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Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Meanwhile on the kosher subject," As I Opined On Geraldo Rivera's Facebook Page...

"[K]osher is expensive; but if Romney cut out exclusively kosher, one can still have an exclusively-kosher meal without everything around being exclusively kosher. For example, when the Kosher Korner at UMBC is closed, I try to choose items that are kosher within the mixed kosher and treif menu at UMBC-- in other words, I try to avoid the treif items on purpose. Besides, the Debbie Schlussels (on the Far Right) and George Soroses (on the Far Left) are the ones propagating that Mitt Romney's an Anti Semite, etc.; so the "Romney cut the kosher" bubbe meise probably came from either a Schlusselite or a Sorosite."

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