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Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2013

From a While Ago, But...

I had read that "Rabbi" Ovadia Yosef is in the hospital and seriously ill, likely to the point of death if his age and condition are considered. In that same article, I read that he had made the remark that Holocaust victims are reincarnated sinners who weren't punished enough the first time. Meanwhile, "Rebbe" Schneerson had made similar comments during his lifetime—that is, he stated that that Anti Zionists were like a gangrene to Israel that needed to be treated.

Clear enemies of their own people (and examples of why Yeshua warns us not to clear clergymen "rabbis"), "Rabbi" Yosef and "Rebbe" Schneerson should have at least reviewed Tanakh. Abilene clearly did, and reached the obvious conclusion: Anti Semitism sometimes just happens! Even though one Messianic community was spared in Bulgaria, Messianic Jews like Sister Edith Stein were not. Even though Zionists escaped the Holocaust, not all Zionists did—and many would have made aliyah if they could have. For example, Vilmosz Rusznak had three children—Yehoshua, Shabbati, and Fredi—with whom he could not just leave Kassa, Hungary—the worst part being, of course, that Mary Rusnak Gaydos (who I still have a hard time forgiving) knew that (and she should have understood—she had four to five young children herself [Tina was born in 1943, and the correspondence had to have begun when Iwan was murdered.]). Anusim weren't spared, either—Jozsef Foczko is an example of this (with his death date unlisted, his burial date in 1941 when then-Czechoslovakian Aranyidka was occupied, and Lo-Anusi relatives in the Lodz ghetto—do I look stupid? And if the correspondence wasn't with the Rusznaks, it was with the Foczkos—again, do I look stupid? And money for what, and from a worse-off country?).

Again, Anti Semitism sometimes just happens—and no Jew is to blame for Anti Semitism that doesn't spare even Messianic, Zionist, and Anusi Jews.

Abilene, Texas arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: Holocaust" by searching for holocaust shadrach meshach.
13:02:04 -- 3 minutes ago

Monday, August 26, 2013

"What's the difference between Jews, Christians, and Catholics?"

I can sadly and unfortunately tell you that a majority of Jews actually do not believe in Jesus (Hebrew, "ישוע", "Yeshua"). In fact, Jews like me are often intraethnically persecuted (e.g., told that we're no longer Jewish or even that we're actually just gentiles posing as Jews in order to proselytize and destroy Jewish souls, thus attempting to finish the evil work of the Nazis). Also, I am quite sure that this answer may even be disliked and/or reported by Anti-Messianic Jews who will attempt to slanderously portray me as Anti Semitic.

However, many (if not most) Non-Messianic Jews are tolerant of Jesus-believing (Messianic) Jews (Jewish Christians), although they disagree with Messianic Jews on whether or not there is even a literal Messiah ("משיח", "Mashiach) and/or who Mashiach is. For example, Karaites and Orthodox Pharisees (and Ultra-Orthodox Pharisees) do believe in a literal, yet-to-come (or, in the case of Menachem Mendel Schneerson's followers, yet-to-be-resurrected) Mashiach. Conservative and Reform Pharisees generally do not believe in a literal Mashiach.

Some Non-Messianic Jews, and even some Messianic Jews, are Crypto Jews ("אנוסים", "Anusim"). Many direct paternal ancestors from the 1700s-1900s became or were born to such--in fact, my dad and his parents deny that we're Jewish because (long story short) dad's paternal granddad became an Anusi when he was a baby to survive the pogroms and escape Anti Semitism in better-than-nothing America, and my dad's Anusit maternal grandmother was partly responsible for the murder of her Non-Anusi relatives who died in the Holocaust (which, for Grandma, is pretty painful to recall--she was six to eight years of age when her mother denied Vilmos Rusznak, Zoli Grinfeld, and other cousins [z'l] financial help to leave Europe and make aliyah ["עליה"]. In fact, she once snapped at my mom, "You keep your money in your own country." when Mom unknowingly and unintentionally opened that painful and reminding wound that Great-Grandma left in her daughter's soul.).

Most Anusim were or (as are my grandparents) are Roman or Byzantine Vaticanists ("Catholics", "universalists")--partly because they're in dread of the Vatican, which attempted to supersede Mount Zion with Vatican Hill because of replacementism. Some Anusim (e.g., Issac D'Israeli and Heinrich Marx) were or are Lutheran, Anglican, or affiliated with other denominations that broke away from Vaticanism. Very few Anusim are affiliated with Anabaptist or other Non-Vaticanist denominations (Even my dad, who goes to a Southern Baptist church, goes to a Southern Baptist church only because his wife is a Southern Baptist. If he were not an Anusi, he'd be a Reform Jew.).

As for Vaticanists, be sadly assured that most are not Christians. Christians (including Jewish Christians) believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Christian/Completed Jewish Bible (Old and New Covenants/Testaments). Vaticanists generally do not, as they tend to either believe what the Vatican says about it (as opposed to what it says for itself) or the "Documentary Hypothesis" (e.g., Non-Messianic Jews--excepting Karaites, Orthodox Pharisees, and Ultra-Orthodox Pharisees--and Vaticanists alike would agree with the words of Reform Pharisee clergywoman Amy Scheinerman--i.e., "Some institutions are considered to be a product of the cultural milieu and societal norms of the ancient Near East when the Hebrew Scriptures [i.e., the Old Covenant] were written down, and do not speak to our lives today.")

Hopefully, this clears up any confusion and specifies differences as well as similarities for you.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Holocaust, Reform Judaism, Anti Zionism, and Jesus

 People blame the Holocaust on many things. I have heard sickos like Ilan Bergman and James Walker (Y'Sh'v'z) blame the Holocaust on Non (or even Anti) Zionism, and Reform (Liberal) Judaism . If Mr.s Bergman and Walker were correct, Zionist and Non-Reform Jews would not have been murdered in the Holocaust. David Brickner of Jews For Jesus insinuated that every catastrophe on Israel, including the Holocaust, has been due to Israel's general rejection of Jesus. Luckily, Jews for Jesus immediately reprimanded David Brickner for such lashon hara. After all, Messianic Jews like Sister Edith Stein and Yosef Vaktor went through the Holocaust (and Yosef Vaktor became Messianic after the Holocaust, whereas Edith Stein was murdered in the Holocaust).

The only incident since Jesus' coming that has had anything to do with Israel's general rejection of Jesus was the Fall of the Temple, though that is another discussion for another time. All Anti-Semitic incidences after AD/CE 70 (AM 3830) have been solely Anti Semitic and not a punishment on Israel. In fact, there is a Scripture verse (though I can't find the verse) that talks about what will happen to any nation who attacks Israel and God did not plan that such would happen. That's what's the Holocaust was--that is, the avodah zarah of a nation who attacked Israel and God did not plan that such would happen.