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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm Basically Getting "Peh"ed and "Meh"ed With This Discouragment In Family Research....

I mean, nothing-- nothing-- on direct relatives and other relatives who I'm specifically looking for information on... and I have hints on other relatives and relatives of relatives (and relatives of relatives of relatives...) who I'll worry about later. I couldn't even get DNA tests-- and they were going to be gifts for the benefit of the whole family.
I'm not trying to get caught up in genealogy; I just want to establish what I can: e.g., find out if I'm a kohenet or Levit (and Kevin luckily didn't need DNA to find out that he's a Levi, by the way; but what we don't know if he's also a Levi on the Fosko and Hanzok sides-- meaning guess who also would be m'bnei Levi)? Also, who is the real "John McCoy" (the Spaniard that he was, not the Irishized "McCoy" that he became when he fled Spain and married MaryAnn Elizabeth McCoy); and was he a Sephardic Jew?

(Hey; none of his daughters were named "Mary" or "Maria"-- they were Rosalita "Rose" or "Rosa", Lavinia Teresa(?), Lucy, and Jane--, and his granddaughters were Anne, Alice Marie (Notice that Grandma was MaryAnn.), Loretta Rose, Sara Catherine, Helen Lavinia, and Agnes Genevieve "Sister Mary Rosalita" (which she took upon herself).).

Does any family member want to step forward, do the right thing, and help me figure out some of the (so to speak) roadblocks? 

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