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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Commentary: Pandemics, Returnees To Pet Shelters, And Life Lessons For Self-Righteous Polly Parrots

In the comment section of an article on Facebook about a record number of pets being returned to shelters as the COVID-19 pandemic begins to subside, I saw that some people would like their daily pats on the back for self righteousness— and one even went as far as to wish that Covid had wiped out the people whom would return their pets (of course, I reported him or her for advocating bioterrorism). I guarantee that the self-righteous—so to speak—Polly Parrots who want their crackers have absolutely no idea what some of these people may have been going through, and giving up their pets may have been the hardest decision that many of them ever made.

I also guarantee that if and/or when some of the self-righteous people whom have made comments here get into situations in which they would ever be forced to give up their own pets or have to consider giving up their own pets, their self righteousness will come back to haunt them—especially if they have no one whom can or will step up to help them care for their pets if and/or when they cannot care for them independently.

God (or life, karma, or whoever or however else you want to describe whomever or whatever) has His (or hers, its, etc.) ways of teaching the self righteous humility and compassionless compassion, and those ways often involve the very kind of situations in which the self-righteous and the compassionless left others as they looked down upon them.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Paw-sach Has Begun!

 Complete with muddy paw prints on “Momma”’s pants

L’Chag Pesach Same’ach m’“Ima” v’Reilly

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

#SillySaturday and #SentimentalSaturday: Fun With a St. Patrick’s Day Headband

(“There had better be at least way more than just a wee bit o’ treats at the end of the Rei-bow—and it had better not be a lil’ pot, either.”

(“Reilly, it’s a ‘rain-bow’—and Auntie Michelle is giving you only one treat.”

(Reilly was promised a treat for getting her picture taken.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A Reminder...

 (By the way, no Reillys were harmed in the making of this photoshoot) 

Drink Rei-sponsibly! 

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 

(PS The bottle was washed out prior, and this is pretty much the extent of Reilly’s St. Patrick’s Day card this year)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

#SillySunday & #SentimentalSunday: Shelby Is Camille’s Sister...

 And she just doesn’t get what the big deal is 😆!

Reilly and Camille love their, respectively, cousin and sister! 

For comparison, by the way:

Friday, March 12, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Commentary: Some Of Us Still Face the Racism of Centuries Ago

 Someone on Reddit observed that racism in the U.S. is often not as bad as in other countries, where it is essentially woven into the cultural fabrics. This was my reply: 

 While that’s true, some of us do have to face racism. I (Jewish and White) literally had to recently report someone to the FBI for calling me (I kid you not) a “walking lampshade”, and he made very clear in the subject line of his email that he intended to make an Anti-Semitic threat. I’ve also received at least two other Anti-Semitic threats over the past five to six years. For some of us, then, the fallout and ugly revitalization of Early and Mid 1900s racism is real—and my father’s paternal grandfather’s parents had to pass as Poles and Lithuanians just to survive in little out-of-the-way Sugar Notch, Pennsylvania. They could’ve tried to pass in a larger city, although relatively-large BiaÅ‚ystok (then the seat of Grodno Gubernia, now the capital of Podlaskie Voivodeship) in Poland (then Russia) was not too far from Szumowo (which we called “Sumeve” or “Shumeve”) or Lipsk (where we lived before we were exiled to Shumeve). Incidentally, writing this, I think that I now understand some of my father’s ancestors’ adversions to living in larger cities: if we weren’t banned from living as open Jews in them (and other ancestors of mine were confined to and/or baptized as Crypto Jews in small towns such as Óbudai and Verseg, Hungary), then we had to face pogroms and/or other dangers (e.g., individualized Anti-Semitic attacks in them).

Reilly’s Hebrew Birthday

 Reilly’s birthdate was either Adar Sheni 23 or 24, 5774 (on the Rabbinical calendar, in 5775); and the new moon for Rosh HaShanah (cf. Shemot 12:2 and the entirety of Megillat Ester) is likely to be seen on March 14, 2021 (The Rabbinical calendar does at least give approximations and an idea as to whether a given year will be a leap year. Aviv-Nisan is always the first month on the Biblical calendar, which Karaites as well as an increasing number of Rabbinical Jews and Jewish Christians—like “Momma”—follow).

