lock the back door to get: a shredded cotton pad that she doesn't quite know how Reilly came by in the first place. Not wanting to be hit by the back door in case "Mom-Mom" decided to come in while "Momma" had to lay on the floor to get the pieces (since standing up and bending down to get them would've been quite unfeasible, especially if the door would've hit her while she was on her feet), "Momma" had to lock the back door briefly and risk locking "Mom-Mom" out of the house—and needlessly to say, she was not happy about it, and she even told Reilly (in terms in which Reilly could understand) that her IBS flares up when she stresses her out—and her acquisition of the cotton pad and shredding of it definitely caused her to have an IBS flareup.
There were other antics as well, though these three antics exemplify just how badly Reilly can behave

Monday, April 15, 2019

#MemoryMonday, #MaltipooMonday, and #MondayMusings: Time Outs For Reilly, More Jealousy, Etc.

Just a few highlights of what's happened of late in la casa de Reilicita Rosalicita:

  1. "Quiet or get down!" doesn't always work on the little barkbrat (namely, Reilicita Rosalita herself). Thus, "Momma" has needed to devise a new system: putting Reilly in "time out" by telling her to "get down" from the window and stay down until the timer that she sets on Alexa goes off, which she has told her outrightly (e.g., "You need to stay until Alexa says that you can get back up there.") and despite that she is not always obeyed (and has to tell her to get back down and stay down until Alexa says that she can get back up there).
  2. Reilly may be or may not be learning a new trick (Stay tuned to find out 😏.).
  3. Speaking of tricks, both Reilly and Camille quite often continue to insist on tricking everybody into thinking that they need to "go potty"—and have made friends with the spray bottle on that account as well as other accounts!
  4. Speaking of both Reilly and Camille, Reilly now gets jealous when "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" even asks Camille if she can give her a kiss!
  5. Meanwhile, both of them have had quite-adventurous walks recently—and (according to "Mom-Mom"), today's morning walk entailed Camille literally jumping three feet in the air when the wind blew a recycling bin or trash can toward her and Reilly!
  6. By the way, Camille just turned four years old on the Hebrew calendar! (L'Yom Huledet Same'ach, Kamila!).
  7. Also by the way, Reilly has been dealing patiently with (among other things) "Momma"'s recent Depression flareup, although she's let "Momma" know when her patience has been tested by either trying to go "night nights" in "Mom-Mom"'s room or even running back downstairs!

Monday, April 1, 2019

"Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" Had To Give Up Camille?, and Reilly Has a "Daddy"!?

April Fools! In all seriousness, though:

  1. The subject of the above video has been recommended by "Mom-Mom" to stay with Reilly should "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" ever move out since Reilly and Camille "are a bonded pair", and it would apparently be cruel to separate them. This is also part of why "Mom-Mom" would not necessarily get her own puppy while Reilly and Camille are still living in the same house: that is, Reilly and Camille are bonded enough to possibly exclude any subsequent puppy from the pack. She would actually buy "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" another puppy to take with her in order for Camille to stay with Reilly. While "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" is heartbrokenly and heartbreakingly tempted by that logic, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" absolutely put her foot down on that one: that is, "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" reminded "Mom-Mom" that Camille would be more heartbroken were she ever separated from "Mimi" than she would from Reilly, especially if "Mimi" got her a companion and someone over whom she could be alphess for once. Of course, "Mom-Mom" wouldn't hear of it.
  2. "Mom-Mom" of course assumes that "Momma"/"Auntie Nicole" and Reilly will never move out—wooo; what a way to further shatter (or at least try to shatter) any hopes for her and Reilly! 💔 
  3. If "Momma" and Reilly ever do move out (which, Yehovah willing, they will somehow), "Momma" is taking Reilly with her regardless of what "Mom-Mom" thinks.
PS The above video is a video of Camille and "Santa Ducky", since "Auntie Nicole" has no recent pictures to post and wanted to still post something there (obviously in part to not give away whether "Mimi"/"Auntie Michelle" really did had to give up Camille), and "Momma" did record Reilly's reaction to it—and she'll post that reaction later today (א׳י׳י).

Sunday, March 10, 2019

A Very-Belated #FluffyFriday Post, Part One...

The obligatory post-grooming, "I just want my treat", and somewhat-uncooperativeness-involved photoshoot 😆:

"I got excited enough to drink water. Life is good!"

"I'm not exactly keen on Mom-Mom getting my bow back into my hair."

"Hi—I just want the treat!"

Yeah, not exactly willing to cooperate even in spite of wanting the treat

Trying to get them next to each other for a cover photo...not so much success with that (as one or the other is not looking directly at the camera or standing close enough to the other or the one).

Begging (with reminiscent-of-"The Animaniacs" Camille to her left)

Begging and pushing (and Camille really has acquired that pushing habit!)

"Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" will not lie: Camille and Reilly (especially Camille) reminded her of "Ren and Stimpy" here for some reason 🤣 (and "Auntie Nicole"/"Momma" has never watched that show or seen clips of it too much").

More begging (and with reminiscent-of-"The Animaniacs"-or-Minnie-Mouse Camille behind her)

See? Not next to each or directly looking at the camera (although Camille is sort of looking directly at the camera).