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Thursday, February 2, 2012

This Kind of "Honest" Dialogue Won't Be Welcomed On My Channel

From dishonest, Antimissionary DarkQuietWyattON, who is not welcome back to my channel until he can indeed engage in honest dialogue:

"It is my hope to engage in honest dialogue with both Jews and non-Jews. "

Which I read after he left this on one of my videos:

Comment on your video: I Get That Messianic Jews Are Perceived As a Threat, But C'mon...

There is no such thing as a "messianic Jew". They say they reject Rabbinic law but in fact use the trappings of Rabbinic law to try to sell themselves as Jews. Xtians say what they are. Jews say what they are. A "messianic Jew" is a xtian and sometimes they have NO connection to Judaism at all and were born into Gentile families. Some were born Jews and converted out. My belief is if you are a xtian say so. If you are a Jew say so. I can respect that. I have NO RESPECT for "messianic Jews"
I say plenty in this video that I generously left out of the reply to the e-mail, by the way:

As for Bose, we are not familiar with a town by that name. Can you
tell us anything more about where it was located?
It was in what was then Gmina Sejny....

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