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Friday, February 24, 2012

Illegal Aliens and Driver's Licenses

Remember this "bustup" that looked like a Jack and Greg Czarnecki fight (My family will get this reference.)? LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck and Sheriff Lee Baca want to track illegal immigrants using drivers' licenses. How do this bustup and the LAPD plan connect? Alfredo Ramos could've easily been tracked this way in Virginia Beach (where at least two of my cousins and their sides of the family live, and I wonder how they were affected by the Ramos-caused tragedy).

As a Jewish and Latina descendant of illegal-immigrant Anusim, I might be about the only other Republican who agrees with Chief Beck and Sheriff Baca. In other words, yo acuerdo con Geraldo Rivera en eso sujeto respetando a inmigrantes ilegales.

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