I cannot believe that Bill O'Reilly agreed with Geraldo Rivera. Firstly (and we'll get back to Rosh HaShanah later; but firstly regarding Bill O'Reilly), I needed to get up and walk or eat dinner after that-- I just needed to get up. I thought, "Oh my G-d; Bill O'Reilly is going to get so blasted." I started wondering if Jesse Watters shouldn't have gotten him a cold rag for his head, if that's why Maureen left him, and if he is okay. I could've cried.
As for Rosh HaShanah: anyway, it's Rosh HaShanah; HaChodesh Chadash was cited b'Yerushalayim on the night of March 23; so L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu v'Shabbat Tov-- despite all the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman and other chaos in the world.
As for Rosh HaShanah: anyway, it's Rosh HaShanah; HaChodesh Chadash was cited b'Yerushalayim on the night of March 23; so L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu v'Shabbat Tov-- despite all the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman and other chaos in the world.