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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hi, Mia; I'm Not Afraid Of Your Lawsuit or Other Threats...

San Gabriel, California arrived from on "The Nicole Factor: I Should've Mentioned This In My Last Video..." by searching for mia danilowicz.
20:20:20 -- 7 minutes ago

Let be known that as a fellow American, I have the right to call against you a boycott for your mistreatment of family members and others. I have called out your cousin and my granddad Jack Czarnecki for being a Self-Hating Jew who is not proud to have been an IRS Agent who brought down the Anti-Semitic Watergate causer, Richard M. Nixon. I have also called out Pop-Pop Czarnecki for the second-degree, malice-intent murder of his mother and my great-grandmother, Mary Trudnak Czarnecki. I also have called out our very distant cousins Kirk and Michael Douglas-- Kirk Douglas for his known rape of the late Natalie Wood, Michael for cheating on his then wife with his now wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones.

I will continue to call you for threatening me with a lawsuit over putting factually-correct information on that you merely did not like. I will continue to call you out for calling me  "fucking psycho". I intend to be no respecter of persons-- even myself-- whatsoever. Until you apologize for your mistreatment of me, I will continue to call for a boycott against you; and I will certainly reach no olive branch toward you until you extend to me a request for forgiveness for the way that you treated me.

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