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Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill O'Reilly. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Broken Blog Shabbat: First, It's Rosh HaShanah 5772; Second...

I cannot believe that Bill O'Reilly agreed with Geraldo Rivera. Firstly (and we'll get back to Rosh HaShanah later; but firstly regarding Bill O'Reilly), I needed to get up and walk or eat dinner after that-- I just needed to get up. I thought, "Oh my G-d; Bill O'Reilly is going to get so blasted." I started wondering if Jesse Watters shouldn't have gotten him a cold rag for his head, if that's why Maureen left him, and if he is okay. I could've cried.

As for Rosh HaShanah: anyway, it's Rosh HaShanah; HaChodesh Chadash was cited b'Yerushalayim on the night of March 23; so L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu v'Shabbat Tov-- despite all the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman and other chaos in the world. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

If You Can't Handle the Job, Go Find Another One Or Leave the Workforce

Why Saforra Khan had to make a haaj on school time brings back to mind the incident with the haredit police officer from Crown Heights that Shmarya covered. Even though Bill O'Reilly did get into a little mocking, he was understandably frustrated with that mache Megyn Kelly (and she wasn't a mache in a good way). Bill O'Reilly understands that Jews can't just make aliyah or chagag and expect everyone else to be goyim l'Shabbat (or Shabbos goyim); and others can't just return or make pilgrimages to Rome, Loudres (which Bill mentioned as an example), Istanbul, Athens, Deseret, Salt Lake City, or wherever else.

Saffora Khan should've been given a pink slip and looked for a Mohamedian school at which to teach and be accomadated: they would've encouraged and even sponsored her to make a haaj.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

My Generation

Let me put this politely: If I were in school right now (and I'll be in school in two weeks), and my peers found out about this, I'd be much more unpopular.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Why Bill O'Reilly Needs Fridays Off

Someone asked why Bill O'Reilly needed Fridays off. The question was finally answered by a debate that ended with this posting:

Well, maybe; but sometimes people stay home when they fast, especially with Bill O'Reilly's energy-draining schedule. My granddad, on the other hand, fasted but didn't stay home on Fridays; and had nine surviving kids to provide for. I'm sure that providing for nine born kids, as well as losing two, was only part of the stress that should've given him reason to stay home on Fridays.

My granddad had been pro-life, but for some reason didn't take care of his own. At least the "Culture Warrior" knows when to rest, unlike my granddad, who would've been eighty-six this year. But at least two girls in Heaven get to see their dad. Meanwhile, Bill O'Reilly is resting to, like you said, spend time with a family who'll get to see him for at least until he's how old my granddad would've been.

Bill O'Reilly does get to spend time with Maddie and Spencer. Yet, my mom and her eight surviving siblings- along with the loss of two siblings who would've been fifty- will have to see their dad again. But, maybe- as a further consolation- they get to see their dad with two girls that they've wanted to see as well.