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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maybe From Now On, I'll Take More Computer Shabbats...

To have the day off from the computer, blogging, etc. was kind of nice since (so to speak) the Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, and other fields were allowed to fallow out and regrow some relevancy and view counts. Besides, I had a cough yesterday; so I napped in between finishing part of my reading for this weekend. I also did watch the Nevada Caucus results; and I turned off the coverage the moment that I couldn't stand Newt Gingrich's divisiveness and arrogance, since he started personally attacking Romney instead of going after Obama's even-deliberately-failed policies.

Meanwhile, I'm voting for the Giants because of Tiki Barber's arrogance toward Joe Coughlin and because of Tom Brady-- no me gusta Tiki Barber o Tomas Brady

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