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Showing posts with label sex crimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex crimes. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2019

Open Letter To Anyone Whom Has Been Associated With Jeffrey Epstein, Especially His Accomplices

I urge you to please come forward for, if nobody else, the sakes of your and Jeffrey Epstein's victims, with the youngest being at least only 14 years old—and for all that I and the rest of the general public knows, maybe even younger. If you are one of the accomplices in question, you know whether any of your and Mr. Epstein's victims were even younger than 14 years old. My own suspicion is that some of them were younger than 14 at that time that you and Mr. Epstein victimized them, and some may even still be younger than 14—and again, you and he know; I don't, since I wasn't there.

Besides, I myself wasn't even close to 14 years old when one of the accomplices, a certain now-former POTUS named Bill Clinton by name, was elected POTUS—I was still a seventh of that age until three days after his inauguration—and so I couldn't have been there back then, anyway (and I thank God that I never was later). That said, I (literally) was not born yesterday and well know that Former POTUS Bill "Knows Nothing" (aka, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...") Clinton is one of the obvious accomplices whom was there and does know (not to mention that everyone can see right through his "knows nothing" statement just as everyone saw through his "...with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" statement)—and I guarantee you that maybe even Former POTUS Clinton's associations with Jeffrey Epstein could end up going that far back.

Speaking of obvious accomplices, others are a certain illegitimate POTUS and Alan Dershowitz (and he was OJ Simpson's lawyer and is now defending a certain illegitimate POTUS; so, should we be surprised?). As for the ones that aren't so obvious, meanwhile, my thoughts about them are very similar to those of Christine Pelosi—and my heart breaks to think about who some of them could be¹.

Especially if any of the accomplices of Jeffrey Epstein are self-professed advocates for children and/or victims of abuse, particularly child victims of sexual abuse, and/or they have children of their own, I really urge them to come forward for at least the sakes of their own children if they can't come forward for the sakes of those whom they helped Jeffrey Epstein victimize—after all and frankly, how can they be trusted around their own children when they've victimized others' children; and how can they even look their own children in the eyes after what they've done?

In conclusion, then, I urge Former POTUS Clinton and the other two aforementioned obvious accomplices of Jeffrey Epstein as well as the other obvious ones to just come forward already, and the not-so-obvious accomplices to come forward particularly if they have children of their own and/or are self-proclaimed victims' advocates and are victimizers whom should probably not even be around their own children, let alone be unashamed to look their children in the eyes.

¹ It's like when I was heartbroken en re the Bill O'Reilly scandal—and remember that I even named my blog "The Nicole Factor" not knowing that an inspiration for my wanting to be a commentator and an analyst was in fact the very hypocrite about whom those like Andrea Mackris warned for a reason—and truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill O'Reilly or someone associated with him is or, like even the late Roger Ailes, was an accomplice of Jeffrey Epstein.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Commentary: To A Certain "Condor" Who Wrote A Non-Apology "Apology" Letter

Drek like the following does not fool people like me:

"I did not expect the paper to be taken seriously as I thought the students at North County who read the letter would be able to recognize it as a simple practical joke. The forged letter that was being distributed around school got more attention than I initially thought and I did not think it would cause any publicity. I was wrong for distributing those papers around the campus, I should have been more considerate of those who may have been deceived by the letter. I am sorry for any lost productivity due to time spent on the investigation and for causing any confusion among my fellow peers."

You as well as I and everybody else know that what you as an accomplice in a sexual-assault and hate crime did is exactly what you did—commit a sexual-assault and hate crime. You were wrong for being involved in threatening to have students violated in such a manner as well as for aiding and abetting your perverted and bigoted friends, and people like you and your fellow hate propagators especially do not deserve the benefit of the doubt 80 years later.

You as well as I and everybody else know that you caused way more than "lost productivity due to time spent on the investigation and...confusion among [your] fellow peers." While I myself do not know either you or your peers, I know for a fact that common sense and statistics (including the abysmal ones for your county in re sex crimes alone) certainly bear out that you and your accomplices caused at least one of your peers psychological harm (and let me assure you that PTSD and Depression, for example, have no element of harmlessness).

You shouldn't, then, be allowed to get away with your non-apology "apology". You frankly shouldn't even be allowed to graduate until you write an actual apology letter and agree to take some initiative such as doing volunteer work for an organization that works to combat sexual assault & battery and/or for a Jewish organization that works to combat Anti-Semitic and other hatred.