PS Camille has a fixed birthday: hers is always in Aviv-Nisan, since she was born on Aviv-Nisan 6 or 7, 5775).

#MaltipooMonday and #MemoryMonday: The Paw-er of Prayer


Monday, March 8, 2021

Commentary*: A Proud (And Still-Navigating) Mixed Jew

(*Originally on Reddit with some edits here, and also a preview of what my next book, Yehovah willing, covers):

 I had always heard that we were Polish and Lithuanian. It never really occurred to me that he was very dark for an Ethnic Slav or Balt. Then some things started occurring when it hit me why my father would stereotypically pronounce our name as “Charnetski”—putting the emphasis on “ski”. In our case, “ski” did turn out to be a Jewish suffix, and I also figured out that we were passing as White. Also, the way that my grandfather put it, I had assumed that his father was Polish and his mother was Lithuanian—it turns out that Great-Granddad was the son of a Poylisher Levi and a Litvishe bas kohen, and Great-Grandma (z’l) was also Jewish and had Levite (including kohenic) heritage. 

I subsequently also found out that having red hair was a giveaway in Poland as to whether someone was Jewish, and I now understood why my granduncle “Red” (z’l) and my granduncle Tony (“Little Red”; z’l) both had red hair. We also had mostly brown hair, although we had light eyes (although I have seen pictures of ancient Hebrews as portrayed by the Egyptians having blue eyes). 

I wish my grandfather had been proud of his olive complexion instead of trying to pass for White. I get that especially his father’s family circumstances made it hard for him to be proud to be a Jew (Long story short, his father came from a Crypto-Jewish family whom escaped Russian Poland after the Farber-Kogan Incident that Anti Semites exploited to perpetuate the BiaÅ‚ystok Pogrom). Still, I missed being able to understand a lot in my early years, including that my family didn’t exactly have white privilege after all—having to pass to avoid Anti Semitism is no privilege—and having to cope with racism and the multigenerational effects of it contributed to family secrecy and other family toxicity. It also helped me understand why, for example, my father (who, I should mention, is also matrilineally Jewish) once literally drew a swastika just to throw it in a fireplace when I was having an OCD flareup – I did not know that we had lost relatives in the Holocaust—I thought that he was just responding to my OCD flareup. I had no clue that I inherited OCD from him, and I had no clue that a lot of that could be traced back to generational trauma.

I’m also still trying to figure out how to navigate in many ways because (and given that my mom is also of Jewish and European** descent) I’m not Jewish enough to some (and that does partly include that I believe in Jesus—although I know that my ethnicity is not contingent on whether I hold traditional beliefs), and I’m obviously not White enough to others. I meanwhile identify more as a Jew than as a White person, and I even think that—for example—some prominent gentile families into which some relatives married (including the Forbes and Johnson families—as one was once married to and had a child by baseball player Billy Johnson’s brother*) are more blessed by us than we are by them (“and in you, all of the families of the nations will be blessed”)—and we’re commoners by comparison! 

(*One of her grandchildren ended up being one of the pallbearers at his funeral, by the way). 

**The European part is Gaelic (Irish and Scottish), Frankish (German, remote French, and remote Walloonian), English, remote Scandinavian, remote Dutch (Flemish—may be Flemish Jewish, though), and remote Scandinavian (Gaeloscandinavian, including in the surname “Reilly”—which is Scandinavian-Irish in origin).

Friday, March 5, 2021

#FriendlyFriday and #FluffyFriday: Friends in Ri’s Places...

 And apparently, Cam had better stay in the one which Ri assigned her 😳!

Thursday, March 4, 2021

#ThrowbackThursday: “Can I go home with Ms. Ia?”

 Reilly hates when friends leave.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

#WoofWednesday: Puppy Hugs!

 “Ms. Ia” would never leave again if Reilly had her way!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021