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Monday, January 30, 2023

Originally On Facebook: Obviously Cute Unlike “Momma”/Auntie Nicole”, Etc.

Reilly’s “Momma”/Camille’s “Auntie Nicole warned that Reilly looks cute when she’s begging for treats, and Camille also looks cute (unlike “Momma”/Camille’s “Auntie Nicole” when she smiles). Yehovah willing, everyone will do better with the cards this secular year and end of this Hebrew year. 

PS Only Yehovah knows if Reilly will get an extra month to be eight. If Reilly gets the extra month to be eight, Camille gets an extra month to be seven and have the benefit of a fixed birthday—6-7 Aviv (Nisan). “Momma”/ “Auntie Nicole” still doesn’t know if either were born after sunset or before it—all she knows is that Reilly was born right before Rosh HaShanah 5774, and Camille right after Rosh HaShanah and before Pesach 5775.

Either way, to compensate for Reilly’s jealousy and attention taking, Yehovah gave Camille a fixed birthday and the benefit of an extra month to be younger when a leap month occurs.