Unfortunately, I—because I am single, unemployed, and with disabilities—live at home and am put in a position in which I was forced to remove certain posts. I am not cowardly, weak, or dissuaded on certain positions. My trying to stand up for justice and help others was not seen as standing up and helping others—despite that I tried to be fair and just regarding all unfair and unjust sides, I was seen as putting certain parties at risk. Thus, I—as I mentioned beforehand—was forced to remove the posts.
By explaining why I revised and removed some posts, I am giving full disclosure and not attempting to try to justify myself to others. Some people, as I dreaded and argued to the parties whom maintain that I put them at risk, will nonetheless see me as having cowed to the parties whom were seen as a risk to other parties, been yellowed bellied, or reconsidered my positions.
By explaining why I revised and removed some posts, I am giving full disclosure and not attempting to try to justify myself to others. Some people, as I dreaded and argued to the parties whom maintain that I put them at risk, will nonetheless see me as having cowed to the parties whom were seen as a risk to other parties, been yellowed bellied, or reconsidered my positions.